单词 | stiffness |
释义 | stiffness [英 [st?fn?s] 美 [?st?fn?s] ] stiffness的意思、解释 stiffness 基本解释 名词僵硬; 生硬; 强直; 顽固 stiffness什么意思 stiffness 相关例句 名词 1. The stiffness and self-consciousness soon disappeared. 那种不自然和害羞的感觉不久便消失了。 stiffness 网络解释 1. 刚度:给药8周后处死所有大鼠,测定股骨骨密度(BMD)及骨生物力学性能:弹性模量(ELASTIC)、刚度(STIFFNESS)、最大应力(M-STRESS)及最大承载力(M-LORD).用免疫组织化学染色方法观察股骨OPG、RANKL的表达.结果:与OVX 组比较, 2. 硬度:物理模型(Physical model):正如我们前面提到的,没有物理数据永久保留,我们通过几何数据推导出on-the-fly mass、硬度(stiffness)和阻尼(damping). 和过程式动画相比,我们现在考虑风的动作作为一个真实的力. 为了获得一个从程序上导物理上连续的动画, 3. 刚性:2.刚性 (STIFFNESS) 假设一根金属棒的一端固定在夹具上,另一端加上一定的重量使得这根金属棒暂时弯曲,当把那个重物移开时,金属棒立即回复原来的型状. 4. stiffness的近义词 4. 韧性:如果车架在某方面的韧性(stiffness)不佳,就算有再好的悬挂系统,也无法达到良好的操控表现. 而车架在实际环境下要面对4种压力. 要评价车架设计和结构的好坏,首先应该清楚了解的是车辆在行驶时车架所要承受的各种不同的力. stiffness 双语例句 1. According to the model, the force gain and the open-loop stiffness of the flux control power amplifier were obtained and compared with those of the current control power amplifier. 根据该数学模型,得到了磁通控制型功率放大器的力增益和开环刚度,并与电流控制型功率放大器进行比较分析。 2. Because of the potential effects of assessing the degree of arterioscle rosis in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as non-invasive indexes of assessing the degree of artery stiffness and artery obstruct, the Pulse Wave Velocity and the Ankle-Brachial Index are causing the attention day by day too. 考虑到动脉硬化程度评估在心脑疾病方面的潜在作用,脉搏波速度(Pulse Wave Velocity,PWV)和踝臂指数(Ankle-Brachial Index,ABI)作为无创的评估动脉僵硬度和动脉阻塞程度的指标,其作用也正日益引起重视。 3. Hypertension and glucoregulation dysfunction are the precipitating factor of arteriosclerosis, atherosclorosis is the key pathogenesis links to cardiovascular events, because of the potential effects of assessing the degree of arterioscle rosis in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as non-invasive indexes of assessing the degree of artery stiffness and artery obstruct, the pulse wave velocityand the ankle-brachial indexare causing the attention day by day. this paper will discuss the promotion of arteriosclerosis in hypertension and glucoregulation dysfunction, and the significance of advanced arteriosclerotic evaluation. 高血压和糖代谢调节异常是动脉硬化的促发因素,动脉硬化为心血管事件致病关键环节,考虑到动脉硬化程度评估在心脑疾病方面的潜在作用,脉搏波速度和踝臂指数作为无创的评估动脉僵硬度和动脉阻塞程度的指标,其作用也正日益引起重视。本文主要讨论高血压和糖代谢异常对动脉硬化的促进作用以及对动脉硬化早期评估的意义。 4. Based on energy variation principle, the differential equations of deformation are derived considering the effect of relative slip, with the calculation formulas of deformation of the composite girder given to analyze the examples under different conditions, thus discussing the influences of connection stiffness and the steel plate thickness of cold-formed U-bar on the deformation of composite girder. 在能量变分原理的基础上,建立了考虑界面相对滑移影响的组合梁的变形计算微分方程,给出不同作用荷载工况下的变形计算公式,并对其进行了算例分析,讨论了连接刚度和U型钢钢板厚度对组合梁变形的影响。 5. According to the relationship among structural stiffness, structural compression resistance, shear strength, and mortar strength, the masonry strength and mortar strength are obtained. 根据识别的刚度矩阵,利用结构刚度与层间抗压抗剪强度、砂浆强度之间的关系,则可求得砌体的强度,从而达到对砌体结构进行损伤检测和安全性评定的目的。 6. The results indicate the KBSF has excellent aseismic performances such as great elastic stiffness, satiable hysteretic loop, slowly stiffness deterioration, and yielding localized in knee. 结果表明KBSF具有弹性刚度大、滞回环饱满、刚度退化慢,屈服局限于隅撑部位等优越的抗震性能。 7. Based on the available references, the five-spring line element, the three-spring line element and the multiple vertical-line-element model are introduced to model special column, beam and shear-wall, the relevant stiffness matrixes are deduced and the restoring-force models are gaven to deep into the elasto-plastic seismic characteristics of the structure. Acording to the results of shaking table test and elastic finite element analysis, a new making model method is presented in which uses the linear and the nonlinear element and the assumption that the floor is infinitely rigid in different areas. This method can satisfactorily save much computer time in elasto-plastic analysis. Based on this method, a 3D nonlinear analysis model was made by using ANASYS finite element program. 