单词 | tile |
释义 | tile [英 [ta?l] 美 [ta?l] ] tile的意思、解释 过去式:tiled; 过去分词:tiled; 现在分词:tiling; 复数形式:tiles; tile 基本解释 tile的解释 名词瓦片,瓷砖; 空心砖; 麻将牌 及物动词用瓦片、瓷砖等覆盖 tile 相关词组 1. tile in : 用砖瓦围住; 2. have a tile loose : 有点疯; 3. fly a tile : 把帽子打掉; tile是什么意思 tile 相关例句 及物动词 1. tile 1. We heard footsteps on the tiled floor. 我们听到铺了地砖的地面上有脚步声。 名词 1. The brick houses are roofed in red tiles. 这些砖房的屋顶是用红瓦盖的。 2. We use tiles to cover roofs and sometimes floors and walls. 我们用瓦片盖房顶,有时也用瓷砖铺地面和墙面。 tile 网络解释 1. 拼贴:拼贴(Tile):把当前图像拼贴而成的效果. (Undefined Areas)未定义区域: 折回(Wrap Around):把当前图像分为碎块,仿制折成的质感. 重复边缘像素(Repeat Edge Pixdls):重复边缘的像素. (3) Glass(玻璃) 该滤镜能模拟透过玻璃来观看图像的效果, 2. 平铺:C, 平铺(Tile)容器 以多行或多列的形式排列其子级. D, 表单(Form)容器 以标准的表单格式排列其子级. A,手风琴(Accordion)容器 定义一个子面板序列, 但一次仅显示一个面板. 若要导航容器, 用户会单击与他们需要访问的子面板相对应的导航按钮. 3. 3. 瓦:第二章 布料(fabrics)贴图影像文件第三章 旗帜(flag)贴图影像文件第四章 分形(fractal)图形贴图影像文件第五章 特殊图案(pattern)贴图影像文件第六章 植物(plant)背景贴图影像文件第七章 石材(stone)贴图影像文件第八章 砖瓦(tile)贴图影像文件第九章 tile 双语例句 1. 1. Suzhou, a set of Roman tile trimming Min Hui stone slabs on a bold series of stainless steel for waist, giving the already bright shiny toilets have added a lot of dazzling brilliance. 苏州罗马瓷砖的一套玟慧石系列修边砖就大胆采用不锈钢作腰线,给原本就光泽亮丽的洗手间更增添不少炫目光彩。 2. tile 2. An oval shaped bar table is built on the marble tile floor corresponsively. 一盏愧丽的水晶吊灯在店中浮游著﹐高贵气派已叫人平静身心﹐大增食欲。 3. Not far from the road stood a weatherbeaten old barn of reddish-grey brick and tile. 离大路不远,有一个久经风吹雨打的老仓房,由灰中带红的砖和瓦盖的。 4. It has the advantages of reasonable structure, simple mounting, large effective coverage area and small bearing on roof by combining semi- cylindrical tile with flat tile. 从传统琉璃瓦演变发展而来的西式琉璃瓦最先在日本和西班牙、意大利等欧洲一些国家得到应用,它将筒瓦、板瓦型制合二为一,结构合理,挂装简便,有效覆盖面积大,屋顶承重小。 5. It is a ceramic enterprise specializing in production of various kinds of glazed tile series. 佛山金欧威陶瓷有限公司位于南国陶都石湾,是一间专业生产各种釉面砖系列产品的企业。 6. For the interior we used this glazed tile that was typical of Victorian institutions because it was durable and easy to clean. 而在它内部我们使用了类似于玻璃的瓦,它具有维多利亚时期的特色,因为这很经久耐用并且很容易去清洁。 7. tile在线翻译 7. Today, nestled in the trees jungle green glazed tile has become the red-brick and a beautiful rural landscape. 如今,掩映在绿树丛林中的红砖碧瓦已成为农村的又一道亮丽风景。 8. tile 8. The past, we come to the surface is taking the same road, for example, use of glazed tile roof, or some special components or compare the image of things. 过去,我们来到表面采取同样的道路,例如,使用琉璃瓦屋顶,或一些特殊部件或比较形象的东西。 9. Most of the structures within the Forbidden City have yellow glazed tile roofs. 大多结构在紫禁城之内有黄色给上釉的瓦片屋顶。 10. Another attraction in Beihai Park is the 9 Dragon Wall 九龙壁, sculpted in 7 colours of glazed tile. 其它吸引力在北海公园是9 条龙墙壁???,雕刻在给上釉的瓦片的7 种颜色。 11. Expert ideas - store samples display excellent products, qualified products, sales process quietly qualified goods, inferior goods sold to customers in the current tile industry is more common, consumers need to do is to alert businesses cargo to the need in time to open the box to check to see whether the product is delivered with the choice of sample store; payment certificate must make formal business invoices, invoices indicate excellent products, qualified the word goods, quality problems occur in order to address; the best brands to buy reputable, do not easily believe that any business discounts, they often will be the original price 60/block products marked as 160 yuan/piece for sale, even if playing 5 discount, customers also may not be cost-effective. 