单词 | pair |
释义 | pair [英 [pe?(r)] 美 [per] ] pair的意思、解释 过去式:paired; 过去分词:paired; 现在分词:pairing; 复数形式:pairs; pair 基本解释 pair是什么意思 名词一副; 一对男女; 套在一起的两匹马; 雌雄成对的动物 及物/不及物动词(使…)成对,(使…)成双 不及物动词交配,交尾 pair 相关词组 pair的解释 1. pair off : 成对而去, 分成一对一对; 2. pair off with : 同...结婚; pair 相关例句 及物动词 1. We tried to pair Mary and Robert off. 我们曾设法使玛丽和罗伯特结为一对。 不及物动词 1. Birds often pair for life. 鸟儿常常终生配对。 名词 1. That pair are always quarreling. 那对夫妻老是争吵。 2. Two more pairs of trousers are dirty. 另外两条裤子脏了。 3. The happy pair is / are going to Geneva after their wedding. 这幸福的一对婚后将去日内瓦。 pair 情景对话 退货 pair A:I would like to return this pair of shoes. 我想退这双鞋。 pair的意思 B:Do you have a sales slip? 你有收据吗? A:Oh, here you are. 哦,给你。 pair的解释 B:Sorry, things on sale are not allowed to be refunded or exchanged. 对不起,减价商品不退不换。 pair的反义词 A:Oh, But this pair of shoes are a bit too tight. Could I change them for something bigger. 哦,但是这双鞋有点小,我能不能换一双大一点的? B:All right. Wait a minute. 好的。请稍等。 Sales-((折扣) 出售) pair的近义词 B:There’s a big sale on clothes and sporting goods at Riverside Mall. 河畔购物中心的衣服和运动器材大减价。 A:Sporting goods? Is that bike Tim wanted on sale? 运动器材?提姆想要的那辆单车打折吗? pair B:Yeah, it’s 30 percent off the regular price. 是的,打7折。 A:Well, maybe we could get it now and hide it until his birthday. 噢,或许我们可以现在就买下藏起来到他生日的时候。 B:Yeah, it’s a couple weeks away, and we don’t have anything yet. 好的,还有几个星期,可是我们还什么都没有买。 pair的反义词 A:Don’t buy him underwear again. He hates that. 别给他买底裤了,他讨厌你给他买。 B:I know, I know, but if I didn’t buy it for him, he’d never buy it. 我知道,我知道。可是如果我不给他买的话,他自己是永远也不会买的。 A:See anything else we need there? 我们还要买其他的吗? B:Well, all shoes are 20 percent off. 噢,所有的鞋都是打8折。 A:Shoes? You already have a closet full of shoes. 鞋?你已经满满一鞋柜了。 B:I know, but another pair can’t hurt. 我知道,但是再买一双也没什么嘛. A:Oh, all right. I need some new shirts, too. Let’s go after breakfast. 噢,好吧。我也需要买一些新的衬衣,我们吃完早餐就去吧。 服饰 A:What do you think about this dress, Geoff? 杰夫,你觉得这条连衣裙怎么样? B:I like the pattern, but I’m not sure I like the red on you. 我喜欢它的样式,但不知道你穿红色是不是好看。 A:Do you think it fits? 你认为合适吗? B:Very nicely. 非常合适。 A:Would you go to check if they have the same dress in blue, then? You can just bring it back to the fitting room. 那么,你去看看有没有同一款式的蓝色的裙子。你把它带到试衣间来。 pair的翻译 B:Sure. 好。 pair A:One more thing, what do you think about these pants? Do you think they would need hemming? 还有,这条裤子你觉得怎么样啊?你认为需要缝边吗? B:No, I think they’re the right length. 不用,长度刚好。 pair A:Do you like the pattern? I just can’t decide between the plain or the striped ones. What do you think? 你喜欢这图案吗?我决定不了是选一条素色的还是一条带花纹的,你觉得呢? B:I like plain clothes myself, but they both look fine on you. Which ones do you like more? 我自己喜欢素色的衣服,但是俩条都很适合你。你更喜欢哪一条? A:I think I’ll go for the striped pair of pants, then. 我想还是要那条带条纹的吧。 B:Good decision. I’ll just go and look for that dress then. 好主意。我一会儿去找那条裙子。 A:Thanks dear. 谢谢你,亲爱的。 pair 网络解释 1. 双:如磅(Pound)吨(Ton)千克(Kilogram)克(Gram)公担(Quintal)盎司(Ounce)公吨(Metric Ton)数量单位:大多数工具成品,尤其是日用消费品、轻工业品、机械产品及部分土特产,如件(Piece)双(Pair)套(Set)打(Dozen)箩(Gross)卷(Roll)长度单位:一般布匹、电线电缆、丝绸等的交易常用, 2. pair的翻译 2. 一对:如※ 一对(Pair) 一对牌加三张散牌. 如※ 高点数牌 (High Hand) 不是以上9种情况的,则比较手上最大的牌,若相同,则比较第二大的牌,其次类推. 9 - 限注游戏(Limit) 每个牌局都有一个指定的注限. 注限的高低决定盲注的大小. 3. 