单词 | obese |
释义 | obese [英 [???bi:s] 美 [o??bi:s] ] obese的意思、解释 obese 基本解释 形容词极为肥胖的,肥大的 obese是什么意思 obese 反义词 形容词leanthinsparescrawny obese 网络解释 1. obese 1. 肥胖:BMI30 kgm-2,而体重尚未超过标准体重100%或45 kg即为肥胖(Obese). 体重超过标准体重100%以上者,为病态肥胖(morbid obesity),PaCO2仍在正常范围的肥胖者为单纯肥胖,出现低通气量及高CO2血症者为肥胖性低通气量综合征(Pickwickian Syndrome). 2. 肥胖的:obelus 疑问记号 | obese 肥胖的 | obesity 肥胖 3. (过度肥胖的 - 通常用在医学上):fat (胖- 较没有礼貌的字) | obese (过度肥胖的 - 通常用在医学上) | tall(高) 4. 4. 过度肥胖的:obducens 丸衣;包丸衣 | obese 过度肥胖的 | obesitas 肥胖症;多脂 obese 双语例句 1. In an earlier study, they compared genetically obese mice and their lean littermates. 在早些时候的一项研究表明,他们的基因相比,肥胖老鼠和他们的精益窝。 2. At the mean time his back view seemed to appeared again --- a back view that is obese ` a back view that is in a green coat and a black mandarin jacket. 我读到此处,在晶莹的泪光中,又看见那肥胖的,青布棉袍,黑布马褂的背影。 3. The subjects will include 15 hyperlipidemic and 15 obese patients who will normally undergo nutritional counciling as experimental group. 研究设计,将寻找有意愿的营养师,设计肥胖及高血脂病患平日饮食营养卫教内容,纳入动机激发、知识教育、技巧教学以及回馈评量四部分内容。 4. It showed that by personal trainers` eight-week training, obese members had significant changes on exercise condition, specific exercise condition and static activities, also, made members be in the habit of constant exercise frequency in order to achieve the adjustment of exercise behavior during this training. 综合以上结论是有私人教练减重课程的介入对肥胖会员整体的成效有具体的提升效果,并且对饮食行为也有正向的改变提升。 5. obese 5. Different from drug-addicted subjects, obese subjects have increased metabolism in somatosensory cortex. 与药物成瘾者不同的是,肥胖者提高躯体感觉皮层的代谢。 6. 6. The obese mice had 50 percent fewer Bacteroidetes and proportionately more Firmicutes. 肥胖老鼠的百分之五十少拟杆菌门和比例更 7. These women were al so 15 percent more likely to pack on the pounds and become obese than their more somnolent counterparts. 而这些缺乏睡眠的女性体重增加并导致肥胖的可能性也要比其他拥有充足睡眠的女性高出百分之十五。 8. 8. Methods 31 cases of obese women were investigated with Digitrapper electrogastrography before and after electrical acupuncture. 采用Digitrapper双电极胃电图记录仪记录31例单纯性肥胖妇女电针治疗前、后餐前和餐后胃电活动。 9. obese的解释 9. If a person comes to my office, let us say if I was a primary care doctor and I saw someone who has diabetes and who had high blood pressure and had high cholesterol and was obese and maybe had some evidence of abnormalities on exam suggestive of neuropathy, all of these and many other factors would figure into my understanding of his risk. 如果有人来到我办公室,先假设我是一个初级护理医生,我看到一个人,他是糖尿病患者,有高血压、高胆固醇、肥胖或者神经病理检查也提示异常,所有这些以及其它的一些因素,都能促使我对他患病危险因素的理解。 10. Many obese people complain that others belve they are overweight simply because they eat too much or fail to exercise. 许多肥胖的人抱怨说别人都以为他们过度肥胖就是因为他们贪吃,或者是缺乏运动。 11. obese的解释 11. Afterward, we use Pearson product-moment correlation method to find out association between physical activity and body mass Index. Results: For female college student, the physical activity of underweight group (8982 ± 1906 steps/day) is obviously higher than overweight/obese group (7864 ± 2372 steps/day). 结果:大学女生体重过轻组之身体活动量(8982 ± 1906步/天)明显高於体重过重/肥胖组(7864 ± 2372步/天);每日步数小於5,000步组的BMI(21.62 ± 3.30 kg/m2)明显高於每日大於12,500步的BMI(19.58 ± 1.28 kg/m2)。 12. obese的近义词 12. Results 5267 individuals met the inclusion criteria and enlisted into data analysis. Exposure rate of hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, family history of stroke, obese, cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking were 30.70%, 21.80%, 5.45%, 29.07%, 20.24%, 22.78% and 11.24%, respectively. 