单词 | migrate |
释义 | migrate [英 [ma??gre?t] 美 [?ma?gre?t] ] migrate的意思、解释 过去式:migrated; 过去分词:migrated; 现在分词:migrating; migrate 基本解释 不及物动词移动; 迁移,移往; 随季节而移居 及物动词使移居; 使移植 migrate什么意思 migrate 同义词 动词transmigrate migrate 反义词 不及物动词remainstaysettle migrate是什么意思 migrate 相关例句 不及物动词 1. 1. Some birds migrate to find warmer weather. 有些鸟迁徙以寻找更温暖的气候。 2. When did Asians begin to migrate to the United States? 亚洲人何时开始向美国移民的? 3. Large numbers of birds migrate south every winter. 每年冬季大量的鸟类迁徙南方。 4. People migrate to find work. 人们迁居去找工作。 migrate 网络解释 1. 移动:带阴电荷朝向阳极(anode)移动称之为阴离子(anion),带正电荷朝向阴极(cathode)移动(migrate)者称之为阴离子 cations). 这些带电荷之粒子(particles)称之为离子(ions). 放出电 子产生氧化反应之电极称之为阳极(anode), 2. 迁移:定位在企业运算环境所需的网路与安全、管理功能(AD、GP). 包含所有的Home Basic的版本功能(加上Aero),以及企业环境所需要的平板电脑支援、行动运算功能,以及像传真、扫描等企业资源的使用. 直接升级 迁移(Migrate)的方式直接升级 迁移(Migrate)的方式 3. 迁徙:根据Chi的理论,科学概念从一本体树迁徙(migrate)到另一个本体树,这种类别间的转移才能称为根本的概念改变,若是仅是属於同一本体树内的转移,只能算是信念上的修正. migrate 双语例句 1. 1. The proliferative cells trend to migrate from the proliferative zone to the target area. 增殖的内源性神经干细胞存在由增殖区向靶区迁移的现象。 2. According to the latest research, CiGangRen ancestor's ancestral home India punjab, about the tenth century A. D. tribal war and famine, and by CiGangRen began to leave, they migrate in India, but no fixed place in the home and transportation caravans to busk, one living in cities, gradually become world-famous wandering peoples. 据最新的考证,茨冈人的祖先是祖居印度旁遮普一带的部落,大约公元10世纪以后,迫于战乱和饥荒,茨冈人开始离开印度向外迁徙,他们没有固定的居所,而是以大篷车为家和交通工具,以卖艺为生,在一个个城市间游荡,逐渐成为世界闻名的流浪民族。 3. Some fish migrate to this section of water to breed. 一些鱼类回游到此水段来繁殖后代。 4. That is to say, oil and gas can migrate so long as the length of oil or gas phase is sufficient. 因此,输导层中的油运移与含油饱和度并不存在必然关系。 5. migrate的解释 5. In some areas in China, Agasicles hygro phila can not be based on natural populations, the need for the release of a large number of man-made breed, this article of Agasicles hygro phila under different ecological conditions of the determination of the flight capacity and flight behavior of continuous observation, clear whether the proliferation of a certain ability to migrate a short distance, and computer recording system with the flight measured at different grinding temperature and humidity of the impact of their flying ability to achieve the optimization of time and man-made release of the release area and release the location to save insects and a large number of human and material resources. 在中国部分地区,空心莲子草叶甲不能建立自然种群,需要大量人为保种释放,本文通过对空心莲子草叶甲不同生态条件下的飞行能力的测定以及飞行行为的连续观察记录,明确其是否具有一定的近距离迁移扩散能力,并用带有微机记录系统的飞行磨测定了不同温、湿度对其飞行能力的影响,从而达到优化人为释放的时间和释放面积及释放地点,以节约虫源和大量的人力物力。 6. The downside of being so cosmopolitan is that European jobs may migrate to low-cost countries. 如此国际化的不利一面是欧洲的工作可能迁移至低成本国家。 7. If you continue to treat Seohee unfairly, fans in China suggests her to migrate to China. 如果你们继续不公的对待她,我们建议她移民中国。 8. These electrons migrate quickly to the positive electrode where they are collected. This removal of free electrons leaves the respective atoms and molecules positively charged, this creates a positive ionic cloud around the wire and thus above the negative electrode. 这些游历出的电子迅速向正电极靠拢并被收集起来,从而在细导线周围形成了正离子云,同时这些正离子云处在负电极(金属铝板,图中绿色部分)的上方。 9. Can smoothly migrate to DSP, the need for network time synchronization system. 可顺利移植到DSP上,用于网络时间同步需要的系统。 10. What factors control the cerebellar granule cells to migrate from the external germinal layer into the internal granule cell layer during postnatal development? 什么细胞外因子引导小脑颗粒细胞的轴突在小脑皮层的分子层中生长的? 11. Rate的搭配为:migrate from...to …=to move from one country, region, or place to a 0年他随父母从墨西哥移居到美国。Bmatch等同于,比得,和…相称匹配。Cmingle混合 12. On condition that the oil resource is abundance and pressure is enough higher, oil/ gas will migrate to reservoir bed which its porosity are baddish and its displacement pressure is upper. 在油源充足,压力足够高的条件下,油气才会向孔渗性差、排替压力高的储层运移。 13. migrate是什么意思 13. River meanders on alluvial sinuous river migrate crossstream and downstream continuously, which is called the dynamic process of river meanders. 作为构成蜿蜒河流的基本要素,形状规则而又极其相似的河弯形态蕴涵着深层次的动力机制。 14. 14. Have begun to migrate to coastal areas and cities such as Suzhou, where employment opportunities are greater. In response to 我们还接待了新加坡立华中学114人团队,为他们专门开设了汉语及汉文化浸濡课程;为每年 15. A great variety of people are playing such a given role in news stories like dead people, murders, robbers, prostitutes, suicides, trouble-makers, doctors, patients, husbands, wives, old people, entrepreneurs, migrate workers and popular customers. 受害者这个词反复地出现在许多新闻故事中,无论是死者、凶手、抢劫犯、妓女、自杀者、扰乱社会秩序者,还是医生、患者、丈夫、妻子、老人、企业主、农民工、大众消费者,都在新闻里扮演着这个特定的角色。