单词 | ode |
释义 | ode [英 [??d] 美 [o?d] ] ode的意思、解释 复数形式:odes; ode 基本解释 名词颂诗,颂歌 ode是什么意思 ode 相关例句 名词 1. As a young child, she often recited lines from the ancient odes. 小时候她经常背诵古赋里的辞句。 ode 网络解释 1. 颂歌:最早使用这一新的音乐形式,它由九首节拍和旋律各不相同的颂歌(Ode)组成,对应于九首源自圣经的歌篇,用于晨祷,传达基督即将降临的信息. Kanon另类摇滚的同义词. 起源于西雅图的类金属(metal-like)另类摇滚, 2. 颂诗:以诗歌形式而论,精通古典语言和文学传统的弥尔顿,尝试了颂诗(ode)、田园诗(eclogue)、挽歌(elegy)、悼诗(epitaph)、讽刺诗(epigram)等各种形式,以及源出意大利传统的十四行诗. 3. 3. 常微分方程:具 解基本代数方程 二次方程求解 符号方程绘图 高次方程求解 方程组 方程展开与合并 使用指数和对数函数求解方程 函数的级数表示 习题 第六章基本符号演算和微分方程 极限计算 导数计算 dsolve命令 常微分方程(ODE)求解. 4. ode 4. 定向腐蚀剂:odd winding 奇数绕组 | ode 定向腐蚀剂 | oeic 光电子集成电路 5. ode:the ordinary differential equation; 常微分方程 6. ode:ordinary differential equation; 一阶常微分方程 ode 双语例句 1. The fourth part is the core of this paper in which the author classifies and analyses the Landscape Ode in the Six Dynasties. Such odes are still separated into two types: the Mountain Odes and the Water Odes, and the latter are also sorted into different patterns by the existent forms, such as the Sea Odes, the River Odes and so on, in order to grasp the characteristics of their productions to superior extent. 第四部分是本文的核心,对魏晋南北朝山水赋进行了类析,从大的方面将其分为山赋和水赋,其中又将水赋以水的不同存在形态细分为海赋、江河赋及其它形态的水赋,以便在更深的层次上掌握其在创作中表现出的某些特征。 2. ode 2. The previous ODE model can be viewed as especial example and its relevant results can be regarded as corollaries of this article. 已有的两类模型可视为本模型的特例,其相关结论可作为本文的推论。 3. My heart is stirred by a noble theme, as I sing my ode to the king. My tongue is the pen of a nimble scribe. 我的心灵涌溢优雅的言辞,向我君王倾吐我的赞美诗;我舌好象书写流利的妙笔。 4. The rust preventive ability of five kinds of oil is estimated by a wire beam electr ode, and is contrasted with that of the salt spray test. 采用自制的丝束电极对 5种油品的防锈性能进行了评价,并与传统的盐雾试验进行了对照。 5. The main literature style has elegy, ode, drinking song, wedding ceremony song and so on. 主要体裁有悲歌、颂歌、饮酒歌、婚礼歌等等。 6. By a self-similar transformation, the self-similar solutions satisfy a boundary value problem of nonlinear ODE. 研究一类带有非线性梯度吸收项的快速扩散方程的自相似奇性解。 7. Then the author probes into the reasons for the rise and the prosperity of the Landscape Ode to explore the deep and internal factors of it. 第三部分探讨了山水赋兴起及繁荣的原因,以期发掘其勃兴的深层、内在因素。 8. ode在线翻译 8. In front of the disaster, does not say gives up, they use own life, composes a tune tune immortal ode: In the ruins, 29 year-old teacher opens Mia aircraft closely to hug two students, withstands caving in with the back the house beam, he is a vigorous tiercel, stretches out the double wing to resist the god of death for the student, perhaps his life had terminated in the flash, but loves with the belief, lets him maintain the such sacred posture. 灾难面前,不言放弃,他们用自己的生命,谱写出一曲曲不朽的颂歌:废墟中,29岁的老师张米亚紧紧抱着两名学生,用背顶住坍塌的房梁,他是一只矫健的雄鹰,伸出双翅为学生抵挡死神,或许他的生命在一瞬间就已终止,可是爱和信仰,让他保持着这样神圣的姿态。 9. 9. In front of the disaster, does not say gives up, they use own life, composes a tune tune immortal ode: In the ruins, 29 year-old teacher opens Mia aircraft closely to hug two students, withstands caving in with the back the house beam, he is a vigorous tiercel, stretches out the double wing to resist the god of death for the student, perhaps his life had terminated in the flash, 8ttt8.com loves with the belief, lets him maintain the such sacred posture. 灾难面前,不言放弃,他们用自己的生命,谱写出一曲曲不朽的颂歌:废墟中,29岁的老师张米亚紧紧抱着两名学生,用背顶住坍塌的房梁,他是一只矫健的雄鹰,伸出双翅为学生抵挡死神,或许他的生命在一瞬间就已终止,可是爱和信仰,让他保持着这样神圣的姿态。 10. The human is so tiny, is containing the formidable strength actually. in front of the disaster, does not say gives up, they use own life, composes a tune tune immortal ode: in the ruins, 29 year-old teacher opens mia aircraft closely to hug two students, withstands caving in with the back the house beam, he is a vigorous tiercel, stretches out the double wing to resist the god of death for the student, perhaps his life had terminated in the flash, but loves with the belief, lets him maintain the such sacred posture. also has huaiyuan middle school's teacher wu zhonghong, he luckily is already out of danger, but in order to is stranded in the classroom however the student, mr. 人是如此渺小,却又蕴含着强大的力量。灾难面前,不言放弃,他们用自己的生命,谱写出一曲曲不朽的颂歌:废墟中,29岁的老师张米亚紧紧抱着两名学生,用背顶住坍塌的房梁,他是一只矫健的雄鹰,伸出双翅为学生抵挡死神,或许他的生命在一瞬间就已终止,可是爱和信仰,让他保持着这样神圣的姿态。 11. If any combination other than 0-0, for the ODE pin and the OSB bit, is used, the three-state control of the streams will be left to the state of the MOD1 and MOD0 bits of the Connection Memory. 