单词 | sod |
释义 | sod [英 [s?d] 美 [sɑ:d] ] sod的意思、解释 过去式:sodded; 过去分词:sodded; 现在分词:sodding; 复数形式:sods; sod 基本解释 sod是什么意思 名词草地,草皮; 人,家伙; 故乡,本国; 鸡奸者,兽奸者 动词铺草皮; 以生草土覆盖; 铺草皮于 sod 相关例句 及物动词 1. Sod this radio! Why won't it work? 讨厌的收音机!怎么成了哑巴啦? 名词 1. Some sods have been removed to make a place for the bonfire. 几块草皮已经移掉以便空出地方燃营火。 2. The playground was covered with sod. 操场上覆盖着草皮。 sod 网络解释 1. 1. 氧化物歧化脢:环境中的空气污染、过度的日晒、环境所产生辐射线、以及人体服用的药物等等,也会使身体产生氧自由基,为了对抗体内的这些自由基,通常我们体内会自行合成对抗氧自由基的抗氧化酵素,及超氧化物歧化脢(SOD)来对抗体内过多的自由基, 2. 超 氧 岐 化 酶:对小鼠亚急性衰老模型影响的实验结果表明,与模型组比较,沙棘叶总酮大、小剂量组(分别为32.1mg/kg.d^(-1)、10.7mg/kg.d^(-1)小鼠脑单胺氧化酶(MAO-B)活性均明显下降;其肝脏肝脂褐质(LF)含量明显降低,丙二醛(MDA)含量亦有降低趋势,超氧岐化酶(SOD)活性无明显变化;沙 3. sod:supper oxide dismutase; 超氧化物歧化酶 4. sod:serum superoxide dismutase; 血清超氧化物歧化酶 5. sod:servie on demand; 随选服务 sod 双语例句 1. Methods: The male Wistar rats were modeled to AA with Complete Freund's adjuvant, then treated by the deer tendons collagen, to observe the toes swelling degree, weight, serum levels of IL-lβ and TNF-a, content of MDA and vitality of SOD in serum. 以完全弗氏佐剂诱导的Wistar雄性大鼠佐剂性关节炎为研究对象,观察经鹿筋胶原治疗前后的足趾肿胀度、体重、血清中的IL-lβ和TNF-a炎性细胞因子、血清中的MDA含量和SOD活力。 2. The results of the physiological and biochemical indexes in callus tissue of Poncirus trifoliata tested under calcium carbonate(CaCO3) stress indicated that except total iron content, the negative correlations among CaCO3 concentration and peroxidase activity, superoxide dismutase activity, catalase activity, active iron content, soluble protein content and callus growth were recorded. 提要测定碳酸钙(CaCO3)胁迫下枳壳愈伤组织的某些生理生化指标的结果表明:除全 Fe 含量外,CaCO3浓度与过氧化物酶活性、超氧化物歧化酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性、活性Fe含量、可溶性蛋白质含量、愈伤组织增重均呈显著或极显著负相关,与培养液pH值呈显著正相关;随着培养的进程,POD活性、活性Fe和可溶性蛋白质含量、愈伤组织增重呈降低趋势,SOD和CAT活性先升后降,含高浓度CaCO3的培养液 pH值仅在20日左右略有降低。 3. During desiccation, the changes of SOD activity in maize seeds were analogous to those of recalcitrant seed, but the contents of MDA and lipid hydroperoxide have few changes. 而玉米种子在脱水过程中,SOD活性的变化与顽拗性种子相似,但丙二醛和脂质氢过氧化物的含量变化不大 4. Peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activity of larvae on different development stage showed difference responses to ROS stress. 与对照组相比,Ⅱ期无节幼虫和Ⅵ期无节幼虫的SOD、POD活性在活性氧作用下出现明显下降的现象,而腺介幼虫的SOD、POD活性变化不显著。 5. SOD`s desire is to express their music as real life, authentic, and human, a true reflection of who they are as people. SOD渴望通过他们的音乐表现现实生活,真相,人性以及真实反映他们作为人类的存在。 6. In this research three methods are used to separate and purify SOD from Alliun Sativum cell plasma, which is thermodenaturation, precipitation of Polyethylene glycol and the column chromatography of DEAE-cellulose. Enzymes activity is measured with improved Pyragallol autoxidation, meanwhile the stabilities of enzyme towards temperature and pH, the type of enzyme and absorption spectrum in ultraviolet region are studied. 本研究采用热变性、聚乙二醇6000沉淀作用、DEAE-纤维素柱层析三种方法对大蒜细胞溶质中的超氧化物歧化酶进行了分离纯化;利用改良的连苯三酚自氧化法测定了酶活力,同时研究了酶对温度、pH的稳定性;并对酶的类型、在紫外光区的吸收光谱等性质进行了研究。 7. Three-year-old field planted and two-year-old potted virus-free self-rooted, virus-free grafs、common self-rooted and common grafs jujube JunZao young trees were adopted. The generation rate of O_2~-, content of H_2O_2, MDA, GSH, AsA, the activities of SOD, POD, CAT, GR, APX were researched in field natural growth conditions and under water-stress. 