单词 | sickness |
释义 | sickness [英 [?s?kn?s] 美 [?s?kn?s] ] sickness的意思、解释 复数形式:sicknesses; sickness 基本解释 名词疾病; 恶心; 呕吐; 弊病 sickness 反义词 sickness的翻译 名词health sickness 相关例句 名词 1. 1. Mother was worried that there would be nobody around in the event of a sudden attack of sickness. 妈妈担心患急病时身边没人。 2. My aunt knows all about this sickness. 我姨妈对这种疾病了如指掌。 3. Some women experience morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy. 有些妇女在怀孕的头三个月里,早上有恶心感。 sickness 网络解释 1. 病:病患(illness) 是病人说明病理状态的方式(感觉尺度)...患病(sickness) 是病人对病理状态感觉的反应...(行动尺度). 2. 生病:sick pay 病假工资 | sickness 生病 | skill n. 技能,熟巧 3. 疾病缺陷:sickness 疾病 | sickness 疾病缺陷 | sickness 缺陷 sickness 双语例句 1. sickness是什么意思 1. Rainier is a good place to court altitude sickness. Rainier是一个很容易引发高山病的地方。 2. 2. Nozdormu, the Timeless, placed an enchantment upon the World Tree to ensure that as long as the colossal tree stood, the night elves would never age or fall prey to sickness or disease. 时间之王诺兹多姆对世界之树附加了魔法--只要这棵世界之树仍然存在,暗夜精灵就永远不会衰老,也不会生病。 3. ISN had determined 107 kinds double translate the Chinese medicine vigorous sickness name. ISN确定了107种双译中医疾病名称。 4. sickness的反义词 4. In the behavior aspect, lunar New Year's Day the death anniversary breaks the dishes, envies the lamp oil to sprinkle, envies the backless stool to fall to the ground, will otherwise have the ominous matter in the new year, this is the regional universal existence taboo, in Hunan, the death anniversary pays new year's call before the bed, this meant master year to year sickness cannot lie, first day arrives the third day, in the Han Nationality, Gelao national minority, the Tujia national minority some area death anniversary carries water, splashes water, the meaning is feared farms, goes out often rains. 在行为方面,大年初一忌打破碗盏,忌灯油洒地,忌板凳倒地,否则在新的一年里将有凶事,这是各地普遍存在的禁忌,在湖南,忌拜年于床前,这意味着主人常年病卧不起,初一到初三,在汉族、仡佬族、土家族一些地区忌挑水、泼水,意思是怕在种田、出门时常下雨。 5. Examples of such contradictionary move appeared many times: Sit on the table tailor-fashion and taught Bok commandingly, an indication of pride as well as an implication of sickness; Glancing back in the ruins enjoyably but staggeringly after sending back his favorite pupil, a description of contradiction between his physical and mental capability. 除此之外,如果你肯关掉音箱戴上耳机聆听罗大侠的对白,就可以发现他在叶天的表演上与其他二人的另一处不同--声音底气明显加重(罗大侠是我所知演员中声音与气质搭配最和谐之一--这个是在对比一些失败个案后得出的结论。 6. At present the cause of disease is unclear, in the past once thought this sickness was occurs to the urinary bladder allotopia the prostate gland organization, at present thought is the urinary bladder diabasis epithelial cell one kind of metaplasia variation. 目前病因不明,过去曾认为本病是发生于膀胱的异位前列腺组织,目前多认为是膀胱移行上皮细胞的一种化生性变异。 7. sickness rates of calculus, hepatic adipose infiltration and tuberculosis are high among staff members and still on the rise. 结石、脂肪肝、肺结核呈上升趋势,发病率在职工中的发生率较高,亚健康状态存在有普遍化和年轻化趋势。 8. 8. I feel great anxiety about your sickness. 对你的病我感到非常担忧。 9. All Stoln knew was that those who hadn't been sick until the age of thirty or forty were more liable to die of sickness than those who had had several diseases by the time they had reached that age. 这位农夫只知道,30岁或40岁之前从未生过病的人比此前已经有过几次病的人更容易然病而死。 10. sickness的反义词 10. We must lead the peasants'struggle for land and distribute the land to them, heighten their labour enthusiasm and increase agricultural production, safeguard the interests of the workers, establish co-operatives, develop trade with outside areas, and solve the problems facing the masses -- food, shelter and clothing, fuel, rice, cooking oil and salt, sickness and hygiene, and marriage. 领导农民的土地斗争,分土地给农民;提高农民的劳动热情,增加农业生产;保障工人的利益;建立合作社;发展对外贸易;解决群众的穿衣问题,吃饭问题,住房问题,柴米油盐问题,疾病卫生问题,婚姻问题。 11. sickness的反义词 11. They asked her where did she get them. She didn`t answer first, then said she took it from the other sickroom and she thought they would do good to their sickness. 问大妹从哪里拿的,她开始不肯说,后来说是别的病房拿的,以为是可以治病的。 12. 