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单词 vague
    vague [英 [ve?g] 美 [veɡ] ]
    vague 基本解释
    形容词模糊的; (思想上)不清楚的; (表达或感知)含糊的; 暧昧的
    vague 同义词
    vague 反义词
    vague 相关例句
    1. I haven't the vaguest idea what she means.
    2. He was a little vague when I asked what had happened.
    3. Everything looked vague in the heavy fog.
    4. Through the fog we saw the vague outline of a ship.
    5. He was a small man with vague eyes.
    vague 网络解释
    1. 模糊的:那是因为有的道德的标准是非常模糊的(vague),并不能很好地使其变成规范. 而那些非常明确的道德规范(比如...),很多就已经被法律化了. 第二段:诚然,不同的性格,或者说每个人不同的阅历(experience)会导致不同的人在做学术工作时,
    2. vague是什么意思
    2. 模糊:如果地方对露宿的限制过于模糊(vague),以至普通公民无法事先知道什么是法律禁止的行为,那么地方规定就不符合正当程序要求. 然而,迄今为止,绝大多数美国法院认为这类规定并不过分模糊,并具备适当的公共利益为其宪法依据.
    vague 双语例句
    1. The vague contour of Jay Gatsby had filled out to the substantiality of a man.
    2. vague
    2. The description of your Schnauzer's behavior is a little vague, but it sounds like he's acting more as though the new puppy is a rabbit or a toy than like it's a dog he wants to behave aggressively toward.
    3. Meanwhile, multi-level and multi-factor models and methods are built up, of the vague mathematics synthetic assessment.
    4. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of the factors which influnce the cost of each ton of coal, use vague mathematics and the theory of grey system to predict ef- fectiely the cost of each ton of coal.
    5. In the last part of this chapter, the writer take into account that the option models used weakly in practice, and the Internet enterprise is in a small scale, operation management being not well regulated, index of model being not easy to attain, creatively introduce the method of vague Mathematics and AHP in valuation of Internet enterprise.
    把以后投资扩展新业务获取更大现金流的机会看成是网络企业的重要无形资产,针对机会价值的评估引入期权理论,特别是Black-Scholes 期权定价模型,较为成功地解决了机会价值评估的问题,为网络企业整体价值的评估做了很好的铺垫。
    6. In the last part of this paper, the writer take into account that the option model is used weakly in practice, and the Internet enterprise is in a small scale, operation management being not well regulated, index of model being not easy to attain, creatively introduce the method of vague Mathematics and AHP in valuation of Internet enterprise.
    7. The appearance of contact mathematics, vague set and instinct fuzzy set have no doubt popularized fuzzy set, making the above-mentioned model for fuzzy optimization a special case lacking universality. Research in this paper proposes the solution to this problem.
    8. To address this issue, this paper base on the theory of market positioning and the working experience in the real estate development company, then combine the AHP and Vague mathematics, establish a new method of fuzzy comprehensive market positioning.
    9. It`s language is broad and vague, but it criminalizes First Amendment activities that advocate for animal rights like peaceful protests, leafleting, undercover investigations, whistleblowing and boycotts.
    它的语言是模糊笼统的,但刑事犯罪活动的第一项修正案主张动物权利一样,和平示威,leafleting ,卧底调查后,揭发和抵制。
    10. In this paper, based on the theory of fuzzy sets, a fuzzy definition of fatigue failure is introduced into fatigue reliability assessment for tubular joints of off shore structures to take into account the vague type uncertainties.
    11. vague是什么意思
    11. Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you.
    12. Up to that point no person has been visible because the writer has been making this self conscious construction, the lead, full of 5vague generalizations, that has no life of its own.
    13. The fact remains that Haig gave substance to a vague necessity and a sense of direction to a demoralized Administration.
    14. I thought the whole speech was a bit long on vague generalities and a bit short on specific ideas.
    15. vague的反义词
    15. That, he said, would be a narrow and empty victory, since it is too late for vague visionary principles.
    16. Beyond that, in order to explain why women mother, they tend to rely on vague notions of a girl`s subsequent identification with her mother, which makes her and not her brother a primary parent, or on an unspecified and uninvestigated innate femaleness in girls, or on logical leaps from lacation or early vaginal sensations to caretaking abilities and commitments.
    17. He's being vague about the future.
    18. vague的近义词
    18. If this be vague words, then seek not to clear them.
    19. We are vague too early to understand our responsibility.
    20. At the back of his mind was the vague idea that he had met her before.
    vague 词典解释
    1. (文字或言语)含糊的,不明确的,不清楚的
    If something written or spoken is vague, it does not explain or express things clearly.
    e.g. A lot of the talk was apparently vague and general...
    e.g. The description was pretty vague.
    'I'm not sure,' Liz said vaguely...
    They issued a vaguely worded statement.
    ...the vagueness of the language in the text.
    2. (记忆或想法)模糊的,不清晰的
    If you have a vague memory or idea of something, the memory or idea is not clear.
    e.g. They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available...
    e.g. Waite's memory of that first meeting was vague.
    Judith could vaguely remember her mother lying on the sofa.
    3. 含糊其词的;闪烁其词的
    If you are vague about something, you deliberately do not tell people much about it.
    e.g. He was vague, however, about just what U.S. forces might actually do...
    e.g. Democratic leaders under election pressure tend to respond with vague promises of action...
    4. 思维不清的
    If you describe someone as vague, you mean that they do not seem to be thinking clearly.
    e.g. She had married a charming but rather vague Englishman...
    e.g. His eyes were always so vague when he looked at her.
    He looked vaguely around the room as he spoke, his mind elsewhere.
    ...a girl wandering in the blissful vagueness of someone in love.
    5. (感觉等)轻微的,隐约的
    If something such as a feeling is vague, you experience it only slightly.
    e.g. He was conscious of that vague feeling of irritation again...
    e.g. He had a vague impression of rain pounding on the packed earth.
    6. (外形或轮廓)模糊的,蒙眬的
    A vague shape or outline is not clear and is therefore not easy to see.
    e.g. He looked at her vague shape through the frosted glass...
    e.g. The bus was a vague shape in the distance.
    vague 单语例句
    1. The statute elaborates on vague language included in a law on the protection of women's rights passed by the national legislature in 2005.
    2. Canada's proposals offered vague, noncommittal language by which Washington would join only in a " dialogue " to " explore " cooperative action.
    3. Abe has remained vague about whether he would pay homage to the shrine in an official capacity now he is prime minister.
    4. He's issued instead vague assurances that anyone illegally carrying weapons would be dealt with harshly.
    5. But because rules are still vague they have not been put into actual practice.
    6. China's central authority on Monday disclosed a vague resolution on " pushing forward the reform of the system this year ".
    7. But the spokesman was vague in response to questions about whether the government intended to implement a statutory certification system for organic produce.
    8. Chairman Bernard Chan of the subcommittee admitted the definition of a charity was " vague " but he denied claims that the proposal may impede charitable works.
    9. A chart released by the CIA detailing its briefings for lawmakers is vague on what transpired at that session.
    10. Officials and experts predicted turning the vague consensus forged in September into a charter for action would be painstaking and could be easily derailed.




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