专家支招--店中样品摆放优等品、合格品,销售过程中悄悄将合格品、次等品卖给顾客的现象在目前瓷砖行业较为常见,消费者需要做的就是提高警惕,商家将货送到时,需要及时打开包装箱检查,看送来的产品是否与店内选择的样品一致;交款时一定要让商家出具正规的发票,在发票上注明优等品、合格品字样,出现质量问题以便解决;最好购买信誉好的知名品牌,不要轻易相信随便打折的商家,他们往往会把原价60元/块的产品标为160元/块销售,即便打5折,顾客也未必划算。 12. Ceramic machine this year`s Forum will work together on large-sized thin ceramic tile technology opportunities and challenges facing? 陶瓷机械今年的论坛将共同致力于大型超薄陶瓷砖技术的机遇和挑战? 13. tile的意思 13. Tile with tesserae, as of a floor. 在地板上铺格子瓷砖。 14. The size, weight and flesh color of pineapple fruit can be increased or improved by SNA spray applied at right stage of fruit development. However, supra-optimal concentration of SNA will cause larger core in tile fruit, more fiber in the flesh and lower sugar content. 在凤梨果实发育中期处理SNA时,果形增大,果重增加,肉色也较佳,但果心横径稍粗,果肉纤维变粗及糖度减低,尤以浓度愈大时愈甚,故制罐用凤梨为兼顾产量与品质,浓度以100ppm为适。 15. Their tombs, packed into every last niche and alcove, range in grandeur from the most regal of mausoleums—that of Queen Elizabeth I, whose canopied sarcophagus inhabits its own private, apsidal chapel—down to the most modest etched floor tiles whose inscriptions have worn away with centuries of foot traffic, leaving it to one's imagination whose relics might lie below the tile in the undercroft. 他们的坟墓,遍布在所有壁龛和洞中的凹陷处,从最具皇家气派的陵墓,伊丽莎白一世之墓--她那带有顶棚的石棺安放在私人专用的半圆室的教堂里--到外表最朴素的雕刻过的地面石砖,可谓应有尽有。这些地砖上雕刻的碑文,由于几百年来人们踩踏的关系,到现在已经破败了,让人不由浮想联翩,以为这历史的陈迹,有可能就藏在教堂地下室的地砖里。 16. When a plane is tiled according to Penrose's directions, the ratio of tile A to tile B is the Golden Ratio. 当飞机按彭罗斯平铺的指示,比例的瓷砖瓷砖A至B是黄金比例。 17. II. sulfid marble tile, include yellow iron ore, white iron ore, yellow bronze ore, yellow tin ore etc. 二、硫化铁:含铁硫化物的矿物有黄铁矿、白铁矿、黄铜砂、黄锡矿等。 18. G L-A1 polished ceramic tile nano polishing solution is a new type of nano polishing solution with international quality made of high quality imported raw and auxiliary materials, mainly consists of nano-composite oxide particles with nano-Si and Ti composite spherical structure, it is elaborately manufactured by our company using advanced patented formula and nanotechnology introduced from Japan, and it is specially developed to solve the following problems of the current GL-A1 polishing agent existing at present: GL-A1 polishing agent is unable to completely fill the large pores and cracks on the surface of the polished ceramic tiles as the particle size of the agent is too small; and the nano Si refracting index and the hardness is relatively low. Product description GL-A2抛光砖纳米抛光液是我公司引进日本先进的纳米专利配方技术,采用国外进口原辅材料精心制造,具有国际品质,专业针对GL-A1抛光剂目前存在的纳米粒子粒径过小,抛光砖经抛光线抛光之后表面有较大气孔和微裂纹难于完全填补,以及由于纳米Si较低的光折射率和硬度较低的缺点而开发的纳米Si和Ti复合球形结构的纳米复合氧化物粒子为主体的新型纳米抛光液。 19. tile的意思 19. And returns the row of the tile (0, 1, 2, 3) in the low word of eax, the column of the tile (0, 1, 2, 3) in the high word of eax. The calculation is quite simple. 