单词 | bore |
释义 | bore [英 [b?:(r)] 美 [b?r, bor] ] bore的意思、解释 过去式:bored; 过去分词:bored; 现在分词:boring; 复数形式:bores; bore 基本解释 及物动词钻孔; 令人厌烦; 用钻、挖或掘的方式打通 不及物动词钻孔; 挖洞; 稳步前进; 挤过去 名词使人讨厌的人[物]; 高潮; 膛径,口径; 钻子 bore 相关例句 及物动词 1. 1. This new model of drilling machine can bore through solid rock ten metres deep. 这台新型钻机能钻透十米厚的坚固岩石。 2. I'm bored with this job. 我对这件工作厌烦了。 3. They were taught how to bore rivet holes in the sides of ships. 有人教他们如何在船的舷侧钻铆孔。 不及物动词 1. They were boring for water. 他们在凿井取水。 名词 1. It's a bore having to go out again. 又要外出真是讨厌。 bore 网络解释 1. bore的近义词 1. 孔:刀柄分为直径为32mm及40mm的镗孔(Bore)款及直径为12~40mm的钻头(Shank)款,设置的材质适于加工钢材、铸件、不锈钢及铝合金等. 通过进行表面处理,提高了耐腐蚀性及耐摩擦性,延长了使用寿命. 直径为32mm的镗孔刀柄为5万7960日元(含税), 2. 枪膛:值得一提的是狙击枪管的枪膛(bore)不像突击步枪或者主力步枪(battle rifles)的枪膛一样有电镀铬防锈蚀的程序,这也是为了减少对弹著精密度的妨碍所作的考量. 3. 讨厌的人:越会早到的人(earlybird)不会叫人感到不快,loner(孤独的人)也无伤大雅,那种爱吹嘘自己招人讨厌的人(bore)未必可恨. 最可恨的莫过于snob(狗仗人势的人). i.在你的交际圈中或许还有一些其他朋友:socialclimber(喜欢与上层人物交往的人), bore 双语例句 1. In March 2001, a sow raised by the American Missouri University bore 5 piglings in one litter. Among them, 4 piglings` mouths and hoofs assume yellow color of fluorescence. 2001年3月,美国密苏里大学的一只猪妈妈生下一窝小猪,5只小猪中有4只小猪的嘴和蹄子呈荧光黄色。 2. 2. She bore Sisyphus sons Glaucus, Ornytion, and Sinon; she is sometimes also said to be mother of D椡lus, though others in the running are Alcippe and IphinoSisyphus founded the city of Ephyre and later revealed Zeus's rape of ina to her father Asopus, for which Zeus condemned Sisyphus to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades, only to have it roll back down each time the task was nearly done. 愿这个世界充满阳光、欢乐、爱! 3. bore 3. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, who bore him three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. 莎士比亚是出生并成长在埃文河畔。18岁的安妮·海瑟薇跟他结婚,生了三个孩子:苏珊娜,双胞胎Hamnet和朱迪丝。 4. Contrast and analysis of D-dimer and hemaleucin original value in blood were made before and after operation. Results:(1)There was substantive echo in greater saphenous vein soon after the treatment. The substantive echo became strong when reexamined. The bore size became smaller in some ways. And there was no sign of blood flow in the cavity.(2)Pathological mechanism showed that the bast in greater saphenous vein disappeared after being treated by holmium laser. 结果:(1)治疗后大隐静脉腔内即见实性回声,随诊发现回声逐渐增强,大隐静脉内径均比术前有不同程度缩小,腔内无血流信号;(2)、病理显示,钬激光治疗后大隐静脉内皮消失,内、中、外膜均不同程度的变性、坏死;(3)血管内不同介质直接影响钬激光对血管壁的作用结果;(4)手术前、后血D-二聚体值比较差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.01),纤维蛋白原值比较差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。 5. bore 5. As he faced the cool gray eyes which, effortlessly, seemed to bore into him 他看到那双冷淡的大眼睛似乎漫不经心地直盯着自己的脸。 6. 6. It requites no small talents to be a decided bore. 要成为一个神憎鬼厌的人物,要有非同小可的才干。 7. bore 7. Reason: THE C BORE AT THE INSIDE OF THE HOUSING HAS MATERIAL BREAKING AWAY. 原因:房子内部有一个C口径大小的缺口,并有材料破损。 8. Therefore C bore the responsibility as man. A常不在家,C便担起了男人的义务。 9. With 4 sufficient kind animal, wait like panther, tiger, lion different, when major while is in the mankind to still take a station to want with standing condition C, calcaneal bore the weight with major human body, consequently, human chela palm and sufficient compare with the distance between short. 