单词 | neat |
释义 | neat [英 [ni:t] 美 [nit] ] neat的意思、解释 neat 基本解释 形容词灵巧的; 整洁的,干净的; 匀整的; 未搀水的 neat 同义词 形容词apttrimshipshapecleanskillfulexpertadepttidyhandywell-keptorderlyproficientclevermasterfulwell-done neat 反义词 形容词disorderlydirtymessyuntidyslovenlysloppy neat 相关例句 形容词 1. He likes his whisky neat. 他喜欢纯威士忌酒。 2. She had small, neat writing. 她的字写得小而工整。 3. She is a neat worker. 她做事干净利落。 4. I like my whisky neat. 我喜欢喝纯威士忌。 5. Cats are neat animals. 猫是爱整洁的动物。 neat 网络解释 1. 整洁的:特种部队眼镜蛇beneathprep.在...下面ad.在下方记:这是(be)整洁的(neat)何(h)必放在下面呢?不要让我逼你死(bene特种部队眼镜蛇th的音译),然后把你埋在下面词根:(be-在) (neath下面)=(在下面, 2. 整洁:野生紫萝兰()整洁(Neat) 三月二十一日白延胡索()开始() 三月二十二日白屈菜()认生() 三月二十三日绝世水仙()自豪() 三月二十四日猫眼草()善变() 三月二十五日金盏花()救济() 三月二十六日天仙子()邪恶的心() 三月二十七日黄水仙()神() 三月二十八日绿豹毒()多产() 三月二十九日延胡索()幻想() 三月三十日碎米荠()热情() 三月 3. neat在线翻译 3. 真整洁:8. Good 好的 | 9. Neat 真整洁 | 10. Well Done 做得好 4. neat的反义词 4. 整齐:允许偏差allowable deviation | 整齐neat | 整体吊装be hoisted integrally 5. neat的翻译 5. neat:novell easy administration tool; “网威”公司的轻松管理工具〖软件名〗 6. neat:non exercise activity thermogenesis; 非运动烧脂研究 7. neat:national electronic autocoding technique; 全国电子自动编码技术 8. neat:near earth asteroid tracking; 近地小行星搜寻 neat 双语例句 1. Hall and lodging area shall be kept clean, neat and tidy at all times. 请时刻维持禅堂与寮房的整洁,将分组出坡。 2. neat 2. Keep your room tidy and neat, with the wallsuncluttered and clean. papers and pens well arranged. 解:房间要收拾得清净,墙壁要保持干净,书桌要擦清洁,笔砚要放端正。 3. 3. A very neat toilet table in the reigning style. What you call rosewood, I think. It is inlaid. The mirror is quite large. There are drawers. It is pretty." 一个很好的梳妆台,式样新,我想就是你们所说的香木,上面嵌了花,一面相当大的镜子,有抽屉,很好看。" 4. I followed him in, and I remember observing the contrast the neat, bright doctor, with his powder as white as snow, and his bright, black eyes and pleasant manners, made with the coltish country folk, and above all, with that filthy, heavy, bleared scarecrow of a pirate of ours, sitting, far gone in rum, with his arms on the table. 我记得他外套的样子,就是他躲在楼上屋子里自己打补丁的那件,到后来,那件衣服上就满是补丁了。他从未写、也从未接到过一封信,他也从不和邻居以外的任何人说话,即使和他们交谈,也大多是在喝酒的时候。 5. This paper set forth an application method of utility model patents about inventions creations containing neat electric circuit and block diagram of an electric circuit by means of the theoretical analysis of patent law and examining standards of Patent Office, and also showed some examples 本文通过对专利法、专利局审查标准的理论探讨和实例分析,初步提出了对含有纯电路、电路方框图的发明创造申请实用新型专利保护的方法。 6. neat的反义词 6. Back aboard the Yaris, neat rotary heater and blower switches turned to the max, we set off for France. 回到Yaris车上,我们把旋转式加热器和吹风机开到最大,然后向法国进发。 7. All toys pack back inside the cube for neat storage. 所有玩具Pack回到立方体内的整洁存储。 8. neat是什么意思 8. Para; BS 52 Neat Cutting Oil can be used as dual-purpose oil for cutting and slide-way. This advanced formulation can eliminate mutual contamination between both the oils. 先進的配方,BS 52切削油能同時作為切削油及導軌油使用,除去了兩種油互相污染的危險。 9. Color is also neat, but don`t bother unless color is a design decision that needs to be tested, as it is in this prototype. 但是,不要混合颜色,除非是特意设计而且需要用来做测试,就像在这个界面中样的。 10. He has composed 52 modern r hythmical poems which can be classified into the styles of neat speech and mixed speech. 他创作现代格律诗52首,分齐言体和杂言体两大类。在音顿、字数、句数、段数及押韵等方面都具较严整的格律。 11. His seal cutting is brisk and neat. He devoted to study Qin and Han Dynasties'seal cutting in his early times. 早年潜心于秦汉印研究,后对名家邓石如、赵之谦、徐三庚的艺术深有领悟,能入古而出新,有刚劲苍古之感。 