结果 符合纳入标准且最终纳入数据统计分析的人数为5267人,高血压、心脏病、糖尿病、卒中家族史、肥胖、吸烟、饮酒等因素的暴露率分别为30.70%,21.80%,5.45%,29.07%,20.24%,22.78%和11.24%。 13. He moved his obese body on the bed with great difficulty. 他躺在床上很吃力地挪动着自己腽肭的身躯。 14. Mrs. Reed might be at that time some six or seven and thirty; she was a woman of robust frame, square-shouldered and strong-limbed, not tall, and, though stout, not obese: she had a au rora -can. 她在做针钱活,我在打量着她,当时里德太太也许才三十六七岁光景,是个体魄强健的女人,肩膀宽阔,四肢结实,个子不高,身体粗壮但并不肥胖,她的下鄂很发达也很壮实,所以她的脸也就有些大了。 15. Similar to drug-addicted subjects, we found reductions in striatal dopamine D2 receptors in obese subjects. 与药物成瘾者相似,我们也发现肥胖患者的纹状体D2受体的减少。 16. Overeating in obese subjects shares similarities with the loss of control and compulsive drug taking behavior observed in drug-addicted subjects. 肥胖者的过度饮食和药物成瘾者的强迫性服药行为都有着相似的控制失效问题。 17. The intervention of oat meal for 8 weeks has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular disease risk factors, including central obesity, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance of obese adolescents. 综合本研究之结果,每日摄取 75 公克燕麦片饮食,持续 8 周,对於改善肥胖青少年之心血管疾病危险因子,更具有正面之益处。 18. obese 18. The annual health check showed that overweight or obese and hemachrosis were the main health risks of the study subjects. 研究结果显示该院生障碍程度以中、重度为主(65.3%),有28.3%的院生接受机构的住宿服务;院生年龄分布在17-55岁之间,其中21-30岁人数最多占了56.6%。 19. obese什么意思 19. It gives the feeling of fullness, and helps the obese control their appetitie. 它使丰满的感觉,并有助于控制肥胖 appetitie 。 20. Overseas studies have shown that 50% of children are obese hypertensive children. 国外有研究表明,50%的高血压儿童是肥胖儿。 obese 词典解释 1. 过分肥胖的;臃肿的;虚胖的 If someone is obese, they are extremely fat. obese的翻译 e.g. The tendency to become obese is at least in part hereditary... 发胖至少有一部分是源于遗传。 e.g. Obese people tend to have higher blood pressure than lean people. 胖人常常比瘦人血压高。 obesity ...the excessive consumption of sugar that leads to problems of obesity. 导致肥胖问题的过量糖分摄入obese 单语例句 1. Add in diabetic dehydration and other conditions common in the obese, and it's a recipe for trouble. 2. Obese people had a higher risk, with the extra weight putting additional stress on the knee joint. 3. A national survey shows that one in four boys in China's cities is clinically overweight or obese. 4. Overweight or obese people did not experience significantly different changes in memory or cognitive function compared to those with normal weight. 5. Obese women trying to become pregnant experience longer times to conception, even if they are young and have a regular menstrual cycle. 6. Nearly a third of US adults are considered obese with a BMI of 30 or more. 7. The results seem to contradict stereotypes that overweight and obese women have less sex. 8. Obese children stand a greater risk of contracting cancer in adulthood, according to a newly released study by Tel Aviv University's Medical School. 9. " If you are obese as a child it does track into adulthood, " she said. 10. The Supreme Court in Canada ruled that obese and disabled people travelling on airplanes cannot be forced to buy a second seat. obese 英英释义 adj 1. excessively fat e.g. a weighty man Synonym: corpulentweightyrotund |
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