单词 | proceed |
释义 | proceed [英 [pr??si:d] 美 [pro??si:d] ] proceed的意思、解释 过去式:proceeded; 过去分词:proceeded; 现在分词:proceeding; proceed 基本解释 不及物动词进行; 前进; (沿特定路线)行进; (尤指打断后)继续说 名词收入,获利 proceed 同义词 动词advanceprogressgogo forwardgo aheadgo oncontinue proceed 反义词 不及物动词recede proceed 相关词组 1. proceed from : 出自...; 2. proceed to : 进入...; proceed 相关例句 不及物动词 1. proceed的翻译 1. As soon as he came in he proceeded to tell us all his troubles. 他一进来就把所有的烦恼告诉了我们。 2. He got off the bus and proceeded home on foot. 他下了汽车,步行回家。 3. proceed的意思 3. The district attorney processed against the defaulting debtor. 地方检查官起诉不履行债务的债务人。 4. Tell us your name and then proceed with your story. 先把你的名字告诉我们,然后说你的事情。 5. The old man took a drink from his cup and proceeded with his story. 老人拿起杯子喝了一口,继续讲他的故事。 proceed 网络解释 1. 执行:(22) 进入ANSYS主菜单Solution-> Solve-> Current LS,求解当前荷载工况. 中间会出现两次警告信息,点击继续执行(Proceed) proceed 双语例句 1. Rinse for several minutes and then let it soak in cold water while you decide how to proceed. 冲洗几分钟,然后让它在冷水中浸泡你再决定接下来怎么做,而不要让污渍干燥。 2. Since 2001, shanghai petrifaction sale supplies a company to purchase the requirement that supplies reform of centralized management system in the light of Shanghai petrifaction goods and materials, the domain is purchased to begin efficiency in goods and materials censorial, its cut a point is education of base oneself upon, have sth in mind is on guard, aggrandizement monitoring, firm is caught investigate, want already from strengthen goods and materials to purchase business personnel clean-fingered self-discipline conduct propaganda teachs proceed with, want to have the tie of system of strict and impartial procurement control of goods and materials and working flow again, purchase goods and materials of regulations system standard to purchase operation behavior with goods and materials, at the same time aggrandizement goods and materials purchases measure of each link monitoring, achieve goods and materials to purchase thereby... 自2001年以来,上海石化销售供给公司针对上海石化物资采购供给集中管理体制改革的要求,在物资采购领域开展效能监察,其切入点是立足教育、着眼防范、强化监控、狠抓查处,既要从加强物资采购业务人员廉洁自律宣传教育入手,又要有严明的物资采购管理制度和工作流程的约束,以物资采购规章制度规范物资采购操作行为,同时强化物资采购各环节监控办法,从而达到物资采购。。。 3. proceed的翻译 3. Any country or Government which wants to proceed towards tyranny starts to undermine legal rights and undermine the law. 任何一个国家或政府要走向专制,都是从破坏合法权利和法律开始的。 4. You can now inspect a nearby pier or you can proceed directly towards a nearby hill. 然后可 以检查附近的码头平台,或者直接到附近的小山进发。 5. From there you may proceed towards Abuno, where many of Cebu's famed guitar factories are located. 从那里你可以着手Abuno ,许多宿雾著名吉他工厂的所在地。 6. Let`s proceed towards happiness, towards health, towards the unceasing exercise, towards our dream. 让我们一起出发,向着快乐,向着健康,向着永不停息的运动,向着我们的梦想。 7. Then, emerging from an area on the other side of the river, a large oval object seemed to rise up from the ground and proceed towards the unnerved couple's position. 然后,一个地区出现的另一边的河流,一个大的椭圆形物体似乎崛起从地面和着手令夫妇的立场。 8. proceed 8. However, more work needs to be done in some key areas to enable us to proceed towards the conclusion of the negotiations in fulfilment of the commitments we took at Doha. 但是,在一些关键领域仍需要更多的工作,以使我们结束谈判,实现我们在多哈做出的承诺。 9. The invention supplies a synthetic method of luminescence zinc selenide Nanorods, the method proceed with the following steps: a. 本发明提供一种发光硒化锌纳米棒的合成方法,该方法按以下步骤进行:a。 10. Moreover, the domestic companies, such as BDCOM, INFODISC, etc., also happened the financial crisis, the financial statement of these companies were proceed windows through different statistical method, beautified their financial statement by these methods. 