单词 | truce |
释义 | truce [英 [tru:s] 美 [trus] ] truce的意思、解释 复数形式:truces; truce 基本解释 truce什么意思 名词休战; 停战(协定); 停止争辩(的协议); 中止 及物动词以休战结束; 停止争执 不及物动词停战 truce 相关例句 名词 1. truce在线翻译 1. They refused to sign a truce. 他们拒绝签订休战协议。 2. 2. A truce to nonsense! 别讲废话! 3. The hot weather gave the old man a truce from rheumatism. 热天使这位老人暂时免受风湿病之苦。 4. 4. The two armies agreed to a truce. 两支军队同意停火。 truce 网络解释 1. truce的近义词 1. 休战:只有近距离集中火力才能将其击毁(好在并不多,只有一、两辆). 最后,应该把敌人消灭在第一仗. 如果你选择和敌人休战(Truce)或撤退(Flee),敌人将会越来越强大;而你则会陷入由于征兵点数和补给都不足(重型坦克和自行火炮都是有限的)的泥潭. 2. 停火:一进入战术地图,我首先提请大家注意在控制条中部的停火(truce)和逃离(Flee). 只要双方同意truce,战斗就嶄时结束,等下个回合再战(continuing battle). 不同于CC3,在CC4中你提出的停火是不可收回的,比如你觉得你毫无胜机, 3. 停火,休战:traffic tie-up 交通瘫痪 | truce 停火,休战 | trustee 董事 4. 休战,停战,休战协议:triumph胜利,凯旋 | truce休战,停战,休战协议 | turn the table转败为胜 truce 双语例句 1. 1. When asked what was the victory for him, he said Truce of Panmunjom was the ultimate triumph. 我问他打过什么胜仗,他说,在板门桥签署和平协议就是最大的胜仗。 2. If this situation is impeding your ability to work effectively, it's time to call a truce. 要是这种局面会影响到你的工作绩效的话,是时候化解掉了。 3. It would never have been a love match, but without the tenacious presence of Camilla, it might have been a permanently negotiated truce. 如果没有卡米拉的死缠烂打的话,戴安娜与查尔斯的婚姻即使没有爱情,也会永远地平静下去。 4. In Manchukuo there was an ongoing campaign to defeat the volunteer armies that arose from the popular frustration at the policy of nonresistance to the Japanese. In 1933, the Japanese attacked the Great Wall region, and in its wake the Tanggu Truce was signed, which gave Japan the control of Rehe province and a demilitarized zone between the Great Wall and Beiping-Tianjin region. 这个时候,似乎是为了表达对中国政府奉行的一直遭受挫败的不抵抗日本军队的政策的不满,在被日本人占领的中国满洲地区出现了许多抵抗日军占领和和反对伪满洲国统治的抗日义勇军,虽然说此后这些义勇军一直遭到日本人和伪满洲国军队的攻击。1933年日本军队对长城地区进行攻击,随后中国政府又被迫签署塘沽停战协定,该协定的签署又让日军控制了中国的热河省并迫使中国承认北平和长城之间的地区即天津地区成为非军事区。 5. And the heat went on and on, and sucked up all the moisture, till at last the main channel of the Waingunga was the only stream that carried a trickle of water between its dead banks; and when Hathi, the wild elephant, who lives for a hundred years and more, saw a long, lean blue ridge of rock show dry in the very centre of the stream, he knew that he was looking at the Peace Rock, and then and there he lifted up his trunk and proclaimed the Water Truce, as his father before him had proclaimed it fifty years ago. 炎热窜来窜去,湿气被吸干了,到最后只有瓦贡加的主渠里有一条窄窄的水流在死了的岸里流着。当活了一百年甚至更久的野象海塞看到一块长且光的干燥的岩脊显现在小溪最中央时,他知道他看到的是和平石。此时此地他象他父亲在五十年之前做的一样扬起那长鼻子宣布了和平时刻的来临。 6. Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha said the group would be willing to consider a new truce offer if its demands are met. 哈马斯发言人塔哈说,如果哈马斯的要求能得到满足,他们愿意考虑新的停火建议。 7. The truce was reached in northwestern Badghis province in a bid to improve security ahead of next month's presidential elections. 停战地区为西北地区的Badghis省以提高地方安全来迎接下个月的选举。 8. The brave young man scored many successes on the conquering journey from Lemesos to Acre; however, in face of the discrepancy among allies and the equally courageous Muslim hero Saladin, the Third Crusade was finally fought to a truce, and Knight Roland gloomed over the unrealised promise day after day. 从莱梅索斯到艾可,勇敢的年轻人在征途上建立无数战功,然而,面对同盟军之间的倾轧,与同样勇猛的穆斯林英雄撒拉丁,最终第三次十字军东征还是止于和议,骑士罗兰为了这无法实现的承诺日渐消沉。 9. The brave young man scored many successes on the conquering journey from Lemesos to Acre; however, in face of the discrepancy among alliesthe equally courageous Muslim hero Saladin, the Third Crusade was finally fought to a truce, Knight Roland gloomed over the unrealised promise day after day. 从莱梅索斯到艾可,勇敢的年轻人在征途上建立无数战功,然而,面对同盟军之间的倾轧,与同样勇猛的穆斯林英雄撒拉丁,最终第三次十字军东征还是止于和议,骑士罗兰为了这无法实现的承诺日渐消沉。 10. Murad had signed a truce with Hungary in 1428, and the princes of Wallachia, Serbia, and Bosnia swore allegiance to the Sultan. 穆拉德已经签署了停火协议,在1428年与匈牙利和王子瓦拉齐亚,塞尔维亚和波斯尼亚宣誓效忠的苏丹。 11. It's a reenactment of the torch race in ancient Greece, when heralds traveled throughout the country to announce the Games of Olympia, and to declare a sacred truce for the duration of the Games. 在古希腊,当奥林匹克使者为了宣告奥林匹亚运动会开始,并宣布奥运会期间休战而进行的火炬比赛,如今的火炬传递就是从那时传承下来的。 12. In 546 BC, Jin and Chu agreed to yet another truce. 在546年,金楚同意又一次停火协议。 13. 