单词 | taut |
释义 | taut [英 [t?:t] 美 [t?t] ] taut的意思、解释 taut 基本解释 形容词紧张的; 紧的,绷紧的; 整洁的,整齐的 taut taut 相关例句 形容词 1. taut的翻译 1. Pull the string taut. 把线拉紧。 taut 网络解释 1. 拉紧:tassel穗饰 | taut拉紧 | tearing test撕裂试验 2. taut的解释 2. 紧张的:Taurus 金牛座 | taut 紧张的 | tauten 拉紧 3. 拉紧的整洁的:taut 拉紧的 | taut 拉紧的整洁的 | taut 整洁的拉紧的严格的 4. 整洁的拉紧的严格的:taut 拉紧的整洁的 | taut 整洁的拉紧的严格的 | taut-wire mooring 张索系船设施 5. 5. taut:taurine transporter; 牛磺酸转运体 taut 双语例句 1. taut的反义词 1. Quickly he looks out through a hole in the fence… and there, on top of the rocks, standing stock-still, muscles taut, majestically surveying the scene, stands the WOLF. 那里,在石礁的上面,站着一只屏息以待、肌肉绷紧的狼,正威风凛凛地探勘着周遭。 2. taut的意思 2. I remember that is in my job and I just graduated from the college in Taipei, as the artist requires, I have to talk to a dancer who is a foreigner, but I did not have any experience that talk to foreigner in true life before today, so that I feel to stretch taut and can not express my idea freely, finally, she look like very impatient and refuse my offer of help. Therefore I have to seek someone for help me, even though I have a translator later, but he can not explain what I think accurately, so I feel very sad about this situation. 我記得那是我大學剛畢業在台北去工作的時候,因為藝術家的需要,我需要跟一個外國舞者溝通,但是在這之前我從來沒有跟外國人在日常生活中交談過的經驗,所以我覺得非常緊張,無法自由表達我的想法,最後,他看起來很沒有耐心,並且拒絕我的幫助,因此我只好去找其他人來幫助我,即使稍後我有了一個翻譯,但是他無法準確的解釋我的想法,所以我對這樣子的情況覺得非常糟。 3. 3. I held the taut line and felt the faint pulsing of the spinner revolving while I looked at the dark November water of the lake and the deserted shore. 我握着那拉紧的线,感觉到转动着的放线机的轻轻抖动,眼睛望那十一月的黯淡的湖水和荒凉的湖岸。 4. Light and shade effects creating a firm and taut side-line. 光影效果创造一个坚定地拉紧副业。 5. 5. Flower of the instantaneous universe bloomed, all silver-white color ultra intensity airship anchor chain, looks like strip You Longpan to plunge this planetoid, instantaneous is dodging the bright sharp anchor hook, looks like inserts the sharp knife blade to this devil planetoid, the flame sparkles immediately, the intense hook hits splashes eye-catching Mars, the success or failure in an instant the result, these hooks live the planetoid surface the starship, the anchor chain are pulled immediately taut and tumble rapidly are flinging to planetoid behind, but these get unhooked the starship, only can bring to take back the long anchor chain without enough time, brushed past with this devil planetoid and rapidlyCast off has gotten rid, after moment deathly stillness, all tranquilly on immediately has replaced by each kind of noisy rapid cry and the report sound, all were carrying on in the confusion according to the plan...... 瞬间又一朵宇宙之花绽放了,所有银白色超强度的飞船锚链,像一条条游龙般扑向这颗小行星,瞬间闪着亮光锐利的锚钩,像一把把利刃插向这颗恶魔小行星,顿时火光闪闪,强烈的钩撞溅起夺目的火星,成败在刹那间分晓,那些钩住小行星表面的星际飞行器,锚链立即被绷紧并迅速翻滚着甩向小行星的后面,而那些脱钩的星际飞行器,只能带着来不及收回长长的锚链,与这颗恶魔小行星擦肩而过并被急速地甩开抛弃了,片刻死寂后,所有的平静就立刻被各种嘈杂急促的呼叫声与汇报声代替了,一切都在混乱中按计划进行着 6. The mirages had died away and gloomily he ran his eyes along the taut blue line of the horizon. 各种蜃景都已消失了,他郁闷地用眼睛扫着笔直的、蓝蓝的海平线。 7. That skeletal fellow reading a magazine, skin pulled taut over his skull, folds of denim covering his wasted legs, is actually one of our big successes. 那个瘦得只剩股价的人坐在那儿看报纸,头皮紧紧地,打折的棉布裤子盖住了他残废的腿。 8. 8. Here is a higher magnification of the taut, shiny, inelastic skin with sclerodactyly. 放大的指端硬皮病病人紧张、光亮、僵硬的皮肤。 9. Here is a patient demonstrating the taut and shiny skin typical of sclerodactyly. 图示指端硬皮病典型的表现即皮肤紧张色泽明亮。 10. taut的反义词 10. Just as a large ball placed on a taut piece of elasticated cloth stretches the fabric and causes it to sag, planets and stars stretch space-time, which is known as the geodetic effect. 行星和恒星使时空伸展,就像一个大球被放在一块绷紧的有弹性的布上会使该织物伸展并导致其下垂,这就是我们所说的引力场弯曲效应。 11. I ended up making it a bit more taut that I would normally do, just to keep it from slapping around. 我最终使其成为一个更加紧绷,我通常会做,只是为了阻止它拍打左右。 12. taut 12. I ran to cuddle him and I felt the shoelace taut round his neck and realised he had hung himself. 我扑上去抱住他,我摸到他脖子上紧紧勒着的鞋带,才明白他竟真的轻生了。 13. It was almost as if I was a taut rope in a tug-of-war being pulled in both directions. 我如同在拔河比赛中被两头拉扯的绳子,左右为难。 14. The ropes immediately snapped taut, and I thought Burroughswould be pulled to his death. 