单词 | out of character |
释义 | out of character [英 [aut ?v ?k?rikt?] 美 [a?t ?v ?k?r?kt?] ] out of character的意思、解释 out of character 基本解释 不适合,和…不相称,不符合(多指性格和新扮演的角色) out of character 相关例句 ph. 1. 1. She is a nice girl; her fit of temper was indeed out of character. 她是一个温文和善的姑娘;她突然大发脾气真是出人意料。 out of character 网络解释 1. 出乎意料:25.TO Battl!战斗吧! | 26.Out of Character 出乎意料 | 27.Harsh Parents 严厉的父母 2. 不称、不适当:(13)out of patience 不耐烦了 | (14)out of character 不称、不适当 | (15)out of sight 看不见 3. out of character 3. 不合......个性的:conspicuously ad. 显著地 , 显眼地 | out of character 不合 ...... 个性的 | turn to sb. 转向 ( 某人 ), 扭向 ( 某人 ) 4. 跳脱扮演角色:带外监督 out of band supervision | 跳脱扮演角色 out of character | 失控 out of control 5. out of character什么意思 5. out of character:ooc; 看太少了 out of character 双语例句 1. I don't want Ichigo and Rukia to confess their love and run off into the sunset, namely because it's out of character and their intense connection, their relationship of mutual understanding and support is what I love so much about them, I don't see the need to throw romance into the mix. 我并不想看见一露互相表白然后奔向夕阳的场景,换句话说,就是因为这不符合他们的个性和他们之间深厚的羁绊。一露之间相互理解、支持的这种关系正是我如此喜欢他们的一个原因,我不认为一定要加入什么浪漫元素到这样的感情里。 2. This article on the privacy of minors to carry out a series of issues to explore, the main character from the right to privacy, privacy of the object, the provisions of relevant laws of China and the practical significance of minors to clarify the reasons for privacy. 2009年的庚辛申酉日具体是哪几天?本文就未成年人的隐私权进行了一系列问题的探究,文中主要从隐私权性质、隐私权的客体、我国相关的法律规定及现实意义来阐明未成年人隐私权存在的原因。 3. I`m really sorry, it is out of character for me. 我本来和一个女生同车考,奇怪的是前面车子下来了一位考生,取消考试;作为替补,我就安排和一位大哥一起考了。 4. 4. At any moment a particular trait of your character may turn out to be of special help. 在任何时刻,某一性状您的字符可能会变成要特别的帮助。 5. Basically, parrots need real training, otherwise, you will one day find out, it becomes an undesirable annoying character stealing away every bit of your peaceful, chaos-free moments. 基本上,鹦鹉需要真实的训练,否则,你总有一天会发现,它变成了一个不良恼人的性格盗窃远离每一点你的和平,混乱无矩。 6. out of character 6. Of Ma Jun struggle to sad so of silence spread out, do not be good at the earnest teacher of one's words by, flying evolution becomes the CEO of a poineering enterprise, this leaps character, bore the weight of the happy anger of individual of fine horse of too much horse is sad, what never be good at a speech is undemonstrative, to impromptu speech stimulate raise, ma Jun this fine as thoroghbred horse begin to march toward his annals to be in the warfare troops of a thousand li. 马骏的奋斗就这样悄无声息的展开,由一位不善于言辞的严厉教师,飞速进化成一位创业企业的CEO,这一质的飞跃,承载了太多马骏个人的喜怒哀愁,从不善于发言的腼腆,到即兴演讲的激扬,马骏这匹良骥开始迈向他志在千里的战旅。 7. The selection of geological prospecting in different stages(initial-prospecting, detailed-prospecting)(2)the selection of geological prospecting in the deep-laid and shallow-laid of tunnel project (3)the selection of geological prospecting of tunnel projecting in different geological conditions Finally, the author summed up main problems needing to be solved in tunnel engineering geological prospecting as follow:(1)differentiate stratum and find out the depth and thickness of different stratums in the tunnel section (2)find out geological structure and existence situation of fault, broken zone and weak plane (3)find out weathering level of bed rock to classify surrounding rock combining speed materials (4)differentiate stratum structure of the entrance of tunnel to judge the stability of it (5)find out existence