单词 | tangle with |
释义 | tangle with [英 [?t??ɡl wie] 美 [?t??ɡ?l w?e] ] tangle with的意思、解释 tangle with 基本解释 tangle with的解释 吵架,争论; tangle with 网络解释 1. tangle with 1. 吵架:tangibly 明白地 | tangle with 吵架 | tangle 缠结 2. tangle with 2. 吵架,争论:take ones cue from sb.得到某人的指点(暗示照某人的样子做 | tangle with 吵架,争论 | tick away 使(分秒)在滴答声中溜走 3. tangle with的反义词 3. 与......争吵(或打架),与......有纠葛:take/have a hand in 参与,介入 | tangle with 与......争吵(或打架),与......有纠葛 | the hell 到底,究竟 4. 4. 与...发生争执:mess with 打扰 | reckon with 应付,处理;对...加以考虑 | tangle with 与...发生争执 tangle with 双语例句 1. tangle with 1. I don't think you want to tangle with me. 你那里不对劲了。谅你也不敢惹我。 2. This product is stereo ear-bud headphones with unique clip design for tangle-free cords. This立体声耳芽耳机具有独特的夹子设计纠结无电线。 3. 3. B Using only pure ingredients and enriched with Organic Avocado Oil, Avado baby shampoo contains a gentle blend of Organic Macadamia, Jojoba and German Chamomile Oils that will leave your baby's hair soft, shiny and tangle-free. 只用纯净的原料和添加有机鳄梨油,Avado 洗发水含有柔和的有机夏威夷果油,荷荷芭油,和德国洋甘菊油,让您的头发柔软,闪亮,顺滑不打结。 4. Now quietly, subtly, she was unravelling the tangle of his consciousness and hers, breaking the threads gently, one by one, with patience and impatience to get clear. 现在,她冷静地、细密地把他俩的心灵间的交错的毛团清理着,好好地把乱丝一条`条地折断,忍耐而又着急地想使自己自由起来。 5. On occasion, Fett would tangle with Zam Wesell, as their talents would overlap on similar assignments. 偶尔,费特会与赞姆·韦塞尔发生争斗,因为他们的才能会在类似的任务上重叠。 6. But the medicolegal autopsy in medical tangle plays a very important role in dealing with medical tangle, because of its impersonality and justice. 新条例的实施,使医疗纠纷的处理呈现全新的格局,医疗纠纷的法医学鉴定也将面临新的机遇和挑战闭。 7. This report is analysis for actuality and subsistent problem and in face of challenge with the medico-legal autopsy. Meanwhile, some suggestions and ideas about the establishing quality management and controlling system of medicolegal autopsy are put forward. Medical tangle; Medicolegal identification; Medicolegal autopsy 为进一步明确法医学鉴定在医疗纠纷中的作用及面临的挑战,现将涉及医疗纠纷的法医学鉴定,特别是法医学尸检鉴定的现状、存在的问题及展望综述如下。1涉及医疗纠纷的法医学尸检鉴定的意义涉及医疗纠纷的法医学尸检,国外多定义为与医疗相关的法医学死因调查medicol电al investigation of deathdue to 8. tangle with的意思 8. I`ve tangled with a Balor, a pit fiend, dragons, dracoliches, liches, factols, and ultroloths, but if you think I`d tangle with the Lady, then you`re a sodding barmy! 我和一个巴洛魔干过仗,还有一个深狱炼魔,龙巫妖,巫妖,派系会长,超等罗斯魔,但要是你认为我要跟女士过不去,那你就是个天字第一号大傻瓜! 9. Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder with pathologically characterized by the presence of senile plaques、neurofibrillary tangles、decreasing of neurons and the granulovacuolar degeneration, as we know, the pathogenesis of AD is very complex. 阿尔滋海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)是一种原发退行性老年痴呆,其特征性病理改变有:脑组织内出现大量老年斑(senile placques,SP)、神经纤维缠结(neurofibrillary tangle,NFT)、神经元数量减少和颗粒空泡变性(granulovacuolardegeneration,GVD)等,AD的发病机理十分复杂,可能是多病因相互作用的结果。 