所有的绳子瞬间被咬的紧紧绷直,我以为Burroughs会被活活拖下去死掉。 15. taut 15. Research and design on taut mooring system are reviewed and a wire-polyester rope-wire mooring line is designed in this dissertation. Static analysis of mooring system with nine different line patterns is carried out to study the effect of line patterns on restoring force and the tension of lines under design condition. 本论文概述了张紧式系泊系统目前的研究方向和设计方法,设计了钢丝绳-聚酯绳-钢丝绳三段式系泊缆,并对九种不同布置方式的张紧式系泊系统进行静力分析,研究在2500米水深的超深水条件下,系泊缆的布置方式对系泊系统的回复力性能的影响程度,以及系泊缆在设计环境条件下的张力变化规律。 16. taut是什么意思 16. Taut red fruit flavors gain flesh and sweetness with air and pick up firm tannins on the back end. 拉红水果口味肉和空气甜蜜,拾起后端的坚定单宁。 17. taut是什么意思 17. That one letter, scrawled on the floor with a broken bit of yellow chalk gripped between my toes, was my road to a new world, my key to mental freedom. It was to provide a source of relaxation to the tense, taut thing that was I, which panted for expression behind a twisted mouth. 我用脚趾夹着的粉笔头涂写出的字母A开启了我的另一扇生命之门,曾经因为嘴巴说不了话而苦恼困惑的我终于找到了个人的表达方式,终于得以享受精神的自由。 18. She is as in a field a silken tent At midday when the sunny summer breeze Has dried the dew and all its ropes relent, So that in guys it gently sways at ease, And its supporting central cedar pole, That is its pinnacle to heavenward And signifies the sureness of the soul, Seems to owe naught to any single cord, But strictly held by none, is loosely bound By countless silken ties of love and thought To everything on earth the compass round, And only by one's going slightly taut In the capriciousness of summer air Is of the slightest bondage made aware. 她如田野中的一顶丝绸帐篷在夏日的中午,微风吹干了她上面的露珠也吹柔了悬挂的细绳她悠然自得地摆动支撑她的雪松树干透过她的顶端直上云霄见证了她灵魂的存在看上去,她不被任何单一的绳索束缚只被无数爱和思想的丝绳牵动沿着指南针方向,联系万物在夏日变换无常的微风中只有受到些微的阻碍时她才意识到一丝的牵伴。 19. taut的意思 19. There, people will take off their taut shell, in a relatively relaxed state about their emotions and you will hear the actual complaint, sincere praise, including an objective assessment, you will find out who is and who is walking near, who and who travel a. 在那里,人们会脱下紧绷绷的外壳,在相对放松的状态下讲述自己的苦乐,你会听到真实的抱怨,真诚的赞誉,包括客观的评价,你也会发现谁和谁走得近,谁和谁走得远。 20. The lower abdomen, pelvis, and large intestine are the main residence of vata in the body, so many of these asanas compress the lower abdomen or cause the lower abdomen to become taut. 下腹、下骨盆和大肠是vata型在身体的所在。 taut 词典解释 1. 绷紧的;拉紧的 Something that is taut is stretched very tight. e.g. When muscles are taut or cold there is more chance of injury or strain... 肌肉绷紧或受凉时更容易损伤。 e.g. The clothes line is pulled taut and secured. 晾衣绳被拉紧并系牢。 2. 肌肉结实的;健美的 If a person or their body is taut, they are very lean with firm muscles. taut是什么意思 e.g. That summer she had shed the weight gained during pregnancy, her body was trim and taut. 那年夏天,她减去了怀孕期间增加的体重,身材又变得修长而健美。 3. 忧虑的;紧张的 If someone has a taut expression, they look very worried and tense. taut e.g. Ben sat up quickly, his face taut and terrified... 本一骨碌坐了起来,表情紧张而惊恐。 e.g. Little by little she lost the taut, strained air of perpetual anxiety. 长期焦虑带来的紧张而疲惫的神色从她脸上慢慢消失了。 4. (文章、电影等)结构严谨的,紧凑的 If you describe a piece of writing or a film as taut, you mean that it is good because it is exciting and has no unnecessary details. e.g. ...Eric Rochant's 'Aux yeux du monde', a taut thriller about the kidnapping of a school bus. 艾希·侯相导演的《在世人面前》——一部劫持校车的情节紧凑的惊悚片 taut 单语例句 1. This cycle kicked off in 1957 with the taut " Curse of Frankenstein, " a significant departure from the Boris Karloff classic. 2. Jean Genet's classic and taut thriller The Maids is now onstage. 3. The four undone buttons of his tight white shirt reveal a taut frame. 4. Gao vividly paints the subtle emotional struggles of the characters while maintaining a taut narrative. 5. It has the highest concentration of the mineral waters and leaves taut skin feeling comfortable. 6. Zhong Jian's dragon lay all taut and sprawled on the ground. taut 英英释义 adj 1. pulled or drawn tight e.g. taut sails a tight drumhead a tight rope Synonym: tight 2. subjected to great tension stretched tight e.g. the skin of his face looked drawn and tight her nerves were taut as the strings of a bow |
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