与四足类的动物,如豹子、老虎、狮子等不同,人类大部分时间处于静止和站立的状态c取站要时,脚跟承受了人体大部分的重量,因而,人类前脚掌和足跟之间的距离比较短。。。 10. 10. The results showed that, there were severe problems of low impact energy and low retained dose in interior surface PⅢ of cylindrical bore. 导致内表面注入剂量和注入能量偏低的根本原因在于筒内鞘层的扩展特性和交叉重叠。 11. bore是什么意思 11. The latest extension to the sealed spherical roller bearing range includes 11 new variants, with both cylindrical and tapered bore versions available, depending on specific application requirements. 最新的扩展,密封球面滚子轴承范围包括11个新变种,与圆柱和圆锥孔版本,这取决于特定的应用需求。 12. Those found are about 1.3 metres long; they had a cylindrical bore from the mouthpiece to the point where the bell flares abruptly, [8] in a fashion similar to that of the modern straight trumpet often seen in presentations of'period music', but there were no valves — one instrument was capable only of a single overtone series. 这些发现大约有130米长,他们有一个圆柱形的喉舌孔从的地步钟耀斑突然,[8]在一个类似的方式,但现代小号经常出现在艺术'时期音乐的,有没有阀门-一种乐器,只是一个单一的色彩系列的能力。 13. When it comes to the monospaced chamfer at intersection line of orthogonal cylinder and cylindrical bore, however, no mature manufacturing method has been found yet. 圆柱体与孔正交相贯线处的等宽倒角,现今还没有成熟的加工方法。 14. We have adopted a PSII method to modify the inner surface properties of a cylindrical bore, which is called the grid-enhanced plasma source ion implantation. 我们对等离子体源离子注入内表面该性这一难点和热点进行研究,实现圆筒形样品内表面离子注入和薄膜沉积,以达到综合改善内表面机械性能的目的。 15. 15. The propagation of elastic wave in a cylindrical bore hole containing a fluid (for example, the muddy fluid is generally used) for acoustic logging is analyzed with a simplified model. 本文分析了简化模型下声波测井时裸眼井中弹性波的传播,此波场可看成是轴向传播有不同波矢的分波的叠加。 16. bore的意思 16. Where is that encyclopaedic knowledge which he bore so lightly? 他那些驾轻就熟的渊博知识现在哪里去了? 17. bore是什么意思 17. Where that encyclopaedic knowledge which he bore so lightly? 他那满腹的渊博知识到哪里去了? 18. Many people rush to watch the tidal bore of Qiantang River in Haining, Province every autumn. 很多人每年秋天涌去浙江海宁观看钱塘潮。 19. 19. In the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), Wang Chong the thinker, in his Essays of Criticism or Lun'Heng in Chinese, recorded his observations of the tidal bore of Qiantang River like this 东汉思想家王充在《论衡》里,也记载了钱塘潮,并指出起潮的原因 20. Then there was the daughter of Phoenix, who bore me Minos and Rhadamanthus: there was Semele, and Alcmena in Thebes by whom I begot my lion-hearted son Hercules, while Semele became mother to Bacchus the comforter of mankind. 我亦和黛墨忒耳,发辫秀美的神后,以及光荣的莱托,还有你自己,寻欢作乐――所有这些欲情都赶不上现时对你的冲动,甜蜜的欲念已经征服了我的心灵。 bore 词典解释 1. 使厌烦;使厌倦 If someone or something bores you, you find them dull and uninteresting. bore在线翻译 e.g. Dickie bored him all through the meal with stories of the Navy... 迪基吃饭时一直在讲海军的故事,让他不胜其烦。 e.g. Life in the country bores me. 乡村生活令我生厌。 2. 使厌烦透顶;使烦得要命 If someone or something bores you to tears ,bores you to death, or bores you stiff, they bore you very much indeed. e.g. ...a handsome engineer who bored me to tears with his tale of motorway maintenance 英俊的工程师不停地讲高速公路养护的故事,烦得我要命 e.g. I dropped out of high school. It bored me to death. 