单词 | outspoken |
释义 | outspoken [英 [a?t?sp??k?n] 美 [a?t?spo?k?n] ] outspoken的意思、解释 过去式:outspoke; 现在分词:outspeaking; outspoken 基本解释 outspoken什么意思 形容词坦率的; 直言的; 毫无保留的; 心急口快 outspoken outspoken 网络解释 1. 坦率直言的:she-wolf 雌狼,母狼 | outspoken 坦率直言的 | superstructure (建筑物, 铁路等的)上部构造, 上层建筑 2. outspoken是什么意思 2. 坦率的:outspan 卸马具 | outspoken 坦率的 | outspread 扩张 3. 直言的;坦诚:organic 有机的;器官的;组织的 (2) | outspoken 直言的;坦诚 (1) | outstanding 突出的;杰出的;显著的 (3) 4. 坦率直言 =直接,坦率,率直:Accurate 準確 = 正確,處事嚴謹 | Outspoken坦率直言 =直接,坦率,率直 | Restrained 有自制能力=壓抑感覺 outspoken 双语例句 1. He's long been an outspoken critic of judical injustice. 他一直是不公法律裁决的坚决抵制者。 2. 2. This kind of love is selfless, it must be outspoken give to all students; This kind of love is deep, it contains, in does for all students in each matter; This kind of love is sacred, it can congeal the teachers and students friendship which is in perfect harmony. 这种爱是无私的,它要毫无保留地献给所有的学生;这种爱是深沉的,它蕴涵在为所有学生所做的每一件事中;这种爱是神圣的,它能凝成水乳交融的师生情谊。 3. The study -- published by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital-rights group and an outspoken critic of the RIAA's tactics -- notes that since the music industry first filed lawsuits against 261 consumers in September 2003, the group's attorneys have sued or threatened legal actions against more than 20, 000 individuals. 这个论文由电子边界基金会(一个数字权利组及反对RIAA的策略的坦率批评家)发表,论文声明从2003年月日9月音乐协会共起诉了不起261名消费者,这个组的律师被起诉或威胁已经起过甚其词20000人次,但P2P文件共享增长了近三倍达到940万用户,从2003年8月的380万到本年。 4. He performs an average of 30 scans a week. His outspoken enthusiasm for this blessed technology is refreshing. 他对这项嘉惠世人的技术所表现出坦率的热情,让人感到新鲜有趣。 5. 5. A: No, I'm far too outspoken. It's one of my worst faults. 玛丽亚:不,我说话太过分了,这是我最大的缺点之一。 6. outspoken 6. Maria: No, I'm far too outspoken. It's one of my worst faults. 玛丽亚:不,我说话太过分了,这是我最大的缺点之一。 7. outspoken的近义词 7. M: No, I'm far too outspoken. It's one of my worst faults. 不,我说话太冲了,这是我最坏的缺点。 8. Maria: No, I`m far too outspoken. It`s one of my worst faults. 玛丽亚:不,我说话太过分了,这是我最的缺点之一。 9. 9. To be outspoken is easy when you do not want to speak the complete truth. 当你不想说出完全的真理时,畅所欲言是轻而易举的。 10. To be outspoken is easy when you do not wait to speak the complete truth. 当你不想说出全部的真理时,畅所欲言是轻而易举的。 11. Maria:I`m far too outspoken. It`s one of my worst faults. 玛丽亚:不,是我太直率了,这是我的一大缺点。 12. outspoken的翻译 12. I believe I'm honest, monsieur, but, to be outspoken, I've had several trades. I've been an itinerant singer, a circus-rider, when I used to vault like Leotard, and dance on a rope like Blondin. 先生,我认为我是诚实的人,坦白的讲我从事过几种不同的职业,我曾经是个巡回演唱歌手,马戏团的演员,那时我经常能像利奥塔德一样跳马,能像布隆迪一样在绳子上跳舞。 13. Because they ` re direct and outspoken, and because they won ` t flatter and please. 解:真正仁慈的人,大家都会敬畏他,因为他直言不讳,也不阿谀奉承。 14. outspoken的近义词 14. Maria:No, I`m far too outspoken. It`s one of my worst faults. 玛丽亚:不,我说话太冲了,这是我最坏的缺点。 15. 15. People in world of politics and economics were even more outspoken. Each one of them prided themselves as saviors of the era: Look at our great educational reforms! 政经界更是夸诞,个个自命为时代的救主:「看看我们伟大的教育改革! 16. Shaanxi opera types of facial makeup in Shaanxi Opera Theater is the art of one of the major collections, which generally use the red end of the performance of fierce loyalty of generals, such as Guan Yu, and so on; outspoken black does not show the Arab-Israeli Meng Shi, such as Zhang Fei and so on; white with the performance of the cunning treachery Xiaoxiong, such as Cao Cao and so on; suit with the performance of The Bourne figures, in particular the face of Yin and Yang, also known as the male half-female, half-human, half ghost, or the performance of Wizard of ghosts, such as Ji Lanying, and so on; to use that golden god, and so on. 