单词 | specimen |
释义 | specimen [英 [?spes?m?n] 美 [?sp?s?m?n] ] specimen的意思、解释 复数形式:specimens; specimen 基本解释 名词样品; 范例; (化验的)抽样; 某种类型的人 specimen 相关例句 名词 1. He collects specimens of all kinds of rocks and minerals. 他采集各种岩石和矿物的标本。 2. specimen什么意思 2. This is a specimen of the new fabric. 这是新布料的样品。 3. You'll be asked to provide a blood specimen. 他们会要你提供血样。 4. He is a tough specimen. 他是一个莽汉。 5. It was a specimen of his generosity. 这是他慷慨大度的一个实例。 specimen 网络解释 1. 标本:尿香草扁桃酸(VMA)测定生化检验常用的标本(specimen) 有血液、尿液、脑脊液和腹水等,其中以血液标本最为常用. 羊水(amniotic fluid) 是产前诊断的良好材料,从羊水成分的变化可了解胎儿的成熟度,有否先天性缺陷及宫内感染. 2. 样品:(a)样品(specimen)的识别,处理和储存. (b)标本(sample)和试剂的贮存,传送. 其中specimen 和sample 中文意义很近似,但在临床化学上有差异,样品(specimen)是指从测试对象采取的血液、尿液等,在放入分析仪开始分析前需要对其加以标记, 3. 样本:如田间试验小区的作物,一堆粮食或集装箱中的货物;但有些情况下要从动态群体中取样,如流动的河水,循环的血液或生产线上的传送带,群体随时间变化,从这类群体中所取出的一小部分称为样本(specimen). specimen 双语例句 1. specimen的翻译 1. RT-PCR were carried out for PC tissue specimen to validate proteins ident... 结果:1。获得了重复性好、分辨率高的胰液双向电泳图谱。2。 2. 2. If a difference appears in the IR spectra of the analyte and the standard, dissolve equal portions of the test specimen and the Reference Standard in equal volumes of a suitable solvent, evaporate the solution to dryness in similar containers under identical conditions, and repeat the test on the residues. 如果同一个差异同时出现在待分析物和标准品的光谱中,将同样份额的供试样品和标准品溶于同样体积的一种适当溶剂中,在完全相同的条件下使用近似的容器将溶液蒸发至干,并使用残渣重复进行该检验。 3. Methods 1、Choose one fresh pelvis specimen of adult man, affirmat it is normal or not by checking it with X-ray at first; then scan it with helix CT, keep the pelvic quiescing when being scaned. Obtain series fault images of the pelvis, import the images into Mimics10.01 software and restitue 3D visible model of pelvis. 获取骨盆系列断层图像,将图像按顺序导入利用Mimics10.01软件,重建骨盆三维可视模型;再利用FreeForm软件对模型进行修饰处理,并截取髋骨模型;然后将三维髋骨以IGES格式导入有限元软件Ansys8.0进行力学参数赋值,建立髋臼三维有限元模型。 4. Article 23 For any organization or person engaging in scientific research, teaching and internship, specimen and fossil collection, or travel, approval shall be obtained from the administrative institutions of the geological relics protection zones or other institutions that are vested with protective and administrative functions, and such activities shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the approval. 第二十三条单位、个人在地质遗迹保护区范围内从事科学研究、教学实习、标本和化石采集以及旅游的,应经地质遗迹自然保护区管理机构或其他负有保护管理职能的机构批准,并按批准的要求从事上述活动。 5. He was one of the earliest composers for stringed instruments, and Athanasius Kircher has given one specimen of this class of his works in the Musurgia. 他是为弦乐器最早的作曲家之一,并阿塔纳斯珂雪给了一本在他的作品Musurgia类标本。 6. Firstly, an exceptional hand-specimen of Schorl 首先,是一个特别的手玩标本金红石 7. Since only a small biopsy specimen is needed to genotype, the ob mouse at any age is typable and can be used in subsequent breeding or research. 该法只需很少的生物材料,即一小段小鼠尾巴,适用任何年龄的小鼠,对于该品系小鼠的育种、肥胖机理和肥胖预防的研究很有实用意义。 8. 8. To achieve this, the specimen is immersed in a polymer solution and placed in a vacuum chamber. 为了达到这一目的,标本将被浸泡进真空压力室里的聚合体溶液中。 9. Toachieve this, the specimen is immersed in a polymer solution and placed in a 为了达到这一目的,标本将被浸泡进真空压力室里的聚合体溶液中。 10. Methane (as a typical poly-atomic molecule gas) and argon are investigated through shock experiments respectively. In eachexperiment, the unshocked specimen is in the state of normal atmosphere and roomtemperature. 分别选用甲烷(作为典型的多原子分子气体)和氩气进行了实验研究,实验的初始条件接近常态。 11. Methods Fifty-one patients with ovary cancer underwent TAHBSO or Expand clearing operation, and all the lymph node were harvested from specimen. The number of lymph node dissection in TAHBSO was compared with that in Expand clearing operation. 行全子宫双附件切除术或联合腹膜后+髂窝淋巴结扩大清扫的卵巢癌标本,全数摘取淋巴结,比较TAHBSO和扩大清扫的淋巴结数目并判断预后。 12. specimen的意思 12. The principle of the video-extensometer developed in this paper is found on digital image processing. Taking the advantage of no deformation about the markers employed for marking the gauge length of specimen, the test precision is atμm level. 本文所研发的视频引伸计的测试原理是利用现代数字图像处理技术,根据标记自身不变形的特点,来测试材料的应力-应变曲线、弹性模量等力学指标,精度可以达到μm的量级。 13. Put an adjacent fabric measuring 10 cm × 4 cm on the same sized test specimen, and sew roughly its four sides with white cotton sewing thread 把相邻的织物测量10厘米× 4厘米就同一大小的试样,并缝合大约其四边与白棉缝纫线。 14. The mane, which everygood specimen should have, sometimes detracts from the apparent lengthof the neck. 优秀的猎鹿犬应该拥有鬃毛,有时鬃毛会改变颈部的外观长度。 15. The experimental teaching centre of forest resource cultivation and conservation was set up, including soil and water conservation laboratory, desertification combating laboratory, forest cultivation laboratory, seed and seedling laboratory, landscape architecture plan room, forest genetics and breeding laboratory, forest management laboratory, forest protection laboratory, dendrology laboratory, among which specimen room acceded to Chinese Plant Specimen Museum Net and was registered and accepted by international plant taxonomy society, with the international code of GAUF. 