单词 | pedagogue |
释义 | pedagogue [英 [?ped?g?g] 美 [?ped?gɑ:g] ] pedagogue的意思、解释 复数形式:pedagogues; pedagogue 基本解释 名词教师,卖弄学问的教师 pedagogue 网络解释 1. 教师:由於西方教师(pedagogue)的起源很低微,使教师一职在历史环境交互影响的结果之下,在目前西方社会中与其他专业相比,仍处於较低的地位,无论在个人方面或是整个团体方面,教师仍然无法像律师、工程师、医师及大企业家可享受相当的权利与地位. 2. pedagogue什么意思 2. 文学教师(蔑称):private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师 | pedagogue 文学教师(蔑称) | of school age 教龄 3. 教仆{古希腊};教育学者:教义问答教学法{要理问答教学法}||catechetic; catechism; catechetic method | 教仆{古希腊};教育学者||pedagogue | 启蒙运动||Enlightenment; The enlightenment 4. pedagogue的翻译 4. 教师,教育者:376. pawnbroker: 典当商,当铺老板. | 377. pedagogue: 教师,教育者. | 378. pedant: 迂腐之人,书呆子. pedagogue 双语例句 1. Therefore, pays great attention student`s thought moral education as well as sentiment influencing with the personal character raise, achieves the book to be possible to carry the skill to everywhere along the road, stressed that the pen is needing the heart to be positive, achieves the calligraphy and the moral education, the book skill and the moral behavior is highly harmonious unifies, realizes the education moral education effect is diligently suspends in front of a calligraphy pedagogue's big topic and the honorable mission. 因此,注重学生的思想道德教育以及情操的陶冶和品德的培养,做到书可载艺更要载道,强调笔正需心正,达到书法与德育、书艺与人品高度和谐统一,努力实现教育的德育功效是摆在书法教育者面前的一大课题和光荣使命。 2. Therefore, pays great attention student`s thought moral education as well as sentiment influencing with the personal character raise, achieves the book to be possible to carry the skill to everywhere along the road, stressed that the pen is needing the heart to be positive, achieves the calligraphy and the moral education, the book skill and the moral behavior is highly harmonious unifies, realizes the education moral education effect is diligently suspends in front of a calligraphy pedagogue责任编辑:admin 因此,注重学生的思想道德教育以及情操的陶冶和品德的培养,做到书可载艺更要载道,强调笔正需心正,达到书法与德育、书艺与人品高度和谐统一,努力实现教育的德育功效是摆在书法教育者面前的一大课题和光荣使命。德育;教育;重视;书法;教学 3. However, pedagogue of the duty in regarding as, we see should soberly, when job education still is less than a scene of prosperity in. 然而,作为中职教育者,我们应该清醒地看到,中职教育还不到莺歌燕舞的时候。 4. In school moral education work, impresario if class and grade work organizer and pedagogue. 在学校的德育工作中,班主任是班级工作的组织者和教育者。 5. While reading himself this moral lesson, for there were occasions on which Marius, like all truly honest hearts, was his own pedagogue and scolded himself more than he deserved, he stared at the wall which separated him from the Jondrettes, as though he were able to make his gaze, full of pity, penetrate that partition and warm these wretched people. 马吕斯一面这样训斥自己??因为马吕斯和所有心地真正诚实的人一样,时常会自居于教育家的地位,对自己进行过分的责备??,一面望着把他和容德雷特一家隔开的墙壁,仿佛他那双不胜怜悯的眼睛能穿过隔墙去温暖那些穷苦人似的。 6. A century before the Enlightenment, Johann Amos Comenius was a theologian, philosopher and pedagogue who believed that only through education could man achieve his full potential and lead a truly harmonious life. 他一生著述很多,除了上面提到的以外,还有许多理论著作和教材等,其中主要有:《母育学校》、《泛智的先声》、《论天赋才能的创造》、《组织良好的学校的准则》、《世界图解》等。 7. Education concept:every pedagogue is a fugleman. 教育理念:每位教职工每时每刻都是示范者。 8. pedagogue什么意思 8. De Gaulle was a born pedagogue who used the public platform and the television screen to great effect. 戴高乐生来喜欢教育人,他充分利用了公共讲坛和电视荧屏。 9. In addition, the law of the rural vocational education policy changes embodies that the " Pedagogue " return the value of the policy concerns from the external socio-economic value of vocational education to the value of individual person concerned. 另外,农村职业教育政策的变迁规律体现着教育人在政策价值追求上由关注农村职业教育外部社会经济价值向关注内部个体人的价值的回归。 10. Wherefore the law was our pedagogue in Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 这样,法律就成了我们的启蒙师,领我们归于基督,好使我们由于信仰而成义。 11. " Managers would benefit from thinking like social scientists, " she declares – just the sort of message likely to strike fear into the heart of the average manager, who may well already feel called on to play the roles of amateur psychologist, philosopher and pedagogue. 她声称:经理人如果像社会学家那样思考,他们将从中受益。这一信息可能会让普通经理人感到恐惧,因为他们可能已经感到,自己需要同时扮演业余心理学家、哲学家和教师的角色了。 12. The behind moral education and the pedagogue's stuffiness and lockstep is an important cause that results in defeat of the moral education. 德育方法改革相对滞后和德育工作者长期以固步自封、因循守旧是导致网络冲击校园时中小学德育工作全线溃败的重要原因。 13. Nothing is more tiresome than a superannuated pedagogue (Henry Adams) See Synonyms at elderly 老朽无能的学究最令人讨厌不过(亨利亚当斯)参见 14. The paper analyses the reason of teacher's role misplace deeply on the basic of modern knowledge theory and brings forward the corresponding countermeasures in order to promote teachers in university regression to pedagogue. 因此,本文将以现代知识观为切入点,深入分析现代大学教师发生角色错位的原因,并提出解决的策略,以促进大学教师向教育者角色的回归。 15. The primary goal is to promote pedagogue`s transformation from the heteronomy to self-discipline. 道德自律教育的目标分基础目标和理想目标。 16. pedagogue的解释 16. Current moral education abstract, false, incapable difficult position, is not the pedagogue morality moral character difficult position, should also not only seek the basic path which from the moral education form innovation helps people overcome their difficulties. 当前德育的抽象、虚假、无力的困境,并不是受教育者德性的困境,也不应该只从德育形式创新上寻求解困的根本道路。 17. One of the most important duties of a pedagogue is to teach the pupil how to practice correctly. 指导学生以正确的方法练习是教师最重要的任务之一。 18. pedagogue是什么意思 18. It is level, certain to will show it is certain to sufferred pedagogue to finish through school work certificate the study of the knowledge of limits and certain level and skill, reached the educational level that the country sets. 通过学业证书来表明受教育者完成了一定阶段、一定范围和一定程度的知识与技能的学习,达到了国家规定的教育标准。 19. Training finished, all the students raised their hands wanting to be companion pedagogue. 培训结束,同学们都举手要当同伴教育者。 20. The Independent Study Model and the Teaching Reform of Public Pedagogue 自主学习模式与公共教育学的教学改革 pedagogue 词典解释 1. 好为人师者;卖弄学问的人 If you describe someone as a pedagogue, you mean that they like to teach people things in a firm way as if they know more than anyone else. e.g. De Gaulle was a born pedagogue who used the public platform and the television screen to great effect. 戴高乐生来喜欢教育人,他充分利用了公共讲坛和电视荧屏。 pedagogue 英英释义 noun 1. someone who educates young people Synonym: educatorpedagog |
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