单词 | sparing |
释义 | sparing [英 [?spe?r??] 美 [?sper??] ] sparing的意思、解释 过去式:spared; 过去分词:spared; sparing 基本解释 形容词节约的; 贫乏的; 仁慈的 sparing的反义词 sparing 同义词 sparing是什么意思 动词spare sparing 反义词 形容词unsparinggenerous sparing 相关例句 形容词 1. This map is sparing of information. 这地图内容贫乏。 2. He was quiet and sparing of speech. 他很文静,不多说话。 3. sparing 3. The professor was sparing in his praise. 那位教授不轻易表扬人。 4. He is very sparing with his money. 他用钱很省。 5. sparing 5. He is sparing with words. 他话说得很少。 sparing 网络解释 1. 节俭的:sparge 喷射 | sparing 节俭的 | sparingly 节俭地 2. 舱侧护条:spares 备件 | sparing 舱侧护条 | spark -proof motor 防火花式电动机 3. sparing什么意思 3. 节约的/少用的:sparger /分布器/多孔管分布器/ | sparing /节约的/少用的/ | sparingly /拘谨地/朴实地/节俭地/ 4. 少用的:sparger 分布器 | sparing 少用的 | sparingly 朴实地 sparing 双语例句 1. My gratitude for sparing me a quick death. 那我得感谢你仁慈地赏我一个快速的死亡 2. sparing是什么意思 2. I'm very grateful for your sparing the time to see me. 我很感激你能抽空见我。 3. 3. To be sparing is to forestall 夫唯啬,是谓早服 4. Hypometabolism also affected the brain heterogeneously, sparing the benefits in the frontal cortex and at the precise location of the grafts, but showing a progressie deterioration in other areas. 本站的言论并不代表本站的观点,如果上面的言论对您造成伤害,我们将协助您及有关部门清除相关内容并查找IP记录,但我们不承担任何责任。 5. 5. Aailable eidence-based blood conseration techniques include (1) drugs that increase preoperatie blood olume or decrease postoperatie bleeding, (2) deices that consere blood (eg, intraoperatie blood salage and blood sparing interentions), (3) interentions that protect the patient`s own blood from the stress of operation (eg, autologous predonation and normoolemic hemodilution), (4) consensus, institution-specific blood transfusion algorithms supplemented with point-of-care testing, and most importantly, (5) a multimodality approach to blood conseration combining all of the aboe. 现有的有关血液保护的技术包括:(1)增加术前血容量的药物或减少术后出血的药物,(2)保全血液的设备(如术中血液回收利用和血液节约措施),(3)保护病人自身血液不受术中压力影响的措施(如自体输血和等容性血液稀释),(4)达成医疗机构特有的输血算法的共识,并附以点式医疗测试,5)最重要的是上述血液保护措施的综合应用。 6. As time went by, she went on working as hard as ever, never caring about what she ate and sparing herself in her work. 日子很快的过去了,她的做工却丝毫没有懈,食物不论,力气是不惜的。 7. She hath, and in that sparing makes huge waste, For beauty starvedwith her severity Cuts beauty off from all posterity. 罗密欧 她已经立下了这样的誓言,为了珍惜她自己,造就了莫大的浪费;因为她让美貌在无情的岁月中日渐枯萎,不知道替后世传留下她的绝世容华。 8. sparing的意思 8. Objective: To study the genesis and influential factors of multifocal renal cell carcinoma for the nephron sparing surgery. 目的:探讨多中心肾癌的发生机制及影响因素,为肾癌肾部分切除术寻找依据。 9. Since 2001, TYMP has ever been sparing no efforts to promote the business of registration, service for hundred of domestic and overseas manufactures and product distribution and agent company. 公司自2001年成立以来,随着业务不断扩大,相继服务了上百家国内、国外的生产企业和代理销售公司,公司的主要客户为美国、西欧、日本、韩国的生产企业。 10. 10. At his center, IORT has been used in more than 1, 100 nipple-sparing mastectomies in patients with extensive in situ lesions or multicentric carcinomas. 在Ivaldi博士的中心,对超过1,100例施行保留乳头全乳切除术的广泛原位病变或多发性癌患者进行了IORT治疗。 11. The high standard of design and function remain uncompromised by the sparing use of resources and materials. 高水平的设计和功能仍然是不折不扣的节约使用资源和材料。 12. By sparing the frills and getting back to the bare necessities, stores could save money on presentation. 通过充分使用货架,不对其多做装潢,商店可以在装饰上节约资金。 13. 13. Nerve-sparing prostatectomy, designed to preserve potency and urinary continence, introduced. 发明旨在保留性功能和预防尿失禁的神经保留前列腺切除术。 14. sparing的反义词 14. Objective To evaluate the oncologic risks of skin sparing breast conserving surgery for carcinoma of breast at early stage. 目的 探讨早期乳腺癌保留皮肤的保乳手术的肿瘤学安全性。 15. sparing的近义词 15. Muscle sparing posterior decompression and instrumented fusion constitutes a safe and effective surgical option in a selected subgroup of patients with multilevel cervical spondylotic radiculomyelopathy. 保留肌肉的后路减压固定融合术,为特定的多节段脊髓神经根型颈椎病患者提供了一个安全有效的手术选择。 