本试验以3年生大田栽植2年生盆栽脱毒自根、脱毒嫁接、未脱毒自根和未脱毒嫁接骏枣为试材,分别研究了在大田自然生长和盆栽水分胁迫条件下叶片内O_2~-生成速率,H_2O_2、MDA、GSH和AsA的含量以及SOD、POD、CAT、GR和APX五种保护酶活性的变化。 8. Raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo and Chattonella marina are two fish-killing red-tide species, which widely distribute in the world and have caused great economic loss in many countries such as Japan, Canada, Australia and China. Effects of N, P, and salinity on the growth characteristics and two antioxidant enzymes (Superoxide Dismutase, SOD and Catalase, CAT) activities of H. 以氮、磷和盐度为影响因子,通过L_(3~3)正交实验,研究了两种典型的可以引发赤潮的针胞藻类(赤潮异弯藻和海洋卡盾藻)在不同培养条件下的生长特性及藻类两种重要的抗氧化酶(超氧化物歧化酶SOD和过氧化氢酶CAT)活性的变化。 9. 9. Objective: To study the changes sod the clinical sigificance of AgNORs of peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients with urinary bladder cancer. 目的:探讨膀胱癌患者外周血淋巴细胞AgNORs值的变化及其临床意义。 10. Many scholars thought that the conventional simulation was easy to omit the target, sod CT outlined precise target location, which favored to radiotherapy plan design sod the target area dosage distribution. 诸多学者认为,常规模拟定位容易遗漏靶区,CT定位靶区匀画精确,更利于放疗计划设计及靶区剂量分布。 11. At WH2 group dressings treatment, it also found that the MDA level, GPx and SOD enzyme activities, compared with control group, significantly reduced the oxidative stress in the wound healing tissues. 在免疫组织化学染色结果方面,处理组新生组织内皆可见到VEGF和PCNA阳性讯号,尤以WH4敷料处理组VEGF阳性讯号为最强。 12. Application0.1%of SFE during the period of both flowering and pod filling, the activity of SOD wasincreased by 41%, and chlorophyll b increased by 58%.The content of chlorophyll reachedmaximum in 4~5 days after application. The results showed that SFE could elevate the content of nitrogen in leaves about 2-fold, the total pods per plant by 70%, the seedweight per 100 grains by 32%, and the content of protein in seed by 4.8%. 实验结果表明,在大豆开花期和结荚期两个时期都喷施0.1%的SFE后,可以使SOD酶的相对活力提高41%、叶绿素b的含量提高58%左右,并在处理后4~5天叶绿素含量最高;SFE能增加叶片中的含氮量2倍左右,增加植株的单株结荚数70%和种子的百粒重32%,并能提高种子中的蛋白质含量4.8%。 13. The activities of SOD, GSH-PX, and catalase under reperfusion could be risen further by Sal but no effect on GSH-ST. Sal对大鼠局灶性脑缺血损伤具有神经保护作用,此作用可能与SOD,GSH-PX及CAT活性水平的升高有关。 14. Results:the decrease in infarct area and water content as well as improvement in neurological deficits were significant by intravenous injection of sal 5.0, 10.0 mg/kg 24h post operation. a significant increase in activities of sod, gsh-px and catalase and significant decrease in activities of gsh-st in rats were observed during the early stage of reperfusion. however, the activities of all the enzymes mentioned above were significantly decreased 24h after reperfusion. the activities of sod, gsh-px, and catalase under reperfusion could be risen further by sal but no effect on gsh-st. 而在再灌注后期(24 h),则sod,gsh-px及cat活性显著下降,gsh-st的活性进一步降低。sal可在缺血再灌注状态下进一步升高sod,gsh-px及cat活性,但对gsh-st的水平无明显影响。 15. Methods The analgesic activity of FERD was evaluated by the effects on adjuvant-induced nociceptive response and paw swelling, the formation of PGE2 and IL-1β in adjuvant arthritis rats, the activities of SOD and CAT, the levels of NO/iNOS in serum and brain tissue as well as by the effects on c-Fos protein expression in spinal cord of AA rats. Results EERD at used doses significantly delayed the adjuvant-induced nociceptive response and eased the paw swelling in AA rats. EERD also evidently inhibited the production of PGE2 and IL-1β, and enhanced the activities of SOD and CAT in the tissue of paws being injected by adjuvant. 