单词 | peaceful |
释义 | peaceful [英 [?pi:sfl] 美 [?pisf?l] ] peaceful的意思、解释 peaceful 基本解释 形容词和平的; 平静的; 安静的; 爱好和平的 peaceful什么意思 peaceful 同义词 形容词quietstilluntroubledplacidtranquilpacificserenecalm peaceful 反义词 peaceful的近义词 形容词unpeaceful peaceful 相关例句 形容词 1. It's peaceful at home when the children are at school. 孩子们在学校上学时,家里就安静了。 2. The hillsides looked very peaceful. 山边非常安静。 peaceful 网络解释 1. peaceful的翻译 1. 和平:它是一个巅峰,至今没有游戏可以超越............本集游戏,玩家可以按照游戏所划分的6个等级来进行,依序是奴役(Slaver),宗教(Religious),好战(Militant),侵略(Aggressive),和平(Peaceful)和愉悦(Agreeable). 2. 平和:宽容意味着你不把你的价值观(values)强加在平和(peaceful)、诚实的人民的身上. 然而在今天,其他政府(模式)在正给我们带来不安全(insecurity), 冲突(conflict)和贫穷(poverty). 让我们复兴(revitalize)我们自治的遗产以创造一个双赢的、大家都朝前进(comes out ahead)世界吧! 3. 和:普通法为解决这一冲突已建立了如下规则:控方 德品质和是非评价.这一点我们也可以从以下常用来描述品格的词 不可提出被告的不良品格证据,除非这些证据有足够程度的证明价 汇感受到:诚实(honest),欺诈(dishonest),温和(peaceful),有暴力值,使采纳它成为正当, peaceful 双语例句 1. peaceful的解释 1. Quictness is not motionless or closed, it is unconventional and peaceful---thats why it forms kind of perfection regardless of modifications. 安静不是静止,不是封闭,而是超脱与宁静,才构成了淡妆浓抹总相宜的完美。 2. 2. The conclusions from this study were as the following:(1) The civilized mentality among teenagers was a multi-dimension structure, including kindness to fellowmen, courageously righteousness, etiquette, intelligence, keeping promise, peaceful relations, filial piety, industry and thrift, mutual aid and friendly affection and ecosystem consciousness, (2) The questionnaire of civilized mentality for Chinese teenagers had a good reliability and validity. 整个研究分为3个部分,主要由7项研究构成,依次涉及青少年文明心理开放式问卷调查、青少年文明心理问卷的编制、青少年文明心理的特点分析、青少年文明心理在各变量上的方差分析、影响青少年文明心理特征发展因素的专家方法研究、影响青少年文明心理特征发展因素的多元回归分析、青少年文明心理形成的访谈研究等等。 3. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. 人人有权享有和平集会和结社的自由。 4. It`s language is broad and vague, but it criminalizes First Amendment activities that advocate for animal rights like peaceful protests, leafleting, undercover investigations, whistleblowing and boycotts. 它的语言是模糊笼统的,但刑事犯罪活动的第一项修正案主张动物权利一样,和平示威,leafleting ,卧底调查后,揭发和抵制。 5. 5. What you may do to prepare now, to ensure that your place in this process is all that it might be, is to continue to diligently place yourself into the Love of your own Higher Self/Soul Essence, each day, in a process of meditation, or sitting in a peaceful place of contemplation bringing deep relaxation to your physical body, and placing yourself into a state of Peaceful awareness. 你现在就做准备,提出你所有可能的旅程,继续把你自己置身于爱的冥想灵魂的冥想,每天,冥想的进程,或者坐在安静的地方,完全放松你的身体,把你自己带进一个完美的和平境界。 6. What you may do toprepare now, to ensure that your place in this process is all thatit might be, is to continue to diligently place yourself into theLove of your own Higher Self/Soul Essence, each day, in a processof meditation, or sitting in a peaceful place of contemplation –bringing deep relaxation to your physical body, and placingyourself into a state of Peaceful awareness. 你现在就做准备,提出你所有可能的旅程,继续把你自己置身于爱的冥想灵魂的冥想,每天,冥想的进程,或者坐在安静的地方,完全放松你的身体,把你自己带进一个完美的和平境界。 7. Let me close by saying the rapid peaceful economic development of Asia really is a miracle. 让我以亚洲的平衡快速的经济增长真是一个奇迹来结束今天的演讲。 8. Taurus is a huge man, but seems to have a basically peaceful nature. 阿鲁迪巴是一个巨人,但是他的性格却有温和的一面。 9. 9. Basically, parrots need real training, otherwise, you will one day find out, it becomes an undesirable annoying character stealing away every bit of your peaceful, chaos-free moments. 基本上,鹦鹉需要真实的训练,否则,你总有一天会发现,它变成了一个不良恼人的性格盗窃远离每一点你的和平,混乱无矩。 10. A flash of light lashed out at Yi Hong, but before it could come within one meter of her, it unexpectedly bumped into a beam of peaceful light. 一道闪电已向衣红袭来,不料刚刚到她前面一公尺处,便撞到一道祥光,霎时迸散出满天火花。 11. Consequentially, conflict and quarrel reduce and it is possible to be in the stable, tranquil and peaceful mind. 因为平易近人之故,纠纷、冲突就大大的减少了,沉稳,安宁,祥和的心境由是而成为可能。故曰:夫恬惔寂漠,虚无无为,此天地之平而道德之质也。 12. 12. Consequentially, conflict and quarrel reduce and it is possible to be in the sound, tranquil and peaceful mind. 因为平易近人之故,纠纷、冲突就大大的减少了,沉稳,安宁,祥和的心境由是而成为可能。故曰:夫恬惔寂漠,虚无无为,此天地之平而道德之质也。 13. However, if a grave turn of events occurs leading to the separation of Taiwan from China in any name, or if Taiwan is invaded and occupied by foreign countries, or if the Taiwan authorities refuse, sine die, the peaceful settlement of cross-Straits reunification through negotiations, then the Chinese government will only be forced to adopt all drastic measures possible, including the use of force, to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and fulfill the great cause of reunification. 