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单词 popper
    popper [英 [?p?p?(r)] 美 [?pɑ:p?(r)] ]
    popper 基本解释
    popper 网络解释
    1. popper
    1. 波普尔:作者用较长的篇幅分析了认识相对论成为时尚的根源,分析了以托马斯.昆(Thomas Kuhn)、波普尔(Popper)、奎因(Quine)以及费耶尔阿本特(P.Feyerabend)为代表的认识相对论的某些流行观点及其对科学发展的误导.
    2. popper的近义词
    2. 五爪扣:polybag sticker 胶袋贴纸 | popper 五爪扣 | press button 急钮,五爪钮
    3. 撞水/爆竹型:VIBRA - 频震型 | POPPER - 撞水/爆竹型 | PENCIL - 笔型
    4. 爆破者:poppa 爸 | popper 爆破者 | poppet 乖孩子
    popper 双语例句
    1. It is impersonalism, independent characte, ; infinite increase and reproduction that instill a new lje into the knowledge econimic society and make it realize sharing and exchange of the resources, develop quickly and create s/h new At the same time, popper~theory on the knowledge growth provides us a new method to understand the knowledge characte; ;glohlization, constant increase and continuationof the knowledge econimic society. Besides, pooper ~?
    2. When I am throwing a lighter weight popper or surface walker, I tend to use spinning gear on a 6 to 7 rod with a medium action.
    3. popper的反义词
    3. In this paper, after comparing the dialectic relation of induction and deduction with the anti induction of Popper, the author regards the ratio of reality of practice as the ratio of reality of induction, and tries hard to unify induction and deduction by holographic theory and considers that the theoretic precondition and basis of induction and deduction is holographic theory and thinks that both induction and deduction are reasoning of contractility.
    4. popper
    4. According to Karl Popper`s philosophy of science and falsifiability criteria, conspiracy is not a science.
    5. Is, then, Popper's falsifiability criterion the solution to the problem of demarcating science from pseudoscience?
    6. popper在线翻译
    6. Accordingto Karl Popper's philosophy of science and falsifiability criteria, conspiracy is not a science.
    7. Popper was born in 1902 to a Viennese family of Jewish origin.
    8. The popper is one of my favorite baits to use in places that have a lot of grass or milfoil that is holding bass.
    9. In the 20th century, its major defenders have been Karl Popper and John Carew Eccles.
    在20世纪,它的主要拥护者有卡尔·波普尔和John Carew Eccles。
    10. popper
    10. Transfer meat WITH cooking liquor into a cooking popper and turn to medium heat.
    11. And leave the rest to love.
    POPPIN是一种通过肌肉的放松和绷紧来达到的一种视觉效果很明显最重要的一点就是肌肉的放松和绷紧也就是大家长说到的POP 震或者爆点·· POP主要分为颈部胸部大臂小臂腰胯膝部还有脚初期练习POPPIN时 POP的基础一定要打扎实这样对接下来的POPPIN练习会有很大的帮助 2POPPIN练习的第一部 POP的练习 POP的练习是非常累而且非常枯燥的一个环节但同时也是最重要的一个环节在1中提到的8个部位每个POP分别练习3首[在练习3个月后可以减为1首]练习曲大概每个部位需要10分钟练习POP要注意的几点是第1在练习过程中当做完1到两个部位后就一定会很累了大家一定要坚持练习完最后一个部位一天一天下来你的肌肉就会适应这种强烈的放松和绷紧 POP才会一天天的变大第2 在POP的部位练习中没有肩这也是很多入门者最爱犯的错误大家在VIDEO中看到的肩上下起伏绝对不是POPPER们刻意做出的而是胸和大臂组合POP而造成的视觉效果 3在POP部分练习的半到1个月后大家应该可以初部体会到POPPIN的基本感觉变可以开始加入第2项练习第2项练习叫FRESNO 也就是POP的平衡联系动作为一支大臂向前抬起小臂微微弯曲胯微微偏向于重心偏向的方向然后径部大臂胸胯和膝部同时POP两次然后换另一支臂动作同上这项练习应注意1 既然是平衡练习 POP的平均就显得很重要上面做提到的部位一定要同时POP 2就是胯一定要微微偏向于重心偏向的的方向 4POPPIN的基础动作练习这一方面的练习包括很多基础动作也是POPPINSTYLE区分的开始内容包括AIR POSE ,DIME STOP,COMRA,TWIST-O-FLEX ,MUST-0-FLEX,WAVE,PUPPET,MOONWALK,TIKIN,OLDMEN等很多项内容动作要领和注意事项在这里就不一一说明了最后要说的是不管你的练习周期是每天每周或者每月 2 3 4项是必须要练的在练习半年后你一定会是一个基础比较扎实的POPPER 也喜欢大家多多练习。
    12. popper是什么意思
    12. At the beginning of the first day of the match, the Range Officer will fire 3 rounds from the Popper calibration firearm over the chronograph.
    13. In this article, Ⅰ want to find a problem exported from Popper.
    14. popper的意思
    14. LIONEL: Yeah, me too. I wish we had a popcorn popper.
    15. popper是什么意思
    15. Ever since that moment, I have been a fan of the popper style lure.
    16. In addition, it is a mistake for Popper to take Tarski`s truth theory as the basis of his concept of verisimilitude.
    17. One day, she was digging in her garden when suddenly a popcorn popper popped out of the ground.
    18. Popper is a philosopher who wrote works for the times.
    19. They can be enticed into striking a popper or surface walker at all times of the day when presented properly.
    20. popper的意思
    20. As Popper's student, Imre Lakatos is faithful vanguard and the repudiator of the philosophy of Popper.
    popper 词典解释
    1. 摁扣;按扣
    A popper is a device for fastening clothes. It consists of two pieces of plastic or metal which you press together.
    in AM, use 美国英语用 snap fastener, snap
    2. (铁锅、铁丝篮等)爆玉米花用具
    A popper is a pan or basket that you use when making popcorn.
    popper 单语例句popper的解释
    1. Popper's Penguins', so he can get back to work on a special piece of art.
    2. Popper achieved fame as a harmonica player and frontman for Blues Traveler.
    3. He bequeaths Popper a penguin, who clashes in temper if not color with Popper's sleek Park Avenue apartment.
    4. More soon arrive and eventually six of them are honking, pooping and waddling all over Popper's place.
    5. As Popper balances family and profession, the building his firm is desperately seeking is Central Park's Tavern on the Green.
    6. " We have the most magical alternative weekends together, " says Popper sarcastically.
    popper 英英释义
    1. a container for cooking popcorn
    2. a container of stimulant drug (amyl nitrate or butyl nitrite)




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