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单词 stem cell
    stem cell [英 [stem sel] 美 [st?m s?l] ]
    stem cell的意思、解释
    复数形式:stem cells;
    stem cell 基本解释
    stem cell的解释
    stem cell 网络解释
    1. 骨髓干细胞:从骨髓干细胞(stem cell)分化而来的淋巴细胞一部分进入胸腺,在胸腺作用下分化并释放出来,称为胸腺依赖细胞或T细胞,后者在抗原激发下可转化为致敏淋巴细胞,与抗原再接触后可以释放一系列淋巴因子发挥免疫功能,这种免疫称细胞免疫;
    2. 杆细胞:而杆细胞 (Stem Cell) 又是克隆的最佳材料. 杆细胞是一直保持在胚胎状态下的细胞,也就是没有分裂的细胞. 杆细胞的生命力很强,具有最强的分化和分裂能力. 所以这是克隆的最佳材料.
    3. stem cell的近义词
    3. 干细胞,骨髓干细胞,成血细胞:stem 晶体管管座,杆 | stem cell 干细胞,骨髓干细胞,成血细胞 | stem valve 杆阀(截止阀)
    stem cell 双语例句
    1. The traits of dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of the explants form H. sampsonii show that the calli the stem and leaf usually form buds at its parietal cells. In the presence of auxin, the parenchyma of the leaf gap at the node is initiated firstly, then, develops blastemata that form buds in a cluster on the node without callus. These show that the various parts ofthe herb differ greatly in cell initiation and organ differentiation.
    2. Objective: To explore the effect of ABO mismatch on clinical characteristics in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
    3. Neuroectoderm; neural crest; neural plate; neural tube; neuraxis; neuroblasts; neural stem cells; neuroprogenitor cells; stem cells; differentiation; ontogeny; morphogenesis; histogenesis; organogenesis; synaptogenesis; gangliogenesis; embryogenesis; axonogenesis; retinogenesis; gliogenesis; glial progenitor cells; oligodendrocyte progenitor cells; retinal progenitor cells; nerve growth factor; neurotrophic factors; trophic factors; growth factors; neural tube defects; anencephaly; spina bifida; neuroblastoma cells; cell migration; neurogenesis; development; developmental stages
    4. Neuroectoderm; neural crest; neural plate; floor plate; neural tube; neuraxis; neuroblasts; neural stem cells; neuroprogenitor cells; stem cells; differentiation; ontogeny; morphogenesis; histogenesis; organogenesis; synaptogenesis; gangliogenesis; embryogenesis; axonogenesis; retinogenesis; gliogenesis; glial progenitor cells; oligodendrocyte progenitor cells; retinal progenitor cells; nerve growth factor; neurotrophic factors; trophic factors; growth factors; neural tube defects; anencephaly; spina bifida; cell migration; neurogenesis; development; developmental stages
    5. Neuroectoderm; neural crest; floor plate; neural tube; neuraxis; neuroblasts; neural stem cells; neuroprogenitor cells; stem cells; differentiation; ontogeny; morphogenesis; histogenesis; organogenesis; synaptogenesis; gangliogenesis; embryogenesis; axonogenesis; retinogenesis; gliogenesis; glial progenitor cells; oligodendrocyte progenitor cells; retinal progenitor cells; nerve growth factor; neurotrophic factors; trophic factors; growth factors; neural tube defects; anencephaly; spina bifida; neuroblastoma cells; cell migration; neurogenesis; development; developmental stages
    6. stem cell
    6. Neuroectoderm; neural crest; neural plate; floor plate; neuraxis; neuroblasts; neural stem cells; neuroprogenitor cells; stem cells; differentiation; ontogeny; morphogenesis; histogenesis; organogenesis; synaptogenesis; gangliogenesis; embryogenesis; axonogenesis; retinogenesis; gliogenesis; glial progenitor cells; oligodendrocyte progenitor cells; retinal progenitor cells; nerve growth factor; neurotrophic factors; trophic factors; growth factors; neuroblastoma cells; cell migration; neurogenesis; development; developmental stages
    7. Hepatic veno-occlusive disease is one of the common and serious complications of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
    8. Only allochmmosome allotopia is not explainable to the gene expression of stem cells. The proof of stem cells'self-renewal evidences that if not the consequence of cell expression, allochromosome change the histone.
