单词 | whiff |
释义 | whiff [英 [w?f] 美 [hw?f, w?f] ] whiff的意思、解释 过去式:whiffed; 过去分词:whiffed; 现在分词:whiffing; 复数形式:whiffs; whiff 基本解释 whiff是什么意思 名词吸气或吹气; 一种比目鱼; 难闻的气味; 小雪茄烟 及物动词吸; 喷出; 击球失败 不及物动词喷气; 垂钓; 轻吹 whiff的意思 whiff 相关例句 名词 1. Something good must be cooking; I got a whiff of it. 一定在做什么好菜,我已闻到味道了。 2. A few whiffs of this gas and she'll fall a sleep. 吸进几口这种气儿,她就会昏睡过去。 3. whiff的意思 3. There is a whiff of sarcasm in it. 这里面带有一点点讥讽的味道。 whiff 网络解释 1. 一吹:whichsoever 不论何者 | whiff 一吹 | whiffet 小狗 2. 一点点:bailout loans 紧急援助贷款 | whiff 一点点 | old-fashioned 传统的,老套的 3. whiff的反义词 3. 吹起:ditch 摆脱 | whiff 吹起 | politicisation 政治化 4. 喷出:fragrance:芬芳 | whiff:喷出 | magnolia:木兰 whiff 双语例句 1. 1. Whenever the door of this coalhole was opened a violent whiff of alcohol mingled with the scent of stale cooking in the lodge, as well as with the penetrating scent of the flowers upon the table. 只要把这个脏乎乎的房间的门一打开,就有一股浓浓的酒味飘出来,里面还掺杂着门房室里的残羹剩菜的怪味和桌子上鲜花的扑鼻香味。 2. whiff是什么意思 2. From the alighting board comes not as of old the spirituous, fragrant smell of honey and bitterness, and the whiff of heat from the multitudes within. A smell of chill emptiness and decay mingles with the scent of honey. 不再像从前那样从出入孔散发醉人的蜜糖和毒液的浓郁的芬香,不再蒸发出腾腾的热气,而在蜜香中却混合着一股衰败腐朽的气味。 3. A whiff of bipartisanship would be nothing new in the Senate, where the minority party can thwart the majority by filibustering legislation. 两党合作在参议院不是什么新鲜事。在参议院少数党可以通过阻碍立法通过从而挟制多数党。 4. Obviously, he has the principal quality of whiff person, in other words, just whiffing for joy but earning. 他显然具备了垂钓者的首要品质,即以钓为乐,钓多钓少无所谓。 5. whiff的翻译 5. My only quarrel with the plot of the novel is that a whiff of grapeshot is more likely to move the electorate in favour of the Government in power than against it, especially if it is a Conservative Government. 我对小说情节的惟一争论是,一阵小弹丸更可能激起选民支持执政的政府,而不是去反对它,对保守党政府尤其如此。 6. 6. Whiff of Grapeshot Gain some experience of combat: complete one ranked battle. 称号:冲向胜利拔出你的佩剑,前进!完成一场快速战斗。 7. 7. I just baked cookies Mr. Officer, looky, take a whiff of these 大人先生我只是在烤小甜饼,看,闻闻它们的香气 8. I don't know what it is but there are some smells that bring back fond memories and one of them is the whiff of a freshly baked cookie. 我不知道它是什么,但也有一些气味是带回美好的回忆,其中一人是雪茄的新鲜出炉的 9. 9. I caught a whiff of perfume as she swept past me. 她从我身边走过时,我闻到一股香水味。 10. While androstenone may be a guy thing, mainly because it's derived from the hormone testosterone, female pig studies show a whiff of it can have profound effects on biology. 虽然雄烯酮只存在於男性身上,主要是因为它也是从睪固酮贺尔蒙中衍生出来的,在母猪的研究显示,只要让母猪闻到一些雄烯酮就会马上产生非常明显的生理改变。 11. whiff 11. The thought of this, and a whiff of sugary warmth from the coffee ring, cheered him. 想到这个,加上面包圈的一阵甜甜的馨香,使他又欢悦了起来。 12. Think of the dictionary of sound and scent and recollection that unfolds before a real wild beast as it comes out from its lair every evening, with the knowledge that in a few minutes it will be hieing along to some distant hunting ground where all the joy and fury of the chase awaits it, think of the crowded sensations of the brain when every rustle, every cry, every bent twig, and every whiff across the nostrils means something, something to do with life and death and dinner. 它们会依靠这些头脑中的认识,一路疾走奔向那遥远的狩猎场。那里有追捕猎物的畅快和狂热在等着它们;想想它所听到每一声唏嗦,每一声鸣叫,每一声压弯细枝的声音,它脑海中纷乱紧张的感觉,每一股从鼻孔喘出的气息都意味着生死存亡与猎食。 13. I don't know if you happened to catch a whiff of Roy 我不知道他闻到 Roy 的味道后会做什么? 14. You think I wanted you to whiff out on that? 你以为我希望你被三镇出局吗? 15. At lunch, there's a whiff of aggression. 