单词 | pending |
释义 | pending [英 [?pend??] 美 [?p?nd??] ] pending的意思、解释 过去式:pended; 过去分词:pended; pending 基本解释 介词直到,在等待…期间 形容词未决的; 待定的; 未定的; 即将发生的 pending在线翻译 pending 相关例句 形容词 1. He knew my examination was pending. 他知道我的考试就要来临。 介词 1. pending在线翻译 1. Pending his return let us get everything ready. 他回来之前,我们把一切准备好。 2. Pending his return, let us get everything ready. 让我们在他回来之前把一切准备就绪。 pending 网络解释 1. pending什么意思 1. 挂起:激活标记一个可延迟函数为挂起(pending)状态,表示内核可以调用这个可延迟函数(即使在中断过程中也可以激活可延迟函数,只不过函数不会被马上执行这种情况可以类比处于TASK_RUNNING状态的进程,处在这个状态的进程只是准备好了被CPU调度, 2. pending的近义词 2. 暂挂:在数据装入结束之后,表空间会处于暂挂(pending)状态;您需要备份该表空间,以使目标表可用. 然而,DB2 Load 转换器为您提供了一个保存输入数据的副本的选项,如果使用该选项,则该表在数据装入之后就立即可用. 对于增量更新, 3. 等待中的:^Z 会立即起作 用,并且还有使等待中的 (pending) 输出和输入被忽略的附加副作用. 命 令编号和历史编号通常是不同的:历史编号是命令在历史列表中的位置,可能 包含从历史档案中恢复的命令 (参见下面的 HISTORY历史 章节), 4. pending的翻译 4. 未决的:终端信号或调用kill()/raise()函数. 信号产生时,内核通常会在进程表中设置某种标志,表示当前信号的状态. 当内核对信号采取某种动作时,我们说向进程递送(deliver)了一个信号,而在信号产生和递送之间的间隔内,该信号的状态是未决的(pending). pending 双语例句 1. About 700 people are currently in jail pending prosecution on terrorism-related charges. 目前,有700名嫌疑犯收押在狱中,等待用恐怖主义相关的罪名判决。 2. Despite the current CCTV Thunder prosecution of cases still pending, but the Thunder has said in the official start of the Olympic Games, the Olympic copyright violations involved the content of the clean-up and real-time monitoring, the Olympic and set up a special monitoring team to download 24 Hour surveillance on possible violations of the Olympic Games copyrighted content for processing. 尽管目前央视国际起诉迅雷的案件尚未结案,但迅雷方面称已经在奥运会正式开赛之前,对涉及违反奥运版权的内容进行了清理和实时监控,并成立专门的奥运监控小组,对下载内容实施24小时监控,对可能侵犯奥运版权的内容进行处理。 3. Has there ever been or is there currently pending any prosecution of the Company, any subsidiary, director, officer, company secretary or employee of the Company or any subsidiary, under the Corporations Law or any other statute 依据公司法或其它相关法规,贵公司是否存在曾发生过或正在进行的针对贵公司、子公司、董事、高级职员、董事会秘书或其他职员提出的控诉 4. Constitutionally independent, he must grapple with the pending prosecution of scores of former paramilitary bosses and drug lords, while probing hundreds of claims that soldiers have killed civilians and supervising the digging up of some 30, 000 clandestine graves, as well as investigating common crime. 按宪法规定由无党派人士出任,司法部长必须应付许多前民兵领袖和毒枭悬而未决的仇恨指控,同时还要侦办数百起士兵杀害平民的索偿、监督挖掘约三万座偷摸下葬的坟墓,以及调查一般的犯罪。 5. pending在线翻译 5. The SC says that the worldwide Mareva injunction is still pending on Swisscash/SMF. 推选委员会表示,全世界的封锁禁令,是尚待研究swisscash /融资。 6. pending 6. Now it is in pending for final exmination. 2、Three methods of monitoring protection lines in WDM ring network are proposed in this paper, which include leaking optical signal monitoring, extra traffic monitoring and auxiliary wavelength monitoring. 提出了三种应用于全光环网保护线路的故障检测方法,漏光法、额外业务监测法和辅助波长监测法,并对这三种方法进行了比较和分析。 7. The matter was at its final stage and the required legislation was about to be tabled in the US Congress for facilitation of the supply, but the devastating earthquake of October 8 last year forced Pakistan to request shelving the plan for the time being and Pakistan requested the US to keep the matter pending. 物质在它的结局阶段,而且必需的立法是有关对于补给的简易化在美国国会中被桌子,但是十月 8 日去年的破坏性地震强迫了巴基斯坦暂时请求搁板计划,而且巴基斯坦请求了美国使物质保持未决定的。 8. pending什么意思 8. Pakistan had made up its mind to buy 75 new F-16 last year. The matter was at its final stage and the required legislation was about to be tabled in the US Congress for facilitation of the supply, but the devastating earthquake of October 8 last year forced Pakistan to request shelving the plan for the time being and Pakistan requested the US to keep the matter pending. 巴基斯坦已下决心新买75架F-16,去年此事在最后阶段,需要立法即将提交美国国会推动的供应,但地震造成108去年迫使巴基斯坦要求搁置这项计划暂时与巴基斯坦要求美国对此事悬而未决。 