10. tangle with的解释 10. The cases accepted by the People's Court of Wuhou District reveal that the legislation of the cause of action and the brief of a case in medical tangle is too brief, and the party's cause of action is inconsistent with the confirmation of the brief of a case in judicial practice, it follows that the party`s litigant right and the right to claim for damage are seriously influenced. 就人民法院受理的医疗纠纷案件的现状来看,由于我国立法关于医疗纠纷诉因、案由制度的规定极为概括、笼统,医疗纠纷实践中存在当事人诉因与案件案由的确定之间的不和谐,从而严重影响了当事人医疗纠纷诉权的行使,影响了当事人医疗损害的全面救济。 11. With your right hand cut above your index and middle finger and remove as much of the tangle as you can. 在你的右手上方的削减指标和中指并移除多的纠纷作为可以。 12. 12. Doug nods and runs toward the backside of the archery team with Marble while other teammates keep shooting that woman. Unexpectedly, after sneers, the woman applies the invisible sorcery and the target of the archery team is lost at once. Soon after that, two members of the team are killed by her. However, just when the woman tends to kill the third one, a sword stretches out to tangle her whip then heavily flings. She is flung onto the ground by force. Although she is not injured, her invisible sorcery is actually dissolved! 豆豆点点头,跟弹子一起逃向弓箭队身后,其他的弓箭队继续向那男装女子发箭,那女子冷笑一声,竟使出了隐身咒,弓箭队顿时失了目标,随后两个队员就被击毙,可当那女子想打死第三人时,一剑斜刺裏缠住了她的鞭子,然后猛力一甩,她被猛摔在地,虽然没有受伤,可隐身术竟是破了! 13. You`d better not tangle with him. 你最好不要跟他发生纠纷。 14. I hope I don't have to tangle with the bank over this loan. 我不想因为贷款和银行发生纠纷。 15. I wouldn't advise you to tangle with my brother. 我劝你别跟我兄弟打架,他是村里最壮的人。 16. No one dare to tangle with him. 没人敢和他争吵。 17. With your flashing sword cut in twain the tangle of doubt and feeble desires! 用你寒光闪闪的利剑把缠绕的怀疑和虚弱的愿望斩成两段。 18. A tangle with sB. n。位错缠结,位错结 19. tangle with的反义词 19. I guess this strategy is almost the same as that used in Huge Ants Waiting in Line for Going Upstairs. It`s in vertical form, and the strong script on the white background is just like wild Grass hand. Various strokes in different directions move, tangle with each other, and are repeated to signs that cannot be distinguished. From repeated reduplication and mutual erasing, the author intends to force writing operation to display some kind of image which is potentially to reveal but immediately engulfed by itself. Such an image seems to be tumbling and soaring. 猜测这也是那张《排队上楼梯的大蚂蚁》的运作策略,直幅形式,白底那浓烈墨迹彷佛那狂裂的草书,各种笔触运动方向彼此纠杂牵绕,重复书写形成无端寻揣其义之符号,从重复堆积或是相互抹拭中,作者企图逼迫书写运作至逼显出某种潜在欲显但又随即遭自身所吞噬的形象来,那形象彷佛正在翻腾中。 20. A tangle of corkscrewing ramps worthy of Star Wars funnel traffic on and off Nanpu Bridge, completed in 1991 to connect old Shanghai with the rapidly 意译:上海的生活方式和风格。1991年建成的南浦大桥连接老上海的飞速发展的浦东新区。 tangle with 单语例句tangle with什么意思 1. One road ended abruptly, with the edge of the pavement hanging over a tangle of debris scattered downhill. tangle with 英英释义 verb 1. get involved in or with Synonym: get into |
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