单词 | solicitor |
释义 | solicitor [英 [s??l?s?t?(r)] 美 [s??l?s?t?] ] solicitor的意思、解释 复数形式:solicitors; solicitor 基本解释 名词初级律师; 恳求者,求婚者; 〈美〉掮客,募捐人 solicitor 相关例句 名词 1. I was advised to put the matter into the hands of a solicitor. 人家劝我把这件事交给律师处理。 solicitor 网络解释 1. 初级律师:Van Zinnicq Bergmann先生拥有荷兰Groningen大学法学学位,主修荷兰法. 并且他是荷兰的合格初级律师(solicitor)及专门律师(barrister). 2. 2. 诉状律师:15世纪在法院中有称为诉状律师(solicitor)的人. 到18世纪,代理人和诉状律师的职务经常有一人兼任. 1873年、1875年的简化律师制度,取消了高级律师和代理人职称,从而只有出庭律师和诉状律师两种律师,这就是现代英美法系的律师制度. [38] solicitor 双语例句 1. solicitor的解释 1. The opinion of Liu Chunquan of solicitor of Ancheng's attorney office is more direct, he says, in this case, agriculture Bank always the mistake that fine subbranch of a bank commits is very elementary. 广盛律师事务所律师刘春泉的意见更为直接,他称,在本案例中,农行永嘉支行犯下的错误很低级。 2. Past Richmond bridge at the doorstep of the office of Reuben J Dodd, solicitor, agent for the Patriotic Insurance Company, an elderly female about to enter changed her plan and retracing her steps by King's windows smiled credulously on the representative of His Majesty. 跨过里奇蒙桥之后,在爱国保险公司代理人吕便。杰。多德律师事务所门口台阶上,一位上了年纪的妇女正要走进去,却又改变了主意。她沿着王记商号的橱窗折回来,对国王陛下的代表投以轻信的微笑。 3. C: Usually it takes two days to a rove your a lication and then we will i ue a Conditional Letter of Offer and notify your solicitor to prepare the mortgage document in about two weeks. 通常需要两天的时间核实申请,然后在两周内我们会发出一份附带条件的按揭批准通知书给你,并通知你的律师准备按揭按材料。 4. solicitor的反义词 4. The Official Solicitor's main duties are to act as guardian ad litem or next friend in legal proceedings for persons under disability of age or mental capacity, as representative of deceased persons'estates for the purpose of legal proceedings, as Official Trustee and Judicial Trustee, to act as committee of the estate of mentally incapacitated persons, to represent any party in care or protection proceedings and to act on behalf of a person committed to prison for contempt who is unable or unwilling to apply on his own behalf for release. 法定代表律师的主要职责如下:在法律程序中,担任因年龄或智能理由缺乏自行诉讼能力者的诉讼监护人或诉讼保护人;以死者遗产代理人身分进行诉讼;担任法定受讬人及司法受讬人;以精神上无行为能力的人的产业受讬监管人身分行事;在与照顾或监护有关的诉讼中代表任何一方;以及代表因藐视法庭罪而入狱,但不能或不愿自行申请省释的人行事。 5. Solicitor's main duties are to act as guardian ad litem or next friend in legal proceedings for persons under disability of age or mental capacity, as representative of deceased persons'estates for the purpose of legal proceedings, as''. 法定代表律师的主要职责如下:在法律程序中,担任因年龄或智能理由缺乏自行诉讼能力者的诉讼监护人或诉讼保护人;以死者遗产代理人身分进行诉讼;出任法定受托人及司法受托人;根据《精神健康条例》代表病人进行诉讼;以及在婚姻诉讼及少年法庭中担任当事儿童的代表。 6. 6. A Colonial, who had a case for damages impending at the Law Courts, inquired of his solicitor the name of the judge who would preside. 一个殖民地居民向他的律师打听法庭庭长的姓名,他有一桩赔偿损失案就要在法庭上开审了。 7. solicitor在线翻译 7. Bribery A Colonial, who had a case for damages impending at the Law Courts, inquired of his solicitor the name of the judge who would preside. 贿赂 一个殖民地居民向他的律师打听法庭庭长的姓名,他有一桩赔偿损失案就要在法庭上开审了。 8. All the relevant facts are in my solicitor`s hands. 我的律师掌握了所有的相关事实。 9. solicitor是什么意思 9. It is vital that this is done in conjunction with a solicitor. 至关重要的是,这样做与一名律师。 10. Another important issue is to trust your solicitor and relax with him. 另一个重要的问题是要相信你的律师,放松了他。 11. solicitor的翻译 11. I'll have to contact my solicitor. 我要和我的律师取得联系。 12. Nicknamed The Harrison after Richard Harrison, an English solicitor and amateur musician who owned the instrument in the 19th-century; he, like many of his colleagues, played string quartets in his home on Sunday afternoons. 此琴也是1987年在意大利克雷莫纳纪念安托尼奥斯特拉迪瓦利逝世250周年举办的国际名琴展览会上所展出的安托尼奥斯特拉迪瓦利的44把名琴当中的一把。 13. He has set up in practice as a solicitor. 