单词 | proceeding |
释义 | proceeding [英 [pr??si:d??] 美 [pro?sid??, pr?-] ] proceeding的意思、解释 复数形式:proceedings; proceeding 基本解释 名词诉讼; 进行,进程; 行动; 会议记录 动词进行( proceed的现在分词); 前进; (沿特定路线)行进; (尤指打断后)继续说 proceeding 相关例句 名词 1. proceeding什么意思 1. The proceedings were published in the newspaper. 会议记录已在报上公布。 proceeding 网络解释 1. proceeding的反义词 1. 会刊:他当场将这个公式写在黑板上,后来登在那次会议的会刊(proceeding). 他没有说明如何完成这个极为困难的计算. 另一个评论是关於液态氦的性质,当时没有人了解他说些什麼. 几年后,费因曼(Feynman)的液态氦理论发表了, 2. proceeding的近义词 2. 进行:在诉讼中,与以法官心证为核心的实体合成相对应,由诉讼行为所构成的关于诉讼进行(proceeding)的作用机制称为程序合成. 程序合成物能够成为实体合成的基础和催化因素. 特别是考虑到程序法的修改影响与实体法不同, 3. proceeding的意思 3. 诉讼程序:则在为了确定该人是否作为该注册有限责任合伙合伙人承担责任时,列明该人的申请无论是在民事的、刑事的、行政的还是调查程序中中,均不得作为任何诉讼(action)、控诉(suit)或诉讼程序(proceeding)的证据. proceeding 双语例句 1. On pre-stack seismic reservoir prediction is concerned, AVO application can be grouped into two parts: One is to study the gas-bearing reservoir in response to the unusual characteristics of the AVO based on log data on seismic reflection through the AVO forward modeling. And using it as the basis for guidance inversion AVO anomalies to explain the properties based on the pre-stack seismic data; Second, proceeding AVO inversion based on pre-stack seismic data, and Extracting AVO abnormal attribute parameters, bas... 就叠前地震储层预测而言,AVO方法的应用可分作两个部分:一是以测井资料为基础,基于地震反射原理通过AVO正演模拟来研究含气储层的AVO异常响应特征,并以此为依据指导对基于叠前地震资料反演AVO异常属性的解释;二是基于叠前地震资料进行AVO反演,提取AVO异常属性参数,基于泊松比和流体因子特征来预测储层的分布和含气性状况。 2. Passed fairway buoy No.10 and steady course to 205°, we are proceeding to the Pacific Ocean. 已过10号航路浮筒,把定205度,我们船正驶往太平洋。 3. 3. The action, proceeding in the way defined, as one continuous whole, I call simple, when the change in the hero's fortunes takes place without Peripety or Discovery; and complex, when it involves one or the other, or both. 我所谓简单,是指当英雄的命运没有发生急转或者发现,行为按既定的,作为一个连续整体的方式进行;所谓复杂,是指当英雄的命运发生急转或者发现,或者两者同时发生。 4. proceeding的解释 4. The preparing method comprises the following steps: adjusting material; washing material; washing; beating; fluffing; blending; removing impurities; washing; preparing acid; preparing chlorine; bleaching; proceeding acid disposal; removing impurities; washing; filtering. 复合纤维素新型浆粕由木材、竹材组合所制成。制造步骤是:调料、洗料、洗涤、打浆疏解、混合、除杂洗涤、预酸、预氯、漂白、酸处理、除杂洗涤、抄造。 5. The seas are not as rough as they have been and they are proceeding with less difficulty. 我的预计,如果今晚到,黑灯瞎火的海上也干不起来。我想顺利的话明早是有可能的。 6. 6. Firstly, this text mainly carries on the brief summary of traditional savings theory and precautionary savings theory; Then the author qualitatively analyzes the behavior of our urban residents during the transitional period. Proceeding with the characteristics of the institution changes, the author explains the difficulties and deficiency on savings behavior variation of our urban residents when directly applies the western savings theory to our country in this chapter. At the same time, the author expands the precautionary savings theory and applies it to the explanation of our residents` savings behavior mainly evolving from the residents future expenditure uncertainty angle; And then this text inspects the behavior of precautionary saving of our urban residents during the transitional period empirically, through utilizing the revised Dynan Model, picking up the urban residents` consumption, income, price data between 1991 and 2003 of China, the author proves the expenditure uncertainty reason of the precautionary savings theory during the transitional period. Finally, On the basis of the above the qualitative and quantitative analysis, it puts forward suggestions in order to stimulate consumption through reducing residents` precautionary savings together with total savings. 