而国内企业如博达、皇统、升技等公司亦随之发生财务危机,其财务报表数字常常透过不同的统计方法进行窗饰,藉此美化财务报表资料,大大降低仅考虑财务变数资料之正确性,因此本研究加入公司治理方面的变数,期许增进模型本身的预警能力。 11. For a characteristics for, synthesizing treatise WeQuest this network education applying mode and foreground, and how to proceed the WebQuest choose a design with evaluate. 为例,综合论述WeQuest这一网络教育应用模式的特点与前景,以及如何进行WebQuest的选题、任务设计和评价。 12. proceed是什么意思 12. After that I proceed to import my high poly mesh, you can see the settings that I use from the image below. 之后,我继续我的进口高聚网,您可以看到设置,我从下面的图片使用。 13. proceed的近义词 13. Occupational disease of process of group of conclusion fluorine rubber endangers defend should endanger proceed with of crucial reference point from occupational disease, take practical occupational disease safeguard or step, decrease or reduce occupational disease element to endanger. 结论氟橡胶聚合过程职业病危害的防护应从职业病危害关键控制点入手,采取切实可行的职业病防护设施或办法,减少或降低职业病因素危害。 14. Mini-trial: Senior officials of corporate entities in the dispute meet with a neutral advisor and after hearing each party ` s presentation, proceed to develop a voluntary settlement. :初步审理:在纠纷当中,社团法人单位的高级人员与中立的顾问会面,在听取了每一方当事人的陈述后,着手制定一项基于自愿原则的处理办法。 15. At first, it ingratiates its definition briefly dates brace to its source of civilization and education function, to order to proceed its trace and history, and at this foundation of the whole in words to sort these novels in foundation words of the Ming Dynasty, this of the culture makes in brief. 本章首先对话本小说的概念做了简单的界定,然后对话本小说教化功能的源流进行追溯,并在掌握明代话本小说的整体概况的基础上将明代话本的教化作一个简单的分类。 16. I got the confirmation that the enlarged main label u submit is approved, pls proceed accordingly. 我方已确认贵司提交的放大的主唛,请按相应规格生产! 17. The article from the analysis dredge and jam, the relation proceed with that stands to be criticized with education of broken, front and opposite, how to hold to dredge to unite to be in education of undergraduate thought politics did some think. 本文从分析疏导和堵塞、立和破、正面教育和反面批评的关系入手,对在大学生思想政治教育中如何坚持疏导统一做了些思索。 18. With the development of market economy and the more deeply reform of electric power market in our country, the electric power transaction will focus on the agreement bargaining with the supplement of the spot transactions, timely, will proceed time-bargain. 本学位论文主要针对电力期货交易的特点和规律,应用系统理论、灰色理论和统计学理论,对电力期货市场的交易模式、期货价格的预测方法展开了深入的讨论,并系统地阐述了我国电力市场风险管理的对策,对电力市场中的期货交易风险进行了定性和定量评估。 19. proceed 19. These qualities in the Agreement, have been recognized by the British Parliament and by the standing Committee of the NationaI People's congress of China, which have approved the intention of our governments to Proceed to signature. 英国议会和中国全国人民代表大会常务委员会都认可了协议中的这些特点,并批准了各自政府进行签署的意向。 20. Teach the profession's electronics classroom, and management engine room as if management teacher to electronics teacher, and this is the PC network management, namely on-line management, for example early the machine of many sets proceed together the OS to install, application the procedure install, hardware management, usage supervise and control and report to the police the etc. to manage the function, and aim at the engine room PC, specialized development engine room to manage the software, and realize to management engine room PC; (3) easily use the as if simpleton PC of sex request, engine room PC, and carry to not need to install, establish in the customer, only the beard open the machine, and satisfy to easily use the sex request; (4) health request:The static electricity, electromagnetism radiates the index sign, display to defend, keyboard the rat mark the anti- virus the design and match the human body 公 to learn the design. 