他是律师事务所的合伙人。 14. Interest at a rate not exceeding 2% per annum above the prime rate from time to time specified by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited and a collection charge not exceeding 10% of the amount due may be imposed on any owner failing to pay sums due under the provisions of the DMC within 30 days of demand and the amounts of such interest and collection charge plus any legal costs (on a solicitor and own client basis) involved in recovering them may be the subject of a charge on the owner's undivided shares. 任何业主如未能在付款要求发出后30天内支付根据公契条文到期应付的款项,均可被徵收利息(利率不超过香港上海汇丰银行有限公司不时指定的最优惠利率加年利率2%),以及不超过应付款额10%的手续费。利息及手续费,连同追讨该等款项涉及的任何法律费用(按律师与其当事人评定讼费的基准计算),均可成为该业主不分割份数的押记。 15. Each party; buyer and seller, are invited to sign this document and then give it back to their respective solicitor so that the exchange can happen. 每一方;买方和卖方,报名签署这一文件,然后再回到各自的代表律师交换可以使发生。 16. He indorsed the cheque over to his solicitor. 他将支票背书给的律师。 17. The solicitor traveled to London to see a top consulant in Harley Street, who after tests, said that he would further appointments and, after having been charged a high fee, the solicitor left the consulting rooms. 后来,律师去了伦敦,找了一个在哈里街开业的优秀咨询医生看病。这位医生检查了他的病状,要他以后再来,并收取了很高的诊疗费。 18. When the Solicitor`s Office or a CLR is unable to negotiate a settlement or determines that it would not be appropriate to settle, the case goes to trial and an ALJ determines the final penalty amount. 当律师的办公室或CLR是不能达成和解或者决定,它将不会是适当的解决,案子审理和一个ALJ决定了最终的罚款金额。 19. But Florida Solicitor General Scott Makar says the life without parole sentence is used sparingly. 但是佛罗里达州的司法部副部长斯科特马克说无权假释的无期徒刑用得极少。 20. I told him some of what I know, and also what my solicitor could do to him in court. 我告诉他一些事情,我知道,也什么可以做我的律师在法庭上他。 solicitor 词典解释 1. (英国向委托人提供法律咨询、准备法律文件和诉讼材料并在初级法院代表委托人出庭的)诉状律师,事务律师 In Britain, a solicitor is a lawyer who gives legal advice, prepares legal documents and cases, and represents clients in the lower courts of law. solicitor 2. (美国在城市或政府部门负责法律事务的)法务官 In the United States, a solicitor is the chief lawyer in a government or city department. solicitor 单语例句 1. Leung is also a qualified solicitor and a former member of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government. 2. They retained two of the nation's most influential lawyers to argue the case - former US Solicitor General Theodore Olson and trial lawyer David Boies. 3. Justice Elena Kagan did not participate because she worked on it while serving as Obama's solicitor general. 4. Karen Cheng of Tanner De Witt will join in March as a senior solicitor. 5. The report comes from solicitor Jonathan Midgley, who represents Chan in the legal battle concerning the Nina Wang estate. 6. Solicitor Thomas Tse said the appeal court ruling laid down a new principle for distributing family assets. 7. Cole announced through his solicitor Graham Shear that he would be appealing. 8. Stephen's " shattered " family and Andy are unable to take calls about the star's death and instructed solicitor Gerald Kean to speak on their behalf. 9. The foundation's solicitor Keith Ho said outside the court his office was notified of Chan's change in strategy on Wednesday. 10. The plot centers on a solicitor who is helping with funeral arrangements in a small town. solicitor是什么意思solicitor 英英释义 noun 1. a British lawyer who gives legal advice and prepares legal documents 2. a petitioner who solicits contributions or trade or votes Synonym: canvasser |
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