单词 | persevere |
释义 | persevere [英 [?p?:s??v??(r)] 美 [?p?:rs??v?r] ] persevere的意思、解释 过去式:persevered; 过去分词:persevered; 现在分词:persevering; persevere 基本解释 不及物动词坚持; 坚忍,熬住; 百折不回,不屈不挠; 支撑 persevere的反义词 persevere 相关例句 不及物动词 1. In spite of all obstacles and failures, the scientist persevered with his experiments. 尽管阻力重重并屡遭失败这位科学家还是坚持试验。 persevere 网络解释 1. 坚持:压缩缓冲与合并内存补丁包(compressed cache and mergemem)也值得看看John Levon:对那些想要钻研与内核相关的人,我只提供一个简短的建议:坚持(persevere) 2. 坚持,坚忍:persecute 迫害,烦扰 | persevere 坚持,坚忍 | persist 坚持,持久 3. 持之以恒:38.千方百计by every possible means | 39.持之以恒persevere | 40.家喻户晓widely known,known to all 4. 坚持,不屈不挠:persecution 迫害 | persevere 坚持,不屈不挠 | perseverance 坚持 persevere 双语例句 1. He must be farsighted, must persevere in what he believes in and not be sidetracked by temporary setbacks 加上对理想的坚持,远虑深谋,不轻易因眼前的波折而有所迷失 2. persevere的近义词 2. Oiled paper umbrella -- this kind ordinariest ordinariest, has been very difficult in the modern life to search trail's daily necessities, also, because they persevere glow new vitality...... 油纸伞--这种最普通最平凡,已在现代生活中很难寻觅到踪迹的日用品,也因为他们的坚守而重新焕发新的生机。。。。。。 3. persevere什么意思 3. Rather, it was the courage to meet the challenge head on, to persevere, and to push oneself to the limit. 相反,那是迎接挑战的勇气,坚持不懈,把自己推到极点。 4. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. 4:16 你要谨慎自己和自己的教训、要在这些事上恒心。 5. We Communists will always persevere in long-term co-operation with all the true followers of the Three People's Principles and, while rejecting the traitors and the sworn enemies of communism, will never forsake any of our friends. 我们共产党人将始终和一切真诚的三民主义者实行长期合作,除了汉奸和那班至死不变的反共分子外,我们是决不抛弃任何友人的。 6. She encouraged us to persevere, no matter what, more glory, would not forget the most essential part of themselves. 她鼓励我们一定要坚持下去,无论怎样,再多的荣耀,都不会忘了最本质的自己。 7. If we can persevere in exercising their bodies, Do not have a strong body is absolutely impossible. 如果我们能持之以恒的锻炼自己的身体,没有一个强壮的身体是绝对不可能的事。 8. We hope we can persevere in the record here, all I got. 希望以后可以持之以恒的在这里记录我的一切。 9. Debt can be a difficult situation, but it is important to persevere and never to give up on your debt consolidation and elimination plan. 债务可以是一个困难的情况下,但重要的是必须持之以恒,永不放弃对你的债务合并和消除计划。 10. We defy the odds and persevere. 我们以坚定的意志战胜逆境。 11. persevere什么意思 11. Mortals must pass tests, which will sometimes bring suffering to atransformation, and all those who persevere united and firmly inwhatever situations they find themselves, will later understand the 人类必须通过考试,有时将引起巨大的苦难,对于你们在决定性阶段的时期,你们的世界变化,和所有那些坚持团结和稳固的,无论什么情形,他们发现他们自己,将随后了解伟大的仪式,主耶酥和众多的人来自他的空间完成他们。 12. Horse is about the power and strength to persevere until the completion of the task at hand. 马体现着在手边的任务完成之前坚持不懈的力量和强壮。 13. The situation for Coach Brown is quiet challenging because the expectations for this team are high and they have to deal with the distraction of both of their top two players being in contract years. Being able to get this group to persevere through the controversy and come out with the leagues'top record for the second straight year may be just enough for Coach Brown to make history. 就目前来说,布朗教练想要获得这个荣誉难度是大了点,因为人们对他的球队期望太高了,而且他们球队的两个王牌球员都在和同年,这很可能会让他们分点心,所以如果布朗能够让他的球队整个赛季都能够保持取胜的决心,连续第二年拿到联盟最佳战绩,那布朗教练将有足够的理由来创造历史。 