单词 | lateral |
释义 | lateral [英 [?l?t?r?l] 美 [?l?t?r?l] ] lateral的意思、解释 lateral 基本解释 形容词横向的; 侧面的; [语]边音的 名词侧部的东西; 边音 lateral的解释 lateral 网络解释 1. 横向:1、结的定义:结(junction)就是富含电子区域(N型区)与富含空穴区域(P型区)的分界处,具体位置就是电子浓度和空穴浓度相同的地方,靠热扩散或离子注入可形成结;d.横向(lateral)或侧向(side)扩散、同型掺杂(不会形成结 2. lateral的意思 2. [外侧]:依脱臼的位置可分内侧(Medial)和外侧(Lateral)二种,内侧膝盖骨脱白于小品种的犬好发,外侧脱臼在大型犬的比例较高. 发生原因有先天性(Congenital)和创伤性(Traumatic)二种,以先天性的为主(7). 而在犬的品种中, 3. 侧向:轴向(axial)和侧向(lateral)的分辨力(resolution)分别约为100~120μm和200~250μm,探测深度为8~20 mm,其分辨力和穿透力取得较好的平衡,能对冠状动脉病变提供高质量的图象. 4. lateral的解释 4. lateral:lat.; 侧面 lateral 双语例句 1. 1. And changes also had been taken place on the form and function of the lateral pterygoid muscle, articular disc and fovea. 近年来,激素、生长因子对下颌髁突生长改建的调控机理已进行了较深入的研究。 2. Designating the upper or adaxial surface of the lateral organs of plants, such as leaves. 腹侧的:指植物上部或近轴的侧器的表面。 3. 3. Petiole 5-10 mm, canaliculate adaxially; leaf blade leathery, oblong, elliptic-oblong, or ovate-lanceolate, 9-18 × 3-7 cm, young leaves light red, pubescent, old leaves green, glabrous, base broadly cuneate or rounded, abaxially often with 2 glands, apex acuminate; lateral veins 6 or 7 pairs. 叶柄5-10毫米,正面具沟;叶片革质,长圆形,椭圆状长圆形,或卵状披针形,9-18 * 3-7厘米,幼叶浅红色,老叶绿色,无毛,基部宽楔形或圆形,背面通常具2腺体,先端渐尖;侧脉6或7 对。 4. Fruit ovoid, slightly dorsally compressed, constricted at the commissure; dorsal and intermediate ribs filiform, lateral ribs obscure, surface glabrous or pilose; vittae 1–2 or 3–6 in each furrow, 2 or 4–8 on commissure. 果卵球形,在合生面背压扁,缢缩的稍;背侧和中间棱丝状的,侧棱不明显,表面无毛或具柔毛;油管1-2或者3-6在每棱槽,2或者4-8在合生面上。 5. About the nature of labour power capital, the essay thinks that the stack is the consuderation of labour power capital and the labour power capital is bi-lateral duty and onerous. 关于人力资本出资的性质,文章认为股份是人力资本出资的对价,人力资本出资具有双务有偿性。 6. For example at the lateral arm flap cut on the application of the ulnar artery side branch artery and the torsion between the branch line to expand the area cut flap, just above the two vessels as a vascular access of蒂切upper arm circumference range of 3/4 of the free flaps survived after transplantation, in which case more than the distribution of blood vessels supplying that part of the scope of the Organization on the blood supply from vascular anastomosis. 例如在切取臂外侧皮瓣时就应用了尺侧副动脉分支与挠侧副动脉分支之间的相互吻合来扩大皮瓣切取面积,仅用上述两支血管中的一支血管为蒂切取了范围达上臂周径3/4的皮瓣游离移植后完全成活,这种情况下大于供血血管分布范围的那部分组织的血供就来自于吻合血管。 7. lateral是什么意思 7. Based on the field study of fault outcrops and landform deformations, combining with TL and 14C ages, it is concluded that the north marginal fault of the Yumu mountain is a thrust with left-lateral slipping and the east marginal fault is a thrust with right-lateral slipping, and the Yumu Mountain developed from the resulting uplifting of the Yumu Mountain block along these faults. 根据野外断层露头和地貌体的变形测量和分析,本文认为榆木山北缘断层是一条具有左旋位移的逆断层,东缘断层是一条具有右旋位移的逆断层,这两条断层在全新世期间都有明显的活动。榆木山的发育是沿着北缘断层和东缘断层的逆活动,造成山体内地块叠加变形的结果。 8. 8. A narrow gorge or pass that restricts lateral movement, as of troops. 隘路只能容许军队等的侧面行进的狭窄的''。'关口'。''小径 9. The interpremaxillary suture line, medial incisor tooth sockets, and junction between the lateral incisor and canine tooth sockets are visualized. 前颌骨间缝、中门牙穴及侧门牙与犬牙之间的连接可以被观察到。 10. Two lines, 181 and 197, were selected to investigate the root morphology further. It was found that both the lateral and axile roots of 197 decreased drastically with P stress, while those of 181 were not. 比较181和197的根系形态,在低磷胁迫下,磷低效自交系197的初生根侧根长、轴根长均显著下降,磷高效自交系181则下降幅度很小。 11. 11. The conduction of MEP depended on the intact of the lateral and anterior column of the spinal cord. MEP可监测脊髓的外侧柱和前柱的完整,其中前柱切断,可导致MEP的消失。 12. 12. Lateral column stabilization can be achived with one or two K-wires and screws fixation. 跖跗关节的外侧柱用一根或二枚克氏针或螺钉即可起到固定作用。 13. lateral的意思 13. The paper carried out an analysis of the efficiency of the tube in providing the lateral support. 生产性温室通常采用矩形钢管作为立柱,在受力最不利的边柱外侧连接规格更小的钢管作为墙檩。 14. An oblique hole through the glass pipette holder (above the lateral hole for cell seal suction) is drilled, through which a microcatheter O. D. 利用通用的微电极夹持器在其抽吸负压的侧管上方钻一斜孔直通夹持器中央管腔。 15. lateral 15. Sub-aperture stitching, characterized by extending lateral and longitudinal dynamicranges of interferometry, is an important technique for measuring large aperature opticalcomponents with high resolution, high precision and at low cost. 