单词 | take a fancy to |
释义 | take a fancy to [英 [teik ei ?f?nsi tu:] 美 [tek e ?f?nsi tu] ] take a fancy to的意思、解释 take a fancy to 基本解释 take a fancy to的意思 看中; 看上; 对…喜欢起来; 结缘 take a fancy to什么意思 take a fancy to 相关例句 ph. 1. take a fancy to 1. The children have taken quite a fancy to their teacher. 孩子们喜欢上了他们的老师。 take a fancy to 网络解释 1. 爱上,爱好:fancy dress化妆服饰 | take a fancy to爱上,爱好 | far and away显然,大大,无疑地 2. 喜欢:take a false step 失策 | take a fancy to 喜欢 | take a flyer 冒险 3. 喜爱,爱好,喜欢...起来:come into existence出现,产生 | take a fancy to喜爱,爱好,喜欢...起来 | come into fashion开始流行,开始风行 4. 喜欢上:40. fancy n.爱好、迷恋、想象 | take a fancy to 喜欢上... | 41. fantastic a.异想天开的、奇异的 take a fancy to 双语例句 1. I at that time is the Nuojiya that take a fancy to N81, market price case is 3999 in this website it is 550 yuan of RMBs, a bit enchanted. 我当时是看中的诺基亚N81,市场价格为3999.00在这家网站是550.00元人民币,有点心动。 2. Analysis of the personage inside course of study calls sina this action was to take a fancy to a country to expand inside need, will carry energetically brace up the tremendous foreground of travel industry, depend on its substantial natural resources and consequence, sina travel channel has an opportunity to segment a the biggest cake. 业内人士分析称新浪此举是看中了国家扩大内需,将大力提振旅游产业的巨大前景,凭借其丰富的资源和影响力,新浪旅游频道有机会切分到最大的一块蛋糕。 3. 3. Analysis of the personage inside course of study says, sina this action was to take a fancy to a country to expand inside need, will carry energetically brace up the tremendous foreground of travel industry, depend on its substantial natural resources and consequence, sina travel channel has an opportunity to segment a big cake. 业内人士分析称,新浪此举是看中了国家扩大内需,将大力提振旅游产业的巨大前景,凭借其丰富的资源和影响力,新浪旅游频道有机会切分到一块大蛋糕。 4. Sue: You can take her out to a fancy restaurant for a quiet, candlelit4 dinner. 休:你可以带她去高级餐厅享受一顿安静的烛光晚餐。 5. Language is a tool of thinking and communication. It is a central element of culture. People will be inevitably influenced by a country's culture when learning its language and can gradually take a fancy to the country. 由于语言是思维和沟通的工具,是文化最基本的载体,人们通过对一国语言的学习,在观念意识和思维方式上受该国文化的影响将是难以避免的,自然而然地会对这个国家产生好感,进而对这个国家的一切怀有偏爱。 6. Next, we remain a global company, we not only can take a fancy to a country centrally, we also can do global business, additional, I also can pay close attention to us more the development of new business, include consumable business and rising market. 其次,我们仍然是一家全球性的公司,我们不光会集中看中国,我们也会做全球性的业务,另外,我也会更关注我们新业务的发展,包括消费品业务和新兴市场。 7. Side door being three one mouths among them cast light on, take a fancy to seat Li Ze Kai mounting both hands carrying a son in breast tightly in chair laugh at not gather a mouth together, the BB mouth lying within father bosom opens, binoculus shuts up, seemingly still on sweet in sleeping; BB type, head type, are similar to the bob Li Ze Kai especially. 香港媒体昨日获得两张李泽楷和梁洛施儿子的照片,其中一张是一家三口的合照,相中坐在椅上双手紧抱儿子的李泽楷笑不拢嘴,躺在父亲怀里的BB嘴张开,双眼闭起,似仍在甜睡中;BB的面型、头型,与短发的李泽楷尤其相似。 8. In the meantime, needing what broad stationmaster notices is, have a few sites, although was not banned, but those who have the risk that be banned by Baidu, also had better not exchange a link to it as far as possible, for instance the page has apparent keyword load one's writing with fancy phrases, illicit take a station to wait a moment. 同时,需要广大站长注意的是,有一些站点,虽然没有被封杀,但是有被百度封杀危险的,最好也尽量不要与之交换链接,比如页面有明显的关键词堆砌的,私服站等等。 9. If a boy take a fancy to a girl. He will take measures. 如果男生对女生有好感,他会采取某些措施。 10. 10. I fancy that what I wanted to say was this--don't marry the fox-hunting baronet, if you like anybody else better; for if you'll only be patient, and take life easily, and try and reform yourself of banging doors, bouncing in and out rooms, talking of the stables, and riding across country, I've no doubt the person you prefer will make you a very excellent husband." 我想我要说的话是这样的——如果你更喜欢别的什么人,那么,你就别嫁给这个猎狐的从男爵;因为,只要你有耐心,悠闲自在地对待人生,设法把你的习惯——砰然关门、跳跳蹦蹦地出入房间、高谈阔论马厩、在乡村里策马驰骋——改一改,我深信不疑,你选中的人会成为你的极好的丈夫的。" 11. take a fancy to的反义词 11. Change content to have a the greatest difficulty, I take a fancy to you, you do not look to go up however my, not equivalent exchange, succeed very hard. 