单词 | nasty |
释义 | nasty [英 [?nɑ:sti] 美 [?n?sti] ] nasty的意思、解释 复数形式:nasties; nasty 基本解释 形容词肮脏的; 下流的,令人讨厌的; 恶劣的,艰险的; 严重的 名词令人不愉快的事物 nasty 同义词 nasty 形容词sickeningdirtyunpleasantrevoltingnauseatingrepulsiveodiousfouldisgustingoffensivevileobnoxiousfilthy nasty 反义词 形容词cleannice nasty 相关例句 形容词 1. Never say nasty things about others. 千万不可恶语中伤他人。 2. nasty的反义词 2. This presented a nasty problem to the new governor. 这成了新州长的一个棘手的问题。 3. Things look nasty for me. 事情看来不妙。 4. Rats carry very nasty diseases. 老鼠传播非常严重的疾病。 名词 1. nasty的反义词 1. The people are looking forward to being delivered from the nasties. 人民期待着从不愉快的状况中解脱出来。 nasty 情景对话 Prescription-(开处方) A:Well, Mr. Smith. That’s a nasty infection you have. 哦,史密斯先生,你得了严重的传染。 B:Yes. Is there anything you can give me to get rid of it, Doctor? 是,医生,有没有什么药可以治的? A:I’m going to prescribe some antibiotics, and some cream to ease the itching and burning. 我给你开一些抗生素和一些药膏来止痒、减轻灼伤。 nasty的意思 B:OK. Thank you. Where should I buy them? 好的,谢谢你。我在哪里买药? A:The phamp3acy will give you a discount since you came to the clinic. 你来看过门诊,所以药房会给你一些折扣。 B:Great. What floor is the phamp3acy on? 太好了,药房在几楼? A:The fourth. I’ll send the prescription down there, so you can just pick it up on your way out. 四楼。我来开个处方,你出去的时候可以顺便拿去买药了。 B:Thank you. 谢谢你。 nasty 网络解释 1. 下流:他可是一个密切关注政治时事的人,由于最近日本狂性大发死灰复燃,他一锤定音般地将其斥之为垃圾(junk)、色鬼(adult)、婊子(prostitute)、蠢驴(ass)、下流(nasty)的魔鬼(evil)、流氓(scamp)和臭狗屎(excrement). 2. 卑劣的:斯托曼称,微软Windows 7与其前一代操作系统Vista一样狠毒(malicious),微软没有转变它任何卑劣的(nasty)处所. 可能微软在Windows 7中修改了一些Vista的过错,但他们并没有解决Vista当初故意造成的核心问题. 3. 感性:nastic movement 感性运动[见于植物] | nasty 感性 | natamycin 游霉素 4. 肮脏的:eccentric 偏执的 | nasty 肮脏的 | greedy 贪婪的 nasty 双语例句 1. 1. Escolar, a nasty fish with buttery flesh that can cause bizarre episodes of diarrhea, accompanied by a waxy intestinal discharge. 是油鱼,一种鱼肉像凃过黄油的脏兮兮的鱼类,这种鱼可以引起奇异的腹泻现象,排泄物伴有腊质物质。 2. nasty在线翻译 2. That's the reason for the increasingly nasty and draconian measures now used to enforce software copyright. 这一点导致了我们现在所能看到的日益增长在版权实施上的丑事。 3. nasty 3. Just last night I got bitten by a mossie n immediately I applied After Bite n viola~ did not even feel the itchy after that! No more nasty scars! 就在昨天晚上我被蚊子咬了后,立刻擦了AfterBite,我甚至都还没有来得及感到痒,不会再留下抓痕了。 4. You nasty girl, you nasty, you trashy. 你讨厌的女孩,你讨厌的,你名声狼藉。 5. 5. The man took a tall glass goblet with a metal base, filled it with ink-black nasty liquid, got his assistant to stir it up, threw it at the teacher! 那人拿出一个带有金属基座的玻璃高脚杯,倒入漆黑的,令人恶心的液体,助手搅拌后,他竟把它扔向老师! 6. He looks nice and fair, but beneath he`s really a nasty piece of work. :他外表看起来潇洒俊朗,但私底下却是个令人讨厌的家伙。 7. nasty 7. Strikes including the straight right punch, uppercut, the deadly palm heel strike, elbow strikes, nasty eye gouges and nose breaking head butts. 包括直右冲罢工,上钩拳,掌根的致命打击,肘部罢工,恶劣的眼睛和鼻子打破泥头殴打。 8. nasty的翻译 8. Which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death, and the life of man solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. 试着翻译一下:最糟糕的是人们一直处于因暴力导致死亡的恐惧和危险中,人的生命也孤独、贫乏、龌龊、粗野而且短促。 9. I do not have to drive nasty person. 我不想搭肮脏的人。 10. He is a person with a nasty mind. 他是个思想肮脏的人。 11. 11. Even able to help them in a way that they could see I was not a nasty person. 甚至能够帮助的方式,他们可以看到我不是一个讨厌的人,他们。 12. I will bury that nasty person in the hole which he has dug. 我会把那个令人作呕的人埋在他自己挖的洞里。 13. My first boss was a really nasty person, who seemed to enjoy making life difficult for everyone. 每个想过健康生活的人,都必须在工作和娱乐之间寻求适当的平衡。 14. nasty的解释 14. Yes, we all know Draco is a nasty, little puss-head, to put it nicely, but Dumbledore knows that there is always hope to turn someone around. 是的,从好的方面来看,我们都知道马尔福是个讨厌的缩头乌龟,但邓不利多知道总有希望使人有一天会转变。 15. 15. I've tested this app on the emulator and an HP Jornada, but I didn't have time to test every part of it, so it still could have a nasty crashing bug somewhere. 