单词 | terse |
释义 | terse [英 [t?:s] 美 [t?:rs] ] terse的意思、解释 terse 基本解释 terse的解释 形容词(说话、文笔等)精练的,简洁的; 扼要的 terse的反义词 terse 网络解释 1. terse的反义词 1. 简洁:CSS 的杠杆知识,以 CSS 选择器定位页面元素机制为基础,jQuery 继承了表现文档结构的简洁(terse)而易读(legible)的方法. 由于做专业的 web 开发的必备知识是 CSS 语法,jQuery 为想在页面加上行为的设计师提供了一个入口. 2. 简洁的:threading 技术 | terse 简洁的 | tweak 修整,细调 3. terse的反义词 3. 言谈文笔简练的:Cerebral 大脑的,理智的 | Terse 言谈文笔简练的 | Vindictive 复仇的,深仇的 4. 精炼的,简洁的,扼要的:temperate有节制的,戒酒的 | terse精炼的,简洁的,扼要的 | toxic毒的,中毒的,有毒的 5. 5. terse:ters; 简洁输出信息 terse 双语例句 1. The US Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating BHP Billiton's connection to possibly corrupt practices in several of the mining company's former projects, BHP disclosed yesterday in a terse statement. 必和必拓昨日在一份简短的声明中透露,美国证交会正在调查该公司与过去数个项目中可能存在的腐败行为之间的关联。 2. terse的反义词 2. However, we should always bear in mind that the terse-realistic presentation of the absurdities of war in The Hurt Locker obfuscates and thus renders acceptable the fact that its heroes are doing exactly the same job as the heroes of Green Berets. 无论如何,我们必须一直记得,《拆弹部队》对战争之荒谬的简明—现实主义描述混淆了如是事实并因而使之得以被接受——《拆弹部队》中的主人公所做的正是《绿色贝雷帽》主人公早已在做的工作。 3. Experimental results demonstrate that this algorithm model is terse and realizable easily, the blur and jaggy of image detail are avoided. 实验结果表明,算法模型简单易于实现,消除了传统图像插值算法边缘锯齿和模糊,保持了图像边缘细节和纹理特征,对彩色图像视觉效果更为明显。 4. Go tries to be terse, and this declaration could be shortened. Since the string constant is of type string, we don't have to tell the compiler that. 这个变量的声明有更简洁的方式,因为根据初始值来判断它的数据类型,没有必要显式写出数据类型。 5. 5. The third is its terse and profound language. 其说理艺术特点有三:严密的逻辑思维——不但形式逻辑在其中广泛运用,而且还出现了辨证逻辑萌芽;准确的心理捕捉——说理者善于抓住听者心理特点和心理需求进行说理,从而效果显著;简洁警醒的语言——《国语》说理方式主要是摆事实,即扼要地叙述一连串史实或典制以证是非,并间杂不少经典谣谚和圣贤之言,故而语言简洁又发人深省。 6. Terse statement turns the action countered to Pakistan`s international obligations to fight terrorism. 普拉卡什表示此行为是与巴基斯坦打击恐怖主义的国际义务背道而驰的。 7. In a somewhat terse Twitter exchange, I called him and other die-hard iPhone fans unreasonable. 在 twitter 上仅有的几句简单交流中,我就说他和其他的死忠果粉这样是不合理不理智的。 8. The only information source available to the public is the cross-checking done by private researchers such as Jimmy Guieu, following statements made by the United States or Australian magazines (always very short and terse paragraphs), and anything the locals may notice. 唯一的信息源代码提供给公众的是相互核对工作由私人研究人员,如吉米Guieu ,发言后由美国或澳洲杂志,以及任何可能会发现当地人。 9. Although C prides itself on being a terse language, and the ternary operator might have been introduced partly for efficiency, you should be somewhat wary of using it on an everyday basis—it`s easy to produce unreadable code. 尽管c引以为傲的就是它是一种简练的语言,而且三元运算符的引入多半就是为了体现这种高效率的编程,但假若您打算频繁用它,还是要先多作一些思量——它很容易就会产生可读性极差的代码。 10. 10. It is terse generous that the vase body is designed the stria, Rather haveing contemporary rhythm senses, With New York is graceful breathes out time the sky scraping building is the a jar of side stria, Graceful nimble. 瓶身设计线条简洁大方,颇具现代节奏感,以纽约曼哈顿的摩天大楼为瓶侧的线条,优雅利落。 11. Yin's water colors express the same doubt and the tinted portraits are reminiscent of the heads of Marlene Dumas. Dumas applied ink strokes to demonstrate the flows of desire, and Yin Zhaoyang further represents the conditions of people with a more terse style. The conditions presented by Yin are the encounters John Berger suggested. Yin stripped the appearances of the figures from daily life, from fictions or films and gave them different contours, space as well as his own emotions for the purpose to represent a violent agitation. 尹朝阳水彩作品表现出相同情绪,渲染的肖像不禁令人想起Marlene Dumas的人头作品,但相较于Dumas将水墨般笔触视为自我欲望的流动性转化,尹朝阳的水彩人物更简洁地去表达一种人的状态,这个状态,犹如约翰伯格所述,来自于艺术家和各种描绘主体的邂遘,尹朝阳将自生活、小说、电影中积垒的各种角色剥除其外形,以轮廓、空间、结合艺术家个人情绪,成为强烈且焦虑的再现。 12. Florton furniture limited company is a joint venture productiong the top-grade metal furniture mainly, from1999 to the present, in short several years, the scale of company is expanded constantiy, The series of florton furniture designed by the great European master, on the basis of fully considered the function, the terse lucid and lively modeling that embodies modern furniture limitation of utmost, appearstyle in simple, make people appreciate the glamour of its art and intelligence too while enjoying the prefect quality and function. 