单词 | opalescent |
释义 | opalescent [英 [???p??lesnt] 美 [?o?p??lesnt] ] opalescent的意思、解释 opalescent 基本解释 形容词发乳白色光的 opalescent 网络解释 1. opalescent 1. 呈乳光的;乳色的;蛋白光的:opalescence 乳光 | opalescent 呈乳光的;乳色的;蛋白光的 | opaline 蛋白石 2. 乳色的:opalescence 乳白光 | opalescent 乳色的 | opalesque 发乳白光的 3. 3. 乳光的,乳(白)色的:opalescence 乳光 | opalescent 乳光的,乳(白)色的 | opaque 不透光的 4. 乳光的:暗的;不透明的 opacus | 乳光的 opalescent | 奥帕润(人名) Oparin, A.I. opalescent 双语例句 1. These two properties make opalescent film an obvious material for currency. 这两种特性使得这种乳白色薄膜成为制造纸钞的绝好材料。 2. H and dyed opalescent fabrics are an incredible touch to any project.. 手工织物染色乳白色接触到令人难以置信的任何项目。。 3. Black or dark blue based opalescent fabric works best. 黑色或深蓝色的乳白色面料效果最佳。 4. Opalescent hand dyed fabrics add sparkle to your design. 乳白色手火花染色织物添加到您的设计。 5. Hand dyed opalescent fabrics are an incredible touch to any project.. 手工织物染色乳白色接触到令人难以置信的任何项目。。 6. opalescent 6. Pearls in nature come in white, ivory, pink and black with an opalescent glow. 而天然珍珠是白色、象牙色、粉色或黑色的,带有乳白色的光泽。 7. Her skin was flawless and seemed opalescent. 她的皮肤洁白无瑕,好象乳色的。 8. 8. Opalescent hand dyed fabrics add spar k le to your design. 乳白色手火花染色织物添加到您的设计。 9. Opalescent fabrics have a shinny thread weaved through out the fabric to give it spar k le. 乳白色面料有晶灵线编织织物通过了给它闪闪发光。 10. opalescent 10. Objective: To relieve and even eliminate the pain of pulpitis in opalescent teeth with the sterilized eugenol cottonball after the blockade of the pulp devitalizer. 目的:减轻或消除乳牙牙髓炎患者封失活剂后产生的剧痛,使治疗能顺利进行。 11. Several ancient kiln sites in the Oujiang basin, Zhejiang Province, were prospected and some opalescent glazed sherds which gave out blue light were discovered and collected at Jinyun and kishui districts in this basin. 本文有关作者踏勘了浙江省瓯江流域各个古代窑址,在缙云、丽水两地发现了能散射蓝色的乳光釉残片。 12. 12. Opalescent fabrics have a shinny thread weaved through out t he fabric to give it sparkle. 乳白色面料有晶灵线编织织物通过了给它闪闪发光。 13. Opalescent fabrics have a shi nny thread weaved through out the fabric to give it sparkle. 乳白色面料有晶灵线编织织物通过了给它闪闪发光。 14. The results obtained indicate that the opalescent glazes are characterized by their continuous phase with rich CaO a... 缙云乳光釉中孤立小滴表面具有许多尺寸在100—200的更微小的小珠。 15. opalescent 15. An iridescent oil slick; nacreous clouds looking like mother-of-pearl; a milky opalescent luster. 彩色的浮油;看起来像珍珠母一样光芒四射的云彩;乳白色的、像珍珠一样的光泽。 16. Round the near horizon went the haze, opalescent with frost and smoke, and on the top lay the small blue sky; so that it was like being inside an enclosure, always inside. 近处的天边,笼罩着一种蛋白石色的霜和烟混成雾,顶上便是一块小小的青天。 17. Opalescent glass has been added to admit natural light through the building`s existing openings while providing a sense of privacy for the visitors. 乳白色的玻璃窗在满足顾客沐浴的私密性的同时,又可以增加自然光线的射入。 18. opalescent是什么意思 18. The most famous article of this type is a glass work of art named Opalescent glass Articles burned out by this technology display special color effects, which fall into mainly the transparent and frosted categories. 1925年是雷内玻璃艺术创作的顶峰期,这一年他的作品在巴黎举行的国际艺术品博览会上,赢得了轰动性的声誉。其最负盛名的制品,是一种在烧制过程中,溶入了锑和砷以及钴的,称之为Opalescent glass的玻璃艺术品。 19. It is possible to use opalescent glass for the frame and transparent antique glass for the subject as well as the background. 乳白色玻璃可以用来做龙的躯干,同时可以用透明的旧玻璃做主体和背景。 20. opalescent 20. Family tree and restoration method of hereditary opalescent dentin: A case report Anterior aponeurosis repair to cure the aponeurotic ptosis 遗传性乳光牙本质系谱调查及修复治疗1例前路腱膜修复术治疗腱膜性上睑下垂 opalescent 词典解释 1. 蛋白石般无色的;乳白色的;发乳光的 Opalescent means colourless or white like an opal, or changing colour like an opal. e.g. Elaine turned her opalescent eyes on him. 伊莱恩一双乳白色的眼睛转向他。 e.g. ...a sky which was still faintly opalescent. 仍然泛白的天空 opalescence The sunset was making great splashes of fiery opalescence across the sky. 夕阳将大片天空染成色彩变幻的火红色。opalescent 单语例句 1. The opalescent material in the shell is sold as a cheaper alternative to pearls. opalescent 英英释义 adj 1. having a play of lustrous rainbow colors e.g. an iridescent oil slick nacreous (or pearlescent) clouds looking like mother-of-pearl a milky opalescent (or opaline) luster Synonym: iridescentnacreousopalinepearlescent |
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