13. The shaky truce in the Middle East bears little resemblance to the realizatio n of ultimate peace. 中东不可靠的休战与最终实现和平的相似性很小。 14. More on this kind of scenario a story: It is said that in ancient Greece there is a war between the two countries, the middle of a full solar eclipse, we think that God punished lowered, resulting in a truce and good, the sun came out again, they thought it was God's will. 关于这样的情景更有一则故事:据说,古希腊有一次两国打仗,中途出现了全日食,便以为上天降下惩罚,结果休战和好,太阳又出来了,他们以为这是神的旨意。 15. On the very first day of the truce, they broke it no fewer than twenty-nine times. 停战的第一天,他们破坏停战就达29次。 16. truce的反义词 16. Talks with Mubarak earlier on Monday in Cairo focused on Egyptian efforts to reach an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and a return to the truce between Palestinians and Israelis, Egypt's official MENA news agency reported. 在开罗星期一同Mubarak的谈话集中精力于埃及的为达成在加沙的立即停火所作的努力和恢复停火在巴勒斯坦人和以色列人之间,据埃及官员中东社通讯社报道。 17. During the Panmunjeom Truce negiations, the chief stumbling block to the arrangement of a final armistice during the winter of 1951–1952 revolved around the exchange of prisoners. At first glance, there appeared to be nothing to argue about, since the Geneva Conventions of 1949, by which both sides had pledged to abide, called for the immediate and complete exchange of all prisoners upon the conclusion of hostilities. 板门店 Panmunjeom 和平谈判中,1951到1952年冬天谈判双方达成休战/停火协议的主要障碍就是战俘的交换问题,乍看一眼,战俘的交换似乎没有什么可争论的,因为交战双方都在谈判前表示会遵从1949年日内瓦国际大会的惯例,会在停战后立即和完全交换所有战俘。 18. In a statement issued by its consulate in Jerusalem, Washington said its peace envoy Anthony Zinni had set in motion preparations for a Middle East truce. 1月6日,在一份发自耶路撒冷领事馆的声明中,华盛顿方面称其和平特使切尼已着手一项中东停火条约。 19. During the truce talks, PVA invented the bunker war, they would dig very long and deep bunkers in the hills and stock supplies there, when enemy shells the hills, they would withdraw into the bunkers, when the shelling stopped, they came out to fire on the attackers, after the surface positions taken by enemy, they would withdraw back into the bunkers, then PVA artillery would shell the enemy on the surface and they came out the bunkers again to assist the retaking of the hill. 在和平谈判进行期间,中国志愿军发明了掩蔽壕战术,即事先在战场山丘上挖掘深而且长的掩蔽壕,并将战争物资储备在地壕中,敌军发动炮击时驻防士兵撤入掩蔽壕,炮击一停止,士兵们又重新回到地面战场打击敌人;这样,即使表面阵地被敌军占领,志愿军士兵会暂时撤回掩蔽壕,然后志愿军炮兵会对被占领的阵地进行炮击,随后掩蔽壕里的志愿军士兵又会重新回到地面协助夺回阵地。 20. A truce friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart. 一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心 truce 词典解释 1. 停战(协定);休战(协定) A truce is an agreement between two people or groups of people to stop fighting or quarrelling for a short time. e.g. The fighting of recent days has given way to an uneasy truce between the two sides... 最近几天的交战结束了,双方达成了暂时的休战协议。 e.g. Let's call a truce. 我们别争论了。 truce 单语例句 1. Abbas opened talks in Cairo on Tuesday with about a dozen Palestinian militant groups, hoping to persuade them to extend their de facto truce with Israel. 2. You're both flowers of the nation, so call a truce and work together for China. 3. The walls are a patchwork of manifold geometric shapes flashing with varied color schemes that coexist in a seismically shaky truce. 4. Israel said it would consider a halt to fighting if international monitors were brought in to track compliance with any truce. 5. In Gaza, the wave of violence appeared to be cooling after Sunday night's truce announcement. 6. Friday's attack came after the first direct exchange of fire between the rebels and the navy at sea since the truce. 7. The symbol for the modern Olympic Truce is the dove of peace flying in front of the Olympic flame. 8. Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called leaders in the Middle East to press for a durable solution beyond any immediate truce. 9. Tuesday's rocket barrage was the first sign the new Hamas line might spell the end of the truce. 10. Israel says the truce has no expiration date, but its forces have responded to renewed rocket fire with air strikes. truce的近义词truce 英英释义 noun 1. a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms Synonym: armisticecease-fire |
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