为进一步研究这种复杂高层建筑结构的弹塑性性能,本文在国内外现有研究的基础上,提出利用五弹簧杆元、三弹簧杆元及多竖线单元模型分别模拟空间柱、梁和剪力墙,推导了相应的刚度矩阵并给出了恢复力模型;结合试验研究和精细有限元分析的结论,提出线性和非线性单元相结合,刚性楼板假定和弹性楼板相结合的建模方法,较好地解决了空间结构弹塑性分析中占用计算机资源较多的问题;接力大型有限元分析程序——ANSYS,在上述建模思路的指导下建立了结构的空间非线性分析模型,进行了空间三维弹塑性时程分析。 8. Based on the available references, the five-spring line element, the three-spring line element and the multiplevertical-line-element model are introduced to model special column, beam and shear-wall, the relevant stiffness matrixes are deduced and the restoring-force models are gaven to deep into the elasto-plastic seismic characteristics of the structure. Acording to the results of shaking table test and elastic finite element analysis, a new making model melhod is presented in which uses the linear and the nonlinear element and the assumption that the floor is infinitely rigid in different areas. This method can satisfactorily save much computer time in elasto-plastic analysis. Based on this method, a 3D nonlinear analysis model was made by using ANASYS finite element program. 为进一步研究这种复杂高层建筑结构的弹塑性性能,本文在国内外现有研究的基础上,提出利用五弹簧杆元、三弹簧杆元及多竖线单元模型分别模拟空间柱、梁和剪力墙,推导了相应的刚度矩阵并给出了恢复力模型;结合试验研究和精细有限元分析的结论,提出线性和非线性单元相结合,刚性楼板假定和弹性楼板相结合的建模方法,较好地解决了空间结构弹塑性分析中占用计算机资源较多的问题;接力大型有限元分析程序——ANSYS,在上述建模思路的指导下建立了结构的空间非线性分析模型,进行了空间三维弹塑性时程分析。 9. stiffness什么意思 9. The natural frequency of horizontal vibration increase with the guide wheel stiffness increasing. 电梯导轮刚度的增加会引起电梯系统水平振动各阶固有频率的增加。 10. Based on the shell element degraded from the continuous body, concrete and configured steels are modeled by the layered shell element, and the vertical steels burdened with added loads are completed by the combined shell element. Then, with the smeared crack model, associated flow rule and Madrid hardening model, the material nonlinearity of the concrete is depicted. The stiffness matrix of nonlinear thin-walled shell element is deduced. As for RC multi-T girders subjected to transverse loads, the properties, such as crack expanding and steel yielding, are studied. 基于实体退化壳单元理论,采用分层单元模拟了混凝土和构造钢筋,采用组合单元模拟了受力纵筋;并利用弥散裂缝模型、关联流动法则和Madrid强化准则等来描述了混凝土的材料非线性,推导了非线性薄壁壳单元的统一单元模式,研究了横向荷载作用下RC多T梁上部结构的裂缝发展和钢筋屈服等性能。 11. 11. The experimental results of the two models of the brick house with arch floor whose rise to span ratio is 1/10 and 1/6 respectively are given in this paper, and then a mechanical model with clastic support for the whole model house is established, its displacement response is analyzed by using frequency response function method, a corresponding frequency response function is derived, and model stiffness parameter for different stages is discussed. 本文给出了矢跨比分别为1/10和1/6的两幢二层砖拱楼盖房屋模型的振动台试验结果。对整个模型房屋建立了弹性支承杆系力学模型,用频率响应法分析了模型的位移反应,导出了相应的频率响应函数,并对各阶段的模型刚度参数进行了讨论。 12. Low mass, high structural stiffness and friction free viscous damping give excellent dynamic performance characteristics. 低质量,高刚度和摩擦阻尼特性提供优良的动态性能无粘性。 13. 13. The traditional static method could not consider the inertial force of the structure, the dynamic stiffness and the viscous damping of the soil. 该方法计算过程简单,克服了传统的静力法不能考虑结构的惯性力以及土的粘滞阻尼和动刚度的缺点,对工程实际具有一定的指导意义。 14. Kneading the muscles in a stiff shoulder will take away the stiffness. 揉捏肩膀上僵直的肌肉可带走僵硬。 15. The computations show that the changes of vehicle velocity have greater influence on the track vertical acceleration, the changes of track stiffness of frog system have also greater influence on track vertical acceleration and on vertical displacement of the cross tie. 结果表明:列车速度的变化对钢轨最大竖向加速度和岔枕最大竖向加速度的影响较大;而辙叉区轨下刚度的变化对钢轨最大竖向位移、岔枕最大竖向位移及岔枕最大竖向加速度有较大的影响。 16. The computations show that the change of vehicle velocity has greater influences on track vertical acceleration. Also, the change of track stiffness of frog system has greater influences on track vertical acceleration and the vertical displacement of cross tie. 