我从中学退学了,那种学校生活令我烦得要死。 3. 令人厌烦的人;无趣的人 You describe someone as a bore when you think that they talk in a very uninteresting way. e.g. There is every reason why I shouldn't enjoy his company — he's a bore and a fool. 我有充分的理由不愿和他在一起 —— 他又乏味又愚笨。 4. 令人生厌的事;无聊的事 You can describe a situation as a bore when you find it annoying. bore e.g. It's a bore to be sick, and the novelty of lying in bed all day wears off quickly. 生病是件烦人的事,整天躺在床上的新鲜劲很快就没了。 5. 钻,凿,挖(孔) If you bore a hole in something, you make a deep round hole in it using a special tool. e.g. Get the special drill bit to bore the correct-size hole for the job. 做这个活儿要拿个特殊的钻头来钻个大小合适的孔。 6. 凝视;盯着看 If someone's eyes bore into you, they stare intensely at you. e.g. His eyes bored into her, paralysing her, robbing her of movement... 他双眼凝视着她,令她全身瘫软,不能动弹。 e.g. Her eyes seemed to bore a hole in mine. 她的目光似乎要把我的眼睛看穿。 7. (每年某一时期海水涌入江河的)涌潮,激潮 A bore is a very large wave that moves quickly up certain rivers from the sea at particular times of the year as a result of unusual tides. 8. 9. see also: bored;boring bore 单语例句 1. The Lebanese government said Wednesday that it had not known of the Hezbollah operation, did not condone it and bore no responsibility for it. 2. Some finely woven robes and other dresses bore Chinese characters that spoke of fortune, happiness and admiration for the land called the Middle Kingdom. 3. As the bore is expected to reach its peak on Thursday, the police have adopted contingency measures to prepare for potential emergencies. 4. Another such bubble may not bore well for the Chinese economy, given the current state of affairs. 5. Leaks deep in the well bore might also be found, which would mean that oil would continue to flow into the Gulf. 6. Afghan officials have previously said the July 7 attack bore all the hallmarks of a foreign intelligence agency but stopped short of naming any country. 7. Its golden glazed rooftops still bore a dusting of snow that had fallen several days earlier. 8. Hearing the case on Monday, a judge said further investigation would be needed to find out which party bore responsibility. 9. Critics viewed the step as typical of his impulsiveness, and party colleagues bore him a bitter grudge. 10. Investigations also showed he bore responsibility in a homicide case involving his wife. bore在线翻译bore 英英释义 noun 1. a hole or passage made by a drill usually made for exploratory purposes Synonym: bore-holedrill hole 2. diameter of a tube or gun barrel Synonym: gaugecalibercalibre 3. a high wave (often dangerous) caused by tidal flow (as by colliding tidal currents or in a narrow estuary) Synonym: tidal boreeagreaegireager 4. a person who evokes boredom Synonym: dullard verb 1. make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool e.g. don't drill here, there's a gas pipe drill a hole into the wall drill for oil carpenter bees are boring holes into the wall Synonym: drill 2. cause to be bored Synonym: tire |
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