通过研究EERD对佐剂性关节炎大鼠的痛觉反应和足肿胀的影响;对AA大鼠炎性组织中前列腺素E2(PGE2)和白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)的形成及SOD和过氧化氢酶的活性的影响;血清和脑组织中NO和诱导型NO合酶水平的影响以及对AA大鼠c-Fos蛋白表达的影响来评价EERD的镇痛活性。 16. sod 16. Dunhuang Nourishing Cream can increase the contents of SOD and GSH-PX in skin and decrease the content of MDA, so that it can delay aging process. 敦煌养颜面脂可显著升高老龄大鼠皮肤中SOD和GSH-PX活性及明显降低MDA含量,具有延缓皮肤衰老的作用。 17. The inhibitory effect of NaCl on the halophytic seeds decreased with the delay of treatment time, but that on nonhalophytic seeds incresed up to the 8 th day, after then did not incre... 另外 ,在 0 。6MPaNaCl下,随处理时间延长,盐地碱蓬和琐琐种子的α淀粉酶活性不断提高,SOD活性基本不变,但小麦和大麦种子的α淀粉酶活性在处理 8d后接近最大值,SOD活性显著下降。 18. Effect of phosphine on the activities of CAT and SOD in Tribolium castaneum. 结果表明PH 熏蒸后,4种不同地理种群的成虫体内,CAT酶活性都有所降低。 19. 19. The adults of Tribolium castaneum were suffocated with phosphine to research the effect of phosphine on the activities of CAT and SOD. 不同地理种群的成虫体内,SOD酶活性在熏蒸后都有所增加,种群NGD1增加幅度最大,NGD2增加幅度最小。 20. sod在线翻译 20. The results showed that pepper of different kind made obvious distinction in germination percentage, viability, index and activity of POD, SOD, in which Tianying and reforming string-pepper 8819 were in higher level. Tianying showed contrary tendency of germination percentage when treating by NaCl and KNO3.Chunyu got 71.4%, the biggest germination percentage by 0.3% KNO3 treatment, and distilled water could accelerate reforming string-pepper 8819 germination. Comparing to CK, POD isoenzyme bands of 4 kinds of pepper improved and dyed deeper, and under NaCl treatment, SOD isoenzyme bands was brighter than by KNO3, which indicated that NaCl could enhance SOD isoenzyme activity remarkably. 结果表明:不同品种的发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数差异显著,天鹰和改良线椒8819的上述3项指标都处于较高的水平,天鹰在受到NaCl处理时的发芽率和受到 KNO3处理时的发芽率表现截然相反的趋势,春雨在0.3%KNO3处理下有了71.4%的最大发芽率,用蒸馏水处理改良线椒8819更有利于发芽;相对CK而言,4个品种辣椒种子在NaCl、KNO3处理下,其POD同工酶谱带的带数增加,染色加深,而它们在受到同浓度离子的不同处理时,SOD同工酶酶带的亮度高低为:NaCl>KNO3>CK,说明高浓度的NaCl处理能显著提高辣椒种子的SOD同工酶活力。 sod 词典解释 1. 该死的东西;讨厌的家伙 If someone calls another person or something such as a job a sod, they are expressing anger or annoyance towards that person or thing. sod的近义词 2. (表示不在乎)去它的,爱谁谁 If someone uses an expression such as sod it ,sod you, or sod that, they are expressing anger or showing that they do not care about something. sod的近义词 3. 草地表层;草皮 The sod is the surface of the earth, with the grass and roots that are growing in it. 4. 屁都没有 Sod all means 'nothing at all'. 5. 墨菲法则(一种认为凡有可能出错的事终将出错的理论) Sod's Law or sod's law is the idea that if something can go wrong, it will go wrong. e.g. This was sod's law: when the spare tyre is in use, you will have a puncture. 这真是墨菲法则:一用备用轮胎,保准扎孔。 in AM, use 美国英语用 Murphy's Law 相关词组:sod off sod 单语例句 1. He worked out of pot bunkers, which have been refurbished by building sod lines on the walls. sod 英英释义 sod的反义词 noun 1. surface layer of ground containing a mat of grass and grass roots Synonym: turfswardgreensward 2. an informal British term for a youth or man e.g. the poor sod couldn't even buy a drink 3. someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male) Synonym: sodomitesodomistbugger sod是什么意思 verb 1. cover with sod |
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