但是,如果出现台湾被以任何名义从中国分割出去的重大事变,如果出现外国侵占台湾,如果台湾当局无限期地拒绝通过谈判和平解决两岸统一问题,中国政府只能被迫采取一切可能的断然措施、包括使用武力,来维护中国的主权和领土完整,完成中国的统一大业。 14. peaceful是什么意思 14. Wen-Zhengming was concerned about society, and his cteation pursued peaceful style. 文征明的文学创作相应地体现出关心社会生活和偏向于追求恬淡的特征。 15. This is probably the most quiet and peaceful island you can find in the Mediterranean sea. 在地中海区域,这可能是你能找到的最安静的岛屿了。 16. The General Assembly finally adopted the ying urged immediate negotiations and peaceful resolution to solve the problem. 大会最后通过了敦促阿英立即进行谈判、和平解决问题的决议。 17. peaceful是什么意思 17. I have always enjoyed visiting this mansion, because I love the peaceful atmosphere of the walkways and the ancient history inside the room. 我总是很享受着参观这个石家大院,因为我喜欢这里的甬路充满那安宁的气氛和房子里那古代历史的气息。 18. peaceful的近义词 18. According to the law, the legal moneylender should obtain proper advertising permit, be governed by the law and be answerable to it, instead of splashing all housing area with their advertisement banner, name card and leaflet, which turn our peaceful neighborhoods into a Loan Shark Villa. 有准证的私人贷款公司理所当然应该有广告的许可证,而不是到处随心所意的贴放或悬挂在住宅区。 19. peaceful的近义词 19. A peaceful future is possible only with two states, not just the one. 但是孤掌难鸣,只有巴以双方共同努力才能实现和平。 20. By one peaceful condition choice life, is I makes each kind of posture under the sunlight the fate..... 以壹種安靜的狀態選擇生活,是我在陽光下做各種姿勢的宿命。。。。。 peaceful 词典解释 1. 和平的;不诉诸战争的 Peaceful activities and situations do not involve war. e.g. He has attempted to find a peaceful solution to the Ossetian conflict... 他试图寻求和平解决奥赛梯冲突的方案。 e.g. They emphasised that their equipment was for peaceful and not military purposes. 他们强调他们的设备用于和平而非战争目的。 peacefully The US military expects the matter to be resolved peacefully. 美国军方期待该事件得到和平解决。 2. 和平的;非暴力的;未引起骚乱的 Peaceful occasions happen without violence or serious disorder. e.g. The farmers staged a noisy but peaceful protest outside the headquarters of the organization... 农场主在该组织总部外进行了喧闹而和平的抗议。 e.g. Despite the violence that preceded the elections, reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful. 虽然选举之前有过暴力事件,但有报道称投票过程秩序井然,波澜不惊。 peacefully Ten thousand people are reported to have taken part in the protest which passed off peacefully. 据报道,有1万人参加了和平抗议。 3. 平和的;爱好和平的 Peaceful people are not violent and try to avoid quarrelling or fighting with other people. e.g. ...warriors who killed or enslaved the peaceful farmers. 杀害或奴役本分农民的武士 peacefully They've been living and working peacefully with members of various ethnic groups. 他们和不同民族的人们一起和睦地生活和工作。 4. 宁静的;平静的;无人打扰的 A peaceful place or time is quiet, calm, and free from disturbance. peaceful e.g. ...a peaceful Georgian house in the heart of Dorset... 多塞特腹地一幢宁静的乔治王朝风格的房子 e.g. Mornings are usually quiet and peaceful in Hueytown. 胡伊镇的早晨通常一片静谧祥和。 peacefully Except for traffic noise the night passed peacefully. 除了车流的噪音,那一晚过得很平静。 5. 安详的;平和的;平静的 Someone who feels or looks peaceful feels or looks calm and free from worry. e.g. I feel relaxed and peaceful... 我感到放松而平和。 e.g. The animals look peaceful and happy. 那些动物看起来气定神闲,怡然自得。 peacefully Would she wake to find Gaston sleeping peacefully at her side? 她醒来会发现加斯顿安详地睡在她身旁吗?peaceful 单语例句 1. Their existence poses a serous threat to peaceful life and disrupts normal business operations. 2. When China and Japan signed the Treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1978, they resolved to settle all their disputes by peaceful means. 3. Since the row over Huangyan Island between China and the Philippines in April, the South China Sea has by and large remained peaceful and calm. 4. China's road of peaceful development is by no means an expedient choice. 5. If the problem cannot be solved by peaceful means, then it must be solved by force. 6. We have consistently called for settling international disputes by peaceful means and opposed the use of force. 7. " The protests were by no means peaceful, " Gleason said. 8. Beijing proposes to settle the Taiwan issue by peaceful means but does not rule out the use of force. 9. The peaceful atmosphere is then broken as the crowd is suddenly taken by surprise with loud fireworks and striking drums. 10. Zelaya has called for supporters to stage peaceful protests in Honduras, and thousands answered the call on Monday. peaceful 英英释义 peaceful的翻译 adj 1. not disturbed by strife or turmoil or war e.g. a peaceful nation peaceful times a far from peaceful Christmas peaceful sleep Synonym: peaceable 2. peacefully resistant in response to injustice e.g. passive resistance Synonym: passive |
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