单词 | lien |
释义 | lien [英 [?li:?n] 美 [lin, ?li?n] ] lien的意思、解释 复数形式:liens; lien 基本解释 名词留置权,扣押权 lien的翻译 lien 相关例句 名词 1. The court granted me a lien on my debtor's property. 法庭授予我对我债务人财产的留置权。 lien 网络解释 1. 1. 扣押权:假如装修公司没有出粮给工人,没有付清材 料钱 ,在法律上,他 们在一 段合理的短时间内可向屋主追讨,法律更容许供应商和工人,在物业上登记一个扣押权 (LIEN) 去阻止该物业的转购, 2. 2. 抵押權:在适用普通法(Common Law)的州中,按揭是一种将标的物所有权转移给按揭受益人的担保形式,在贷款清偿或废止时,所有权又转回购买人,但在部分州,按揭仅仅被作为一种抵押权(Lien),而不产生所有权转移,相当于我国法律上的抵押概念. lien 双语例句 1. lien的解释 1. In the ordinary way a lien gives a creditor a right to retain possession of a thing until his account is paid. 在通常情况下,留置权是指债权人有权拥有债务人的物品,直到债务被偿还为止。 2. lien 2. Article 87 The creditor and the debtor shall agree in the contract that after the creditor takes lien of the property, the debtor shall repay the debts in no less than two months. 第八十七条债权人与债务人应当在合同中约定,债权人留置财产后,债务人应当在不少于两个月的期限内履行债务。 3. As Article 231 provides, movable properties taken as a lien by the creditor will be in the same legal relationship with the creditor` rights, except for liens between enterprises. 正如第231条所规定的,债权人留置的动产,应当与债权属于同一法律关系,但企业之间留置的除外。 4. Article 111 The court shall not support the creditor's lien if such lien conflicts with his liability or specific stipulations of the contract. 第一百一十一条债权人行使留置权与其承担的义务或者合同的特殊约定相抵触的,人民法院不予支持 5. If the creditor agrees with the debtor on grace period in the contract according to Article 87 of Security Law, the creditor may exercise lien without notification. 债权人与债务人按照担保法第八十七条的规定在合同中约定宽限期的,债权人可以不经通知,直接行使留置权。 6. If there are no such arrangements in the contract between the creditor and the debtor, after the creditor takes lien of the property, the creditor shall set a deadline of no less than two months for the debtor to pay off the debt and notify the debtor of the deadline set. 债权人与债务人在合同中未约定的,债权人留置债务人财产后,应当确定两个月以上的期限,通知债务人在该期限内履行债务。 7. lien的近义词 7. Article 114 Articles of 64, 80, 87, 91 and 93 of this Interpretation shall apply to lien. 第一百一十四条本解释第六十四条、第八十条、第八十七条、第九十一条、第九十三条的规定,适用于留置。 8. Abbr. chg. A financial burden, such as a tax or lien. 缩写 chg。财政负担:财政负担,如税或抵押 9. I'm here to see Lady Lien. 我在这里见淑女连。 10. lien的解释 10. Lien is one of the important contents of assuring system. 留置权是担保制度的重要内容之一。 11. lien 11. I'd like to briefly share my trip to Hua Lien with all of you. 我想跟大家简要分享一下我的花莲行。 12. We will slap a lien on her house. 我们会依法扣押她的房子。 13. A mortgage can be used effectively in creation of a lien on the basis of a contract. 按揭方式,可有效地创造一个连的基础是一个合同。 14. Maritime lien is an accent legal system in maritime law, but it is a very new legal system in China. 船舶优先权是一项古老的海商法制度,但在我国却是一项全新的法律制度。 15. lien的翻译 15. At the bottom of the ascent stood a small temple called Chiu Lien Shih (九莲室 House of the Nine Lotus Flowers). 在坡底,有一座小庙,叫九莲寺。 16. 7 The Borrower shall effect and maintain insurance of the Property against loss or damage by fire or explosion or such other risks as the Lender may require in its full reinstatement value or to the full extent of the facilities granted or to be granted to the Borrower whichever is the higher in some reputable insurance company as the Lender shall first approve of in writing and if so required by the Lender in the joint names of the Borrower and the Lender and shall duly and punctually pay all premia or sums of money necessary for such purpose and will not do or cause or suffer anything to be done whereby such policy or policies may become void or voidable and shall at any time on demand made for that purpose on the Borrower