单词 | nonetheless |
释义 | nonetheless [英 [?n?ne??les] 美 [?n?ne??l?s] ] nonetheless的意思、解释 nonetheless 基本解释 副词虽然如此,但是 nonetheless 网络解释 1. 虽然如此:nonet 九重奏曲 | nonetheless 虽然如此 | nonevent 未发生的 2. 然而:Even though we love each other as much as we do...|虽然我们现在非常相爱 | ... nonetheless....|然而... | Nonetheless.|然而... 3. 仍然:make believe假装 | nonetheless仍然 | established norm已制定的标准 4. (尽管...)仍然:noneotherthan不是别人而正是 | nonetheless(尽管...)仍然 | nonetheless仍然,依然 nonetheless 双语例句 1. Nonetheless, in France, Great Britain, gipsy still regarded as a foreigner, people may be detained by police. 尽管如此,在法国的大不列颠省,吉卜赛人仍然被视为化外之民,随时可能被警察拘留。 2. Nonetheless, it caused enough displacement in the ocean floor that it caused massive tsunamis even reaching the shores of Africa. 尽管如此,引起足够的位移在洋底,它造成了大规模的海啸,甚至到达非洲的海岸。 3. According to the company's assessment, the findings'mass production and entrance to the market may happen after two years, and its output value in Taiwan alone can go beyond two billion NT dollars. The company will nonetheless focus on the markets in Japan, China and South-East Asia. 根据厂商预估,两年后量产上市后,一年光是国内产值就超过20亿,但重心将放在日本、大陆、东南亚等地外销,倘若成功,产值惊人。 4. nonetheless的意思 4. It`s not snick-snick precise by any stretch, it is nonetheless typical of offerings in this segment. 这不是snick - snick精确无论如何,但却是典型的产品在这个领域。 5. Nonetheless, if you want to take a regular multivitamin, readthe label and be sure it does not provide more than 200% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance. 但是如果你想要吃综合维他命,请阅读说明确定剂量不会超过建议每日所需的2倍。 6. 6. Nonetheless, this is still being tested and is subject to change. 但是,这个技能仍在处于测试中,有可能在未来被修改。 7. nonetheless 7. Emperor Caesar Augustus, pontifex maximus, holding the tribunician power for the seventeenth time, proclaims: If any persons from the province of Cyrene have been honored with Roman citizenship I command that they nonetheless shall discharge their compulsory public services among the body of the Greeks in their proper turn, except those persons to whom by a law or by a decree of the Senate, by my father's or my own decree, the citizenship was granted with exemption from taxation. 最高大祭司,恺撒·奥古斯都皇帝,于其第17次执掌保民官权利之年,诏告曰:若有任何昔兰尼加行省之人荣膺罗马公民权,吾在此命令,彼等不得因此解除其在希腊社团中对公众适当的服务义务。唯有下列人等,因某条法律,或元老院之法令、或吾父之法令或吾之法令获得罗马公民权之时亦免除纳税义务者除外。 8. For when their old conditions are maintained for them in other things and there is no disparity of customs, men live quietly - as it may be seen that Burgundy, Brittany, Gascony, and Normandy, which have been with France for so long a time, have done; and although there may be some disparity of language, nonetheless the customs are similar, and they can easily bear with one another. 不管 何人征服了这儿的居民,如果想坚持下来,就必须考虑两点:一是要把原来的王族斩尽杀绝,还有一点是不要改变当地的法律及税收;这样,在很短的时间内,这块地方就会与古老的君主国融为一体了。 9. Not cheap by any means, the Alabama-built GL320 BlueTEC is nonetheless a great choice for those who want some extra space and hauling ability but don`t want the fuel consumption, proportions or handling characteristics of a Chevy Tahoe. 不便宜以任何手段,在阿拉巴马州建造的GL320 BLUETEC是却是最好的选择是谁想要一些额外的空间和牵引能力,但不希望燃料消耗,比例或处理特性雪佛兰塔霍。 10. nonetheless的翻译 10. Nonetheless, most doctors advise people with diabetes to eat a diet high in fiber. 积极的结果也报告了1到3每天粉胡芦盎司消费。25 26甲的研究的审查表明,在何种程度上帮助人们纤维适量与长远糖尿病是未知之数,和许多长期研究的缺乏,导致一些研究人员怀疑,在改善糖尿病患者的纤维的重要性。27尽管如此,大多数医生提醒糖尿病人吃高纤维饮食。 11. Example, Newsleecher does not have a support for image thumbnails nonetheless it is an excellent choice. 例如,Newsleecher没有支持缩略图不过它是一个很好的选择。 12. Before a sinful man can think a right thought of God, there must have been a work of enlightenment done within him; imperfect it may be, but a true work nonetheless, and the secret cause of all desiring and seeking and praying which may follow. 基督教神學中,有一條教義稱為「神恩先惠論」,簡單說來,就是一個人還不能尋找神的時候,神首先找到他。 13. On Djin Djin (the title refers to a bell that sounds at daybreak in parts of Africa), she is self-indulgent in the best possible sense, shooting for a big, glossy, super-pop sound that nonetheless remains essentially, even devoutly, African in inspiration and execution. 在Djin Djin(标题指的是钟,在非洲一些地区的黎明的声音),她是在自我感觉最好的姑息,为大,光滑,超级流行的声音,但基本上没有,甚至虔诚,非洲在拍摄灵感和执行。 14. The introduction of MPF will, nonetheless, open up new opportunities and challenges to you. 不过,设立强积金制度,会给你们带来新的机会和挑战。 15. 15. When term started, many whohad applied on time had nonetheless not received the government grants andloans to which they were entitled. An investigation published on December 8thby Sir Deian Hopkin, the interim vice-chancellor of the University of EastLondon, found that students are still waiting for their money, including somewho should have got extra because they are disabled or have young children. 