对:一个画素数据24位(R、G、B各8位),加上2位同步信号与4位控制数据,变成30位再经过编码处理后,转换成三频(channel)10位 serial数字信号,三频信号依照画素频率(pixel clock)以4对(pair)差动信号传输时称为single ring(图67). pair 双语例句 1. 1. Because the generated key pair includes a singature, you can tell whether an assembly has been tampered with after its original creation. 因为强名称工具生成的密钥对包含了一个签名,你可以判断程序集创建之后是否被篡改。 2. So off she ran to her grandmother`s chest and she brought him a pair of trousers of the very very best and the soldier put them on. 女孩跑回去翻她祖母的衣柜,她找到一条非常漂亮的裤子;士兵把裤子穿上。 3. Your shoes are worn to a thread; you need a new pair. 你的鞋已破烂不堪了,你得买双新的。 4. The semi-autonomous submarine has water sealed hull comprising transparent pressure-proof glass cover and main hull; video camera capable of rotating in several directions and LCD screen inside the glass cover; underwater video camera, operating handle and keyboard for diver to use; imaging sonar in the bottom for detecting sea bed topography; control computer, gyroscope, cell and driving motor inside the main hull; one pair of stabilizing prow wings and one pair of stern hydroplanes for stabilizing navigation direction and regulating the depth of the submarine separately; one pair of auxiliary propellers capable of rotating in vertical planes to provide the submarine with vertical lift and auxiliary running function and horizontal steering performance; two main propellers and one pair of stern fins for stable navigation; and optical cable for the data transmission between the submarine and the mother ship. 一种半自主式潜水器,首部的透明耐压玻璃罩与主艇体的耐压壳一起构成水密外壳,玻璃罩内装有可多方位旋转的摄像机和液晶显示屏,主艇体上设置载人工况时供潜水员使用的水下摄像机、操纵手柄和键盘,底部装有用于探测海底地形的成像声纳,主艇体内有控制计算机、定位导航的陀螺仪、电池、主推进电机,一对首稳定翼和一对尾水平舵分别用来稳定航向及调整潜水器的上升和下潜,一对可在垂直平面内旋转的辅助推进器可为潜水器提供垂直升降和辅助前进的功能,并且可改善潜水器在水平面内的转向性能,潜水器尾部并排设置两个主推进器,在主推进器的垂直方向上设置一对垂直尾鳍,进一步保证航向稳定,光缆为潜水器与母船之间提供双向数据传输。 5. She is wearing a pair of black jeans, a brown jacket and a pair of sport shoes. 她正穿着一条黑色的牛仔裤,一件褐色的夹克衫和一对运动鞋。 6. In the human body complete 22 pair of euchromosomes, 1 chromosome contains the gene dosage to be most, reaches 3141, is average level two times, altogether has surpasses 223, 000, 000 basic groups to be right, breaks the difficulty to be also biggest. 在人体全部22对常染色体中,1号染色体包含基因数量最多,达3141个,是平均水平的两倍,共有超过2.23亿个碱基对,破译难度也最大。 7. pair的意思 7. However, I will let her possess an exquisite diamond ring, a pair of eardrop, and a necklace, so as to indicate her nobleness as a lady. 但我会让她拥有一枚精致的指戒,一对精致的耳坠和一条晶莹的项链,以此来表明她作为女人的高贵。 8. Despite Ms McLoughlin's high profile spending sprees the pair have seen their wealth rise from E6 million to E20 million. 虽然麦克罗琳小姐有点挥霍无度,但这对爱人的财产只见增不见减,从600万到了2000万。 9. If bird in sky you understand the please borrowny sorrow I a pair ot wing. Let me fiy with you togeter. 天空的飞鸟,如果你懂得我的忧伤,请借我一双翅膀,让我随你一同飞翔。 10. A pair of chopsticks, a heart to think that power to make an order folder to a bright day, and into our mouths. 一双筷子,心往一处想,力往一处使,才能把美好的日子夹起来,送进我们的口中。 11. A pair of chopsticks, a heart to think that force one to make, in order to better days up into our mouths. 一双筷子,心往一处想,力往一处使,才能把美好的日子搛起来,送进我们的口中。 12. pair的意思 12. The results showed that a pair of androgenic glands were located on the surface of the ejaculatory duct. 结果发现三疣梭子蟹促雄腺1对,附着在左右射精管的表面,呈不规则索状。 13. 