单词 | nightlife |
释义 | nightlife [英 [?na?tla?f] 美 [?na?t?la?f] ] nightlife的意思、解释 nightlife 基本解释 nightlife的翻译 名词夜生活 nightlife 网络解释 1. 夜生活篇:Unit 20 参观博物馆 Visting Museums | Part V 夜生活篇 Nightlife | Unit 21 上酒吧小酌 Going to Pubs 2. 夜店:33 咖啡馆 Cafes | 34 夜店 Nightlife | 35 购物 Shopping 3. 都夜色:Sports都运动 | Nightlife都夜色 | Lifestyle都生活 nightlife 双语例句 1. That's why I love nightlife; it's where I can escape and have fun. 这就是我喜欢夜生活的,它是一个我可以逃脱和拥有快乐的地方。 2. There`s a lot of good restaurants and great nightlife. 有很多好的餐馆,不错的夜生活。 3. nightlife的翻译 3. The people in Shenzhen is very friendly. The nightlife in Shenzhen is good, too. 深圳的人们是非常友好的,深圳的夜生活也同样很好。 4. nightlife是什么意思 4. If you are up for a bit of nightlife the backpacker area is close by. 如果你是为一个背包客的夜生活位的地区是在附近。 5. nightlife什么意思 5. But we also have a very vibrant nightlife and the two don't mix. 但我们也有一个非常活跃的夜生活和两个不混合。 6. In addition to all that, San Luis Potosi has a rich culinary offering, swimming resorts and excellent nightlife, making it a har. 此外,除以上景点外,圣路易斯波托西已为游客提供了多样的美食,游泳的胜地和精彩的夜生活,使之成为麦格哈。 7. To all kinds of bars like the nightlife you prepare, weekends, the bar will be packed with people on foreign soil and from various countries together with friends Carnival is a good choice. 各式的酒吧给喜欢夜生活的你们准备,每到周末,各酒吧里都会挤满了人,在异国他乡和来自各个国家的朋友们一起狂欢是个很好的选择。 8. nightlife是什么意思 8. Reminds users with a chat last night, he said that every time, all home triumphantly on the pear in full bloom, and, like snow clouds, Cantabile poem, in the woods, the distant fragrance of carrying brush Su-jie looks forward to the cool and bright, it is more refined Although not brilliant colorful Nightlife, dressed in white skirts and that is even more obsessed with intoxicated. 想起昨夜跟一位网友闲聊,他说每到这时,家乡的梨花就纷纷扬扬盛开着,漫山遍野,如雪如云,如歌如诗,徜徉在花影树丛间,携着馥郁悠远的芳馨,拂着素洁清朗的姿容,愈加显得出尘脱俗。纵然没有缤纷的绚丽华彩,那一袭白裳更让人痴迷陶醉。 9. And so it appears Sawajiri is enjoying the Spanish nightlife instead of studying. 因此,这似乎泽尻是享受西班牙的夜生活,而不是学习。 10. However, I am firm and extraordinary perseverance, I am willing to be a loyal defender of, and passion of young people, into thinking of the liberation of a large ring Huangzhong Lu; I would like to make a small note, will be thinking of my youth into the splendor of the liberation of melody, write a new Nightlife movement times. 但平凡的我坚定而执着,我愿意做一个忠诚的卫士,用青年的激情,撞响思想解放的大吕黄钟;我愿意做一个小小的音符,将我的青春溶入思想解放的壮美旋律,谱写出新时代的华彩乐章。 11. Nightlife will never be the same again. 你没有输入任何的便利贴。 12. Bairro Alto is the center of nightlife with various restaurants and bars where melancholic traditional Portuguese music can also be heard. 拜洛埃托是这个城市夜生活的中心,其间有很多旅店和酒吧,甚至可以听见曲调优美的传统葡萄牙音乐 13. Visitors come for its shopping, restaurants, nightlife and sporting calendar, and most agree that it`s one of the world`s most liveable cities. 旅客前来购物,饮食,夜生活和体育活动日历,大多数同意,它的其中一个是世界上最适宜居住的城市。 14. Dine at one of its many fabulous restaurants and take in the nightlife in the shadow of Table Mountain, then take a cable car to the top of the mountain for lunch the next day. 在其众多神话般的餐馆佳肴,参与的桌山的影子,然后夜生活午餐乘坐缆车到山顶的第二天。 15. 15. Bali`s famous Kuta beach, with plenty of shops and nightlife, lies near the capital, Denpasar. 