单词 | conversation |
释义 | conversation [英 [?k?nv??se??n] 美 [?kɑ:nv?r?se??n] ] conversation的意思、解释 复数形式:conversations; conversation 基本解释 conversation的近义词 名词交谈,会话; 交往,交际; 会谈; (人与计算机的)人机对话 conversation conversation 相关词组 1. have a conversation with : 与...会谈; 2. in conversation with : 和...谈话; conversation 相关例句 名词 1. I had a long conversation with your teacher. 我和你们老师进行了长时间的谈话。 2. She dressed well, but she has no conversation. 她穿着入时,但不善于辞令。 3. He got into conversation with his neighbor. 他开始与邻居交谈起来。 conversation 情景对话 生活对话 conversation B:I thought I coached you on the secrets of flirting! 我不是教过你求爱秘诀吗? A:You overheard my conversation with Rose? 你听到我跟柔丝的对话啦? conversation的翻译 B:It was truly pathetic! 真够悲惨的! A:Shes not interested in me. 她根本对我没兴趣。 B:You have to flirt. 你得撩拨她一下。 A:She doesnt find me attractive. 她根本不觉得我有吸引力。 B:My gosh! Shes just playing hard-to-get! 哎唷!她只是想玩捉迷藏而已! conversation 双语例句 1. Once I was so upset that I almost flooded the conversation with my complaints after she logged on. 我曾有一段时间(一个小时而已,被某人翻译成这样==!)非常消沉,当她上线时我就刷屏式的抱怨。 2. conversation的反义词 2. Second of all, I can't have this conversation until you've tasted her crab puffs. 其次,我们得等你尝过她做的螃蟹泡芙,以后再继续讨论这个。 3. This is the conversation during the journalist interviewed the officer working in Chinese embassy to french. 这是一位记者采访中国驻法使馆的一位官员的谈话。 4. 4. You are so junny, girl, you are right, you need diligence to strive to get what you want, before i have encounter a korea gril that can speak very good english, so we can make conversation eachother, she want to learn chinese, so you can seach on internet maybe some foreigers want to lean chinese form you, so you also can practise you oral english or oralkorean, i had taught an american before, so i can speak english fluently. 这集的笔记要来谈谈一些抱怨的说法,例如交通太差,或是某个人很糟糕,这些抱怨的用法在英文中要怎么讲?我想人生不如意事十之八九,所以要用到这些句子的机会也一定不少吧! 5. conversation的意思 5. The absence of adult conversation and the loss of social interaction and networking can be very depressing. 如果没有成人的交谈和损失的社会互动和网络可以是非常令人沮丧。 6. My daughter learns how to read the conversation in Lesson 5 today. 我女儿今天学习了如何熟读第五课的对话。 7. Wilde has made many colorful forms in such aspects as dressing, decoration, conversation and behavior, etc. Moreover, the brilliance of Wilde`s dandyism is successfully reflected in his works, and he has also created many colorful dandy images. 王尔德不仅在服饰、装饰、语言表达以及行为举止等人生的各方面创造了炫然多彩的审美形式,而且将其纨绔主义艺术的多面折光成功地反射到了作品中,并创造了多彩多姿的纨绔子形象。 8. 8. Although in the circle of his friends, where he might be unreserved with safety, he took a free share in conversation, his colloquial talents were not above mediocrity, possessing neither copiousness of ideas, nor fluency of words. 尽管在朋友圈里他无须戒备,可以自由谈论,但他不善言辞,既无满腹经纶,也不能口若悬河。当在公众场合突然被问及个人见解,他会措手不及,话语简短,有些窘迫。 9. I remember the excitement engendered by the conversation in our home. 我还记得在我家里的谈话所带来的兴奋和激动。 10. In a conversation with a flight attendant on board, she saw the Red Cross spent 12 dollars per hour hiring people to help those who suffered. The stewardess was quite opposed to that idea. She said:The people in disaster area have no jobs and they are poor. Why not hire some reliable to do the distribution? 与飞机上一位空服人员谈话时,她表示在美国CNN新闻频道上看到红十字会以每小时十二美元雇人赈灾,她对这样的赈灾方式很有意见,她的看法是,「灾民既没有工作也没有钱,为什麼不雇用一部分可靠的灾民来作发放的工作? 11. An expression of regret can help bring the conversation to a positive close. 表示遗憾的话语能为对话带来正面结果。 12. The others tried to freeze me out of the conversation. 他在谈话中一人独说而不给别人说话的机会。 13. conversation的近义词 13. LOVE IS DIE I looked away then i looked bacd at you, you tried to say things that you can't undo. if i had my way, i'd never get over you, today's the day i pray that we make it through, make it through the fall, make it through it all. i don't want to fall to pieces. i just want to sit and stare at you. i don't want to talk about it. i don't want a conversation i just want to cry in front of you, i don't want to talk about it'cause i'm in love with you. you're the only one. i'd be with'til the end. when i come undone. you bring me back again. back under the stars back into your arms. 