秦腔脸谱是秦腔戏剧艺术的主要收藏品之一,它一般用红色底表现忠义勇猛的武将,如关羽等;用黑色表现刚直不阿的猛士,如张飞等;用白色表现奸诈狡猾的枭雄,如曹操等;用花色表现神鬼人物,特别是阴阳脸,也称半男半女,或半人半鬼表现精灵鬼怪,如姬兰英等;用金色表示神仙等。 17. The call by the Southern Metropolitan Daily - a popular newspaper with an outspoken reputation - comes the same week China released a human rights action plan. 南方都市报》是一家以敢言著称的广受欢迎的报纸,在它发出呼吁的同一周,中国政府刚刚发布了一份人权行动计划。 18. He is one of the most honest and outspoken program host on Chinese TV, and he is so knowledgeble about matters in China that I think his faithful audiences must include a lot of government officials. 我很喜欢看他主持的财经节目,喜欢他的直率、他的智慧、他的冷面滑稽。我想很多中国的政府官员应该也是他的忠实观众吧。 19. The body having with me till my postmortal, I will be outspoken is thought that food, this are how I have made one cattle by people! 等我死后,我又会毫无保留得把我的躯体给人们当食物,这就是我如何做一只牛了! 20. 20. I have been always outspoken with a big mouth. I am the only one among this circle of 50 economists. Why? 我已经以大嘴而著称了,我只是在这50名经济学家圈中的唯一一人,为什么? outspoken 词典解释 1. 坦率的;直言不讳的 Someone who is outspoken gives their opinions about things openly and honestly, even if they are likely to shock or offend people. e.g. Some church leaders have been outspoken in their support for political reform in Kenya... 一些教会领袖明确表示支持肯尼亚的政治改革。 e.g. He was an outspoken critic of apartheid. 他公开抨击种族隔离制度。 outspokenness His outspokenness has ensured that he has at least one senior enemy within the BBC hierarchy. 他的坦率直言已经使得他和英国广播公司内部的至少一位高层树了敌。outspoken 单语例句 1. Local authorities tried to clampdown on the outspoken petitioners by sending them into mental hospitals, only because they offended locally vested interest groups. 2. He was also a regular panelist on a popular TV news show, where he became notorious for his outspoken opposition to religious coercion. 3. With Armani equally outspoken in his admiration for the petite star their collaboration looks set to continue for some time. 4. And the outspoken CEO does not conceal his bias against US corporate management culture. 5. The most outspoken opposition newspapers call Gamal " Egypt's de facto ruler, " and some believe elections will be used to maneuver him into a future presidency. 6. The normally outspoken Dean appeared to be trying to shift his role from flamboyant presidential candidate to cautious party chairman. 7. And the outspoken head coach went further to condemn BWF's organization and decision making. 8. Chavez ordered officials to closely monitor statements made by international figures during their visits to Venezuela - and deport any outspoken critics. 9. The outspoken artist condemned the diva calling her some vulgar words on his Sirius Satellite Radio show. 10. The outspoken Zhou stressed that reforming the government itself should first be deepened to ease social ills and further embed economic reform. outspoken 英英释义 outspoken的意思 adj 1. given to expressing yourself freely or insistently e.g. outspoken in their opposition to segregation a vocal assembly Synonym: vocal 2. characterized by directness in manner or speech without subtlety or evasion e.g. blunt talking and straight shooting a blunt New England farmer I gave them my candid opinion forthright criticism a forthright approach to the problem tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank it is possible to be outspoken without being rude plainspoken and to the point a point-blank accusation Synonym: bluntcandidforthrightfrankfree-spokenplainspokenpoint-blankstraight-from-the-shoulder |
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