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单词 promulgate
    promulgate [英 [?pr?mlge?t] 美 [?prɑ:mlge?t] ]
     过去式:promulgated;   过去分词:promulgated;   现在分词:promulgating;
    promulgate 基本解释
    及物动词公布; 传播; 宣扬(某事物); 颁布(法令、新法律等)
    promulgate 网络解释
    1. 颁布,公布:prompt 迅速,立刻的; 驱使,激起 | promulgate 颁布,公布 | pronounce 断言,宣称,清楚地发音
    2. promulgate
    2. 颁布:颁布 issue | 颁布 promulgate | 办案 handle a case
    3. promulgate的近义词
    3. 颁布 发布 传播:128、interim 暂时的 间歇的/中间时期 暂定 | 129、promulgate 颁布 发布 传播 | 130、volatile 挥发性的 爆炸性的
    4. 颁布(法令):surveillance camera 监控摄像头 | promulgate 颁布(法令) | hazard (危险)
    promulgate 双语例句
    1. promulgate什么意思
    1. Jian Deng Xin Hua`s ideological nature to be slightly weak, but also has the original opinion to the social life, it inherited recorded strange or super natural events in the literary work, using the ghost expressed feelings, ugly dared to the realistic life to promulgate; Since has inherited the Tang legend to dare to write the real situation the spirit, boldly performs to the current event to criticize; The literary work is mind reposing, writer's creation is for the reader understanding its concealed emotion, an outstanding literary work `s connotation should be the rich and profound, Jian Deng Xin Hua although to have the certain connotation, but appears straight and shallow, the author has not surpassed the limitation of his time.
    2. Chrematizo {khray-mat-id'-zo} from 5536; TDNT - 9:480, 1319; v AV - be warned of God 3, call 2, be admonished of God 1, reveal 1, speak 1, be warned from God 1; 91 to transact business, esp. to manage public affairs 1a to advise or consult with one about public affairs 1b to make answer to those who ask for advice, present enquiries or requests, etc. 1b1 of judges, magistrates, rulers, kings 2 to give a response to those consulting an oracle, to give a divine command or admonition, to teach from heaven 2a to be divinely commanded, admonished, instructed 2b to be the mouthpiece of divine revelations, to promulgate the commands of God 3 to assume or take to one's self a name from one's public business 3a to receive a name or title, be called
    相关经文回前一页 5537 chrematizo {khray-mat-id'-zo}源於 5536; TDNT - 9:480,1319;动词 AV - be warned of God 3,call 2,be admonished of God 1,reveal 1,speak 1,be warned from God 1; 9 1 进行交易,处理事务,尤其指处理和公共有关的事情 1a 指点某人有关处理公众事务的意见 1b 回复别人对於指导,当下的询问,或要求等等 1b1 指士师,法官,行政长官,统治者,君王等 2 对乞求神谕者的回应,给予宗教上的命令或训诫,由神来的指示 2a 受到神启的命令,训示,或指示 2b 神启异象的代言人,颁布神的命令 3 担负起或接受相关於所作公众事务的职衔 3a 得到一个职位或头衔,被称作
    3. There for, many countries have found fashion colour association to collect colour data and promulgate fashion colour information.
    4. This research analyzes GB information, its abstraction and the internal relationship with art symbols through responsible theories and methods such as Design Arts, Artistics, Symbology, Promulgate, etc. I realize that every goods created is made by some creation motivation, and Goods-Building, even the most general one, also carries the special information volume.
    5. promulgate是什么意思
    5. This Council was held in Constantinople (aka in Trullo, literally, 'under the dome'because of the building used) It was convened due to the lack of canons from Fifth and Sixth Ecumenical Councils, Called by Emperor to promulgate canons necessary to correct issues still outstanding from the previous Councils.
    本会召开了君士坦丁堡(又名在trullo ,从字面上来看,'圆顶下',因为该大厦的使用),它是召集由于缺乏大炮,从第五次和第六次全基督教议会,所谓由皇帝颁布炮,有必要纠正问题尚待完成,由以前的议会。
    6. We help schools and education study institutions to study and promulgate advanced culture and help to issue excellent books and the press.