如果任何其他的组合比0-0为常微分方程脚位和定向结构刨花板,是使用了流三态控制将留待国家的MOD1和连接记忆MOD0位。 12. ode的翻译 12. OUTPUT IMPEDANCE CONTROL In order to put all streams in three-state, all per-channel three-state control bits in the Connection Memory are set (MOD0 and MOD1 = 1) or both the ODE pin and the OSB bit of the Control Register must be zero. 输出阻抗控制为了使所有流在三态,在连接所有内存每通道三态控制位设置(MOD0和MOD1 = 1)或两者的管脚和常微分方程的控制位定向结构刨花板注册必须为零。 13. The three types of ode in Book of Poetry indicate the emergence of the literary form ode in the Chinese literature. 《诗经》三颂的出现标志着颂体文学的诞生。 14. La_(1-x)Sr_xCo_(1-y)Fe_yO_3 perovskite-type composite oxides are won- derful electronic-ionic conductor, which makes them be potential cath- ode materials for ITSOFC. La_(1-x)Sr_xCo_(1-y)Fe_yO_3钙钛矿型氧化物具有良好的电子和离子混合导电性能,可作为中温固体氧化物燃料电池的阴极材料。 15. 15. More of an ode or a poem than a literal document, the book is as powerful and provocative today as it was 50 years ago. 是一出歌颂或比文字文件诗更多,这本书是强大的,挑衅性的今天,这是50年前。 16. Zhong Rong set out to correct the current situation of literature, objecting to write it an ornate style with many idioms, literature quotations, etc. He furthered to bring forward the beauty of nature and then the savor theory, that is using the gracefal natural beauty, the sentimental beauty and ode, compare, prevail, etc. 钟嵘从纠正文坛时弊出发,反对用典、声律的过分雕琢,提出自然之美,更进一步提出滋味说,即:从清雅的自然之美,到吟咏情性的感伤之美,再到赋、比、兴、丹采、风力的调和使用,完整而全面地展示了其滋味说的美学理想。 17. Experimental results show that with the coordination of the transmitting and receiving process, the communication control module described is able to accomplish rapidly and effectively the mode initialization, dynamic m ode switching and to spot and handle any control error. 结果表明,研究设计的ISDN视频会议系统中,通信控制模块与发送、接收进程互相配合,能快速有效地完成模式初始化、动态模式切换,并能及时发现和处理通信控制中的错误。 18. He had his first writing published in secondary school and since then collections of poems like STARVE THE POETS, ODE TO WILD SEEDS, I EVENTUALLY UNDERSTAND WHY YOU REFUSED, collection of essays NOT LET ONE GO and novel CARNIVAL have been published and some of them have been translated into English, German, Japanese, Swedish and Esperanto. 中学时代开始发表作品,目前主要从事诗歌、随笔、小说写作,已出版诗集《饿死诗人》、《野种之歌》、《我终于理解了你的拒绝》,随笔集《一个都不放过》及长篇小说《狂欢》等。部分作品被译为英、德、日、瑞典、世界语。 19. It was not only a piece of exqusite ode for women, but also a toughing women's tragedy. 它既是一首优美的女性颂歌,又是一部如泣如诉的女性悲剧。 20. One, the Huang Huai of period of bright Qing Dynasty's downstream irrigation works state since Song Yuan, the old river such as river of the Yellow River, the Huaihe River and canal interweaves in North Jiangsu churchyard south below, irrigation works state of affairs is intricate, what the boreal carry that matters to grain ode and king affairs of state treat is stable, also matter to two sides of river of the Huaihe River the safety of the production of one billion two hundred and fifteen million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-two surnames and life. 一、明清时期的黄淮下游的水利状况自宋元以来,黄河、淮河和运河等大河流在苏北境内交织南下,水利状况错综复杂,关系到粮赋的北运和王朝政治的稳定,也关系到淮河两岸千百万百姓的生产和生命的安全。 ode 词典解释 1. 颂诗;颂歌 An ode is a poem, especially one that is written in praise of a particular person, thing, or event. e.g. ...Keats' Ode to a Nightingale. 济慈的《夜莺颂》 ode 单语例句 1. They will congregate in Penglai city in Shandong Province to sing Ode to Peace in unison. 2. Eminem's decision to use the Dido song " Thankyou " in his ode to an obsessed fan " Stan " transformed her career. 3. From his ode of life, everyone can touch the youth and effulgence that have passed by. 4. Just as the directors put it, it was an ode to life in fairytale style. 5. Based on the legendary love life of the gypsy girl Carmen, it is an ode to freedom and honesty. 6. The global itinerant exhibition of the giant painting Ode to China had great influence both at home and abroad. 7. The famous stone works include Ode to the Plum Blossom by Huang Chao, and a Fairy Spreading Flowers. 8. Yoko played a leading role in a short dance programme called Ode to the Yellow River for the visiting Chinese president yesterday. 9. Hao says this shaped his distinctive style and his songs are an ode to the city. 10. A woman there wrote a poem as an ode to the women of the new age. ode 英英释义 noun 1. a lyric poem with complex stanza forms |
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