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单词 per capita
    per capita [英 [p? ?k?p?t?] 美 [p?r ?k?p?t?] ]
    per capita的意思、解释
    per capita 基本解释
    per capita
    形容词每人; 按人分配的; 按人口平均
    per capita 网络解释
    1. per capita的翻译
    1. 人均:调查结果显示加拿大人在2007年总共花费190亿元购买处方药物,人均(per capita)的处方药花费是578元,卑诗省是全国最少,每人平均的处方药费只有432元.
    2. 每人:natural number 自然数 | per capita 每人 | mark up 涨价
    3. (每人的,人均的):social programs(社会事业) | per capita(每人的,人均的) | after adjusting for inflation(扣除价格因素)
    4. [拉丁语]人均:per annum[拉丁语]每年 | per capita[拉丁语]人均 | rapport[法语]和睦;友好
    per capita 双语例句
    1. What is the average per capita wage in your country?
    2. per capita的近义词
    2. Along with the rapid development of urban rail transit, the travel distance per capita rises continuously. Therefore, it becomes necessary to study the appropriate stop strategy for the urban rail trains so as to satisfy increasing passenger travel demands.
    3. Whole town shows administer 13 administrative village, area population 40 thousand person, have farmland area 4673hm~2, whole 1997 town realizes a gross output value of industry and agriculture 901 million yuan, finance income amounts to 5.16 million yuan, net income of farmer average per capita amounts to 2718 yuan.
    4. 900 Tons of grain output, per capita net income of farmers reached 2291 yuan.
    5. per capita的翻译
    5. Year to 2003, whole area GDP by 5.018 billion increase 12.33 billion yuan, GDP of average per capita achieved income of finance of 4680 dollars; to add 1.86 billion yuan by 381 million yuan, grew 5.6 times, net income of farmer average per capita increases 7288 yuan by 4260 yuan, grew 3028 yuan.
    6. One of Pingchuan District Farmer per capita net income 3160 yuan, 1150 net income of mountain farmers million.
    7. The results showed as follows:(1) the de-farming index of 479 investigated farm households is 79.21% with per capita area of de-farming slope farmland of 0.205 hm~2, per capita grain yield loss resulted from de-farming slope farmland of 74 kg and per capita allowance of 171 yuan from the government in 2003; (2) the de-farming allowance from the government has a bigger influence on a poor household, and if an allowance from the government would be stopped, the re-exploitation of partly de-farmed slope farmland is possible; (3) in 2003, per capita cash income of 479 investigated farm households is 1492 yuan, and its sources mainly from floating employment, selling grain and greenstuff, de-farming allowance, selling products of domestic livestock and poultry and dealing dicker etc.; (4) in a few coming years, those employments of stable and higher earning will be firstly selected by farmers, and high expected value agriculture or rural commerce are going to become the leading livelihood of a good few farmers with some fund or skill.
    结果表明:被调查农户人均退耕坡地0.205 hm2,退耕指数达79.21%;2003年479农户因退耕导致的粮食减产量人均74 kg,得到政府补贴人均171元;退耕补贴对贫困农户的影响程度较大,停止退耕补贴后存在反垦可能性。2003年被调查农户人均现金收入1492元,主要来源于外出打工、卖粮菜、退耕补贴、卖畜禽产品和做小生意等。未来几年,能获得稳定收入且报酬相对较高的行业是农民谋生的首选,有资金积累或一定技能的农户正在将生计转向高附加值农业或第三产业。
    8. per capita
    8. While nominal GDP rose by 15.8% in 1995-2004 due to the expansion of the current account, nominal income per capita remained constant.
    9. At the same time, because of greater supplies of meat and other kinds of food, urban dwellers'per capita consumption of grain has been on a steady delcine.
    10. Of removal production and operation use of the housing property exchange in cut-off, down period, the City Bureau of Statistics published last year by 1.5 times the per capita income criterion to be taken in-service units to pay workers directly affected the lives of subsidies.
    11. Average per capita of all the accused is confiscated lawfully experience case is betted endowment, guilty earning and guilty tools.
    12. Discharge will decrease by 3.5%; sulfur dioxide discharge will decrease by 3.6%; social fixed assets investment will increase by 12%; contractural foreign investment and foreign investment in actual use will increase by 12%; The gross import and export volume will increase by 15%; the gross value of social consumption retail sales (Total retail sales of consumer goods)will increase by 13%; t he per capita disposable income of urban citizens and the net per capita income of rural citizens will increase by 8%; registered unemployment rate will be controlled within 4.3% and the natural population increase will be limited under 1.5%.
    13. UK`s per capita GDP is 13 times higher than China.
    14. In 1950, India's GDP per capita was almost 1.5 times of China's.
    15. Even now, milk consumption per capita is only 7% of that in the U. S. and 10% of Europe, according to market researcher Euromonitor.
    据市场研究机构 Euromonitor 的数据,即便是现在,中国人均牛奶消费量也只有美国的7%,欧洲的10%。
    16. per capita的解释
    16. And obviously in the United States and many developed countries, per capita, per individual, they are already using much more energy than each individual here in China.
    17. Under normal circumstances, investment per capita ownership of the hotel residence of a certain period of time each year.
    18. per capita的近义词
    18. From a single place, pick up a few of the highest per capita to 18.5, the lowest was 2.6 people; condom usage to the highest 72.73 percent, the lowest was 3.71 percent.
    19. Barren land, and nine 10-year drought, poor agricultural production conditions, low levels of productivity, the town in 2005 total grain output 9344 tons, the total income of the rural economy 60, 960, 000 yuan, farmers 935 yuan per capita net income, poverty, the township will be vassal state.
    20. An investigation shows that the Americans purchase about 2.5 billion books, and per capita purchase is 9 books.
    per capita 词典解释
    1. 人均的;按人计算的
    The per capita amount of something is the total amount of it in a country or area divided by the number of people in that country or area.
    e.g. They have the world's largest per capita income...
    e.g. The per capita consumption of alcohol has dropped over the past two years.
    per capita 单语例句
    1. The government's goal is to put the local per capita gross domestic product on par with China's average GDP by 2015.
    2. We rank eighth in the world for our overall natural capital and first if calculated on renewable resources per capita.
    3. The country's annual GDP is no more than $ 300 per capita.
    4. The big difference between farmers'overall per capita income growth and their per capita income growth from sales indicates farmers benefit more from farming.
    5. This is the eighth year of consecutive increase in grain production, with per capita grain possession hitting a new high at 426 kilograms.
    6. He noted that although per capita car ownership in China greatly lags many other nations, the sheer number of cars still contribute to urban stress.
    7. Per capita disposable income in the urban area of Wuxi has increased by 14 percent, while the income in cash of rural residents rose more than 13 percent.
    8. Despite becoming the world's second largest economy and having some prosperous cities, the country is still characterized by a huge population and low per capita GDP.
    9. Urban residents'per capita disposable income and rural residents'per capita net income will grow by an annual rate of 5 percent.
    10. The main focus will be the lagging wages of rural workers, whose per capita incomes are currently only 30 percent of those in urban areas.
    per capita 英英释义
    1. per person
    e.g. among the states Connecticut has a high per capita income
    1. per person
    e.g. we are spending $5,000 per capita annually for education in this district
    Synonym: for each personof each person




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