本文首先对西方储蓄理论进行简要概述,主要介绍了传统储蓄理论及预防性储蓄理论;然后对转轨时期我国城镇居民预防性储蓄行为进行了全面定性的分析,在阐述这一问题时,从中国制度变迁的特点出发,分析了西方储蓄理论在解释我国城镇居民储蓄行为变异上的难点和不足,同时主要从未来支出不确定性角度对西方预防性储蓄理论进行了扩展,并运用扩展的理论对我国城镇居民储蓄行为的变异予以解释;随后文章对转轨时期我国城镇居民预防性储蓄行为进行实证检验,采用修正后的迪南模型,选取 1991——2003 年间中国城镇居民消费、收入及物价数据,对转轨时期我国城镇居民预防性储蓄行为的支出不确定性原因进行验证;最后则在以上定性和定量分析的基础上,提出相应地降低居民预防性储蓄进而降低储蓄率以刺激消费的对策建议。 7. 7. The relation between sintered density and proceeding conditions was studied. 找出最适宜的生坯成型压力是300 MPa,最佳温度是1 300 ℃,最佳烧结恒温时间是4 h。 8. proceeding 8. Pop Lyric is one kind of literary words proceeding artificial process, which make up the foundation of musical image. 它是经过艺术加工的文学作品,是构成音乐形象的物质基础。 9. At present, all preparatory work for the company is proceeding in an orderly manner. 目前,公司的各项筹备工作正在有条不紊地开展。 10. The defendant in criminal proceeding should have a basic right of demurring at the jurisdiction of trial. 刑事被告人对审判管辖权异议申请应当是当事人的一项基本诉讼权利。 11. The theory and method for ultra-light and multi-functional structural configurations optimization design of interior material properties (not just exterior structuralmaterial properties) parameter will be developed while the structural geometry parameter such as structural topology, shape and size been proceeding. 研究开发在提供结构拓扑、形状和尺寸等结构几何参数的同时,提供内部材料属性(而不只是结构的表面材料属性)参数的新构型轻质多功能结构设计优化理论和方法。 12. If either party disagrees with the arbitration ruling, the party may file a proceeding in a People Court with competent jurisdiction within 15 days of receiving the notice of an arbitration ruling. 任何一方对仲裁结果不服的,可以在收到仲裁判决通知的15天内向有管辖权的人民法院起诉。 13. proceeding的意思 13. If a man disinherits his son, by a will duly executed, and leaves his estate to a stranger, there are many who consider this proceeding as contrary to natural justice: while others so scrupulously adhere to the supposed intention of the dead, that if a will of lands be attested by only two witnesses instead of three, which the law requires, they are apt to imagine that the heir is bound in conscience to relinquish his title to the devisee. 如果一个人通过他的意志的恰当实施剥夺了他儿子的继承权,而将其财产转继给一个陌生人,会有许多人认为这个过程是违背自然正义的:同时,其他的人如此犹犹豫豫的主张要遵守死者的意图,以致,如果土地的处置意志仅仅得到两个而不是三个人——法律上要求三个——来证实,他们倾向于想象转继者是由于内心道德的缘故而将他的财产资格让与接受遗赠的人。 14. proceeding什么意思 14. Excavation and gathering of fossils on field are the elements in paleontologic investigation, the unearthed processes of various vertebrate fossils are recommended and then these general procedures, technical essentials, instrumentation, personnel organization and awareness proceeding of this work are expounded in this article. 化石的野外发掘和采集是古生物研究的基础,本文通过对各种类型脊椎动物化石挖掘过程的介绍,详细讲述了这项工作的一般步骤、技术要点、器材设备、人员组织以及注意事项。 15. Proceeding data wireless transmission for all locks by floor satellite base station. 通过楼层的机站对各门锁进行数据的无线传输。4。 16. 16. In this paper a new design for soft radio, the general signal proceeding machine for soft radio, is introduced, and the design can process the intermediate frequency and base band signal. 