12. neat 12. Uzhou Hotel faces Shennan road, and it's back is to the sea. It is really neat. 1 D% Y# w x; 9 i 五洲宾馆紧临深南大道,背靠大海,那可真是个好地方。 13. This year's World's Fair is held exactly in our Shanghai, we must go to make great efforts to improve self's quality, be that World's Fair does neat bedding down as one one's part of presenting some gifts for a friend of Shanghailander. 本届的世博会正是在我们上海举办,作为上海人的一份子,我们必须去努力提高自身素质,为世博会作下平整的铺垫。 14. Another neat feature of Transmission is that you can set bandwidth rates based on the time of day. 另一个干净的特点,传输的是,您可以设定带宽利率的基础上,时间一天。 15. neat在线翻译 15. The layout of the web site will be very user friendly, clear, neat, unify and easy to browser. 本设计是以聚雅画店为背景的网站规划设计,主要着力于介绍画店的概况,让顾客通过网站就能挑选自己喜欢的装饰画,从而提高画店的营业额。 16. neat 16. It can be said that the components of Chinese characters arearrayed in two dimensions, rather than in the neat one-dimensionalrows of alphabetic writing. 可以说,组成汉字的偏旁部首是按照两个方向来排列的,而不象字母那样只按一个方向排列,看起来很整洁。 17. It can be said that the components of Chinese characters are arrayed in two dimensions, rather than in the neat one-dimensional rows of alphabetic writing. 可以说,组成汉字的偏旁部首是按照两个方向来排列的,而不像字母那样只按一个方向排列,看起来很整洁。 18. Be accomplished because and the appropriate amount Shimizu closing material, making quartz sand with extra care blend when being put into use, closing tier of purpose is to make a cardinal plane neat further, protect the elasticity tier of glues granule at the same time since the cardinal plane that elasticity forms tier ultimately still has more gap. 使用时由封闭材料、精制石英砂及适量的清水混和而成,由于弹性层最终形成的基面仍有较多的空隙,封闭层的目的是进一步使基面平整,同时保护弹性层的胶粒。 19. 19. Auscultatory breath sound is thick, heartbeat 83/min, the law is neat, heart sounds is strong. 听诊呼吸音粗,心率83/min,律齐,心音有力。 20. neat是什么意思 20. For cold sores dab neat Tea Tree Essential Oil directly onto the burning sensation at the first signs of a cold sore, or use it mixed with a little vodka. 用于治疗唇疱疹,在有灼热感的初期就直接用纯茶树精油或混合少许伏特加酒轻拍患处。 neat 词典解释 1. 整洁的;整齐的 A neat place, thing, or person is tidy and smart, and has everything in the correct place. neat e.g. So they left her in the neat little house, alone with her memories... 于是他们把她一个人留在整洁的小房子里,只有记忆陪着她。 e.g. She undressed and put her wet clothes in a neat pile in the corner. 她脱掉衣服,把湿衣服整齐地码成一堆放在角落里。 neatly He folded his paper neatly and sipped his coffee... 他把报纸整齐地叠起来,然后抿了口咖啡。 At the door was a neatly dressed, dignified man. 门口站着一位穿戴整齐、仪态庄重的男子。neatness The grounds were a perfect balance between neatness and natural wildness. 这些庭园是整齐有序和天然粗放的完美结合。 2. 爱整洁的;会收拾的 Someone who is neat keeps their home or possessions tidy, with everything in the correct place. e.g. 'That's not like Alf,' he said, 'leaving papers muddled like that. He's always so neat.' 他说道:“这不像是阿尔夫的风格,他不会把文件弄得那么乱。他一向很爱整洁。” neatly I followed her into that room which her mother had maintained so neatly... 我跟着她走进那个她妈妈收拾得十分整洁的房间。 He had maybe a thousand tapes, all neatly labelled and catalogued. 他大约有1,000盒磁带,都整齐地贴着标签并分了类。neatness ...a paragon of neatness, efficiency and reliability. 整洁、高效与可靠的典范 3. 匀整的;秀气的;小巧优雅的 A neat object, part of the body, or shape is quite small and has a smooth outline. e.g. ...a faded woman with neat features. 姿色虽衰但五官清秀的女人 e.g. ...neat handwriting. 娟秀的笔迹 neatly She was a small woman, slender and neatly made. 她是一个玲珑娇小的女士,身材苗条匀称。 4. (行动等)干净利落的,利索的 A neat movement or action is done accurately and skilfully, with no unnecessary movements. e.g. A neat move between Black and Keane left Nigel Clough in the clear, but his shot skimmed wide of the far post. 