它使用0开始的图块索引(图块0,图块1,图块2)等,并在eax的低字中返回图块所在的排(0,1,2,3),在eax的高字中返回图片所在的纵行(0,1,2,3)。 20. CLT-II light glass paste of ceramic tile materials with high stability and physical strength, its compressive strength and flexural strength is far superior to the same type of anti-corrosion material. 请帮下面的翻译下,急等用谢谢大家:CLT—II轻质玻化陶瓷贴面砖具有极高的材料稳定性和物理强度,其抗压强度和抗折强度要远优于同类型防腐材料。 tile 词典解释 1. 瓷砖;墙砖;地砖 Tiles are flat, square pieces of baked clay, carpet, cork, or other substance, which are fixed as a covering onto a floor or wall. e.g. Amy's shoes squeaked on the tiles as she walked down the corridor... 埃米走过走廊时,鞋子踩在地砖上嘎吱作响。 e.g. The cabins had linoleum tile floors. 船舱地上铺着油毡。 2. 瓦片 Tiles are flat pieces of baked clay which are used for covering roofs. e.g. ...a fine building, with a neat little porch and ornamental tiles on the roof. 一幢精致的建筑,有齐整的小巧柱廊,屋顶上覆着装饰瓦 3. 铺瓦于;贴地砖于 When someone tiles a surface such as a roof or floor, they cover it with tiles. e.g. He wants to tile the bathroom... 他想在浴室里铺瓷砖。 e.g. The terracotta tiled floor gives the place a wonderfully homely character. 陶瓦地板使这个地方给人一种非常舒适温馨的感觉。 -tiled ...a slate-tiled floor. 石铺地板 ...a narrow white-tiled room. 贴有白色瓷砖的窄小房间 4. see also: tiling 5. 纵情玩乐,花天酒地(到深夜) If someone has a night on the tiles or is out on the tiles, they go out in the evening, for example to a bar or a club, and do not return home until very late. e.g. Charlotte was dressed for a night on the tiles... 夏洛特为彻夜狂欢精心打扮了一番。 e.g. I used to be out on the tiles every night. 我曾每晚都在外面花天酒地。 tile 单语例句tile是什么意思 1. In the building now used by the Shanghai Foreign Exchange Trade Center, there is a small piece of floor tile 100 years old. 2. Some other proposals to recycle dredged sediments such as in the manufacture of pottery, ceramic tile and as fill material were also proved to be technically feasible. 3. Much like the ceramic tile industry, mosaic makers in Foshan are also at the cross roads of change. 4. Relatives of the newly buried make do with a small tile or a name etched in concrete. 5. Sandals and shoes were tossed on the marble floors, scattered amid pieces of blue and white tile and chunks of concrete. 6. The entrance itself is a granite arch with a glazed tile veneer, and most likely the first place visitors want to pause and take pictures. 7. Qin's company has registered more than 20 patents related to the tile. 8. There were Buddhist and scripture halls inside the temple which was covered with golden tile ceiling to make it more brilliant. 9. Four male students were playing mahjong, and strangely they all won on the tile " four bamboos ". 10. It is a window into imperial China's last years, a history not yet swallowed by cheap white tile. tile 英英释义 noun 1. a flat thin rectangular slab (as of fired clay or rubber or linoleum) used to cover surfaces 2. game equipment consisting of a flat thin piece marked with characters and used in board games like Mah-Jong, Scrabble, etc. 3. a thin flat slab of fired clay used for roofing Synonym: roofing tile verb 1. cover with tiles e.g. tile the wall and the floor of the bathroom |
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