单词 | perplexity |
释义 | perplexity [英 [p??pleks?ti] 美 [p?r?pleks?ti] ] perplexity的意思、解释 复数形式:perplexities; perplexity 基本解释 perplexity 名词困惑; 混乱; 复杂; 困难 perplexity什么意思 perplexity 相关例句 名词 1. She looked at us in some perplexity. 她有些困惑地看着我们。 perplexity 网络解释 1. 纠缠:perplexing 复杂的 | perplexity 纠缠 | perquisite 额外补贴 2. 2. 虎符:05.夜之妃Twilight In Dusk | 06.虎符Perplexity | 07.叶缘晓露Primitive Instinct 3. 迷惘状态:peroxidase method 过氧化物酶法 | perplexity 迷惘状态 | perrevse elements 错乱成分 4. 困惑:perplex 迷惑 | perplexity 困惑 | persecute 迫害 perplexity 双语例句 1. The astonishment of the Pick wickians was so absorbing, and the perplexity of Mr. Pick wick was so extreme, that they might have remained in exactly the same relative situations until the suspended animation of the lady was restored, had it not been for a most beautiful and touching expression of filial affection on the part of her youthful son. 匹克威克派们的惊讶是如此深刻,而匹克威克先生的惶恐是如此厉害,假使不是那位太太的小儿子表示了极其美丽和动人的孝道的话,他们一定会这样原封不动地保持着各人的位置和姿势,直到那位人事不知的女子苏醒过来为止。 2. 2. One foot in the oil and the other leg in hit the brake, the more people start perplexity, and real estate bubble ever? 一只脚在给油,另一只脚在踩刹车,更多的人开始困惑,房地产业究竟有没有泡沫? 3. On the contrary, it caused the imbalance and perplexity in judicial application. Because of one wrong think, there is such a great disparity in handling the case of kidnapping that the judicial functionary always feel like on thin ice. 对绑架案件的处理,可能因为一念之差导致极为悬殊的结果,以致司法人员在处理有关绑架案件时每每有如履薄冰之感。 4. The poet attempted to transcend reality and reconstruct the order of time by returning to the primal chaos before time, underlying with which he alleviated the anxiety and perplexity of life. 诗人试图以一种诗性的想象超越现实时间之网的缧绁,回到时间发生之前的原始混沌,重建理想的时间秩序,并藉此释解生命的焦虑与困惑。 5. Human beings exccssively artificialize and symbolize the world through limitless inspirations and imaginations, which makes people deeply indulged in the false images created by ourselves. The structure and characteristics of these false images reversely change everything that human beings and the society rely on. Consequently, questions and perplexity on meanings and values of the society are raised by human beings due to those false images. 在想像世界的无限激发上,人类过度地人工化与符号化这个世界,这不但使得人类深陷於由其本身所制造的虚假意象里,也因为这些虚假意象的结构与特质,反身过来改变了人类与社会生活的一切性质,也进而成为人类对於这个社会在意义与价值之间的质疑与茫然,我们竟无法去依存眼前所见的事实。 6. The reason is obvious that a number of optical illusions are generated as the result of perceptive perplexity by numerous intercrossed straight lines, rectangular, and some shape- overlapped objects. 原因显而易见的是,大量的幻产生的结果,由众多intercrossed感知困惑的直线,长方形,和一些形状-重叠的物体。 7. On the street corner he stood for a long time, frowning in trouble and perplexity. 他走到街角上站了好半晌,又烦恼又为难地皱着眉头。 8. perplexity的翻译 8. I at this time of in the mind very antinomy, I very perplexity, I how can so? 我此时的心里很矛盾,我很困惑,我怎么会这样? 9. A grass untouched by an ox or a sheep would suffer from agony and perplexity like a spinster. 没有被牛羊青睐的草,就有了女孩子过了婚嫁年龄还待字闺中的焦虑与惶惑。 10. As the first basic legal instrument that the European Communities have ever adopted as secondary legislation, Regulation on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations is examined and commented comprehensively and in depth. With regard to Regulation's scope, the paper accentuates the former's wide applicability while forecasts the perplexity Member States may have on the issue of their own independent contracting right in the international arena; on the provisions of the Regulation about the applicable law of torts or delicts, unjust enrichment, negotiorum gestic and culpa in contrahendo, and common provisions, the paper reveals the rationales and ideas implied thereof, while comments critically the relevant loopholes or ambiguities. 