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单词 outgrowth
    outgrowth [英 [?a?tgr??θ] 美 [?a?tgro?θ] ]
    outgrowth 基本解释
    outgrowth 相关例句
    1. This big shop is an outgrowth of my little shop I started three years ago.
    outgrowth 网络解释
    1. 生长晕:文章摘要:用龈上皮细胞在底物上培养,倒置显微镜下观察生长晕(outgrowth)扩展的程度,扫描电镜下观察细胞贴附情况,细胞在1~8d增减中在硅酮底物上形成的生长晕明显小于在羟基磷灰石上的生长晕,电镜观察上皮细胞直接附着HA,可见分裂相,
    2. outgrowth是什么意思
    2. 生长:单分子层膜多存在于嗜高温的古生菌中,其原因可能是这种膜的机械强度要比双分子层质膜更高.由休眠状态的芽孢变成营养状态细菌的过程,称为芽孢的萌发.包括 活化(activation),出芽(germination)和生长(outgrowth)3个阶段.少数芽孢杆菌,
    3. 外生长:NGF刺激胆碱能神经原向外生长(outgrowth)用PET检测发现脑室内注射神经生长因子是烟碱样受体结合增加. 但严重疼痛、恶心和体重下降等副作用使之不能再用同样剂量的进一步试验. 能口服且能刺激生长因子产生的新药不久将进行试验.
    4. 悬出,横出,侧出 (台) 镀层情况:Outgassing 出气,吹气 (台) 逸气 | Outgrowth 悬出,横出,侧出 (台) 镀层情况 | Overhang 总浮空 (台) 镀层突出
    outgrowth 双语例句
    1. Objective To gain stable genetic modification of neural stem cells that constitutively secrete brain-derived neurotropic factor and to explore the biological role on the survival and neurite outgrowth of cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons.
    目的 建立稳定表达脑源性神经营养因子基因的神经干细胞并观察其对于体外培养的脊髓背根神经节细胞存活及突起生长的影响。
    2. Over-expression of human Slitrk1 gene inhibited the proliferation of PC12 cells and promoted the outgrowth of neurites.
    3. outgrowth
    3. The neurite-outgrowth promoting effects of the various fractions were assayed by the dorsal root ganglion culture in vitro.
    结果表明,DⅡ组分具有明显的促背根节神经突起生长的作用,而DⅠ组分无此作用;经SDS-PAGE电泳检测,DⅡ组分中蛋白质的分子量范围是61~15 kD。
    4. There is evidence for process outgrowth from the engrafted neurons, and for synaptic connections with host motor neurons.
    5. outgrowth的翻译
    5. The flourishing of algebra in the medieval Islamic world and in Renaissance Europe was an outgrowth of the enormous simplification of computation through decimal notation.
    6. outgrowth
    6. These data suggested that CRMP-1 play an important role in inhibiting neurite outgrowth.
    7. Corona 1. In flowering plants, any type of outgrowth from the petals or sepals, such as the trumpet of the daffodil flower.
    冠;根颈;副花冠:1 在开花植物中,任何从花瓣或萼片中向外生长的部分,例如水仙花的喇叭形状。
    8. The slated tie-up is the latest sign of China's growing ambitions in global financial markets, one outgrowth of the country's fast-developing economy and efforts by Beijing to create world-class competitors in various industries.
    9. All the sin of heathendom, all the sin of Christendom, is but the outgrowth of the one root - God de-throned, self
    10. One good example of the outgrowth of MYR and MEY education programs has been the development of a series of projects aimed at developing a systems approach to building MEY crop rotations. Mr. Ron Mulford and Dr.
    11. The wood cut from such an outgrowth, often used decoratively as a veneer.
    12. The wood cut from a tree burl or outgrowth often used decoratively in veneer.
    13. Root hair An outgrowth, or trichome, from the piliferous layer of the root.
    14. Importantly, the current study has identified a number of genes, including annexins, heparin-binding growth-associated protein, P9ka (S100A4), matrix metalloproteinases, and lysozyme, that may shed new light on SCI-related inflammation, neuroprotection, neurite-outgrowth, synaptogenesis, and astrogliosis.
    15. outgrowth
    15. Once the LI antibody is applied, the length of the regenerated neural dendrite will be short. It is means that the capability of dendrite outgrowth will decline. 6.. HRP can be absorbed by neural cells and transported in cells. The technique of HRP tracing can show neural fibers directly.
    神经纤维的示踪实验利用 Hop对神经纤维示踪能直观地显示出:脊髓损伤部位移植雪旺细胞后,在8周时再生的神经纤维数相对较被*被抗体封闭组多而且集中,对照组未发现有再生神经纤维通过脊髓损伤区。
    16. outgrowth
    16. The latency of the waves of SEP or MEP is extracted. But it still is the best in all. The control group is the worst of all. The wave can be found again after the spinal cords are hemisectcd in control group. 5.. Seen from the immunohistochemistry of NF, Schwann cells can promote neural dendrite outgrowth toward the area of hemisected spinal cord.
    神经纤维的兔疫组化染色脊髓半切损伤后,经NF的免疫组织化学技术染色显示:移植雪旺细胞可以促进神经纤维向脊髓损伤区域生长,抗体封闭 LI后神经纤维的生长受到抑制,再生神经纤维数相对减少,这从免疫组织化学方面说明口对神经再生具有影响。
    17. outgrowth的意思
    17. Finally, governance networks are a direct outgrowth of the disaggregation of the state--that is, of the ability of different political institutions to interact with their national and supranational counterparts on a quasi-autonomous basis.
    18. outgrowth的翻译
    18. Though the primary wall is generally considered to be the outgrowth of a single cell, there may be exceptions
    19. On the fifth to senverth day after inoculation, the outgrowth of most of the LECsfrom the migration bands occurred and linked membranously with each other.
    20. The latter observation also suggests that MOC1 promotes the outgrowth of tiller buds besides its promotive effect on axillary meristem initiation and tiller bud formation. MOC1 protein belongs to the GRAS transcription factor family, with two leucine heptad repeats, a VHIID domain, and an SH2-like domain.
    outgrowth 词典解释
    1. 产物;自然发展的结果
    Something that is an outgrowth of another thing has developed naturally as a result of it.
    e.g. Her first book is an outgrowth of an art project she began in 1988.
    outgrowth 单语例句
    1. Hollywood's tepid summer of 2005 was an outgrowth of its stone, cold spring.
     outgrowth 英英释义
    1. a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant
    e.g. a bony process
    Synonym: processappendage
    2. the gradual beginning or coming forth
    e.g. figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in Greece
    Synonym: emergencegrowth
    3. a natural consequence of development
    Synonym: branchoffshootoffset




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