    7. promulgate
    7. If the documents are examined as qualified, the said veterinary administration shall issue a registration certificate for the imported veterinary drug, and promulgate the quality standards of this veterinary drug, otherwise, it shall notify the applicant in writing.
    8. Not until year 1980, Chinese Physician Lin Zihong went to the United States of America to further his studies and start practicing. At the same time he learnt from Master Liang Mingdan the subject of `Electrical Energy of Human Body`. At the same he had the instruction from Master Liang to promulgate this technique.
    直到1980 年时,林子洪医师前往美国继续深造及开业,也学了梁明旦老师的宇宙人体电能学,并得到梁明旦老师的指示,应该把此法宏扬。
    9. State legislatures delegate to cities and towns the power to promulgate ordinances or by-laws in limited areas of law, including zoning, rent control, schools, traffic, and parking.
    10. At the regional level, the provincial and municipal congresses and their respective standing committees may enact local rules and regulations and the people's governments may promulgate administrative rules and directives applicable to their own administrative areas.
    11. Later on kings and prophets could promulgate new laws but there was no way of revoking old ones.
    12. I will simply promulgate this law: Ladies under thirty years of age are forbidden to drive.
    13. Article 14 The administrative department of public health under the State Council shall formulate or approve and promulgate the national hygiene standards, hygiene control regulations and inspection procedures for food, food additives, the containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food, the detergents and disinfectant s used for washing food or utensils and equipment used for food, and the tolerances for contaminants and radioactive substances in food.
    14. promulgate的解释
    14. A few easy after its stalk of grain, china sells a law to promulgate continuously enter sprint phase eventually.
    15. promulgate的解释
    15. On a homological and constitutional basis, China should perfect the social security legislation for farmer-workers by raising the level of legislation, and the state council make out a punitive administrative regulation, and the legislative department should promulgate a law to protect farmer-workers'social security system including a reasonable social insurance, social assistance, and social welfare.
    16. promulgate
    16. To curb global warming, it is imperative that our government promulgate new laws to govern the felling of trees.
    17. Rarr; To curb global warming, it is imperative that our government promulgate new laws to govern the felling of trees.
    18. By studying on their characteristic and expounding the coordination relationship with the water consumption, we may further explore and promulgate the laws of water consumption and their internal controlling mechanisms in tree species.
    19. The President does not enjoy the power of veto and has to promulgate all laws adopted by the NPC or its Standing Committee.
    20. China should promulgate Law on State Immunity and make clear restrictive immunity.
    promulgate 词典解释
    1. 散布;传播
    If people promulgate a new law or a new idea, they make it widely known.
    e.g. The shipping industry promulgated a voluntary code.
    2. 颁布;公布
    If a new law is promulgated by a government or national leader, it is publicly approved or made official.
    e.g. A new constitution was promulgated last month.
    ...the promulgation of the constitution.
    宪法的颁布promulgate 单语例句promulgate的解释
    1. He said the industry regulator will promulgate regulations on management of banking consortium loans soon to help banks identify and prevent financial risks.
    2. Losing the two court cases prompted the Chief Executive to promulgate an executive order on covert surveillance in July 2005.
    3. The tour aiming to further promulgate the brand name notion among corporations and the general public is warmly welcomed by local government.
    4. China will promulgate relevant laws and regulations about public nutritional intake, such as carrying out a qualification approval system for nutritionists and food nutrition.
    5. The international institution has also voiced its hope that Beijing will promulgate special rules to punish those who abandon pets.
    6. It will also make efforts to promulgate the philosophy of public benefits contained in lottery industry as well as provide public services.
    7. To help them serve consumers better, the government should strengthen monitoring and promulgate sound regulatory rules as soon as possible.
    8. Experts following the proposal predicted the State Council would promulgate a specific paid vacation plan in the first half of 2008.
    9. The Chinese side wishes that the Egyptian part speed up the infrastructure construction and promulgate policies attracting FDI inflow.
    10. Zhu said it is important to promulgate more incentive policies in a bid to encourage public donations.
    promulgate 英英释义
    1. put a law into effect by formal declaration
    2. state or announce
    e.g. `I am not a Communist,' he exclaimed
    The King will proclaim an amnesty
    Synonym: proclaimexclaim




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