单词 | pelvis |
释义 | pelvis [英 [?pelv?s] 美 [?p?lv?s] ] pelvis的意思、解释 复数形式:pelvises; pelvis 基本解释 名词[解]骨盆 pelvis 网络解释 1. 骨盆:由于译者也爱好军事,偶然发现美军战地手册-身体素质...它连接腰椎(lumbar),骨盆(pelvis),椎骨(vertebrae)和(...姿势:使身体向前倾斜保持支撑姿势. 动作:在协助者... 2. 骨盘:(六)严重脑部外伤(traumatic brain injury) 严重的脑部(subdural hematomas) ,脑震荡(concussion) 等,有不少的伤者长中心,亦即股骨 骨后 的生长受阻,不能与骨盘(pelvis) 处的髋臼(acetabulum) 密切结合,失去适当的承重能力, 3. pelvis 3. 盆部:课件-->盆部及会阴(Pelvis and Perineum)摘要:盆部(pelvis)以骨盆作为支架,由覆盖于其内的盆壁肌、盆底肌及其筋膜共同围成盆腔和盆腔内的脏器所组成.盆部及会阴(Pelvis and Perineum)全文信息....课件类型: (ppt) 文件大小 6.8M 4. 4. 肾盂:肾元主要包括(1)肾小球(glomerulus)是过滤液体的地方;(2)肾小管(tubule)是滤液经此管到达肾盂(pelvis)的途中,被转变成肾水,若排入膀胱待尿出者,是为尿液. pelvis 双语例句 1. pelvis的反义词 1. As the infection develops within the pelvis and becomes more widespread, PID may be diagnosed. If the infection remains untreated, the inflammation eventually spreads to involve the whole wall of the tubes, with pus coming from the open ends reaching the ovaries. 由于感染的发展与骨盆和变得更为普遍,PID控制,可诊断,如果仍然是未经处理的感染,发炎,最终蔓延到涉及整个壁管,与脓未来从公开完深远的卵巢。 2. OBJECTIVE: To construct a finite element model of pelvis after subtotal sacrectomy, and validate its effectiveness, which is supposed to be useful for evaluating reconstructions of sacroiliac joint. 目的:建立高位骶骨切除术后的骨盆有限元模型,并进行有效性验证,为骶髂关节重建方式的有限元评价提供平台。 3. pelvis什么意思 3. In this experiment, we were successful to establish the finite element model of pelvis after subtotal sacrectomy. The calculated result was similar with the reference. The model could be used to evaluate different ways to reconstruct the sacroiliac joint. 成功建立了保留骶髂关节活动的骶骨次全切除术后骨盆的有限元模型,计算结果与文献中报道的结果较好地吻合,可认为有效,能够用于各种骶髂关节重建方式的有限元评价。 4. pelvis 4. Methods:Radiograms of skull, chest, pelvis, femur and both hands were taken in all cases, which were diagnosed as hyperparathyroidism pathologically.12 cases of those patients were parathyroidoma, 3 parathyroid hyperplasia and 1 parathyroid carcinoma with complications such as urinary calculi, calcemia and hypophosphatemia. 收集了病理证实甲状旁腺腺瘤12例、腺体增生3例、腺癌1例,其中伴有尿路结石13例,并伴有高血钙低血磷,均行头颅、胸部、骨盆、股骨、双手X线检查。 5. pelvis 5. Methods 1、Choose one fresh pelvis specimen of adult man, affirmat it is normal or not by checking it with X-ray at first; then scan it with helix CT, keep the pelvic quiescing when being scaned. Obtain series fault images of the pelvis, import the images into Mimics10.01 software and restitue 3D visible model of pelvis. 获取骨盆系列断层图像,将图像按顺序导入利用Mimics10.01软件,重建骨盆三维可视模型;再利用FreeForm软件对模型进行修饰处理,并截取髋骨模型;然后将三维髋骨以IGES格式导入有限元软件Ansys8.0进行力学参数赋值,建立髋臼三维有限元模型。 6. The portion of the body in the pelvis occupied by urogenital passages and the rectum, bounded in front by the''. 会阴身体上有尿道和直肠口的盆骨里的一个部分,前邻阴道,后临尾骨,再后是臀骨的一部分 7. While pregnancy forces the spine and shoulders to round forward and the pelvis to tilt out of alignment, the breaststroke gently strengthens the muscles and counteracts that tendency. 当怀孕迫使脊柱和肩膀向前弯曲以及骨盆向外扩张的时候,蛙泳可以温柔地加强这些部位的肌肉并且抵消这种趋势。 8. 200 term pregnant women were enrolled. The way of parturition was determined by comparing circumcircle area of posterior triangle of exitus pelvis with fetal head cross section area and traditional method. 选择200例正常足月妊娠的孕妇,用骨盆出口后三角外接圆面积与胎头横截面积比较的方法和传统的判断试产的方法来决定孕妇分娩的方式。 9. This is my mother CT PELVIS examination report. 这是我的母亲 CT 骨盘考试报告。 10. At this point, your pelvis should almost be directly over hers. 在这一点上,您的骨盆应该差不多可以直接超过她。 11. Have the feeling of broadening the front of your pelvis. 要有扩展你的骨盆前面的感觉。 12. 12. Objective: To evaluate CT scan in the diagnosing of chondrosarcoma in pelvis. 目的:评价CT在骨盆部软骨肉瘤中的诊断价值。 13. Objective To explore the effect of early pelvis control training on the balance function in patients with hemiplegia. 目的 探讨早期骨盆训练对偏瘫患者平衡功能恢复的影响。 14. pelvis的反义词 14. The arm rest on the door loaded the abdomen and the door trim below the arm rest loaded the pelvis. 门上搁臂处碰到了腹部,搁臂处下的门下缘碰到了骨盆。 15. Results: Base on the dissection, the rabbits'sciatic nerve was composed of the seventh lumbar nerve and first and second sacral nerves. The sciatic trunk descended in front of the sacroiliac joint and escaped between the sacral bone and ilium, then left the pelvis from the greater sciatic notch. The segment of sciatic trunk which ran between the sacrum and ilium was stable and feasible for localization according to the related bony structures in CT scanning, so it was selected as irradiation target. After high dose of stereotactic radiation, the degeneration and necrosis in nerve fibers could be observed under microscope. 