单词 | penance |
释义 | penance [英 [?pen?ns] 美 [?p?n?ns] ] penance的意思、解释 复数形式:penances; penance 基本解释 名词(赎罪的)苦行,苦修 penance 相关例句 名词 1. penance什么意思 1. We must do penance for our sins. 我们必须苦修赎罪。 penance 网络解释 1. penance的解释 1. 告解:没有想到,他碰到几位三位一体教会(也就是保罗教会)的传教士,他们对他说,假如他能在他们的教堂中告解(penance)他的罪就可获免. 为了求得良心平安,他乃全力支恃基督教,虽然他仍保持多神教首领(Pontifex Maximus)之头衔. 2. penance在线翻译 2. 赎罪:大斋期为信徒们提供了一赎罪(penance)、斋戒(fasting)、自制(self-denial)和忏悔(repentance)的机会,要求信徒们涤净过去一年中的劣行与罪过. 感恩节的起源有一段有趣但很复杂的历史,这一段历史要从英国的宗教史说起. 大约16世纪中叶, penance 双语例句 1. It doesn't say here that anything more needs to be done; nothing about penance, nothing about masses said for our benefit, and nothing about left-over stains that still need to be removed. 这里说什么也不要做;什么悔罪,群众说:我们不讲效益、不讲吃剩的污渍,还需要删除。 2. History slowly smothers its truth, but hastily struggles to revive it in the terrible penance of pain. 历史慢慢地闷死了它的真理,但又在痛苦的可怕忏悔中匆匆地拼命去复活它。 3. penance是什么意思 3. At every period, however, the Sacrament of Baptism was regarded as the specific sacrament of regeneration, a concept that was not extended to the Sacrament of Penance. 在每一个时期,不过,圣的洗礼,被视为特定的圣礼再生,一个概念,这是没有延伸到圣 4. penance的翻译 4. So intense was his penance that a smoke billowed from his head and the entire world was in the danger of annihilation. 他的修行功力十分强大,从他的头上喷出的烟柱会使整个世界处于被毁灭的危险之中。 5. Morin (1597-1659) published a famous work on the history of Holy orders, and a confused one on that of penance. 桑( 1597年至1659年)出版了一本著名的工作,对历史的圣令,以及困惑,一对是忏悔。 6. The Oratorian J. Morin (1597-1659) published a famous work on the history of Holy orders, and a confused one on that of penance. 该Oratorian学者莫林( 1597年至1659年)发表了著名的工作历史上的罗马教廷的命令,并混淆一个的忏悔。 7. 7. Mission accomplished, but this type of hangover can only be called penance. 这个目标倒是达成了,但之后酒醉后头晕眼花的难受就只能是自作孽不可活了。 8. At an early period, however, the capital sins mentioned above were divided into sections, according as the circumstances were either aggravating or attenuating; , and a correspondingly longer or shorter period of penance was set down for them. 在较早的时期,但是,资本的罪孽上述分成部分,依据的情况下被加刑或衰减;,以及相应较长或较短时期的忏悔是订下给他们。 9. Faithful to the rule of penance, they retrenched nothing from the austere practices of their holy state. 忠实于法治的忏悔,他们被裁,没有从过紧的做法,他们的圣地。 10. Long before Cyprian, Clement of Alexandria had puzzled over the question of the state or condition of the man who, reconciled to God on his death-bed, had no time for the fulfilment of penance due his transgression. 早在塞浦路斯,克莱门特的亚历山德里亚了困惑的问题的状态或条件的人谁,核对了天主的逝世床,没有时间履行自己的忏悔由於海侵。 11. She is banished and ordered to do penance by being led through the streets of London before departing. 她是放逐并下令做忏悔的领导,通过伦敦的街道离开之前。 12. 12. From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say: Do penance, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. 从那时起,耶稣开始宣讲说:「你们悔改罢!因为天国临近了。 13. The king, when he saw that he had convinced his favorite, he said one day he was determined to get away from the glories of the world and wanted to go to a hidden place where no one knew what to do penance for his sins there. 国王,当他看到他说服了他最喜欢的,他说,有一天,他决心让这些远离世界的荣耀,并希望去一个隐藏的地方,没有人知道做什么,有他的罪过赎罪。 14. I firmly resolve with the help of thy grace to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. 我今定志,宁死再不得罪你,并尽力躲避犯罪的机会,我的天主,求你垂怜我,宽赦我。 15. For if anyone presumes to reveal a sin disclosed to him in confession, we decree that he is not only to be deposed from his priestly office but also to be confined to a strict monastery to do perpetual penance. 如果任何人擅自披露揭示一种罪过给他的忏悔,我们的法令,他不仅是要推翻他的牧师办公室,而且还只限於严格的修道院做永久的忏悔。 16. penance 16. Till then it had been a time-honoured law in the Church that the three capital crimes: apostasy, murder, and adultery, were to be atoned for by an accurately determined penance, which was public at least for public sins. 直到那一直是行之有效的法律,在教堂,这三个资本罪:叛教,谋杀和通奸,被有血气的,由一个准确确定忏悔,这是市民,至少在公众的罪孽。 17. I meditated and underwent the vicissitudes as well as metamorphosis as if I was in penance. 我沉思,经受着枯荣起伏与蜕变往复,似乎在进行一场苦行。 18. I think she may be doing this as some kind of penance. 我想她可能是为了忏悔。 19. Blair: But I did penance for that. 但我忏悔过了。 20. penance的意思 20. I'll do penance, Can I penance for me D 117,我什么都肯做,我愿意赎罪 penance 词典解释 1. 补赎;悔罪;忏悔 If you do penance for something wrong that you have done, you do something that you find unpleasant to show that you are sorry. e.g. ...a time of fasting, penance and pilgrimage... 斋戒、补赎和朝圣的时代 e.g. The Koran recommends fasting as a penance before pilgrimages. 《古兰经》劝告人们在朝圣前斋戒,以作为一种补赎。 penance 单语例句 1. She abandons her baby with the locals before praying to the heavens in penance. 2. There is a difference between trying to be a good person and developing a sense of penitence and penance. penance 英英释义 noun 1. a Catholic sacrament repentance and confession and atonement and absolution 2. voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing Synonym: self-mortificationself-abasement 3. remorse for your past conduct Synonym: repentancepenitence |
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