机房应用除了对性能有特殊要求之外,其它的需求概括起来有4点:(1)PC的稳定性,机房用的PC基本上是每天24小时处于开机及运行状态,对PC的稳定性有更加严格的要求,即对PC 随时高低温启动、节能管理、电源管理、内存管理以及持续工作不死机的要求非常严格,这并非是DIY所能做到的,这些因素必须是在产品系统设计中考虑的因素,同时在机器生产时采用48小时动态考机才能发现潜在的影响系统稳定性的因素;(2)PC的可管理性,机房如同教育行业的电子教室,对机房的管理如同对教师对电子教师的管理,这就是PC的网络管理,即在线管理,例如初始化多台机器并行OS安装、应用程序安装、硬件管理、使用监控以及报警等管理功能,针对机房PC,专门开发机房管理软件,实现对机房PC的管理;(3)易用性要求,机房PC如同傻瓜PC,在客户端不需要安装、设置,只须开机,满足易用性要求;(4)健康要求:静电、电磁辐射指标、显示器防眩、键盘鼠标抗菌设计及符合人体公学设计。 proceed 词典解释The verb is pronounced /pr?'si?d/. The plural noun in meaning 5 is pronounced /'pr??si?dz/. 动词读作 /pr?'si?d/,义项5的复数名词读作 /'pr??si?dz/。 1. 接下来做;接着做 If you proceed to do something, you do it, often after doing something else first. e.g. He proceeded to tell me of my birth... 他接着给我讲我出生的事。 e.g. He asked for ice for his whiskey and proceeded to get contentedly drunk. 他要求在威士忌里加冰,接着心满意足地喝了个酩酊大醉。 2. 继续进行;继续做 If you proceed with a course of action, you continue with it. e.g. The group proceeded with a march they knew would lead to bloodshed... 这个团体继续示威游行,他们知道这将导致流血事件的发生。 e.g. The trial has been delayed until November because the defence is not ready to proceed. 因为被告方没有做好应诉的准备,审判已经被延期至11月份。 3. (活动、过程或事件)继续,持续,连续不断 If an activity, process, or event proceeds, it goes on and does not stop. e.g. The ideas were not new. Their development had proceeded steadily since the war... 这些并不是什么新思想,自从战争开始就一直稳定地发展演变。 e.g. Efforts to reform the Interior Ministry have not yet proceeded very far. 对内政部进行改革的尝试还没有取得很大进展。 4. (朝某个方向)前进,行进 If you proceed in a particular direction, you go in that direction. e.g. She climbed the steps and proceeded along the upstairs hallway... 她爬上楼梯,顺着楼上的走廊走去。 e.g. The freighter was allowed to proceed after satisfying them that it was not breaking sanctions. 在确认没有违反制裁条例后,货船被放行了。 5. (某个事件或活动的)收入,收益 The proceeds of an event or activity are the money that has been obtained from it. proceed在线翻译 e.g. The proceeds of the arms sales were then funneled to Contra fighters in Central America... 出售武器所得的收入随后用来支持了中美洲的反政府武装组织。 e.g. The proceeds from the concert will go towards famine relief. 音乐会的收入将用于救助饥荒。 proceed 单语例句 1. All localities and departments must proceed from their actual conditions and take effective measures to attain the objectives. 2. The region's modernization drive must proceed from the actual conditions of Tibet and take into account Tibet's history and reality. 3. While many state governments have shown bipartisan interest in curbing prison growth, there also are persistent calls to proceed cautiously. 4. On receipt of the Approval Certificate, they can proceed with the registration formalities by presenting the Approval Certificate. 5. Officers have hours in which to monitor a long checklist of technical factors and conditions before deciding whether to proceed with the missile launch. 6. He said his organization will urge President Mahinda Rajapaksa and parliament Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa not to proceed with the impeachment of the Chief Justice. 7. One who appeared upset at being chosen was excused, meaning the trial will proceed with 12 jurors and five alternates instead of six. 8. A radical Shiite cleric called on his followers Thursday to end clashes with Shiite rivals so that stalled talks on a new constitution can proceed. 9. It follows close on the heels by the confirmation announcement that the second round of quantitative easing in the United States would proceed. 10. Proceed the revision of the Trademark Law steadily, in order to provide adequate legal assurance for the implementation of the trademark strategy. proceed是什么意思 |
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