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单词 notation
    notation [英 [n???te??n] 美 [no??te??n] ]
    notation 基本解释
    notation 相关例句
    1. Music has a special system of notation.
    2. He made a notation on his engagement calendar.
    notation 网络解释
    1. 表示法:James Rumbaugh曾经提到开发方法(method)是一堆规则和指导方针的集合,其中包含四项重要的元素:模式概念(modeling concept)、表示法(notation)、开发程序(development process)、经验法则(rule).
    2. notation的翻译
    2. 记号:DTD的结构一般由元素类型声明、属性声明、实体声明、记号(notation)声明等构成. 一个典型的文档类型定义文件会把将来所要创建的XML文档的元素结构、属性类型、实体引用等预先进行定义.
    3. 符号:教程语言:英文十年前我还在读大学资讯系时,自己花钱买了Together软体,当时Together支援的符号(notation)是Codd和OMT. Codd符号是Peter Codd(一位OO软体工程大师,TogetherSoft的创立者...
    notation 双语例句
    1. In 2002, Tsaban and Vishne introduced the notation of linear transformation shift registers to exploit word-oriented operations for LFSRs.
    2. In about 1450, the notes are coated with black, have called volume and address the future use of hollow note, have called volume Fu white, the notation used in the West to the 17th century or so.
    3. Within each word set, section 1 contains introductory and explanatory material and section 2 introduces terms and notation used throughout the Standard.
    4. Indicates what notation is used for the pronunciation, if more than one occurs in the machine-readable dictionary.
    5. However, by surveying, trying to figure out what problems people have been trying to solve (and which of these might actually prove useful to you someday), you'll start seeing patterns in the notation, and it'll stop being so alien-looking.
    6. The logical function was expressed in terms of cubic notation andthe logical operation was carried out cubically through intersection, compatibility and sharp product.
    7. He added a short notation to the address on the envelope.
    8. notation是什么意思
    8. A short line; a notation for extending the range above or below the staff.
    9. In eq.(2.82), a short notation of stress components are used, i. e., σx=σxx, σ1=σ11, etc.
    10. According to the principle and explanation for protocol test in IEC 9646 and based on the characteristics and requirements of Ethernet for Plant Automation, a layer structure model of abstract test suite was designed. With reference to the structure and clue of Table and Tabular Combined Notation, a kind of formalization language was defined to describe the abstract test suite.
    11. This is a shorthand notation for combinations of multiple option codes.
    12. A sentence involving definite descriptions is, in fact, just a shorthand notation for a series of claims.
    13. It is useful to introduce a shorthand notation to facilitate the identification of various istopes.
    14. The following shorthand notation can be used to specify some common sets.
    15. Java also uses a shorthand notation to perform an operation and an assignment at the same time.
    16. Phonologists often use a shorthand notation to write the rules, just like formulas used by scientists.
    17. Because such strings are used commonly though, Objective-C provides a shorthand notation for creating NSString objects from constant values.
    18. The flourishing of algebra in the medieval Islamic world and in Renaissance Europe was an outgrowth of the enormous simplification of computation through decimal notation.
    19. A business letter also may include these optional parts: attention line, subject line, company name in signature block, enclosure notation, copy notation, postscript, and second-page heading.
    20. Suzi notation records ancient Chinese music and, it is therefore, has special meaning in musicological study. According to the message left by Mr.
    notation 词典解释
    1. (音乐、数学等的)标记系统,成套符号
    A system of notation is a set of written symbols that are used to represent something such as music or mathematics.
    e.g. Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and space represents a note in this scale.
    e.g. ...some other abstract notation system like a computer language.
    notation 单语例句
    1. Each Nushu character is followed by phonetic notation, notes and paraphrase and a corresponding Chinese character and example sentences.
    2. She learned the dance notation system known as Labanotation, which she introduced into China.
    3. His institute is working on the first notation to preserve Afghan traditional music, which has been passed down orally.
    4. But the piano combines both melody and harmony, as symbolized by the notation of its music on two staves showing treble and bass.
    notation 英英释义
    1. the activity of representing something by a special system of marks or characters
    2. a comment or instruction (usually added)
    e.g. his notes were appended at the end of the article
    he added a short notation to the address on the envelope
    Synonym: noteannotation
    3. a technical system of symbols used to represent special things
    Synonym: notational system




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