13. It has a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes and lips are aligned several long beard, a cute little tail sway, at that time, I like it. 它有一双炯炯有神的眼睛,嘴两侧还长了几根排列整齐的胡须,一条小巧可爱的尾巴不停地摇摆着,当时,我便喜欢上了它。 14. She has a pair of black eyebrows. Following it is a pair of big eyes, which is HeiLiuLiu and jiongjiongweishen, sometimes shine a cunning. 一对黑黑的眉毛,下面是一双黑溜溜的大眼睛,炯炯有神,时而发出狡黠的光芒。 15. pair的近义词 15. I have a quiet, gentle sister, her black long hair, a pair of Jiongjiongweishen Liuxiemei under the eyes, nose low, medium mouth and of medium build. 我有一个文静、温柔的姐姐,她有乌黑的长发,一对柳叶眉下是一双炯炯有神的眼睛,矮鼻梁,不大不小的嘴巴,中等身材。 16. pair 16. I have a quiet, gentle sister, her black long hair, fair complexion, a Liuxiemei Jiongjiongweishen under a pair of eyes, nose low, medium mouth, of medium build, large than I three-year-old. 我有一个文静、温柔的姐姐,她有乌黑的长发,皮肤白晳,一对柳叶眉下是一双炯炯有神的眼睛,矮鼻梁,不大不小的嘴巴,中等身材,比我大三岁。 17. This painting entitled the father of the father of painting, though no gorgeous coat, only one piece of rags plain white coat, The father, although no BaiZhe slender hands, with only a pair of full time by removing ground-in kneading veteran, we can imagine him to family livelihood is how hard work, The father didn't delicate cup to drink, only a rough bowl of water, The father not jiongjiongweishen eyes, a pair of only a pair for trifling and deeply sunken to eye, The father not smooth skin, only the sun shine skin dark, The father of a pretty face, not only for a day and night worrying about leaving a deep wrinkles in the face. 这幅名为《父亲》的画上的父亲虽然没有华丽的外衣,只有一件破烂不堪的朴素的白色外套;这位父亲虽然没有白哲纤细的双手,只有一双布满老茧的经满岁月的揉捏的老手,我们可以想象出他为了一家人的生计是如何辛苦劳作的;这位父亲没有精致的杯子喝水,只有一个粗糙的大碗喝水;这位父亲没有一双炯炯有神的双眼,只有一双因操劳而深深凹进去的眼;这位父亲没有光滑的皮肤,只有被太阳晒的黝黑发亮的皮肤;这位父亲没有一张英俊的脸,只有一张因日日夜夜操心而留下一道道深深的皱纹的脸。 18. True love is just one of the most simple appearance, as if a face is not modified, regardless of the early morning and evening, are a pair of pure eyes, and a gentle mouth, a nose to breathe, the eternal Mo Yang and you hugged overnight there will be no surprise the moment, no drastic Britain swing, life is such a gentle over-the day after day. 真实的爱情只是人们最朴素的容颜,仿佛一张不修饰的面孔、无论清晨和黄昏,都是一双纯净的眼睛、一张温存的嘴巴,一只可以呼吸的鼻子,这个永恒的摸样和你朝夕相拥,不会有瞬间的惊诧,也没有剧烈的颠荡,生活就这样温存的过了一天又一天。 19. Furthermore, LZSS uses one-bit flags to indicate whether the next chunk of data is a literal or a reference to an offset/length pair. 另外,LZSS 算法使用一个二进制位标识下一个数据片是一个原文还是一个偏移/长度对。 20. The East China Sea and the Hungarian state is a pair of my control key 东海和匈州是我的一双管钥 pair 词典解释 1. 双;对;副 A pair of things are two things of the same size and shape that are used together or are both part of something, for example shoes, earrings, or parts of the body. e.g. ...a pair of socks. 一双袜子 e.g. ...trainers that cost up to 90 pounds a pair... 售价高达90英镑一双的运动鞋 2. 套,条,把,副(由两个尺寸和形状相同的部分组成的物品,如裤子、剪刀) Some objects that have two main parts of the same size and shape are referred to as a pair, for example a pair of trousers or a pair of scissors . e.g. ...a pair of faded jeans. 一条褪色的牛仔裤 e.g. ...a pair of binoculars. 一副双筒望远镜 3. 一对伴儿;一对夫妻;一对情侣 You can refer to two people as a pair when they are standing or walking together or when they have some kind of relationship with each other. pair是什么意思 e.g. A pair of teenage boys were smoking cigarettes... 两个十来岁的男孩正在吸烟。 