单词 | suffuse |
释义 | suffuse [英 [s??fju:z] 美 [s??fjuz] ] suffuse的意思、解释 过去式:suffused; 过去分词:suffused; 现在分词:suffusing; suffuse 基本解释 及物动词(指颜色、水气等)弥漫于,布满 suffuse的意思 suffuse 相关例句 及物动词 1. Her eyes were suffused with warm, excited tears. 她激动地热泪盈眶。 suffuse 网络解释 1. suffuse什么意思 1. 充盈,布满:suffocate 窒闷,窒息 | suffuse 充盈,布满 | suggest 提议 2. suffuse 2. 布满,充盈:refuse 拒绝 | suffuse 布满,充盈 | transfuse 灌输,使渗入 3. 充满:suffragist 参政扩大论者 | suffuse 充满 | suffusion 充满 4. 遍布/弥漫/充满:suffragist /参政权扩大论者/妇女政权论者/ | suffuse /遍布/弥漫/充满/ | sufism /芭神论神秘说/ suffuse 双语例句 1. suffuse的近义词 1. Let it suffuse your entire body! 让这个感觉充满你整个身体。 2. Every breath you take will suffuse life forms as far as we can see into the future. 每呼气,你会采取suffuse生命形式而言,我们可以看到,迈向未来。 3. When you suffuse your thinking with hope, you end up holding on for something that most likely 当你心中充满着希望时,你就会抱着一些其实可能永远不会发生的事情而死掉。 4. Her eyes were suffuse d with warm excited tears. 她眼里充满了激动的热泪。 5. 5. Even as I sing, suffuse my face 歌唱的时候,我满面含羞 6. The sky was suffuse d with the pale light of dawn. 天空泛着黎明的曙光。 7. Glitter, glamour, and affection galore could suffuse the atmosphere, due to a rendezvous between Venus and Neptune, the planet of enchantment. 你将沉浸在光亮,魅力和爱的热情的氛围中,因为金星和有魔法的海王星会合。 8. suffuse 8. Better still pour your love out to suffuse any chance of negative energies turning nasty. 更好的方式依旧是灌输你的爱充满任何的地方而不给任何负面下流的能量机会。 9. Even as I sing, suffuse my face; 在我作歌时流布我的脸庞; 10. Mr. Ando has shown an ability to suffuse rooms with light in surprising ways. 安藤忠雄已经表现出用令人意外的方式让房间充满阳光的能力。 11. At twilight, the sky is suffuse with color. The still water reflected the full moon. 黄昏时天空映满色彩。平静的水面映出了满月。 12. The title of the work, Ya'an, an ancient town in Sichuan, has indeed hinted the artist's intention to suffuse the work with folk culture in Sichuan. 雅安是四川的古镇,题目暗示艺术家有意在作品渗透四川的民间色彩,也侧面揭示了周春芽作品中的东方元素。 13. At twilight, the sky is suffuse with color. 黄昏时天空映满色彩。 14. With no rational business case attached to it, it exists entirely as an expense item in a marketing plan, designed to suffuse the rest of the Lexus lineup in a favorable glow and thereby change perceptions about it. 它的存在没有什么合理的商业依据,完全就是为了在营销计划中打奢华牌,使雷克萨斯产品线里的其它车型都跟着沾光,从而改变消费者对这个品牌的认知。 15. The reasoning is this: While no one has yet offered decisive proof for life beyond Earth, in the past two years astronomers have learned that tens of billions of habitable planets suffuse our galaxy. 原因在于:尽管尚未有人能给出存在地外生命的确凿证据,但过去两年间,天文学家们了解到,我们的银河系遍布着数以百亿的宜居星球。 16. In Buddhism and Confucianism, which suffuse Vietnamese life, the present and future are prized. 按照渗透越南人民生活的佛教和儒家的观点,当下和未来才是重要的。 17. suffuse 17. What is needed is to suffuse information and adequate response patterns throughout populations, so that the capping and rolling back of environmental change vulnerabilities becomes both politically and organisationally feasible. 什么是需要的是suffuse信息和适当的反应模式,在整个种群,使该上限和回滚环境变化的脆弱性成为政治上和组织上是可行的。 18. They high on shuttling back and forth in the modern metropolis, enjoy the result of the modern civilization as much as they like and realize their own ideals; in the simple, modern space, they suffuse free and optional individuality as well as elegant mettle, and reveal romantic mood in their behaviour and style of conversation. 他们热衷于穿梭在现代都市之中,尽情的享受着现代文明的成果,实现着自己的理想;他们在简约的现代空间之内,洋溢着洒脱与随意的个性、优雅高贵的气质,还能在举止谈吐之间流露着丝丝的浪漫情怀。 19. 19. The blush of mingled pride and modesty which suddenly suffuse d the cheeks of the young woman, the brilliancy of her eye, and her highly important communication, produced an indescribable effect on the assembly 交杂着骄傲和谦逊的红晕顿时涨满了那位青年女子的两颊,再加上她那明亮的眼睛和她那充满尊严的一段话,在全场上产生了一种难以形容的影响。 20. suffuse的翻译 20. Malevolence distort mistake Hsieh's Yen, all manners of kink, although sound neigh power exhaust, but heart acid undergo, Suffuse endocentric and hard to check restrain, make eyebrow farther deep lock. 恶意扭曲误解的严辞,百般纠结著,虽声嘶力竭,但心酸的经历,充盈内心而难以遏抑,使眉头更加深锁。 suffuse 词典解释 1. (尤指色彩或感情)弥漫于,布满,充满 If something, especially a colour or feeling, suffuses a person or thing, it gradually spreads over or through them. e.g. A dull red flush suffused Selby's face. 塞尔比的脸庞泛起了淡淡的红晕。 2. 使充满,使洋溢着(某种品质) If something such as a book, film, or piece of music is suffused with a quality, it is full of that quality. e.g. This book is suffused with Shaw's characteristic wry Irish humour... 这本书充满了萧伯纳独特的爱尔兰式幽默与嘲讽。 e.g. Kingdon's broad experience, as writer and scholar, suffuses this important book. 金登身为作家和学者的丰富阅历在这部重要的著作中体现得淋漓尽致。 suffuse 英英释义 verb 1. cause to spread or flush or flood through, over, or across e.g. The sky was suffused with a warm pink color Synonym: perfuse 2. to become overspread as with a fluid, a colour, a gleam of light e.g. His whole frame suffused with a cold dew |
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