as hereinafter provided endorse over to, produce to or leave with the Lender such policy of such insurance and the receipt for every such payment so that the Lender shall have a lien on the same and on all moneys thereby assured and in the event of any insurance policy being taken out by the Lender on behalf of the Borrower whether on the express or implied instructions of the Borrower or pursuant to any powers herein conferred the Borrower shall irrevocably grant permission to the Lender to receive any commission rebate or other advantage in relation to such policy or any subsequent renewals thereof; and if any of the obligations under this sub-clause is not performed by the Borrower, the Lender shall be at liberty to arrange for any of such obligations to be performed at the cost and expense of the Borrower and such cost and expense shall be included in and shall form part of the secured sum 9.7 借款人须为物业因火警、爆炸或贷款人要求包括的其他风险而可能引致的损失或损害,在事先获贷款人书面批核、具良好商誉的保险公司投保及维持保险有效,保额为全面修复物业的费用,或为已授予或将授予借款人的全部信贷额,两者以较高者为准;如贷款人有所要求,保险得以借款人与贷款人联名形式购买;借款人并须准时妥为缴交为上述目的需付的全部保金或款项。凡可导致保险单无效或可予作废的作为,借款人均不得作出,或促使或容许其发生。如贷款人在任何时间根据下文规定向借款人提出要求,借款人须将保险的保单和每次缴付保金的收据经批签后交予贷款人、向贷款人出示或留交贷款人,使贷款人对上述保单、收据及所有保险金享有留置权。如贷款人代借款人投保(不论是在借款人明示或默示的指示下,或是依据本契据授予的权力),则借款人须以不可撤销的方式准许贷款人收受任何关於该保单或其后续保的佣金、回佣或其他利益。如借款人未能履行此条款任何义务,则贷款人可自由作出安排,使该义务得以履行,而有关费用及开支须由借款人负责,并包括在有抵押款项内,成为其一部份 17. In Houli, there is a Chang Lien-chen Saxophone Hall. It was established by his grandson Chang Tsung-yao and his wife to memorialize Chang Lien-chen. 在后里,有间张连昌萨克斯风纪念馆,是张连昌先生的孙子及孙媳妇-张宗瑶夫妇为了缅怀张先生所设立的。 18. ChapterⅥdiscusses the realization of maritime lien, ship mortgage and possessory lien on vessel. 第六章讨论的是船舶优先权与船舶抵押权和船舶留置权如何实现的问题。 19. ChapterⅢmainly elaborates the subjects of maritime lien, ship mortgage and possessory lien on vessel. 第三章主要论述了船舶优先权与船舶抵押权和船舶留置权的相关主体。 20. ChapterⅡmainly elaborates the natures of maritime lien, ship mortgage and possessory lien on vessel. 第二章主要论述了船舶优先权与船舶抵押权和船舶留置权的性质。 lien 单语例句 1. Blue politicians have openly called for Lien Chan to challenge Ma for the party's " presidential nomination " in 2008. 2. The KMT changed its system of picking its chairman in 2001 when Lien was selected by party members rather than by central committee members. 3. Lien yesterday also attended a ceremony in Beijing for the installation of the sculpture for the Olympic Games. 4. A few senior citizens reminisced about what they remember of Lien as a child. 5. But Chen's lawyers said that since Lien was the plaintiff in the civil lawsuit, the law required him to cover the costs. 6. Lien made the first trip as KMT chairman to the mainland since 1949 when the mainland and Taiwan split after a civil war. 7. The pro - " independence " DPP administration has attempted to hinder Lien's mainland visit and threatened legal action if he signs an agreement with the CPC. 8. " This has caused great damage to Taiwan, " Lien said. 9. Lien raised suspicions that the shooting was staged to win sympathy votes and filed two lawsuits to try to overturn his defeat. 10. " We certainly have seen the growing demand of the next generation of financial systems, " Lien said. lien 英英释义 lien的反义词 noun 1. a large dark-red oval organ on the left side of the body between the stomach and the diaphragm produces cells involved in immune responses Synonym: spleen 2. the right to take another's property if an obligation is not discharged |
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