单词 | spontaneous |
释义 | spontaneous [英 [sp?n?te?ni?s] 美 [spɑ:n?te?ni?s] ] spontaneous的意思、解释 spontaneous 基本解释 形容词自发的; 自然的; 天然产生的; 无意识的 spontaneous 同义词 形容词inherentautomaticinstinctivenatural spontaneous 反义词 形容词compulsory spontaneous 相关例句 形容词 1. The eruption of a volcano is spontaneous. 火山爆发是自发的。 2. Hearing the joke, we burst into spontaneous laughter. 听到笑话,我们不由自主地大笑起来。 3. He made a spontaneous offer of help. 他自愿提供帮助。 spontaneous 双语例句 1. spontaneous的意思 1. The decision was inspired by a spontaneous opera performance by the BBC at London`s Paddington Station in 2004, the paper said. 报导指出,他们是看到二OO四年英国广播公司在伦敦柏丁登车站安排了一场即兴歌剧演出后,有了这个灵感。 2. I want to be genuine and spontaneous and me. 我要真诚、自主、真我。 3. By studying on self-similarity and Fano factor curve of time series of spontaneous discharge of auditory nerve in guinea pig, we conclude that time series of spontaneous discharge of auditory nerve differ from random noise, and have the certain temporal structure that exits in re-ordered guassian time series. 本实验通过对豚鼠听神经自发放电时间序列的自相似性和Fano因子特性的研究表明,听神经自发放电时间序列与一般的随机噪声过程不同,在时序上具有某种结构特征,而且证明这一时序结构特征可以通过跟随排序而在随机产生的正态分布数据中体现。 4. Objective To investigate the related factors referred to hematoma enlargement in acute stage of spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage. 目的 探讨影响脑出血急性期血肿扩大的相关因素。 5. spontaneous的反义词 5. There is important significance for guiding preventing and putting out fire and safety production that marking off danger zero of coal spontaneous combustion in goaf exactly and doping coal burning period and the distributing chart of high temperature spot. 准确的划出采空区浮煤自燃的危险区域,预测出回采时,煤自燃的发火期及高温点的分布,对指导煤矿防灭火和安全生产具有重要意义。 6. spontaneous什么意思 6. Morphine; bee venom test; spontaneous pain; antinociceptive; rat 吗啡;蜜蜂毒试验;自发痛反应;抗伤害性作用;大鼠 7. spontaneous 7. Injection of bee venom into hindpaw of one side in rats can not only produce a persistent spontaneous nociception, primary heat and mechanical hyperalgesia and secondary heat hyperalgesia in the injected side, but also mirror-image heat hyperalgesia. 在硕士课题中,作者进一步发现皮下注入蜜蜂毒诱致的镜像热痛敏具有空间的对称性和时程上的平行性(Chen and Chen 2000),并且首先证明了脊髓对侧中枢敏化介导了实验性镜像热痛敏的发生(Chen et al。,2000)。 8. 8. The use of isoproterenol as an adjuvant to high-dose epinephrine in asystolic patients may increase the likelihood of return of spontaneous circulation, shorten the time interval from administration of isoproterenol to ROSC, and prolong the time from ROSC to death. 大剂量肾上腺素与异丙肾上腺素联用可提高冠心病心脏性猝死心肺复苏的自主循环恢复率,缩短ROSC时间,延长ROSC持续时间[1、2],但两药联用时对心肺复苏的血动学影响未见报道。 9. It was found that the Schorl or dravite in schorl-dravite group that is produced from pegmatite and has good crystal degree had a strong intensity of spontaneous polarity by electron-beam bombardment and X-ray diffraction of varying the temperature. 利用电子束轰击结合变温XRD分析发现在Schorl-dravite系列电气石中,产于伟晶岩的,结晶度比较高的Mg电气石或Fe电气石具有较高的自发极化强度。 10. After a very structured experience recording her third album If Songs Could Be Held, Thomas decided to take a more spontaneous to her approach songwriting, recording as things came to her with the assistance of friends Denison Witmer and Sufjan Stevens. 在井井有条地录制完第三张专辑《If Songs Could Be Held》之后,Thomas决定以一种更随性的方式与她的搭档Denison Witmer和Sufjan Stevens一同创作、录制。 11. The unflatness of amplified spontaneous emission noise and its impacts imposed on the performance of the off-center narrow filter polarization-nulling method when monitoring the in-band optical signal-to-noise ratio of dense wavelength division multiplexing system are analyzed, and a modified method by introducing an unflat factor in the calculation of OSNR is proposed. 分析了累积自发辐射噪声的非平坦特性,在已有窄带离心偏振置零法测量波分复用系统中带内光信噪比的基础上,分析该方法在噪声非平坦条件下存在的问题,提出了在光信噪比的计算中引入修正因子。 12. 12. Objective To evaluate the efficiency and safety of piperacillin/tazobactam in the treatment of cirrhotic patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. 目的观察哌拉西林/他唑巴坦治疗肝硬化合并自发性腹膜炎的临床疗效和安全性。 13. You have a spontaneous urge to clap your hands: what happens? 你随意的鼓掌几下:会发生什么事情呢? 14. There were spontaneous pneumochorax 103 cases, lung biopsy 3 cases, pulmonary wedge resection 30 cases, pulmonary lobectomy 4 cases; hydrothorax 9 cases, pleural lesion 2 cases; mediastinum lesion 17 caese, mediastinum lymph node biopsy 3 cases, repair of pulmonary I case, repair of diaphragm 1 case. 方法173例手术中包括自发性气胸103例,肺活检3例,肺楔形切除术30例,肺叶切除4例,胸腔积液9例,胸膜病变2例,纵隔占位17例,纵隔淋巴结活检3例,外伤肺修补术1例,膈肌修补1例。 15. There was no evidence of recurrence of the splenic pseudo cyst and spontaneous resolution of subhepatic fluid collection after 2 months'follow-up 病人出院后两个月内回诊追踪脾脏假性囊肿并无再发且左肝下液体也自行吸收。 