16. sparing 16. A study by researchers from Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, offered another option for lipoatrophic HIV-infected patients. The researchers randomized 101 patients receiving ZDV or d4T to one of three groups. Twenty-four patients stayed on their current drug regimen for 24 weeks, and 77 patients switched to abacavir or to an NRTI-sparing regimen of lopinavir/ritonavir plus nevirapine. Robert Murphy, MD, led this multisite ACTG study. 另一研究则由西北大学的研究人员所进行,他们提供了另一项选择给脂肪萎缩的爱滋患者;正在接受ZDV或d4T的101位患者,被以随机的方式分为三组,其中24位患者持续使用现行药物24周,另外77位则改用abacavir或非NRTI的药物,如lopinavir/ritonavir加上nevirapine;这项ACTG研究是由Robert Murphy所主导。 17. After this Stop we made on to the Southward continually for ten or twelve Days, living very sparing on our Provisions, which began to abate very much, and going no oftner into the Shoar than we were oblig`d to for fresh Water; my Design in this was to make the River Gambia or Sennegall, It is to say, any where about the Cape de Verd, where I was in hopes to meet with some European Ship, and if I did not, I knew not what Course I had to take, but to seek out for the Islands, or perish there among the Negroes. 这次停船之后,我们向南一连行驶了十一二天,我们的粮食逐渐减少,只得省着点吃。除了取淡水不得不上岸外,很少靠岸。我这样做的目的是要把船驶到非洲海岸的冈比亚河或塞内加尔河;也就是说,到达佛得海角一带,希望能在那儿遇上欧洲的商船。万一遇不到的话,我就不知道该往哪儿去了。那就只好去找找那些群岛,或者死在黑人手里了。 18. Indeed, Mr Chiu describes a Chinese client who bought a flat in a waterfront skyscraper, sparing no expense in its decoration. 事实的确如此。赵国雄讲述了一位购置滨水大楼公寓的大陆客户的故事。这位客户在装修公寓上一掷千金。 19. sparing 19. The principles of infantile fibrosarcoma treatment are limb-sparing resection and chemotherapy. 对婴儿手部纤维肉瘤的治疗原则是保留肢体的病变切除术加上化疗。 20. METHODS: Skin-sparing mastectomy was performed with circular shape incision at areola and using TRAM flap, latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap with breast prothesis, local flap and simple breast prothesis to fill breast. Slight skin of musculo-cutaneous flap could compensate the nipple and areola when performing reconstruction. 采用保留乳房皮肤的乳晕环形切口行乳腺或巨大肿瘤的乳房皮下切除术,应用腹直肌肌皮瓣、背阔肌肌皮瓣加乳房假体、局部皮瓣与单纯乳房假体4种不同术式行即刻再造乳房,充填乳房的内容,肌皮瓣再造时仅以少量的肌皮瓣皮肤弥补切除后的乳头乳晕部位。 sparing 词典解释 1. 节约的;俭省的 Someone who is sparing with something uses it or gives it only in very small quantities. e.g. I've not been sparing with the garlic... 我总是用很多大蒜。 e.g. Her sparing use of make-up only seemed to enhance her classically beautiful features... 一点淡妆反而增添了她五官的古典韵味。 sparingly Medication is used sparingly... 用药很节省。 Normally she ate sparingly. 她通常吃得很省。sparing 单语例句 1. He and his fellow foreign consultants to the CBI are not sparing any effort. 2. Analysts said Murdoch's move amounts to a favor for Cameron, sparing the prime minister the possibility of an embarrassing defeat in the House of Commons. 3. The defense sought to convince the jury that Muhammad's life was worth sparing, presenting evidence of his loving relationship with his children. 4. The local government has activated an emergency operation, sparing no effort to save the sufferers. 5. What is certain is that Sinopec is sparing no efforts tapping the country's gas potential and installing pipeline networks for end distribution. 6. At the same time we have been sparing no efforts to prepare for this historical event. 7. People's courts across China are sparing no effort to push the reform of judicial proceedings. 8. The US company added that some of its own shareholders had asked it be " more sparing " in its use of Kraft shares in its bid. 9. It has claimed thousands of innocent lives not sparing even women and children. 10. To better meet demand, businesses are sparing no effort to ensure they have something new to attract attention. sparingsparing 英英释义 adj 1. avoiding waste e.g. an economical meal an economical shopper a frugal farmer a frugal lunch a sparing father and a spending son sparing in their use of heat and light stinting in bestowing gifts thrifty because they remember the great Depression `scotch' is used only informally Synonym: economicalfrugalscotchstinting |
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