在午餐时间,有一个雪茄的侵略。 16. I have a whiff of suspicion of her purpose to take part in the activity. 对她参加这项活动的目的我有一些怀疑。 17. whiff在线翻译 17. These people do not have half a whiff of Marxism about them. 这些人连半点马克思主义的味道都没有。 18. I was afraid of getting a whiff of her, so to get rid of her faster I agreed 我怕闻她的味道,答应了她可以让她快点走。 19. Anon he finds him Striking too short at Greeks; His antique sword, rebellious to his arm, lies where it falls, repugnant to command: Unequal match`d Pyrrhus at Priam drives; In rage strikes wide; But with the whiff ad wind of his fell sword the unnervaed father falls. 你接下去念吧。波洛牛斯上帝在上,您念得好,殿下!抑扬顿挫,妙极了。皮洛斯发现了那老王,老王正与希腊人拼刺;古式宝剑不听他指挥,从手里锵然掉落在地;皮洛斯瞧他不是对手 20. Even the Wall Street Journal, which habitually wrinkles its nose at the faintest whiff of garlic, gave a rave review to a speech this week in which Mr Sarkozy said he could not let Iran acquire a nuclear bomb, would not budge on Israel's security and would step up France's military contribution in Afghanistan. 甚至连吹毛求疵的《华尔街日报》对萨科奇本周的一次演讲也赞不绝口;这次演讲中萨科奇称他绝不会让伊朗拥有核弹,对于以色列的安全他不会妥协,他还会向阿富汗增兵。 whiff 词典解释 1. 一阵(气味) If there is a whiff of a particular smell, you smell it only slightly or only for a brief period of time, for example as you walk past someone or something. e.g. He caught a whiff of her perfume. 他闻到了她身上的一股香水味。 2. 轻微的征兆;迹象 A whiff of something bad or harmful is a slight sign of it. whiff的近义词 e.g. Not a whiff of scandal has ever tainted his private life... 他的私生活没有爆出过一丁点儿的丑闻。 e.g. The TV show had the whiff of hypocrisy and pomposity. 这个电视节目有些伪善和夸耀的嫌疑。 whiff 单语例句 1. They are by nature a timid species - a whiff of strong wind or a squeak too loud will frighten them. 2. Previous research had established that a whiff of it affected women's mood, sexual and physiological arousal and brain activation. 3. The whiff of nepotism was threatening to damage Jean's powerful father, and it was not immediately clear whether the affair would leave the French president unscathed. 4. Since most stores have only just opened and some are still under decoration, there's a bit of a chemical whiff about the place. 5. There may be a whiff of kitsch in the air at Dickens World, but its supporters include some serious Dickens buffs. 6. Sitting in a sterile lab wearing white overalls, the " olfactory discriminator " takes a good whiff from a transparent plastic bag. 7. Smell is so powerful that a whiff can evoke very powerful memories and emotions. 8. Ju has vanished ever since she got a whiff that the police had also charged her for extortion. 9. A gang of pirated DVD makers tried to hide in a palm oil plantation, but Malaysian authorities caught a whiff of their crime - literally. 10. " The house vegetable of Beijing has lost its vaunted position, " Xinhua said with a whiff of lament. whiff在线翻译whiff 英英释义 noun 1. a strikeout resulting from the batter swinging at and missing the ball for the third strike 2. a lefteye flounder found in coastal waters from New England to Brazil 3. a short light gust of air Synonym: puffpuff of air verb 1. utter with a puff of air e.g. whiff out a prayer 2. smoke and exhale strongly e.g. puff a cigar whiff a pipe Synonym: puff 3. strike out by swinging and missing the pitch charged as the third 4. drive or carry as if by a puff of air e.g. The gust of air whiffed away the clouds 5. perceive by inhaling through the nose e.g. sniff the perfume Synonym: sniff |
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