单词 | aftermath |
释义 | aftermath [英 [?ɑ:ft?m?θ] 美 [??ft?rm?θ] ] aftermath的意思、解释 复数形式:aftermaths; aftermath 基本解释 名词后果; 余波; 再生草 aftermath 相关例句 名词 1. Many people were homeless in the aftermath of the earthquake. 地震之后,许多人无家可归。 aftermath 网络解释 1. aftermath 1. 劫后余生:红色警戒 - 超越之路将西木的命令与征服:红色警戒由即时战略转化为了一个第一人称射击游戏,兵种、装甲和建筑设计等基本忠于原作红警以及其扩展包反攻(Counterstrike)和劫后余生(Aftermath)并融入一些历史上真实的东西. 2. 余波:而正在进行时的悲剧性社会事件,几乎都已经落幕,现在正当头尾相距一百年的两个事件余波(aftermath)即将平息之际,一个可以重新解释小说整体意义的暗示被发现了. 3. 再生草:afterimage 残像 | aftermath 再生草 | aftershock 余震 aftermath 双语例句 1. aftermath 1. If policy had been tighter, the financial bubble would have been smaller and its aftermath less painful. 如果升值后政策持紧的话,金融泡沫不会那么庞大而且之后的日本也会少吃点苦头。 2. aftermath的近义词 2. I must say that I prefer the aftermath. 不过我更喜欢雨过天晴的宁静。 3. Based on the foregoing, a recommendation would be to establish a location that is at the conjunction of a large wilderness tract and a farming community, preferably also within proximity of a river or lake that is not at risk of contamination from sewage (as people can no longer rely on sewers) or industrial pollution and which does not pose risk from major flooding that will occur in the immediate aftermath of the pole shift. 基于上述情况,推荐在一大片荒野和农场区的结合处设立一个点,最好靠近一条没有下水道污染危险(因为人们已不能再依靠污水管道了),也没有工业污染危险的河流或湖泊。此处也得免于遭到大洪水的威胁,因为极移之后,大洪水立刻就会发生。 4. aftermath的解释 4. I think I knew everything in that instant, and all that he told me was only aftermath. 我想我当时立即明白了一切,在他告诉我结果之前。 5. 5. A lot of people are still suffering from the aftermath of the 921 earthquake. 许多人仍然在921地震的后果中受苦。 6. aftermath 6. In this paper, based on fuzzy logic theory, bringing up a subjoining fuzzy-DC control, and simulate the Tianshengqiao-Guangzhou AC/DC system, obtain the satisfying aftermath. 基于模糊逻辑推理,提出了一种附加模糊直流控制方法,并对天生桥—广州交直流互联系统进行了仿真,得到了满意的结果,表明这种方法具有一定的理论价值和实际意义。 7. And as the world grimaces at America in the aftermath of the Iraq war. 伊拉克战后的混乱和灾难使得各国对美国极其不满。 8. aftermath的近义词 8. And when I came here I immediately knew the answer … However I don`t think all this money would be spent like this if it weren`t for the confidence and certainty by the military leadership of their capability of overthrowing Saddam`s regime… However, what they did not anticipate was the aftermath of this takeover. 而当我来到这里后,马上知道了答案……可是我并不认为所有的金钱将要这样花费,如果不是因为军队领导层基于他们推翻萨达姆政权的能力而产生了这样的信心和把握……无论如何,他们没有料到这次接管的后果。 9. 9. The rural area was the site of Tzu Chi's first large-scale aid distribution in the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, last May. 也是缅甸,蓄宝甘在缅甸仰光的郊区,是五月纳吉斯风灾后、慈济第一次在缅甸举办大型发放的地方。 10. As a consequence, an investment-led spending boom in the U. S. would increase imports and a slump abroad would reduce imports of American goods -- as in the aftermath of the Plaza Accord described above. The upshot is that the net effect on the U. S. 其结果是,美国将出现一轮由投资引导的支出热,而这会增加美国的进口,同时其他国家的经济则相对陷入萧条,而这又会减少美国产品的出口──《广场协定》签署后的情形就是如此。 11. Analysis released on Tuesday September 22nd by IMF economists who have been studying the aftermath of 88 banking crises over the past four decades, supports Mr Bernanke's cautious talk. 国际货币基金组织的经济学家们一直在研究过去四十年来88例银行业危机的后续情况,他们于9月22日周二发表的分析报告也印证了伯南克先生的谨言慎语。 12. WSPA is aware of all the many animals in need in the aftermath of the earthquake, and we are trying our best to help them. 我们已悉知地震后所在动物们的需要,我们正在尽最大的努力帮助他们。 13. aftermath的翻译 13. This is the aftermath of our own carma of using our brain for thinking of not-so-worthy things. 