子孔径拼接检测技术是拓展标准干涉仪的横向和纵向动态范围,实现低成本、高分辨率检测大口径光学元件的有效手段。 16. lateral什么意思 16. The current study established a 3-dimension finite element model of UKNEE to simulate the malposition of patellofemoral components when humans squat under 20~ 60 degrees, and analyzed the contact characteristics under patellar component occurs maltranslation with 0.5, 1.0, 1.5mm in ML and superior-inferior directions, malflexion with ±1°, ±3°, ±5°and maltilting with ±1°, ±3°, ±5°related to neutral position. The model contained a femur component with 2718 elements and 2865 nodes and a patellar component with 2900 elements and 3294 nodes. 以之建立一股骨元件含2718个元素、2865个元素节点;髌骨元件含2900个元素、3294个元素节点之三维有限元素模型,模拟人体蹲下20度~60度时髌骨元件相对於其原始位置做内外侧(Medial-Lateral)位移各0.5、1.0、1.5mm;上下侧(Superior-Inferior)位移各0.5、1.0、1.5mm;屈曲±1度、±3度、±5度和倾斜±1度、±3度、±5度以及股骨元件相对於髌骨原始位置内转1度、3度、5度的不当对位情况,分析其接触特性。 17. A lateral deformation coefficient was used in analyzing this type of composite ground with dilatant materials, and this method provides a new available way to solve this kind of problem. 将碎石料看作不完全弹性材料,引入横向变形系数,对碎石复合体进行了理论分析和数值计算,本方法为解决计算包含剪胀材料的散体桩复合地基的应力和变形这一焦点问题提供了新的思路。 18. To investigate the effects of the central α-receptors on the carotid sinus re-flex, phenoxybenzamine (PBZ, 2 μg/20 μl) or yohimbine(Y, 2 μg/20 μl) was inje-cted into the lateral cerebral ventricle and intracarotid sinus pressure-mean arterial pressure relationship curve was constructed and fitted bya Logistic function. 孤离大鼠左侧颈动脉窦,采用侧脑室注射α_1受体阻断剂酚苄明(phenoxybenzam-ine PBZ,2μg/20μl)或α_2受体阻断剂育亨宾(yohimbine Y,2μg/20μl),以颈动脉窦内压-平均动脉压关系曲线及其有关参数为指标,研究和分析了中枢α受体对颈动脉窦反射的影响。将所得ISP和MAP经Logistic方程拟合,建立ISP-MAP关系曲线。 19. In addition, novel SOI devices were also fabricated and characterized in this study. This study includes the fabrication and characterization of devices with poly-SiGe gate electrode. Attentions were paid on the drive current and NBTI degradation of PMOSFETs with poly-SiGe gate and PE-SiN capping layer. Moreover, NMOSFETs with LP-SiN capping were also fabricated and investigated. Bandgap narrowing effect induced by local strain and lateral diffusion of interface states after hot-carrier stress were addressed. 主要涵盖的内容包括有复晶矽锗闸极元件制作与分析;具有复晶矽锗闸极与电浆化学气相沈积氮化矽之p型金氧半场效电晶体元件之研制,及其驱动电流及负偏压不稳定效应探讨;利用低压化学气相沈积氮化矽覆盖层之n型金氧半场效电晶体之制作与分析;由局部应力造成的能阶窄化效应与热载子测试后之界面缺陷横向扩散等现象,在本论文中均有详细之分析。 20. From medial to lateral, the cerebral cortex can be divided into three parts: hippocampus, general cortex and pyriform lobe, there is no distinct boundary between them, but the cell organization is different. 从内侧到外侧,大脑皮层可分为海马、新皮质和梨状皮质三部分,三者之间无明显界线,细胞排布有所区别。 lateral 词典解释 1. 侧面的;横向的;侧向的 Lateral means relating to the sides of something, or moving in a sideways direction. lateral的解释 e.g. McKinnon estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between four and six inches. 麦金农估计大桥的侧向移动介于4至6英寸之间。 laterally Shafts were sunk, with tunnels dug laterally. 竖井已经打下,并且挖有横向矿道。lateral 单语例句 1. Heat is generated effectively only if the tire grips the road surface such that the tire carcass flexes under lateral load. 2. An MRI exam on Monday showed Hunter had suffered a lateral dislocation of the finger and a doctor on Tuesday suggested surgery. 3. But he still has good foot speed and lateral movement, and he can still get by a guy in either direction. 4. The club's website said Reyes had damaged the lateral ligament in his left knee, while Beckham had a similar injury in his right knee. 5. Future plans include creating transgenic marmosets that replicate human diseases such as Parkinson's and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 6. He had suffered from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, a degenerative nerve and brain disease which he was diagnosed with in 2002. 7. Mackinnon pointed out two other areas where there is room for " lateral thinking ". 8. The injury not only causes sharp pain in Wade's side, but limits his lateral mobility. 9. Arenas was diagnosed with a lateral meniscus tear and had arthroscopic surgery at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington. 10. Pauline D Loh suggests you apply some lateral thinking and get away from the traditional Boxing Day sandwiches. lateral的意思 |
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