奈杰尔·克拉夫凭借一次漂亮的跑位在布莱克和基恩之间扯出了空当儿,但是他的射门却大大偏出了远门柱。 neatly He watched her peel and dissect a pear neatly, no mess, no sticky fingers. 他看着她利索地削完梨,再切成块,没有弄得乱七八糟,手指也没弄得黏糊糊的。 ...watching a solitary car backing out neatly. 看着单独一辆车利落地倒了出来 5. 巧妙的;简洁的;简便易行的 A neat way of organizing, achieving, explaining, or expressing something is clever and convenient. e.g. It had been such a neat, clever plan... 这曾是个如此巧妙、机智的计划。 e.g. Neat solutions are not easily found to these issues... 很难找到解决这些问题的巧妙办法。 neatly Real people do not fit neatly into these categories... 现实中的人是没法简单地归入这些类别的。 The theory that personality is determined by our biology neatly lets everyone off the hook. 个性是由生物学特征决定的,这种理论让我们每个人都可以解脱了。neatness He knew full well he had been outflanked, and he appreciated the neatness of it. 他十分清楚自己已经输了,他很欣赏这种干净利落的落败方式。 6. 很好的;很棒的 If you say that something is neat, you mean that it is very good. neat的翻译 e.g. 'Oh, those new apartments are really neat,' the girl babbled on... 那个女孩赞不绝口地说:“噢,那些新公寓真是非常棒。”? e.g. It'll be neat to have a father and son playing on the same team... 爸爸和儿子同队效力,那真是太棒了。 7. (烈性酒)未掺水的,纯的 When someone drinks strong alcohol neat, they do not add a weaker liquid such as water to it. e.g. He poured himself a brandy and swallowed it neat... 他给自己倒了一杯白兰地,没兑水就一饮而尽。 e.g. He took a mouthful of neat whisky, and coughed. 他喝了一口纯威士忌,咳嗽了起来。 in AM, use 美国英语用 straightneat 单语例句 1. We pass by a neat little island with trimmed hedges and rows and rows of weeping willows. 2. But by dividing Kelly's life into neat stages, the show glazes over the struggles that she faced. 3. The location is definitely unique and even Spear still finds it a neat place to carve up a turkey. 4. Christian von Richthofen stands amid its neat piles of vehicles as a forklift truck plucks one out and deposits it in front of him. 5. State television showed Senior General Than Shwe inspecting supplies and comforting homeless victims in relatively clean and neat rows of blue tents. 6. Yuan tries to imbue the role with her own personality and looks smart and graceful in a long gray dress and neat braids. 7. Neat rows of white tower blocks encircle parks with neatly manicured lawns. 8. If that seems a tad cold, wearers end up with a neat and clean feeling. 9. A neat and firm silhouette was evident - shoulders were defined, while waists and trousers were slim at Gianfranco Ferre and Roberto Cavalli. 10. A rose bush adorns the facade along with a neat stack of firewood and a row of garden gnomes. neat 英英释义 adj 1. free from clumsiness precisely or deftly executed e.g. he landed a clean left on his opponent's cheek a clean throw the neat exactness of the surgeon's knife Synonym: clean 2. without water e.g. took his whiskey neat Synonym: straightfull-strength 3. free from what is tawdry or unbecoming e.g. a neat style a neat set of rules she hated to have her neat plans upset Synonym: refinedtasteful 4. very good e.g. he did a bully job a neat sports car had a great time at the party you look simply smashing Synonym: bang-upbullycorkingcrackingdandygreatgroovykeenniftynot bad(p)peachyslap-upswellsmashing 5. clean or organized e.g. her neat dress a neat room Synonym: orderly 6. showing care in execution e.g. neat homework neat handwriting |
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