富罗登家具有限公司是一个主要生产高档家具的合资企业,从一九九九年至今,短短几年时间,公司规模不断扩大。富罗登系列家具源自欧洲名师设计,在充分考虑了功能的基础上,最大限度的体现现代家具的简练明快造型,在简单中呈现韵味,让人们在享受完美质量与功能的同时也欣赏其艺术和智慧的魅力。 13. terse的解释 13. Though the analysis of the convexity of the front surface, this paper gained some terse and practical results. We can control the shape of developable surface through adjusting corresponding plane curves. 本文通过对上述两种可展B样条曲面进行保凸分析,得到了一些简洁,适用的结论:只要调整相应平面曲线,就能控制可展面的形状。 14. I am unaware of any club, was Mr Dimon's terse response a couple of days later. 我不知道什么俱乐部,戴蒙几天后简洁地回应道。 15. In a terse statement, the Honduran Foreign Ministry said that any delegation which included the group's secretarygeneral, Jose Miguel Insulza, was not welcome in the Central American country. 洪都拉斯临时政府称他们不会允许任何来自美洲国家组织的代表前来访问,因为他们拒绝秘书长Jose Miguel Insulza。 16. After Huang Qu senior official yellow Jinlong carries on the contact to finish, immediately defers to the planning for action which formulates in advance, leads side one group of terse motion members, nonstop is rapid rushes recent to the control center, nearly with the ellipse planetoid rugged surface, nearby the flatwise bend thorough giant steam hole, sees only this hole diameter to have about fully 200 meters, this time fierce toward the outside is erupting the pressure full steam; Huang Qu senior official yellow Jinlong earnestly examined without enough time that, then immediately lets the retinue survey group with the most advanced laser analyzer, surveyed has spouted the steam the temperature, the pressure as well as includes other material each data, obtained the data and formerly obtained the data astonishing consistency, in which vapor temperature reached as high as 500 degrees, about the pressure 50 atmospheric pressure, most worrying was in this steam includes some kind of humanity's unknown micro material, possible ambush some kind of unexpected danger, to be needing the further experimental analysis, could obtain the correlation the conclusion! 黄区长官黄金龙进行联络完毕后,就马上按照预先制定的行动计划,带领身边一批精悍的行动队员们,马不停蹄迅速赶到离指挥中心最近的,几乎与椭圆小行星崎岖不平的表面,平直弯曲深入的巨大蒸汽孔洞跟前,只见这个孔洞直径足有200米左右,此时正剧烈的往外喷发着压力十足的水蒸气;黄区长官黄金龙来不及认真查看,便马上让随行探测小组用最先进的激光分析仪,测量了一下喷出蒸汽的温度、压力以及含有其他物质的各项数据,得出的数据和先前得到的数据惊人的一致,其中蒸汽温度高达500度,压力50个大气压左右,最令人担心的是此蒸汽中含有某种人类未知的微量物质,可能潜伏着某种意想不到的危险,需要进一步的试验分析,才能得出相关的结论! 17. 17. In this Project, we contemplate on two existing results of the stability for switched linear systems, and propose alternatives that are terse and more intuitive. 本计画中,我们审视文献中有关切换线性系统的两个结果,并提出较为直观、简洁的替代证明。 18. The literary value of Yajurveda is mostly for its prose, which consists of short terse sentences full of meaning and cadence. 夜柔吠陀的文学价值主要表现在散文上,由短小、简洁的句子组成,意味深长,抑扬顿挫。 19. Terse and forceful language standard C libraries. 短小精悍的C语言标准函数库。 20. terse在线翻译 20. This terse and forceful work has great appeal which, in my opinion, results from the using of the dramatic elements. 这篇短小精悍的作品表现力十分丰富,感染力极强。 terse 词典解释 1. (声明、评论)简短的,短促的,无礼的 A terse statement or comment is brief and unfriendly. terse的翻译 e.g. He issued a terse statement, saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing his decision on Monday... 他发表了简短声明,称他正在和同事讨论他的未来,并将于星期一宣布他的决定。 e.g. His tone was terse as he asked the question. 他提问时语气生硬。 tersely 'It's too late,' he said tersely. “太晚了,”他很不客气地说道。terse 单语例句terse的意思 1. Hezbollah issued a terse statement saying guerrillas " ambushed " the commando force and suffered no casualties. 2. In an equally terse statement Thursday, the hospital spokesman denied rumors that Arafat was dead. 3. The controversy elicited a terse " no comment " from the White House. 4. The Olympic champion was a little terse when asked for the umpteenth time about his poor run in Ostrava. 5. A terse statement from his office only said he had arrived in Saudi Arabia for medical tests and that he was in good health. 6. Ministry of Railway officials said in a terse news release that they simply wanted to improve service. 7. Though cell phone messages tend to be short, nobody would believe the boy would be so terse when exchanging messages with his friends. terse |
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