单词 | awe-inspiring |
释义 | awe-inspiring [英 [?: ?n'spa??r??] 美 [?: ?n'spa??r??] ] awe-inspiring的意思、解释 awe-inspiring 基本解释 形容词令人起敬畏心的,令人畏惧的,令人惊叹的 awe-inspiring是什么意思 awe-inspiring 网络解释 1. 使人畏惧的:awayoutofadifficultsituation,etc 出路 | awe-inspiring 使人畏惧的 | awe-stricken 敬畏的 2. 令人敬畏的:avid 渴望的,热心的 | awe-inspiring 令人敬畏的 | balmy 温和的 3. 3. 形容词,令人敬畏的:20. awe名词,动词,敬畏 | 21. awe-inspiring形容词,令人敬畏的 | 22. awkward形容词,笨拙的,难用的;造成不便的 4. 令人敬畏的,令人赞叹的:11. go all out 毫不保留的,放手一搏 | 12. go it alone 自己来,自己动手 | 13. awe-inspiring 令人敬畏的,令人赞叹的 awe-inspiring 双语例句 1. And bear markets can also be awe-inspiring in their scale and scope. 而熊市同样让人震惊,特别是它宏大的规模和深广的范围。 2. It`s awe-inspiring and essential. 它是令人敬佩与必须的。 3. They are stunning and, at times, awe-inspiring. 他们是惊人的,有时,令人折服。 4. He was awe-inspiring, and the sick man seemed to be in fear of him, without knowing why. 在那里,他看到了一个戴着皇冠的人,看起来非常威严,令人畏惧。 5. awe-inspiring的反义词 5. A combination of the two is astoundingly useful and leads to an awe-inspiring appreciation of the order of natural law. 两者的组合是令人叹为观止的有用的,并导致了令人叹为观止的赞赏秩序的自然法则。 6. As the world's largest public square, Tiananmen Square is just as vast and awe-inspiring as 作为世界上最大的公共广场,天安门广场就是像你想像的那样广阔和让人欢欣鼓舞。 7. awe-inspiring在线翻译 7. We all know that cats are loving and truly awe-inspiring creatures. 大家都知道猫是爱,真正拿出大的威势来海洋生物。 8. That are both inspirational and awe-inspiring, will bring joy to people of all ages, from all 人造建筑物的、充满灵感和令人感叹的公园,将为来自世界每一个角落的各个年龄 9. Gongs and drums are popular in the awe-inspiring Huozhou, Hongtong, fenxi, Linfen area civil Plaza Art. 威风锣鼓是流行在霍州、洪洞、汾西、临汾一带的民间广场艺术。 10. The big eyes, sharp beak and the attitude of the eagle make it appear awe-inspiring, wild and intractable. 配上鹰头部的大眼、利喙,使这只鹰显得威风凛凛,桀骜雄猛的气势。 11. awe-inspiring 11. La Sagrada Fam抣ia is truly awe-inspiring. 圣家族大教堂实在是令人惊畏。 12. The path to the ultimate power reveals its awe-inspiring presence to us! 通向那令人敬畏的终极力量的道路即将呈现于我们面前! 13. Its awe-inspiring justice lets me full of ardent love and incomparable reverence for it. 那凛然的正义,让我充满热爱、感到敬畏。我仰望星空,它是那样自由而宁静 14. That awe-inspiring justice, is full of by me love ardently, feel respect. 那凛然的正义,让我充满热爱、感到敬畏。 15. Gongs and drums to see awe-inspiring in its shape when seen, as early as the sound heard plants, andru lei guan er, extraordinary. 看威风锣鼓,在未见其形时,早闻其声厂,而且如雷贯耳,非同凡响。 16. However, they are all awe-inspiring and bringing a magnificent time in history back to life. 无论哪种方式,每幅作品都给人以震慑力,似乎让时光倒流,把我们都带回了那壮观而令人敬畏远古时代。 17. awe-inspiring 17. However, history can not be Joking Remarks on the awe-inspiring righteousness, who betrayed and even if an insult to history, Yang Jing Lou disposable, indiscriminate evil Meisu, misleading future generations, will receive due punishment. 然而,历史的浩然正气不能戏说,倘若谁背弃乃至侮辱历史、扬陋弃精、滥恶媚俗、误导后人,必将得到应有的惩罚。 18. China's industrial revolution, in short, is awe-inspiring in scale but not unique in form. 简而言之,中国的工业革命在规模上会引起恐惧,但在 19. You have done it with a skill which has been at times awe-inspiring. 你的工作能力和技巧使你做到了这些令人敬佩的成绩。 20. In spite of the despairing yell of the commander, who had once been so awe-inspiring to his soldiers, in spite of his infuriated, purple face, distorted out of all likeness to itself, in spite of his brandished sword, the soldiers still ran and talked together, shooting into the air and not listening to the word of command. 尽管原先在士兵心目中多么威严的团长怎样拼命叫喊,尽管团长的面孔显得多么激怒,涨得通红,与原形迥异,尽管他扬起一柄长剑,士兵们还在继续逃跑,大声地讲话,朝天放空枪,不听口令。 awe-inspiring 词典解释 1. 令人敬佩的;令人惊叹的;令人望而生畏的 If you describe someone or something as awe-inspiring, you are emphasizing that you think that they are remarkable and amazing, although sometimes rather frightening. e.g. ...a museum with an awe-inspiring display of jewellery... 展出了一批令人无比惊叹的珠宝的博物馆 e.g. The higher we climbed, the more awe-inspiring the scenery became. 我们爬得越高,风景越是让人叹绝。 |
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