他们被损害被侮辱,要么以暴制暴完成受害者与施害者的转换,要么被避重就轻地贴上弱势群体的标签。 16. To investigate the therapeutic and protective mechanisms of EXO and HS EXO, we examined the infiltration of DC and T cells in tumor mass at an early stage of intratumoral exosome injection. We found that after 4h injection, DC and T cells had began to migrate into tumor and came to the maximum at 24h. At 48h after the injection, DC began to decrease. The result indicated that soon after exosome injection, DCs migrated into tumor mass, contacted with HSP, underwent a mature process and trafficked back into lymph nodes where they presented antigens to T lymphocytes and subsequently initiated the adaptive immunity. 为了进一步阐述HS EXO的治疗机理,我们进行了HS EXO瘤体内注射后早期的DC和T细胞浸润情况,我们发现在注射HS EXO后4h即有DC的浸润,至24h左右即达到比较多的水平,48h后DC有少量减少,提示HS EXO瘤体内注射后可以利用其中所含有的趋化因子迅速吸引DC到局部聚集,通过其表面的粘附分子与DC粘附,然后在共刺激分子的参与下,凭借自身HSP蛋白所携带的内源性肿瘤多肽将肿瘤特异性抗原和肿瘤共有抗原提呈给DC,继而促使DC的成熟并返回淋巴结,启动特异性免疫应答反应。 17. Setting up a trust in New Zealand and transferring assets situated in China to the trust will be beneficial to those Chinese nationals who intend to migrate to New Zealand and reside here. 在纽西兰设立一个信托,并将在中国的财产转移至该信托对那些打算移民并定居纽西兰的中国公民是有利的。 18. migrate的意思 18. Using the equipment set, the mean mass transfer migrate coefficient of aniline on the interface of kerosene/water and hendecane/water in the liquid membrane system has been determined. 本文建立了一套液-液界面传质速度测定的简易装置,用於笨胺-煤油-盐酸液膜体系中苯胺在油/水界面传质动力学的研究。 19. From the results, it was observed that the transfer migrate coefficient for hendecane was larger than that for kerosene; the transfer mass resistance increased and decreased with adding Span 80 and TBP respectively; there was little effect by adding liquid paraffin. 发现苯胺在十一烷/水界面的传质系数比在煤油/水界面上的大;在油相中加入span80和磷酸三丁酯会使传质阻力分别增加和减少,而液体石蜡的加入几乎不影响传质速度。 20. Skin cells mature and migrate to the surface approximately every 28 to 40 days. 成熟的皮细胞大约每28到40天会转移到皮表面。 migrate 词典解释 1. 移居,迁徙(尤指到外地寻找工作或暂住一段时间) If people migrate, they move from one place to another, especially in order to find work or to live somewhere for a short time. e.g. People migrate to cities like Jakarta in search of work... 人们为找工作而迁移到雅加达这类城市里。 e.g. Farmers have learned that they have to migrate if they want to survive. 农民们已经认识到,想要生存就必须外出打工。 migration ...the migration of Soviet Jews to Israel. 苏联犹太人向以色列的迁徙 2. (鸟类、鱼类、兽类等随季节变化)迁徙 When birds, fish, or animals migrate, they move at a particular season from one part of the world or from one part of a country to another, usually in order to breed or to find new feeding grounds. migrate的解释 e.g. Most birds have to fly long distances to migrate. 绝大多数鸟类为了迁徙都不得不进行长距离的飞行。 e.g. ...a dam system that kills the fish as they migrate from streams to the ocean. 导致鱼类在从溪流向海洋迁徙途中死亡的水坝体系 migration ...the migration of animals in the Serengeti. 塞伦盖蒂地区的动物迁徙migrate 单语例句migrate在线翻译 1. Most rural people had enough to feed and clad themselves, obtained education opportunities and freedom to migrate as laborers earning their living in cities. 2. Cell adhesion proteins play a vital role in the developing brain, allowing neurons to migrate to the correct places and connect with other neurons. 3. The Chinese government has encouraged people to migrate west and is also considering a national plan to combat climate change. 4. While rural people can now migrate to cities in search of better job opportunities, they still face significant discrimination after leaving their countryside hukou zones. 5. If more people migrate to the developed provinces and settle down, pressure would ease on officials to create so many industrial jobs. 6. Organizers should also safeguard the electoral rights of the country's 200 million migrant population, who either register in their hometown or in the cities they migrate to. 7. Hundreds of seagulls have been spotted on the Huludao coast in Liaoning province, even though they usually migrate south to find warmth this time of the year. 8. Later during the rainy season, large flock of egrets fly over and migrate to the village. 9. If France imposes the tax unilaterally, trading in equities and derivatives will simply migrate to Frankfurt. 10. Thousands of white swans migrate to the wetland from Siberia to spend winter every year. migrate 英英释义 migrate verb 1. move from one country or region to another and settle there e.g. Many Germans migrated to South America in the mid-19th century This tribe transmigrated many times over the centuries Synonym: transmigrate 2. move periodically or seasonally e.g. birds migrate in the Winter The workers migrate to where the crops need harvesting |
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