其中树木标本室已加入中国植物标本馆网络,并被国际植物分类学会注册认可,国际代码为GAUF。 16. The distribution of the strain rate in plastic zone below crack tip of the threepoint bend specimen is analyzed. The results show that the strain rate is about 2.4×10〓s〓 under the condition of instrumented Charpy impact, and the strain rate is about 2.3×10〓s〓 under the condition of the Hopkinson pressure bar loaded. 对三点弯曲试样裂纹尖端塑性区内应变率分布的分析和实验结果表明,在示波冲击加载的条件下,裂纹尖端塑性区内平均应变率约为2.4×10〓s〓;在Hopkinson压杆加载的条件下,裂纹尖端塑性区内平均应变率约为2.3×10〓s〓。 17. Is the first specimen of its kind to be found with its soft, transparent dome intact. 是迄今为止发现的柔软透明颅骨完整的第一个标本。 18. Ccording to the Ames test specification, TA97, TA98, TA100 and TA102 strains were used and the ammounts of 3 kinds of dust and their mixture with benzopyrene were 5000, 500, 50 and 5 μg/plate, respectively. The number of colony was counted after culturing for 48 h at 37 ℃. SCE test was performed with peripheral blood lymphocytes of healthy men. The ammounts of 3 kinds of dust and their mixture with benzopyrene were 500, 50 and 5 μg/plate, respectively. The chromosome specimen slide was made after culture 72 h at 37 ℃ and the frequency of SCE was counted. There were triplicate plates in each group and negative and positive controls were set up in Ames and SCE tests. mes试验采用TA97、TA98、TA100和TA102菌株,将3种煤尘颗粒及其与苯并芘混合物各分为5000、500、50和5 μg/皿4个剂量组,并分为加与不加S9两部分,细菌37 ℃培养48 h后计算回变菌落数;SCE试验采用健康成人外周血淋巴细胞,煤尘颗粒及其与苯并芘混合物样品分为500、50和5 μg/皿3个剂量组,标本37 ℃培养72 h后制成染色体并计数染色单体交换频率。2个试验均设阴性和阳性对照组,各剂量组均设3个平行样。 19. We're starting to harvest material from the specimen. 我们已经开始从样本上收获材料了 20. 20. The rest of each clinical specimen was tested under microscope and cultured in Sabourand' s Agar medium. 结论半巢式PCR-RFLP方法适合培养菌株和临床标本病原菌的快速准确鉴定。 specimen 词典解释 1. (动植物的)标本 A specimen is a single plant or animal which is an example of a particular species or type and is examined by scientists. e.g. 200,000 specimens of fungus are kept at the Komarov Botanical Institute. 有 20 万份菌类标本被保存在科马罗夫植物研究所。 e.g. ...North American fossil specimens... 北美化石标本 2. 样品;样本 A specimen of something is an example of it which gives an idea of what the whole of it is like. e.g. Job applicants have to submit a specimen of handwriting. 求职者必须要提交一份笔迹样本。 e.g. ...a specimen bank note. 样钞 3. (供检验用的尿、血液等体液的)抽样,样本 A specimen is a small quantity of someone's urine, blood, or other body fluid which is examined in a medical laboratory, in order to find out if they are ill or if they have been drinking alcohol or taking drugs. e.g. He refused to provide a specimen... 他拒绝提供血样。 e.g. If your urine specimen shows the presence of bacteria, you'll be prescribed antibiotics. 如果你的尿样显示有细菌存在,医生会给你开抗生素。 4. 具有…特性的人;…的典型 You can use specimen to refer to someone who has a quality of a particular kind. e.g. What a poor specimen that child is!... 那孩子真不幸! e.g. He is a fine specimen of his class. 他是他那类人的典型代表。 specimen 单语例句 1. Though Chinese anthropologists have always cast doubts about it, they failed to uncover enough and intact fossil specimen to argue with the hypothesis. 2. He is a technician in charge of fossil specimen repair at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 3. The specimen comes from Cretaceous rocks in the Yixian Formation of northeastern China. 4. Respiratory specimen has been taken from the patient and test result is pending, according to the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health. 5. But the environment in which Flores Man lived was indeed peculiar, and scientists say it probably contributed to the specimen's unusually small dimensions. 6. The unusual physical attribute makes the specimen the only dinosaur known to have one finger. 7. An Egyptologist who did not work on the specimen said the discovery is an important addition to knowledge of ancient ritual. 8. The museum is a large natural history museum, holding a collection of two hundred and forty thousand pieces of animal specimen. 9. Chinese archaeologists uncovered the fossil specimen of the gliding lizard in western Liaoning Province in Northeast China in 2005. 10. The French were convinced that Americans had merely discovered a specimen sent to them by the Pasteur Institute in Paris. specimenspecimen 英英释义 specimen noun 1. a bit of tissue or blood or urine that is taken for diagnostic purposes e.g. they collected a urine specimen for urinalysis 2. an example regarded as typical of its class |
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