16. Mechanism of coal spontaneous combustion is researched in this paper and test of pre-injecting inhibitor into coal is finished in 5112 mining face. Test results are shown as follow. Na2CO3 injected into coal with high pressure may permeate evenly into coal pore. No matter how cracked is the coal in gob, it can be evenly surrounded by inhibitor. Inhibitor isolates coal from air, thus it can prevent oxygenation and prolong time of spontaneous combustion, which provide assurance for safety mining. 研究了煤自然发火机理,结合某矿5112工作面生产现状进行了煤层预注阻化剂试验,试验表明高压注入煤层的纯碱(Na2CO3)阻化液可均匀渗入煤体中的孔隙,开采后被丢入采空区的煤体不论如何破碎,均可被阻化液均匀包围,阻化液能起到隔绝煤炭表面与氧气接触的作用,从而起到防止氧化、延长自然发火期的效果,为煤矿安全生产提供了保证。 17. spontaneous 17. The scope of obstetric anesthesia includes anesthesia for cesarean section, including post operative pain conrol0, the anesthetic management of high risk pregnancy and painless labor during natural spontaneous delivery. 产科麻醉的范围包括剖腹生产麻醉与其手术后之止痛、协助高危险妊娠产妇之处理、自然生产时之无痛分娩。 18. spontaneous的近义词 18. This bottom-up evolution of spontaneous system has been confirmed by top-down. 这种自下而上的自发制度演变得到了自上而下的确认。 19. If the local ventriculogram recorded during pacing appeared earlier than the V wave of His bundle electrogram and the shape of QRS wave during pacing is similar to that of spontaneous sinus beat, suggest the lead is located at the right ventricular inlet septal region. 若起搏时导线电极记录的局部心室电图的起点比希氏束上的V波提前,且起搏的QRS波与自身窦性搏动的QRS波相似,这个部位便是右心室流入道间隔部位。 20. 20. The theoretical analysis shows that a special density of modes can induce abnormal spectrum of absorption, dispersion, spontaneous emission and transient gain without inversion, and they can be controlled by an externally applied coherent light. 研究了处于光子带隙材料中的四能级原子系统的电磁感应透明、自发辐射和光子开关效应,分析了其稳态与瞬态特性,发现特殊的模密度能够导致反常的吸收、色散、自发辐射及瞬态无反转增益,并可以通过外加调制场进行控制。 spontaneous 词典解释 1. (行为)自然的,自发的 Spontaneous acts are not planned or arranged, but are done because someone suddenly wants to do them. spontaneous e.g. Diana's house was crowded with happy people whose spontaneous outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music... 戴安娜的家里挤满了兴奋的人们,他们伴着欢快的音乐不由自主地引吭高歌。 e.g. I joined in the spontaneous applause. 我跟着也自然而然地鼓起掌来。 spontaneously As soon as the tremor passed, many people spontaneously arose and cheered... 震感刚一过去,很多人就自发地站起来欢呼。 He was never spontaneously warm or friendly towards us. 他从未自然而然地对我们表示过热情或友好。 2. 自然的,自发的(指由于内部原因而非外界影响所引起的) A spontaneous event happens because of processes within something rather than being caused by things outside it. e.g. I had another spontaneous miscarriage at around the 16th to 18th week. 我在大约第 16 至 18 孕周时又经历了一次自然流产。 e.g. ...a spontaneous explosion. 自爆 spontaneously Usually a woman's breasts produce milk spontaneously after the birth... 女性的乳房通常在产后会自然泌乳。 These images surface spontaneously in dreams. 这些影像在梦中自然地浮现出来。spontaneous 单语例句spontaneous的反义词 1. When a pair was eventually found, the by now quite substantial crowd erupted in spontaneous applause. 2. While spontaneous recovery from mild cadmium exposure is common, doses as low as 10 mg can cause symptoms of poisoning. 3. The essence of charity lies in the true love existing among human beings and charity is based on the spontaneous expression of love. 4. In that state, she may veer away from the choreographer's routine and get into a spontaneous mood. 5. It wasn't included in my choreography, it was a spontaneous emotion. 6. One widely circulated rumor stated that an official spokesman had said the explosions were a result of " spontaneous combustion " due to rising temperature. 7. A press conference organized by the Chengdu municipal government on Saturday said spontaneous combustion or machine failure might not be the cause of the inferno. 8. Experts from Yin's bureau and the provincial work safety supervision administration confirmed the fire was caused by the spontaneous combustion of coal. 9. Huang is known as an energetic and spontaneous commentator who is popular among many Chinese football fans. 10. Farmers responded with spontaneous initiatives to overcome the commune system's consequences, such as poverty and hunger. spontaneous的翻译spontaneous 英英释义 spontaneous adj 1. said or done without having been planned or written in advance e.g. he made a few ad-lib remarks Synonym: ad-libunwritten 2. happening or arising without apparent external cause e.g. spontaneous laughter spontaneous combustion a spontaneous abortion Synonym: self-generated |
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