学期之初,许多及时提交申请的学生却并没有得到承诺的补贴和贷款。12月8日出版的由东伦敦大学临时副校长DeianHopkin爵士所进行的一项调查表明学生们仍未拿到补助,这之中包括了本应该已经得到额外补助的残疾人或是已有孩子的人。 16. Consequently, he is greatly victimized: immersed in the world of thoughts for long, he has no insights in reality; as a result, he is done in by his wife and best friend --- they have committed adultery for years but Herzog has been totally kept in the dark and is divorced without knowing the real reason; after being informed about the twofold betrayal of his wife and best friend, he is caught by irresistible reasoning and thinking, trying to reconsider life and humanity with the help of knowledge in his academic field; nonetheless, it is not until he truly confronts reality that he discerns no theoretic work can give total explanations of the complex humanity and transforming the world with mere theories is no more than a delusion; meanwhile, he comes to see that his potency in the world of thoughts turns out to be impotence in life and that his obsession with thinking after his divorce is in fact an evasion of reality and is attributed to his hatred for his own impotence; eventually he has to admit that his over-reliance on theories is responsible for his victimhood in life. 简而言之,赫索格的极端唯智论思想使得他无法正确认识现实,有效应对生活中的问题,以致深受其害:长期沉浸在思想的世界之中,他并不具备对现实的洞察力,因而遭到了妻子和好朋友的蒙骗——他们私通长达几年之久,而赫索格对此一无所知,与妻子不明不白地离了婚;得知妻子和好朋友双双背叛的真相后,他不可抑制地陷入理性思考之中,试图通过他的学术知识来重新审视生活与人性,可是直到真正接触现实他才意识到任何一种理论框架都无法完全解释复杂的人性,单纯靠理论来改变世界不过是一场空想而已;同时,他认识到,在思想世界的强大却使得他在现实生活中极其无能,离婚后一味执迷于思考实际上是对现实的逃避,是痛恨自己无能的结果;最后,他不得不承认,对理论的过分依赖导致了他在生活中的受害地位。 17. Nonetheless, no or low closing cost loans are beneficial. 尽管如此,没有或低闭幕费用贷款都是有益的。 18. Nonetheless, the technology continues to evolve with new breakthroughs in optics, biochemistry, and chemical engineering. 渐逝波萤光生物感测器已发展了30多年,但在光学、生物化学与化学工程等领域,还是迫切地需要新的进展。 19. Nonetheless, recent experiences in countries such as Brazil and Mexico, where programs skillfully designed to target the weakest groups in society have had a significant effect on their well-being, show that effective solutions are within the reach of pragmatic policymakers willing to implement them. 但是,诸如巴西和墨西哥等国,为了改善社会最弱小群体的现状,精心设计计划,这使他们的福利有很显著的提高。这些最近的经历说明实践派决策人愿意贯彻的方针就是有效的。 20. nonetheless什么意思 20. Nonetheless we had a lovely day there, swimming, relaxing and reading on the beach and snorkeling. 尽管如此,我们在这玩的还是过瘾的,游泳、放松、在海滩上读书还潜水了呢。 nonetheless 词典解释 1. 同 nevertheless Nonetheless means the same as nevertheless . e.g. There was still a long way to go. Nonetheless, some progress had been made... 路还很长,不过已经取得了一些进展。 e.g. His face is serious but nonetheless very friendly. 他一脸严肃,但还是非常友好。 nonetheless 单语例句 1. Nonetheless, the joint appearance by Obama and Coakley is in many ways marriage of a necessity. 2. But a win at Cannes can nonetheless bring bigger audiences and help independent filmmakers maintain their artistic freedom. 3. Nonetheless he conceded that the regulation in Chongqing signifies major progress in terms of laws for child privacy protection. 4. Nonetheless, new loans will apply the adjusted rate of the central bank. 5. The election battle nonetheless stirred nationwide speculation as to who would come out on top. 6. Statistics show that outstanding deposits at some large commercial banks nonetheless grew rapidly this year. 7. And although as a developing country China had no obligatory target to meet the protocol, nonetheless formulated a response plan based on international treaties concerning greenhouse gas emissions. 8. In later years they remain largely unaffected by the turbulence of the age, but nonetheless pained by the confusion and restlessness that plagues the lives of their children. 9. Contagion is not necessarily a result of rational assessment of risk, but it happens nonetheless and can have serious consequences. 10. Although she had no recollection of the convict, she nonetheless visited Yangyang's school the very next day. nonetheless 英英释义 adv 1. despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession) e.g. although I'm a little afraid, however I'd like to try it while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed he was a stern yet fair master granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go Synonym: howeverneverthelesswithalstillyetall the sameeven sonotwithstanding |
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