12. There is so much lunacy in his article that merely by replying to it I am tainted with his sickness myself. 在他的文章里有如此多的荒谬以至于回答它也使得我自己被他的病态所玷污。 13. sickness 13. According to our experience Altitude sickness is very serious case in high elevation. 根据我们的经验,高原反应是非常严重的情况下在高海拔。 14. So they gave it to him, and no sooner had he drunk some than he felt his sickness leave him and grew strong and healthy as he had been in his youth. 这时候他的两个哥哥走进来责备他想害死他们的父亲,并且对国王说他们拿来了真正的救命水。 15. sickness什么意思 15. In respect of (1) bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, which is attributable to any negligence, wilful act or breach of the Contract by the Employer, the Employer's Personnel, or any of their respective agents. 提示1:译典可返回英文单词的不同语法变体,如果你不需要变体,请在查询词前加引号。 16. Happiness and love can be more contagious than sickness. 我们同样无法在与别人的交往中感到满意。 17. sickness的意思 17. Otion sickness, motion sensitivity, photophobia and phonophobia are principal differential highlights to MV. V的运动病、运动敏感、发作时畏光或畏声是与PCIV的重要鉴别点;PCIV的主要特点包括血压、血脂或血糖异常、动脉硬化等。 18. sickness 18. So we speculated that CGRP andAch generated and released by neurons in the hypoglossal nucleus and Kooy capof inferior olive may paly a role in the sensory integration of visual systeminformation and vestibular system information in the central nervous system in mice with motion sickness. 这说明舌下神经前置核和下橄榄体内侧核K帽的神经元可能通过生成、释放CGRP和Ach参与了视觉系统信息与前庭系统信息在小鼠中枢神经系统的整合,CGRP和Ach可能做为神经递质或神经调质参与了视觉系统信息与前庭系统信息在小鼠神经中枢的整合。 19. As you say, you know nothing about radiation sickness. 象你说的,你对辐射病一无所知 20. Objective: To study the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of chronic radiation sickness. 摘 要:目的:探讨慢性放射病的诊断、治疗及预后。 sickness 词典解释 1. 患病;生病;不健康 Sickness is the state of being ill or unhealthy. e.g. In fifty-two years of working he had one week of sickness... 在52 年的工作中他仅病过一周。 e.g. There appears to be another outbreak of sickness among seals in the North Sea. 看来北海的海豹又要爆发另一场疾病了。 2. 恶心;呕吐感 Sickness is the uncomfortable feeling that you are going to vomit. e.g. He felt a great rush of sickness... 他忽然觉得非常想吐。 e.g. After a while, the sickness gradually passed and she struggled to the mirror. 过了一会儿,她渐渐不那么恶心了,挣扎着到了镜子前。 3. 病症;疾病 A sickness is a particular illness. sickness的翻译 e.g. ...radiation sickness. 辐射病 sickness 单语例句sickness的反义词 1. The Duchess of Cambridge left a London hospital Thursday after being treated for acute morning sickness related to her pregnancy. 2. It excluded the cases of 134 firemen and helicopter pilots who suffered acute radiation sickness, leading to death in around 40 cases. 3. The team compared ginger with a vitamin that doctors commonly tell pregnant women to take for stomach sickness. 4. Marine mammals are turning up on the world's beaches with tissue damage similar to that found in divers suffering from decompression sickness. 5. So do people who just want to know more about health and sickness. 6. He said scientists hope the experiment can help explain why some people experience motion sickness while others do not. 7. It predicted that the most likely victims of bird flu will be poultry farmers, not through sickness but through a drop in chicken sales. 8. Even when things are going well medically, women carrying multiple babies often suffer from severe morning sickness. 9. Then there is the " air conditioner sickness " syndrome caused by the recycled air and filters that have not been cleaned. 10. Men were also more likely than women to be treated for mountain sickness, frostbite or sexually transmitted diseases. sickness 英英释义 sickness什么意思 noun 1. impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism Synonym: illnessunwellnessmalady 2. the state that precedes vomiting Synonym: nausea 3. defectiveness or unsoundness e.g. drugs have become a sickness they cannot cure a great sickness of his judgment |
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