计算表明列车速度的变化对钢轨最大竖向加速度和岔枕最大竖向加速度的影响较大,而辙叉区轨下刚度的变化对钢轨最大竖向加速度、岔枕最大竖向位移及岔枕最大竖向加速度有较大的影响。 17. stiffness是什么意思 17. Portraits of marshals, engravings of battles, the King of Rome in a baby`s dress, tall consoles adorned with copper trophies, laden with imperial relics, medals, bronzes, a miniature of St. Helena, under a globe, pictures representing the same lady all becurled, in a ball-dress of yellow, with leg-of-mutton sleeves and bright eyes; —and all these things: consoles, King of Rome, marshals, yellow ladies, with the high-necked, short-waisted dresses, the bestarched stiffness, which was the charm of 1806. Gallant colonel! It was that atmosphere of victories and conquests, even more than anything we could say to him, that made him believe so innocently in the siege of Berlin 拿破仑手下元帅们的画像,描绘战争的木刻,罗马王婴孩时期的画片;还有镶着镂花铜饰的高大的长条案,上面陈列着帝国的遗物,什么徽章啦,小铜像啦,玻璃圆罩下的圣赫勒拿岛上的岩石啦,还有一些小画像,画的都是同一位头发拳曲、眉目有神的贵妇人,她穿着跳舞的衣裙、黄色的长袍,袖管肥大而袖口紧束——所有这一切,长条案,罗马王,元帅们,黄袍夫人,那位身材修长、腰带高束、具有一八○六年人们所喜爱的端庄风度的黄袍夫人……构成了一种充满胜利和征服的气氛,比起我们向他——善良的上校啊——撒的谎更加有力,使他那么天真地相信法国军队正在围攻柏林。 18. Based on the analysis for the dynamic characteristics of semi-rigid steel frames with simple or multiple degree-of-freedoms, effects of rotation stiffness of beam-to-column connections on the structure period, frequency, critical damping and mode of vibration are discussed. 通过对单自由度体系和多自由度体系半刚接钢框架的动力特征分析,初步探讨了梁柱连接转动刚度对结构自振周期、频率、临界阻尼以及振型等参数的影响。 19. First the bearing characteristics are analyzed, in which reasonable stiffness ratio of the upper chord, middle chord, and lower chord is derived. 首先分析了其受力性能,得出了空腹桁架各构件合理的截面刚度以及布局形式。 20. This paper discusses the effect of spiral laminae of polar materials on the stiffness of laminates and gives out the relation between spiral angle and equivalent elastic constants of the spiral laminates including asymmetric stresses and coupled stresses. 讨论极性材料螺旋铺层对层合板刚度的影响,给出了含不对称应力和偶应力的螺旋层合板等效弹性常数与螺旋角的关系,得到螺旋角的适当选择可以显著地提高层合板抗挠刚度的结论。 stiffness 单语例句 1. Deling is worldly wise and her outgoing personality stands in sharp contrast to the depressing stiffness of the Forbidden City. 2. It has been fading since the last century because the stiffness of the leaves makes it necessary to create just simple images. 3. Use your right hand if the stiffness is in the left shoulder and vice versa. 4. She was taken to the hospital on Saturday after suffering from coughs, sore throat and muscular stiffness. 5. Some sufferers develop a form of arthritis that causes stiffness and swelling in the joints. 6. She was taken to the hospital on Saturday for coughing, sore throat and muscular stiffness. 7. For the business guests, there is no stiffness or fussiness when they check in or out of the hotel. 8. Experts point out that exercise during pregnancy can help overcome common complaints such as stiffness and back pain. 9. Stoudemire's status looked shaky at best last week when stiffness in his knees forced him to sit out a practice in Italy. 10. " I developed a stiffness in my Achilles tendon last week and sought medical attention, " Bolt said in a statement released by the meeting. stiffness 英英释义 noun 1. excessive sternness e.g. severity of character the harshness of his punishment was inhuman the rigors of boot camp Synonym: severityseverenessharshnessrigorrigourrigorousnessrigourousnessinclemencyhardness 2. the inelegance of someone stiff and unrelaxed (as by embarrassment) Synonym: awkwardnessclumsinessgracelessness 3. firm resoluteness in purpose or opinion or action e.g. a charming host without any touch of stiffness or pomposity 4. the property of moving with pain or difficulty e.g. he awoke with a painful stiffness in his neck 5. the physical property of being inflexible and hard to bend |
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