以欧共体首次颁布的《非合同义务法律适用条例》(文中简称《2007年罗马二号条例》)的法律结构为基本框架,首先分析该条例的适用范围及其与欧共体其他二级立法和国际公约之间的关系,突出显示其在适用方面的广泛性,同时也指出成员国今后在独立对外缔约权方面将会面临的困惑;然后,通过对该条例关于侵权或过失不法行为、不当得利、无因管理和缔约过失责任的法律适用,当事人的法律选择自由以及相关配套制度的全面系统分析,揭示其隐含的法律原则和价值理念,同时指出其存在的漏洞和模糊之处。 11. After this adjuration he left the apartment, and his daughter remained in a state of great distress and perplexity 这样恳求之后他就离开了房间,而他的女儿却陷入极其苦恼和惶惑的心境。 12. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 21:25 日、月、星辰要显出异兆,地上的邦国也有困苦,因海中波浪的响声,就慌慌不定。 13. perplexity的解释 13. As his eyes rested on a short, slight, pretty figure, a quantity of golden hair, a pair of blue eyes that met his own with an inquiring look, and a forehead with a singular capacity remembering how young and smooth it was of lifting and knitting itself into an expression that was not quite one of perplexity, or wonder, or alarm or merely of a bright fixed attention, though is included all the four expressions--as his eyes rested on these things, a sudden vivid likeness passed before him, of a child whom he had held in his arms on the passage across that very Channel, one cold time, when the hail drifted heavily and the sea ran high. 他的目光落在了一个娇小美丽的身躯,一大堆金色的秀发,一双用询问的神色迎接着他的蓝色眼睛,还有一个那么年轻光洁、却具有那么独特的能力、可以时而抬起时而攒聚的前额上。那额头所露出的表情不完全是困惑、迷惘或是惊觉,也不仅仅是一种聪明集中的专注,不过它也包括了这四种表情。他一看到这一切,眼前便突然闪过一种强烈的似曾相识之感。那是一个孩子,他在跨越那海峡时曾抱在怀里的孩子。那天很冷,空中冰雹闪掠,海里浊浪排空。 14. As a kind of new view, from that day when produced, the environmental right sinks into perplexity. 作为一种新观点,从其产生的那一天起,环境权就深陷于诸多的理论困惑之中。 15. perplexity 15. Mr. Harthouse's face lengthened in spite of his coolness, and his perplexity increased. 赫德豪士先生虽然冷静,这时他的脸也拉长了,而且感到更加困惑了。 16. It above is concerning some problems that wash a tooths, hope to relieve some sufferers worry in uncertainty and perplexity. 以上是关于洗牙的一些问题,希望可以解除一些患者的疑虑和困惑。 17. 17. In this perplexity, they decided on the little island of Gallo 在这种进退两难的 18. On reflecting upon this, he fell into perplexity. 他在细想这些事时,感到自己坠在困惑中了。 19. Mingdao, who seldom talks about his love-life in interviews, made an exception with host Li Jing and talked about his perplexity toward love relationships: I think that it seems like I have been single for too long. 1月25日周一晚00:15分的安徽卫视《非常静距离》中,明道称自己具有双鱼座典型的爱幻想特质,并不吝曝出了自己中学时代的小秘密。 20. perplexity 20. Mrs. Bennet still continued to wonder and repine at his returning no more, and though a day seldom passed in which Elizabeth did not account for it clearly, there seemed little chance of her ever considering it with less perplexity. 女儿尽力说她,尽说一些连她自己也不相信的话给母亲听,说是彬格莱先生对于吉英的钟情,只不过是出于一时高兴,根本算不上什么,一旦她不在他眼前,也就置诸度外了。 perplexity 词典解释 1. 困惑;迷惘 Perplexity is a feeling of being confused and frustrated because you do not understand something. e.g. He began counting them and then, with growing perplexity, counted them a second time. 他开始数,然后更加困惑,于是又数了一遍。 2. 难以理解的事物;疑团 The perplexities of something are those things about it which are difficult to understand because they are complicated. e.g. ...the perplexities of quantum mechanics. 量子力学难题 perplexity 单语例句perplexity的翻译 1. Many artists feel that questions such as what rights artworks have and how to protect these rights are a perplexity in the art circle. 2. And that perplexity behind it, the cloudiness is what makes China truly important to discuss. 3. The first perplexity is whether enough mutual trust can be built between both countries. 4. Maybe his remark could be interpreted as a sign of the authorities'perplexity at skyrocketing house prices. 5. Most people responded with a mixture of perplexity and bewilderment when I told them where I was going next. perplexity 英英释义 perplexity noun 1. trouble or confusion resulting from complexity |
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