situation and performance of ground water (6)situations of other harmful geological phenomenon In view of above problems and classification of surrounding rock, the author showed principles of rational choosing of methods in geological prospecting and counted disperse range of physical character parameter value in different petrosal character, getting achievements as follow:(1)summarization of effect, merits and demerits of different geological prospecting methods in the tunnel geological investigation (2)method selection and arrangement principle of tunnel engineering geological prospecting in different geological conditions and prospecting stages (3)According to previous experience and cases, the author concluded the物性parameters most in use, and showed the basis of selecting geological prospecting methods in different geological conditions. 论文中用几个应用实例来说明:(1)不同勘察阶段物探工作的选用;(2)深埋、浅埋隧道工程物探工作的选用;(3)不同地质条件隧道工程物探工作的选用。最后总结归纳出隧道工程物探所需要解决的问题主要有:(1)划分地层,查明隧道通过剖面的各地层深度与厚度。(2)查明地质构造,隧道轴线段有无断层、破碎带、软弱层面等。(3)查明基岩风化程度,从而结合速度资料进行围岩分级。(4)划分洞口地层结构,判断洞口稳定性。(5)查明地下水赋存情况及其活动动态。(6)其他不良地质现象存在情况。针对上述需要查明的地质问题与计算围岩分级情况,论文提出合理选用物探方法的原则,并统计了物性参数值在不同岩性中的分布范围。得出以下研究成果:(1)总结出各物探方法在隧道地质调查中的作用和优缺点。(2)得出不同地质条件下和不同勘察阶段,隧道工程物探方法选择和布置的原则。(3)根据以往工作经验和事例,对常用的物性参数进行了归纳总结,同时介绍了不同地质条件下物探方法选择的依据。 8. 8. The main results are as follows:(1)In order to find out the catalysis character of pectinase and xylanse in bacillus circularise A_6 and exhibit their maxium catalysis rate, the optimum condition for determination of pectinase and xylanase activity in bacillus circularise A_6 was studied in aspect of pH, temperature, substance concentration, reaction time, anion concentration. 试验结果如下:(1)为探明环状芽孢杆菌果胶酶及木聚糖酶的催化特性,更好发挥它们的催化性能,本文从pH值、温度、底物浓度、反应时间、离子强度几个方面研究了环状芽孢杆菌A_6产生的果胶酶与小聚糖酶活性测定的最适方法。 9. The cause of the approximate level red beds landslides in Wanzhou is debatable. In order to clarify that base on mechanics, creep tests have been carried out to study the rheological property of incompetent beds, and Singh-Mitchell model is used to describe the creep character of the incompetent beds. 万州区近水平滑坡的成因一直存在争议,为了从力学角度阐明万州区滑坡的成因机制,对万州区红层软弱夹层进行了排水蠕变试验,以研究软弱夹层的流变性能。 10. out of character在线翻译 10. The research first carrys out the understanding of the concept of physical ability, then analyzes the concept of physical ability of football players. From the concept of physical ability of football players, the research carves up the physical ability of football by composing the structure, and proposed my own viewpoint. In my own viewpoint, I divides the structure of football physical ability into three levels, and I subdivides these three levels. Then the research discusses the character of football players` physical ability. Moreover the research analyzes the process of physical ability training of football players. 本文的研究首先通过对体能概念的认识进而分析足球运动员体能的概念,然后根据足球运动员体能的概念对足球体能结构重新进行划分,提出了自己的观点,将体能划分成三个层次并且对这三个层次进行了细分,接着本文又对足球运动员体能特征进行了探讨,另外本文还对足球运动员体能训练过程进行了分析。 11. He pointed out the protracted character of the Chinese revolution, and criticized the narrow-minded closed-doorism and overhastiness with regard to the revolution which had long existed in the Party and which were the basic cause of the serious setbacks of the Party and the Red Army during the Second Revolutionary Civil War. 毛泽东根据中央决议在这里充分地说明了和民族资产阶级在抗日的条件下重新建立统一战线的可能性和重要性,着重地指出共产党和红军在这个统一战线中的具有决定意义的领导作用,指出了中国革命的长期性,批判了党内在过去长时期内存在着的狭隘的关门主义和对于革命的急性勃—这些是党和红军在第二次国内革命战争时期遭受严重挫折的基本原因。 