    9. Please refer to the next section, Non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation, for a brief explanation of GVHD.
    10. The transfers of MDR1 genes into hematopoietic stem cells and hematopoietic progenitor cells are expected to confer drug-resistance to the bone marrow of patients so as to protect them from myelotoxicity which is the main adverse effect of high-dose chemotherapy.
    但是,如果将MDR1基因转入造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cell,HSC),使之获得耐药表型,就可以在化疗过程中起到保护骨髓的作用,进而使大剂量化疗得以顺利进行,提高化疗的疗效。
    11. New findings include the discovery that stem cell division is diminished by misorientation of centrosomes during aging.
    12. Obama also is expected to issue executive orders to begin closing the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, one of the most controversial symbols of the Bush administration's war on terror; reversing Mr. Bush's restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research, and restoring funding for family-planning programs overseas.
    13. Objective To study the expression level of prostate stem cell antigen in different tissues.
    目的 研究不同组织中前列腺干细胞抗原的表达水平。
    14. Mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent stem cell, which can differentiate to the cells derived of mesoderm.
    15. There is only one'card carrying'pluripotent human embryonic stem cell.
    16. Replacement of oligodendrocytes to promote remyelination or of neurons to assuage neuronal loss and damage through establishment of relay circuitry or release of trophic factors, are possibilities for stem cell transplantation intervention.
    17. stem cell的翻译
    17. The idea behind stem-cell bioengineering is to use the recipient`sown stem cells to create an artificial organ that will be recognised as part of the body by the recipient`s immune system, and thus not rejected.
    18. Aplastic anemia is a sort of syndrome characterized by peripheral blood pancytopenia in association with which damage of stem cell of bone marrow and hematopoietic microenviroment on account of various factors(chemistry, physicsN biology and so on) with the result that concentric atrophy of red pulp replaced by fat marrow.
    再生障碍性贫血(aplastic anemia,AA)是一组由于化学、物理、生物因素及不明原因所致的骨髓干细胞及造血环境损伤,以致红髓向心性萎缩,被脂肪髓代替,血中全血细胞减少。骨髓中无恶性细胞,无网状纤维增生。
    19. Objective: Stem cell strategies is the main stream of life science these years, its basic research and appliance must break the neck of disease treatment and become the mainstay of bioproduction in the 21 century.
    20. In addition to bioproduction activities, research programs at the Stem Cell Center focus on improvements in cell culture procedures, defining cell characterization assays, and commercial product development.
    stem cell 词典解释
    1. 干细胞
    A stem cell is a type of cell that can produce other cells which are able to develop into any kind of cell in the body.
    e.g. Stem-cell research is supported by many doctors.
    stem cell 单语例句
    1. Jiangsu Leading Material Science stem cell regeneration engineering company was approved into the National 863 Plan.
    2. Qu put his name on the list of potential hematopoietic stem cell donors in 2004.
    3. Each egg had its nucleus replaced by a whole human embryonic stem cell from a batch held at the UK stem cell bank.
    4. Stem cells are master cells in the body that can transform themselves into other cell types.
    5. Stem cell technology uses master cells in the body to create new cells.
    6. Embryonic stem cells are master cells that can morph into any cell of the body.
    7. Stem cells have the potential to become any cell in the body.
    8. Zhou said research into stem cell treatments is important in China because " classical medical treatments based on medicine and surgery cannot meet soaring clinical needs ".
    9. China will build Asia's largest stem cell technology laboratory in its push to increase its stake in the competitive sector.
    10. In Hong Kong, four private centers offer cord blood stem cell storage services in the city.
     stem cell 英英释义
    stem cell
    1. an undifferentiated cell whose daughter cells may differentiate into other cell types (such as blood cells)




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