本文在软件无线电原理的基础上提出了一种软件无线电通用信号处理系统的双 DSP 设计方案,该方案能够实现中频以及基带信号的处理。 17. The results of water cooling of dry drawing reel directly affect the property of cold drawn steel wire and proceeding of drawing. 干式拉丝机卷筒的水冷效果直接影响着冷拉钢丝产品的性能及拉拔过程的持续进行。 18. Let him carefully avoid proceeding to excommunicate anyone without manifest and reasonable cause. 让他仔细的程序,以避免任何人都没有破门明显和合理的原因。 19. We trust that you will see the desirability of avoid such proceeding. 我们相信您会明白避免诉诸法律的客观必要性。 20. The protein OsSPO11-1 coded with rice reductional division gene OsSPO11-1 is the protein having SEQ ID No.2 amino-acid residue of the sequence table, or, it is the protein derived from SEQ ID No.2 in which protein, SEQ ID No.2 amino acid residue sequence being proceeding substitution, deletion or addition with one or more amino acid residue, but having the same activity of SEQ ID No.2 amino acid residue sequence. 水稻减数分裂基因OsSPO11-1编码蛋白OsSPO11-1,是具有序列表中SEQ ID №:2氨基酸残基序列的蛋白质,或者是将SEQ ID №:2的氨基酸残基序列经过一个或几个氨基酸残基的取代、缺失或添加且具有与SEQ ID №:2的氨基酸残基序列相同活性的由SEQ ID №:2衍生的蛋白质。 proceeding 词典解释 1. 诉讼 Legal proceedings are legal action taken against someone. e.g. ...criminal proceedings against the former prime minister... 对前首相的刑事诉讼 e.g. The Council had brought proceedings to stop the store from trading on Sundays. 该委员会已经提起诉讼,禁止这家商店在周日营业。 2. (有组织的一系列)活动,事件,行动 The proceedings are an organized series of events that take place in a particular place. e.g. The proceedings of the enquiry will take place in private... 问讯将会秘密进行。 e.g. He viewed the proceedings with doubt and alarm. 他带着怀疑和警觉的眼光看待这些事件。 3. (会议)记录 You can refer to a written record of the discussions at a meeting or conference as the proceedings. proceeding的反义词 e.g. The Department of Transport is to publish the conference proceedings. 交通部将公布这次会议的记录。 proceeding 单语例句proceeding 1. The proceeding to solicit public opinions will end by the end of this month. 2. For those who want to follow in his steps, he suggests proceeding with caution - minding dangers on the road and potential disease outbreaks. 3. However, her civil lawsuit against the married father of one has been proceeding. 4. Long said he and other workers had a feeling that construction was proceeding too quickly, especially when they dismantled all the scaffolding before the concrete had completely dried. 5. Prosecutor Gregory Crittenden said the case cannot be treated as a typical criminal court proceeding. 6. It will be the last court proceeding until October, when a verdict is expected. 7. " I am very disappointed because the date of the verdict is much earlier than expected, " Anwar said at the court lobby after the proceeding. 8. The trial in Chongqing's No 5 Intermediate People's Court was the fourth such proceeding to start since Monday. 9. Lunn also rejected applications from counsels representing the ferry companies and crew members of both vessels to defer the proceeding to early January. 10. Although deregulation of the insurance market is proceeding as planned, the regulatory authority is seen as being too cautious in lifting investment controls. proceeding 英英释义 proceeding noun 1. (law) the institution of a sequence of steps by which legal judgments are invoked Synonym: legal proceedingproceedings |
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