9. While the official final release of Firefox 3.6 is still pending release, tentatively targeted for end of January 2010, Firefox users who want to try this latest browser version which is faster, more responsive and has been optimized to run on small device operating systems such as Maemo can get a sneak previwe by downloading the RC2 release. 虽然官方的Firefox 3.6的最终版本仍有待释放,暂定为2010年1月之前完工,Firefox用户谁想要试试这个最新的浏览器版本,这是速度更快,反应更灵敏,经过优化,对小型设备的操作系统上运行,如Maemo操作可以抢先通过下载RC2的发布 10. pending的近义词 10. However, as I noted in that chapter, no pending state exists for folders. 不过,正如我在其中提到的那样,文件夹没有pending状态。 11. The solution to this problem is to add a number to the structures that contain the number of pending I/O calls, and we delete the structure when we know that there are no more pending I/O calls. 解决这个问题的办法是增加了一些在结构中包含一些未决的I/O要求,我们删除的结构时,我们知道,没有更多等待的I/O要求。 12. pending 12. Having no such issues as great pending litigation, etc.; and 公司不存在重大未决诉讼等事项。 13. It has no such issues as great pending litigation, etc. 公司不存在重大未决诉讼等事项。 14. When there is no message the task is pending and SYS_ERROR is returned. 如果没有消息则任务等待并且返回SYS_ERROR。 15. A timeout of 0 returns immediately if there is no pending alert. 如果没有待决的警报,超时参数为0导致立即返回。 16. Long pending court cases may be settled in your favour. 长期未决的诉讼案件可能会以有利于你的结果解决。 17. Because of litigation's important role in managing business relationships and competition, most large businesses have thousands of lawsuits pending at any given time. 因为诉讼在经营管理关系和竞争中的重要性,大多数大商行在任何特定的时期内都有数千未决的诉讼案件。 18. We revoke them even if unresolved suits about them are pending, and we end these suits. 我们撤销他们即使未决诉讼对他们正等候,而我们最终这些诉讼。 19. Alimony pending suit or pendente''.'lite'.''''.'Es'.''as a screen for crime. 他用生意活动作掩护干著犯罪的勾当。 20. SEC spokesman John Nester declined to comment on the pending hearing. 证交会发言人约翰·纳斯特婉言谢绝对即将开始的听证会发表评论。 pending 词典解释 1. 待决的;待定的;待处理的 If something such as a legal procedure is pending, it is waiting to be dealt with or settled. pending什么意思 e.g. The cause of death was listed as pending... 死亡原因被列为待定。 e.g. In 1989, the court had 600 pending cases... 1989年,该法院有600件案子待决。 2. 在等到…发生之际;直到…为止 If something is done pending a future event, it is done until that event happens. e.g. Mendoza is here pending his request for political asylum... 门多萨在要求获得政治庇护之前一直呆在这里。 e.g. A judge has suspended a ban on the magazine pending a full inquiry. 一位法官在进行全面调查之前已经暂缓了对该杂志的禁令。 3. 即将发生的;迫近的 Something that is pending is going to happen soon. e.g. A growing number of customers have been inquiring about the pending price rises. 越来越多的顾客在询问即将出现的涨价问题。 pending 单语例句 1. The order by a Chicago federal court Tuesday prohibits Motorola from transferring any Huawei secrets pending resolution of the dispute. 2. China's market capitalization of $ 500 billion is increasingly attracting foreign investors and around 10 other foreign institutions have submitted applications and CSRC approval is pending. 3. They stressed that the specific provisions in the legislation were tentative pending approval by the caucus. 4. The cause of death of the baby could not be ascertained pending further toxicological examinations. 5. Doctors and nurses of the hospital's newborn unit were also ordered to cease work pending further investigations. 6. Whatever the fate of the pending legislation, there is nothing in the various bills addressing the global supply chain problem. 7. The coalition said it is considering whether it will file a challenge to the pending settlement. 8. A challenge of the reconstituted system is pending before the Supreme Court. 9. Police say she was arrested on three outstanding warrants but wasn't charged for the coat store chaos pending a mental health evaluation. 10. Ping An shares were placed on trading halt earlier in the day pending an announcement about additional share sales in Hong Kong. pending的近义词pending 英英释义 pending adj 1. awaiting conclusion or confirmation e.g. business still pending |
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