巴厘岛著名的库榻海滩邻近首府丹巴沙。有大量的购物商场和醉生梦死的夜生活。 16. The location is really great, convenient to nightlife in Zona Rosa and to the Reforma. 位置很好,很方便就可以到墨西哥市的不夜城-索娜罗莎和改革大道(Zona Rosa 和 the Reforma)。 17. Whether or not sex nightlife work as Las Vegas's latest attraction, Curtis is sure the city's leaders will keep looking for new ways to draw people into its casinos, the lifeblood of its tourist revenue. 无论色情和夜生活是否再成为拉斯维加斯的最新亮点,Curtis肯定该城的头头将 ssbbww.Com 寻找把人拉进赌场的新招数,8 Tt t 8。 18. 18. Whether or not sex and nightlife work as Las Vegas's latest attraction, Curtis is sure the city's leaders will keep looking for new ways to draw people into its casinos, the lifeblood of its tourist revenue. 无论色情和夜生活是否再成为拉斯维加斯的最新亮点,Curtis 肯定该城的头头将不断寻找把人拉进赌场的新招数,因为这毕竟是该城旅游收入的命脉。 19. Pedestrians flock to the bright lights of Tokyo`s Kabukicho District, the city`s pulsing center for shopping and nightlife. 行人成群而行到大都会东京的歌舞伎町地区,城市的跳动中心为了购物和夜生活。 20. nightlife在线翻译 20. The city is happening and has a great nightlife. 这座城市是个灯红酒绿的花花世界。 nightlife 词典解释 1. 夜生活 Nightlife is all the entertainment and social activities that are available at night in towns and cities, such as nightclubs and theatres. e.g. ...Hamburg's energetic nightlife... 汉堡活跃的夜生活 e.g. There are free buses around the resort and plenty of nightlife. 这个游览胜地到处都有免费大巴,夜生活也很丰富。 nightlife 单语例句 1. Maybe it's not a big deal to follow suit in the nightlife business. 2. A stone's throw from the nightlife precinct of Xintiandi, the Ascott Huaihai Road Shanghai offers a premier urban lifestyle with its prestigious central location. 3. A few blocks from the nightlife hub of Xintiandi, the Ascott Huaihai Road Shanghai offers a premier urban lifestyle with its prestigious central location. 4. A few more glasses of red wine complement this famous marbling beef perfectly, and it's time to check out the nightlife. 5. While much of Japan is grappling with deepening economic turmoil, the country's dapper prime minister has come under fire for enjoying a lavish nightlife. 6. Beijing's claim to being an emerging cosmopolitan and cultural center is so often betrayed by the multitude of tasteless clubs that constitute its nightlife scene. 7. Explosions and gunfire were heard throughout Abidjan - once known as the " Paris of Africa " for its cosmopolitan nightlife and chic boutiques. 8. Surveys show that people in Shanghai spend 50 percent of their daily consumption on nightlife, and residents of Guangzhou and Shenzhen even more. 9. Such vibrant and decadent nightlife spots have made our community a less desirable place to raise children. 10. It begins in the New York of sparkling skyscrapers and enchanting nightlife and ends with a touching reunion on Beijing's Great Wall. nightlife 英英释义 noun 1. the activity of people seeking nighttime diversion (as at the theater, a nightclub, etc.) e.g. a futile search for intelligent nightlife in the summer the nightlife shifts to the dance clubs Synonym: night life 2. the entertainment available to people seeking nighttime diversion Synonym: night life |
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