12. Then, I also hope that the old people goes to become old out strength of character elegantly, become old out one pot liquor. 那么,我也希望优雅地老去,老出风骨,老出一锅汤。 13. 13. Revised: You don't know what your true character is until you have run out of gas, purchased something on the! installment plan and raised an adolescent. 只有当汽车大的油用光了,按分规付款方式购物和抚养大一个孩子时,人的本来品性才会显露出来。 14. out of character的解释 14. Revised: You dont know what your true character is until you have run out of gas, purchased something on the! installment plan and raised an adolescent. 只有当汽车大的油用光了,按分规付款方式购物和抚养大一个孩子时,人的本来品性才会显露出来。 15. out of character 15. Sexist: No man knows his true character until he has run out of gas, purchased something on the installment plan and raised an adolescent. 只能当汽车大的油用光了,按分规付款方式购物和抚养大一个孩子时,人的本来品性才会显露出来。 16. Multipath is the main character of the mobile communication system. Multipath signal of the target user turn out to be the ISI of the main path signal, multipath signal of the other users cause severe MAI since the orthonormality among the spreading codes is destroyed. 多径干扰是移动通信系统中的常见干扰,目标用户的多径信号对主路径信号引入了码间干扰,其它用户的非同步路径信号由于破坏了扩频序列的正交特性而导致了强的多址干扰。 17. out of character的意思 17. The thermodaynamic model of the working process and the dynamic model of scroll compressors with radial compliance mechanism are established. The numerical simulation is carried out and the result is analyzed, which indicates the influence of the several parameters on the dynamic character of the scroll compressor. 本文对涡旋压缩机建立了工作过程的热力学模型和具有径向柔性机构的动力学模型,进行了模拟计算并对计算结果进行了分析,揭示了涡旋压缩机各结构及运行参数对压缩机各运动部件受力及动涡盘稳定性的影响。 18. Welles did play an important role in creating the script, and few critics doubt that he drew from his personal life, in the same way that Mankiewicz drew from Hearst's life, to flesh out the character of Charles Foster Kane. 威尔斯也发挥重要作用,创造了脚本,一些批评者怀疑,他提请大家从他的个人生活,在相同的方式,曼凯维奇提请由赫斯特的生活,充实的性质查尔斯福斯特凯恩。 19. As a result, the intervenor will be in a dilemma and so we must try to find out the best path to the incentive and the mode of the regulation on the basis of the human nature character of the economic man. 为走出这一困境,必须基于经济人的人性特点探寻对经济人的激励路径和约束方式,科学的国家干预立法必须遵循理性自利主义原则。 20. Perhaps the character dictates, in many flowers, the favorite flower is also a few, has been particularly love the lotus out of dirt instead of dye, indifferent bloom asparagus fern, stout ourselves up, Seclusion indifferent fragrance of plum and quietly, quietly withered orchids. 也许是性格的使然,在诸多花卉中,喜爱的花也是寥寥无几,一直特别钟爱出污而不染的荷花,淡然绽放的文竹,坚贞自守、隐逸淡泊的梅花与默默飘香、默默凋零的幽兰。 out of character 单语例句 1. " These allegations are completely out of character of the Kobe Bryant we know, " Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak said in a statement. 2. Out of Character is the first show of Chinese calligraphy in the US since 1999, according to the San Francisco museum. 3. But he added it would seem out of character for Rumsfeld to go quietly. 4. A hardcore online gamer, this time he selected a character that was out of the ordinary for him. 5. A nation's culture marks it out from others in the most fundamental way and best embodies the very essence of its national character. 6. It's a confusion revisited throughout, as the cast slips in and out of character. 7. WELLINGTON - Auckland police are increasingly concerned for the safety of a young Chinese woman whose disappearance they believe to be out of character. |
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