e.g. The pair admitted that their three-year-old marriage was going through 'a difficult time'... 那对夫妻承认他们3年的婚姻正在经历一个“困难期”。 4. 使配对;使配成搭档 If one thing is paired with another, it is put with it or considered with it. e.g. The trainees will then be paired with experienced managers. 实习生随后将会与经验丰富的经理结成对子。 pairing ...the pairing of these two fine musicians. 这两位出色音乐家的联袂 5. see also: au pair The noun pair can take either a singular verb or a plural verb, depending on whether it refers to one thing seen as a unit or a collection of two things or people. A good, supportive and protective pair of trainers is essential… The pair are still friends and attend functions together. pair作名词时,其后跟动词的单数还是复数形式取决于所指的是看作一个整体的一件东西,还是两个事物或人的组合:A good, supportive and protective pair of trainers is essential...(一双兼具支撑性和保护性的好的运动鞋是必不可少的),The pair are still friends and attend functions together(他们俩依然是朋友,仍一起出席一些社交活动)。 6. 可靠的好帮手;可以委托的人 If you say that someone is or has a safe pair of hands, you mean that they are reliable and will not make any serious mistakes. e.g. He has now held five cabinet posts and remains a safe pair of hands. 他现在担任5个内阁职位,仍是一个靠得住的人。 相关词组:pair offpair up pair 单语例句 1. The pair will be charged under South Africa's Marine Living Resources Act for bribery and for being in possession of a protected species. 2. Cheryl is also allegedly determined to keep the pair's Chihuahua dogs Coco and Buster. 3. Pair it with a buttery yellow green glass of Riesling and it's a marriage made in culinary heaven. 4. When a pair was eventually found, the by now quite substantial crowd erupted in spontaneous applause. 5. The video of the pair kissing and hugging was seen by thousands online this month. 6. A female cadet accused a male cadet of secretly filming the pair having sex and showing it to his friends via the Internet. 7. The combination of Fu Haifeng's power with his regular partner Cai Yun's speed enabled the pair to become world's leading men's doubles teams since 2004. 8. The pair started quarreling during the call and agreed to " address their problem " at an Internet caf. 9. After making an emergency call, the injured pair helped each other downstairs and waited together for the ambulance. 10. The pair are " devastated " about their separation and are waiting for the situation to calm down before they discuss custody arrangements and divorce. pairpair 英英释义 noun 1. a poker hand with 2 cards of the same value 2. two people considered as a unit 3. a set of two similar things considered as a unit Synonym: brace 4. two items of the same kind Synonym: coupletwosometwainbracespanyokecoupletdistichduoduetdyadduad verb 1. bring two objects, ideas, or people together e.g. This fact is coupled to the other one Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man? The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project Synonym: matchmatecoupletwin 2. engage in sexual intercourse e.g. Birds mate in the Spring Synonym: copulatematecouple 3. arrange in pairs e.g. Pair these numbers Synonym: geminate 4. occur in pairs Synonym: geminate 5. form a pair or pairs e.g. The two old friends paired off Synonym: pair offpartner offcouple |
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