结果:通过解剖可见坐骨神经主干由第7腰神经和第1、2荐神经组成,坐骨神经主干从荐髂关节下、荐骨和髂骨之间穿出后,跨过坐骨大切迹的一段坐骨神经主干位置恒定,且有荐骨和髂骨做定位标志,可作为CT定位的照射靶点,单次大剂量照射后镜下可见神经纤维变性坏死。 16. A radiosurgery treatment planning was performed on the selected nerve segment, its changes of pathology and ultrastructure were observed. Results: Base on the dissection, the rabbits'sciatic nerve was composed of the seventh lumbar nerve and first and second sacral nerves. The sciatic trunk descended in front of the sacroiliac joint and escaped between the sacral bone and ilium, then left the pelvis from the greater sciatic notch. 结果:通过解剖可见坐骨神经主干由第7腰神经和第1、2荐神经组成,坐骨神经主干从荐髂关节下、荐骨和髂骨之间穿出后,跨过坐骨大切迹的一段坐骨神经主干位置恒定,且有荐骨和髂骨做定位标志,可作为CT定位的照射靶点,单次大剂量照射后镜下可见神经纤维变性坏死。 17. A radiosurgery treatment planning was performed on the selected nerve segment, its changes of pathology and ultrastructure were observed. Results: Base on the dissection, the rabbits'sciatic nerve was composed of the seventh lumbar nerve and first and second sacral nerves. The sciatic trunk descended in front of the sacroiliac joint and escaped between the sacral bone and ilium, then left the pelvis from the greater sciatic notch. The segment of sciatic trunk which ran between the sacrum and ilium was stable and feasible for localization according to the related bony structures in CT scanning, so it was selected as irradiation target. 结果:通过解剖可见坐骨神经主干由第7腰神经和第1、2荐神经组成,坐骨神经主干从荐髂关节下、荐骨和髂骨之间穿出后,跨过坐骨大切迹的一段坐骨神经主干位置恒定,且有荐骨和髂骨做定位标志,可作为CT定位的照射靶点,单次大剂量照射后镜下可见神经纤维变性坏死。 18. This has given rise to trocar-guided transvaginal surgical techniques using a transobturator or transgluteal approach, passing the mesh fixation arms through the arcus tendineus fascia pelvis or the sacrospinous ligaments. 曾经有人提到为了让生物材料提供预期的骨盆腔支持,他们必须固定在受影响的组织外面,这使得使用经闭孔或经臀肌方式的套管导引经阴道手术技术,从骨盆筋膜韧带弓或是荐脊韧带通过网线固定手臂。 19. By combining the flexibility concept with the principle of Jean Licart, one can reach the conclusion that total union with the horse can only be achieved through the separation of motion between the pelvis and the trunk. 将Jean Licart的原理与弹性概念结合之后,获得了一个结论,那就是:要达成与马匹之间完美的组合,就必须让骨盆和身体驱干分开动作(像一个机器关节那样上/下分开)。 20. 20. The frame remains predisposed to knee injury – the wide pelvis and knock-kneed frame are here to stay – but the spirit inside the brittle body has changed. 他的膝伤留有后遗症--骨盆增大以及膝盖内弯--但是脆弱的肉体里面的精神已经改变。 pelvis 词典解释 1. 骨盆 Your pelvis is the wide, curved group of bones at the level of your hips. pelvis 单语例句 1. A forensic pathologist told the court that Patton had suffered 64 separate injuries, including a stab wound to the chest and a fractured skull and pelvis. 2. Bloom lost a leg and part of her pelvis in the May 13 accident and was undergoing rehabilitation at a Denver hospital. 3. Although Gao has already recovered from a pelvis fracture sustained during the earthquake, her left leg is subsequently shorter than her right. 4. Williams crashed his motorcycle into a light pole in June 2003, fracturing his pelvis and tearing knee ligaments. 5. Miraculously Sansan survived, but lost any feeling from the pelvis to hind legs. 6. Li suffered six fractures in her right leg and several bruises, while her mother's pelvis was broken. 7. An additional 49 tortoise shells were found in the grave, along with the items such as the leopard pelvis. 8. But the " primitive " look of the pelvis also suggests something else, says Xu. 9. Four women advance on the Melancholic soloist, each step a huge high kick followed by a forward thrust of the pelvis. 10. Delivery driver Ban Jiyuan suffered fractures to his pelvis and thighs in a traffic accident on his way to work in Guangzhou last August. pelvis 英英释义 noun 1. a structure shaped like a funnel in the outlet of the kidney into which urine is discharged before passing into the ureter Synonym: renal pelvis 2. the structure of the vertebrate skeleton supporting the lower limbs in humans and the hind limbs or corresponding parts in other vertebrates Synonym: pelvic girdlepelvic archhip |
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