单词 | through thick and thin |
释义 | through thick and thin [英 [θru: θik ?nd θin] 美 [θru θ?k ?nd θ?n] ] through thick and thin的意思、解释 through thick and thin 基本解释 副词不畏艰险; 历经甘苦; 不辞水火 through thick and thin 网络解释 1. 不顾艰难:stick with 继续支持;保持联系 | through thick and thin 不顾艰难 | pull out of 从......中退出 2. 不畏艰难困苦:the three Rs 基本三会--读、写、算 | through thick and thin 不畏艰难困苦 | throw cold water on 泼冷水 3. 阿灿正传:2001 法医X档案 Beyond The Axis Of Truth | 阿灿正传 Through Thick And Thin | 大酒店 The Hotel 4. 4. 不畏艰险:through the medium of 通过 | through thick and thin 不畏艰险 | through to 直到 through thick and thin 双语例句 1. 1. Quantitative value of thick and thin tongue fur, moistening and dryness of tongue fur, greasy and putrid tongue fur can be get through the texture future analysis methods. 厚薄苔、润燥苔、腐腻苔、剥落苔等病理苔质是可以定量的,且其定量值有特异性。 2. 2. A real friend is one who will stand by you through thick and thin. 一个真正的朋友是会和你同甘共苦。 3. 3. His wife stuck faithfully to him through thick and thin. 他的妻子和他同甘共苦,对他坚贞不渝。 4. Love starts to blossom secretly between the two. Meanwhile, with the help of YUE, KEUNG pulls himself together. He is confident of handling interpersonal relationship, too. But YUE`s help has upset another student of his, who pledges to frame KEUNG up. As for relationships, KEUNG finds it hard to leave YEE, who has stuck with him through thick and thin, for CHING, who he loves truly 在事业上,强受恩师承宇大力提拔重拾斗志与人际关系的信心,但却同时招惹同门师弟陷害;在爱情上,虽与政情投意合,却难忍自己背叛多年对他不离不弃的仪,顿时陷入两难局面。。。 5. Fate brought them into my life and we have been through thick and thin over the years. 朋友佛说,修百世方能同舟。那么,我必是求了千万世才修来了你们。 6. Perhaps, love is willing to pay, through thick and thin-sharing. 或许,爱就是心甘情愿的付出,甘苦与共的分享。 7. I hope I can go through thick and thin with my husband in the future. 我非常希望将来的日子能够和我的爱人去渡过。 8. 8. China and US will stand together through thick and thin, enhance co-operation and seek common development. 中国有句古话:路遥知马力,日久见人心,五十多年来,尽管国际风云变幻,但中美在政治、经济和文化等各个领域的合作稳步发展,中美人民的友谊历久弥深。 9. Share weal and woe; go through thick and thin together; share joys and sorrows; share the common weal and woe with; stand together through thick and thin; throw in one's lot with sb. 成语彼此有福有祸都共同承受。休:福;欢乐;戚:忧愁。形容关系密切;同甘共苦。例句在那动荡的年代;我们这些人命运相同;~。 10. I think the real friends who can be with you through thick and thin, you can trust, and will not betray your people. 我认为真正的朋友应该是那些能与你同甘共苦的,你可信任的,不会背弃你的人。 11. 11. She had promised her mother that she would be with him through thick and thin. 她答应过自己的母亲,要和弟弟同甘共苦。 12. I will be with you through thick and thin. 与你同甘共苦 13. We are old comrades-in-arms who have stood together through thick and thin. 我们是风雨同舟的战友。 14. Through thick and thin, you are always with me. 不论发生好或坏的事情,你总是和我在一起。 15. 15. He's been with me|through thick and thin. 在任何情况下|他都和我在一起 16. They were friends through thick and thin. 他们是同甘共苦的朋友。 17. I remember how you held my hand through thick and thin. 我记得你是如何握住我的手与我同甘共苦。 18. 18. I am committed to you 100 percent, and will be here for you through thick or thin. 我承诺给你100%并通过你们这里将厚厚或thin。? 19. 19. These fellows who attacked the inn to-night - bold, desperate blades, for sure - and the rest who stayed aboard that lugger, and more, I dare say, not far off, are, one and all, through thick and thin, bound that they'll get that money. 今晚袭击旅店的这帮家伙——胆大包天的暴徒,说真的——还有留在单桅船上的其余的那些人,还有更多,我敢说,都没走远,任何一个,所有这些人,在任何情况下都铁定了心要得到那笔钱。 20. The stone materials plant of the company has a strong technical force which is composed of stone inscription and sculpture experts with more than ten years of experience as well as stone masons going through thick and thin. 我公司所属石材加工厂,技术力量十分雄厚,这里有钻研一生、磨练数十年的石刻、石雕专家,有历尽坷坎、久经磨难的雕塑巨匠,他们正在承揽国内外大量石雕石刻任务,也希望各方面用户广泛利用,扩大我方的经营。 through thick and thin 单语例句 1. It's amazing that a little snack like this can carry a restaurant through thick and thin for hundreds of years. 2. The HOS housing program had been with us " through thick and thin ", with little adverse effect on the housing market at large. 3. I value my friends greatly and I have very good friends who have been with me through thick and thin. 4. In honor of her loyalty through thick and thin, local people named the beautiful cave after her. 5. To overcome the ensuing hardship, senior CPC leaders went through thick and thin with the masses. |
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