我测试过这个模拟器和惠普Jornada应用程序,但我没有时间来检验每一项内容,因此它仍然可能有错误的地方恶劣的崩溃。 16. nasty 16. He's a cantankerous, nasty man who hates students with a passion. 他是一个脾气很坏,令人讨厌的人,他的爱好就是与学生作对。 17. I have to say this kind of question is a really really meaningless and nasty idea. 那悲智在政治压力下,是绝对的无神论和佛教的混杂体! 18. This is real as it gets BUT killing the women at the end is just plain nasty and pure evil!! 如果来源是真的但是在最后杀了那个女人的话真是十分的龌龊而且是完全邪恶的!! 19. If the iron sizzles you sprayed too much, and your hair will be sticky and nasty. 如果铁sizzles你喷太多,和你的头发将粘性和肮脏。 20. But it will never usurp functions you don't want it to nor will it create any nasty hooks to mess up your system. 但它绝不会篡夺职能,你不想它,也不会造成任何恶劣的钩,以一团糟,您的系统。 nasty 词典解释 1. 令人不快的;令人厌恶的;恶劣的 Something that is nasty is very unpleasant to see, experience, or feel. e.g. ...an extremely nasty murder... 令人发指的谋杀 e.g. This divorce could turn nasty. 这场离婚可能会撕破脸。 nastiness ...the nastiness of war. 战争的残酷 2. 恶毒的;恶意的;凶相的 If you describe a person or their behaviour as nasty, you mean that they behave in an unkind and unpleasant way. e.g. What nasty little snobs you all are... 你们全都是些可恶的势利小人。 e.g. The guards looked really nasty... 卫兵们看起来真凶。 nastily She took the money and eyed me nastily... 她拿了钱,恶狠狠地打量着我。 Nikki laughed nastily. 妮基恶毒地笑起来。nastiness As the years went by his nastiness began to annoy his readers. 年深日久,他恶毒的文字开始让读者生厌。 3. 邋遢的;低劣的;下流的;污秽的 If you describe something as nasty, you mean it is unattractive, undesirable, or in bad taste. e.g. ...Emily's nasty little house in Balham... 埃米莉在巴勒姆的脏乱小屋 e.g. That damned Farrel made some nasty jokes here about Mr. Lane. 那个该死的法雷尔开了些关于莱恩先生的下流玩笑。 4. 令人担忧的;难对付的 A nasty problem or situation is very worrying and difficult to deal with. e.g. A spokesman said this firm action had defused a very nasty situation. 一位发言人称这一坚决的行动缓和了极为棘手的局面。 5. (伤口、疾病等)严重的,恶性的 If you describe an injury or a disease as nasty, you mean that it is serious or looks unpleasant. e.g. My little granddaughter caught her heel in the spokes of her bicycle — it was a very nasty wound... 我小孙女的脚跟夹到自行车的轮辐里了,伤得很严重。 e.g. Lili had a nasty chest infection. 莉莉胸部感染很严重。 6. 令人不快的人(或事);危害别人的人(或事) Nasties are unpleasant or harmful people or things. e.g. ...evil organisations, peopled with nasties... 充斥着恶棍的邪恶组织 e.g. Decaffeinated coffee still contains some stimulants and other nasties linked with cancer. 脱咖啡因的咖啡仍含一些刺激物和其他可能致癌的有害物质。 7. see also: video nasty nasty 单语例句 1. Railway management staff saved a couple who threatened to commit suicide on a subway track after a nasty squabble. 2. The local municipal administrative bureau issued the order after neighbors complained about the nasty stench and constant squealing from the pigs kept by Su Yanshan. 3. Vulgar conversations, nasty songs and sound effects with sexual connotation were also restricted. 4. This nasty Valentine tradition has even crept up in recent times, especially among spurned lovers in the West. 5. I was living in a cheap hotel which was dank and nasty. 6. The first half of Brazil's match was a tetchy affair, with seven yellow cards shown as individual duels threatened to turn nasty. 7. Reconsidering conventional wisdom is a good way to start to overcome the nasty combination of inflationary and deflationary pressures. 8. They find that protein does the best job at keeping a hunger hormone in check, while carbohydrates and fats may well deserve their current nasty reputation. 9. They found that protein does the best job at keeping a hunger hormone in check, while carbohydrates and fats may well deserve their current nasty reputation. 10. This outbreak is particularly nasty as young women have been struck down, suffering from symptoms including stomach cramps and severe diarrhea. |
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