14. By separating the two types of failures, it is easier to persevere through good failures. 分开,两种类型的故障,是比较容易坚持通过良好的失败。 15. persevere的翻译 15. Rather, it is the ability to think combined with the courage and determination to persevere despite the odds. 财富不单单只是人类思考能力的结果,它是思考能力与勇气和无论如何都坚持下去的决心相结合的结果。 16. The fame of strong will, courage, and persevere is priceness. 意志坚强、胆量过人和不屈不挠的名声,乃是一种无价之宝。 17. persevere 17. From first to last, the lessons and examples of our Lord all tell us that prayer which cannot persevere and urge its plea importunately, and renew, and renewitself again, and gather strength from every past petition, is not the prayer that will prevail. 从起初到末了,主的教训和榜样都告诉我们:应当常常祷告,不可灰心;恳求的祷告若是没有得到答应,就该集中以前所有的力量,继续求神,直到神给你应许,或是成就。 18. From first to last, the lessons and examples of our Lord all tell us that prayer which cannot persevere and urge its plea importunately, and renew, and renew itself again, and gather strength from every past petition, is not the prayer that will prevail. 从起初到末了,主的教训和榜样都告诉我们:应当常常祷告,不可灰心;恳求的祷告若是没有得到答应,就该集中以前所有的力量,继续求神,直等到神给你应许,或是成就。 19. They sent me text messages, telling me to spread love, to persevere. 张军叔叔现在慢慢进步,性格比以前好了,师姑师伯离开的时候我很怀念他们,他们给我传简讯,告诉我要把爱心献出去,要坚持。 20. And we have done all this for Xian, it will go down in history, will play in the history of HP Guan Jian a, and we will persevere until the HP's come up with a better solution so far. 而我们所做的这一切供献,将会载入史册,会在HP的历史上起到关健一笔,而且我们会坚持下去,一直到HP公司拿出更好的方案为止。 persevere 词典解释 1. 坚持不懈;锲而不舍 If you persevere with something, you keep trying to do it and do not give up, even though it is difficult. e.g. ...his ability to persevere despite obstacles and setbacks. 他锲而不舍、百折不挠的劲头儿 e.g. ...a school with a reputation for persevering with difficult and disruptive children... 因对捣乱难管的学生不离不弃而闻名的学校 persevering He is a persevering, approachable family man. 他是一个不屈不挠、平易近人的居家男人。persevere 单语例句 1. Bush showed emotional intelligence in midlife by mastering his problems with alcohol, and in displaying the courage to persevere with unpopular policies. 2. They want to respect science and rationality, and persevere in the pursuit for truth. 3. Scholars surrounded themselves with rocks and minerals to inspire, purify the mind and remind them to persevere. 4. Persevere in the Party's absolute leadership over the army and take the road of fewer but better troops with Chinese characteristics. 5. To persevere in the revolution and advance the socialist cause, our Party must uphold the mass line. 6. Persevere in reform and opening up and keep improving the socialist market economy. 7. You must be dedicated to your studies and set you mind on success to ensure you persevere. 8. Every day I tell myself to never give up, to persevere. 9. China's newest Olympic heroes met with Hong Kong youngsters on Sunday morning and urged them to persevere and work hard to achieve their dreams. 10. Discussions on the future role of the United Nations have centered on whether to leave Iraq or persevere in large numbers. perseverepersevere 英英释义 persevere的近义词 verb 1. be persistent, refuse to stop e.g. he persisted to call me every night The child persisted and kept asking questions Synonym: persisthang inhang onhold on |
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