换物有个最大的困难,就是我看中你的,你却看不上我的,不等值的交换,很难成功。 12. 12. Sometime I contriv'd to dig a Hole under the Place where they made their Fire, and put in five or six Pound of Gun-powder, which when they kindled their Fire, would consequently take Fire, and blow up all that was near it; but as in the first Place I should be very loth to wast so much Powder upon them, my Store being now within the Quantity of one Barrel; so neither could I be sure of its going off'at any certain Time, when it might surprise them, and at best, that it would do little more than just blow the Fire about their Ears and fright them, but not sufficient to make them forsake the Place; so I laid it aside, and then propos'd, that I would place my self in Ambush, in some convenient Place, with my three Guns, all double loaded; and in the middle of their bloody Ceremony, let fly at them, when I should be sure to kill or wound perhaps two or three at every shoot; and then falling in upon them with my three Pistols, and my Sword, I made no doubt, but that if there was twenty I should kill them all: This Fancy pleas'd my Thoughts for some Weeks, and I was so full of it, that I often dream'd of it; and sometimes that I was just going to let fly at them in my Sleep. 就我目前的境况而言,我其实不缺多少东西。可是,我总感到,由于受到那些野蛮的食人生番的惊吓,因而时时为自己的安全而担惊受怕。以往,为使自己的生活过得舒服,我充分发挥了创造发明的才能,但现在就无法充分发挥了。我本来有一个煞费苦心的计划,想试验一下能否把大麦制成麦芽,再用麦芽来酿起酒。现在,这一计划也放弃了。当然,这实在也是一个荒唐的念头,连我自己也经常责备自己把事情想得太简单了。因为我不久就看出,许多酿造啤酒必不可少的材料我都没有,也无法自己制造。首先,没有啤酒桶。前面说过,我曾尝试做木桶,但怎么也做不好。我曾花了许多天、甚至许多星期、许多个月,结果还是没有成功。其次,没有啤酒花使酒经久不坏,没有酵母发酵,没有铜锅铜罐煮沸。可是,尽管如此,我还是坚信,要是没有对食人生番的惊惧和恐怖,我早就可能着手去做了,甚至也许已做成功了。 13. The old lady wouldn't speak to them for a time, but happening to meet Jo at a friend's, something in her comical face and blunt manners struck the old lady's fancy, and she proposed to take her for a companion. 老太太有一段时间都不愿跟他们说话,但一次在朋友家里偶然见到了乔。乔言谈风趣,举止直率,十分合老太太的心意,她便提出让乔跟她作个伴。 14. She was very pretty and lively, to be sure, and a great favourite with Master Bolton Gray Cock, on account of her bright eyes, her finely shaded feathers, and certain saucy dashing ways that she had which seemed greatly to take his fancy. 她很漂亮,活泼,可以肯定,并与主博尔顿灰色公鸡的喜爱,在她明亮的眼睛帐户,她精心阴影羽毛,和某些俏皮,她似乎极大地把他的幻想破灭的方法。 15. Living a life in harmony It`s magic babe I`ve got a crush on you So if you feel the way I do Would you fancy to To take a ride beside me? 它生活在和谐的魔术宝贝老公你粉碎如果你觉得这样做我会为你看上策骑旁边? 16. A travel kind that business circles begins to take a fancy to official and argute vivid advantage and businessman of good civil aviaton of enterprise society figure begin to plan how to can be in this rising market share more a few cups of a thick soup. 企业界开始看中公务机灵活便利的出行方式和良好的企业社会形象民航商家则开始盘算如何能在这个新兴的市场中多分得几杯羹。 17. 17. References to your company's recruit requirement, I do hope your company give me an oppotunity to show my abilities. I very much take a fancy to the development of your company and I think my working experience and ability will be helpful and bring benefits to your company. 参考贵公司的招聘的要求,我很希望贵公司能够给我一个证明自己能力的机会,我很看中贵公司的发展,我希望我的工作经验和能力是贵公司需要的,会给贵公司带来利益。 18. Our high-quality goods small home appliance, the product of since reason, also be perceptual product, it must not want buy, but he may take a fancy to the some dot of the product to be bought. 我们的精品小家电,既是理性的产品,也是感性的产品,它不是必须要购买的,但他可能看中产品的某一点就买了。 19. At present, had invested to include actor to inspect move scene inside the Lei Jun of much home company returns to company operation advocate course of study, those who take a fancy to is the foreground of mobile Internet undoubtedly. 雷军的东山再起,连同不久前李一男的易主以及谷歌在手机操作系统的新动作,更让人看到无线互联网的春天。10月16日,这个已经淡出公众视线10个月之久的名字重放异彩。 20. While a string of fancy dresses may have impressed many, the film featuring her – director Wang Xiaoshuai's Chongqing Blues – failed to take home an award. 一系列华服使人印象深刻的同时,由她参演,王小帅执导的影片《日照重庆》却是空手而归。 take a fancy to 单语例句 1. If you take a fancy to someone or something, you develop a fondness for them or begin to like them. |
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