这就是我们的大脑总在考虑那些毫无价值的事情产生的后果。 14. XiaoHe and CaoCan were the county magistrate`s subordinates and they advised to call LiuBang back from the exile to the magistrate, so that it could increase their revolutionary power and avoid the aftermath from him. 萧何和曹参当时都是县令手下的主要官吏,他们劝县令将本县流亡在外的人召集回来,一来可以增加力量,二来也可以杜绝后患。 15. Wei deals with the aftermath for the Tongs, he cleans up the murder scenes, he is the master of corpse disposal. 一个替社团专门收拾善后,替帮会清理凶杀案现场,处理被害者尸首、弃尸、毁尸灭迹的高手。 16. aftermath的翻译 16. We're in the aftermath of a severe financial crisis, which has led to mass job destruction. 我们从极为严重的金融危机中劫后余生,但大量工作机会遭消灭殆尽。 17. It became clear to us that we were witnessing the aftermath of a massacre, the cold-blooded butchery of helpless and defenceless civilians. 这向我们清楚表明,我们在目击一场大屠杀后的残余,一场对无助无武装平民的冷血屠 18. Like a five-fingered fluff, Folded into my palm, Only that`s not enough. In the good aftermath, World was festively lighted 其中奇数句压的是阳韵,因为诗行以重读音节结尾,偶数句压阴韵,因为重读在倒数第二个音节,最后一个音节非重读。 19. aftermath什么意思 19. The small talk had come, however, in bed, in the languid aftermath of erotic occasions. 不过,当年家常闲谈常在床上进行,在性事完毕的倦慵时分。 20. As rural churches continue to face the aftermath of a huge exodus of young believers, let us pray for the morale of all remaining church workers. May the Lord strengthen them with His words so they would be better equipped to teach His Word. 当农村教会必须持续面对年轻信徒出走的冲击,让我们为留下来服侍的牧师和传道人祷告,求神重整他们的思维,重建他们的士气,并让他们从神的话语中得着更好的装备来训练信徒,向城市派出福音的精兵。 aftermath 词典解释 1. 后果;余波 The aftermath of an important event, especially a harmful one, is the situation that results from it. e.g. In the aftermath of the coup, the troops opened fire on the demonstrators... 政变结果是军队向游行示威者开火了。 e.g. During the Soviet era and its immediate aftermath, the region was officially known as 'Middle Asia and Kazakhstan'. 在苏联时代和紧随其后的一段时期,该地区的官方名称为“中亚和哈萨克斯坦”。 aftermath 单语例句 1. The warning signs painted in red were one of the measures taken by the local authority in handling the aftermath of the incident. 2. Mancini also dismissed reports he had threatened a television cameraman in the immediate aftermath of the match. 3. The world body should carefully consider the aftermath while charting any further move towards sanctions. 4. The controversial measure comes in the aftermath of heavy pollution choking large swathes of the country in recent weeks. 5. It was compiled in the aftermath of Christchurch to help sharpen regional planning for an inevitable local disaster. 6. Investigators from the country's southwest civil aviation administration have rushed to the scene to direct the rescue and aftermath work. 7. Firefighters and repair workers were working at the scene to put down the fire and clean up the aftermath of the explosion. 8. " Aftermath depicts the real people behind the phrase'collateral damage, '" Blank and Jensen said. 9. The concept of an Asian media market never worked before because no anchor was left in the aftermath of British colonialism. 10. A husband's comforting words strengthened his wife's resolve in the aftermath of a serious traffic accident. aftermathaftermath 英英释义 aftermath是什么意思 noun 1. the outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual Synonym: consequence 2. the consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event) e.g. the aftermath of war in the wake of the accident no one knew how many had been injured Synonym: wakebackwash |
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