爱情是死,我把头扭然后我翻阅裂谷你,你想说话,你不能undo.if 我有我的想法,我以前从未闯过你,今天的一天,我祈祷,让我们透过它,使它通过秋天,使它通过它all.i不想降至pieces.i只想坐凝望you.i 不想谈it.i不想谈话,我只想哭在你面前,我不要说它的事业,我爱上you.you ' re唯一one.i '四有' til的end.when我 come undone 。你带我回来。早在星空下放回手臂。 14. You have not engaged in our great and gathering conversation, nor did you create the wealth of our marketplaces. 你们没有参加我们的大型聚会对话,也没有在我们的市场中创造财富。 15. Perhaps it is about time for you to write to the Sunday Times to Ms. Li Xueying to clarify your conversation with her and get her to apologize of misquoting you. 大意:或者现在是刘博士写信要求海峡星期刊记者 Li Xueying 澄清有关交谈,并且要求为错误报导道歉的时候。 16. Until one day, on one summer night when frogs were singing around, we had a rather meaningful long conversation on the campus. He informed me that, practically, as a science worker, he believed in materialism and science; but substantially, he was an agnostic. 直到某一天,校园里一个有蛙鸣的夏日夜晚,我们一次比较有意义的长谈中,他通知我,虽然实践范畴作为科学工作者,他坚持唯物论,相信科学;但是,本质上,他是个不可知论者。 17. 17. The conversation is good and raises a good question. 该会话是好的,提出了一个很好的问题。 18. The titles people address each other are the most common signal and bridge of interpersonal communication. Being most easy to be observed and recorded, and most significant way to reflect the the social relationship and the range of the two in conversation, the relative research has always been attractive. 人际间的相互称呼于语是日常交往最经常发生的沟通人际关系的信号和桥梁,它又是最容易被观察和记录的,又由于它最能明显的反映出说话人之间的社会关系和社会地位,因此这一方面的研究一直有诱惑力。 19. conversation的翻译 19. The drama introduction during world war ii, the two FenChu opposing faction Germany scientific furniture, furniture polish science, the Heisenberg MiHui Boer war, the direct impact Copenhagen process and the destiny of mankind conversation contents is what? 二戰期間,兩位分處敵對陣營的德國科學傢海森堡、波蘭科學傢波爾密會哥本哈根,這次直接影響戰爭進程与人類命運的談話內容是什么? 20. Do you know that conversation is one of the greatest pleasure in life? 你知道谈话是生活中最大的乐趣之一吗? conversation 词典解释 1. 交谈;谈话;会话 If you have a conversation with someone, you talk with them, usually in an informal situation. e.g. He's a talkative guy, and I struck up a conversation with him... 他是一个健谈的人,于是我开始和他攀谈起来。 e.g. I waited for her to finish a telephone conversation. 我等着她打完电话。 2. 正在谈话;正在交谈 If you say that people are in conversation, you mean that they are talking together. conversation什么意思 e.g. When I arrived I found her in conversation with Mrs Williams. 我到的时候,发现她正在和威廉斯夫人谈话。 3. 搭话;找话说;说应酬话 If you make conversation, you talk to someone in order to be polite and not because you really want to. e.g. He had been trying to make conversation. 他一直在尽量找话说。 conversation 单语例句conversation的翻译 1. Bush praised Abe's " candor " on the issue in a telephone conversation early this month, according to the White House. 2. First, such canned humor often disrupts the natural flow of conversation. 3. It was part of a casual conversation between two patients and one that spoke of the predicament of many ordinary folk in the country. 4. Media also reported that Iran's top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton will hold a telephone conversation. 5. I handed the now intrigued lady my phone and after a minute of chatter, she gave it back to hear the result of their conversation. 6. Choy suggests the government hold some meetings with young people and have a face to face conversation. 7. While they may remember some of the grammar points drilled into their heads decades ago, they tend to clam up in real conversation. 8. LOS ANGELES - LeBron James and Kobe Bryant ran their mouths while they jogged downcourt, not quite making eye contact during an unpleasant conversation in the closing minutes. 9. I come into work and maybe tired or not in a good mood, but their bright smiles and friendly conversation put me in good spirits quickly. 10. A party to a conversation may record the conversation if the communication is related to the commission of a crime against a person. conversation 英英释义 conversation的近义词 noun 1. the use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information etc. |
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