单词 | vestigial |
释义 | vestigial [英 [ve?st?d?i?l] 美 [v??st?d?i?l, -?st?d??l] ] vestigial的意思、解释 vestigial 基本解释 vestigial的意思 形容词残留的,残余的,退化的 vestigial的意思 vestigial 网络解释 1. 残翅:摩尔根发现果蝇的红眼和紫眼(purple)、长翅和残翅(vestigial)两对性状都是非伴性遗传,各自的遗传都符合孟德尔法则. 他们将红眼长翅的果蝇和紫眼残翅的果蝇进行杂交,F1代为红眼长翅,然后将F1和双隐性的亲本进行测交, 2. 退化的,发育不全的:slur 含糊的发音:不清楚地发出 | vestigial 退化的,发育不全的 | prestigious 享有声望的, 声望很高的 3. 发育不全的:vestibulo?spinal tract 前庭脊髓径 | vestigial 发育不全的 | vestigial organ 退化器官 4. vestigial 4. 退化的:vestige遗迹,痕迹n | vestigial退化的a | veteran老兵 vestigial 双语例句 1. Any of several flightless birds of the genus Apteryx native to New Zealand, having vestigial wings and a long, slender bill. 鹬鸵一种新西兰产的无翼属不能飞的鸟,翼退化咀长而细持续一年的演讲旅行。 2. Any of several flightless birds of the genus Apteryx native to New Zeal and, having vestigial wings and a long, slender bill. 鹬鸵一种新西兰产的无翼属不能飞的鸟,翼退化咀长而细 3. vestigial的解释 3. The of all kinds and natural landscape that already developed inside garden area shares 7 kinds of 170 more than office, have mountain peak more than 100, steep cliff 10 more than place, the geology with the many reservation in gorge is vestigial, among them of outbalance have resource of the layer with unique system, rock, mineral travel, the resource of geological and tectonic travel of typical feature, arduous and beautiful construction denudes the zoology with the hole travel resource, advantaged government office of ground travel resource, bizarre diversity travels resource and history are long. 有些非凡植物和动物还成为在中国北方生长和分布的北界,因此,具有重要保护价值。目前已开发的各类自然景观共有7种170余处,有山峰100余座,陡崖10余处,峡谷中保留了大量的地质遗迹,其中较为重要的有系统独特的地层。岩石。矿物旅游资源,典型特征的地质构造旅游资源。险峻秀丽的构造剥蚀地旅游资源。奇异多样的洞府旅游资源。得天独厚的生态旅游资源及历史悠久的人文旅游资源。 4. vestigial的解释 4. Any of several small, slow - moving, nocturnal prosimian primate s of the genera Loris and Nycticebus of tropical Asia, having dense woolly fur, large eyes, and a vestigial tail. 懒猴一种亚洲热带生活的体小、行动迟缓、夜间活动的灵长目原猴亚目动物,懒猴属和蜂猴属,有浓密的皮毛、大眼睛和退化的尾 5. vestigial的近义词 5. Loris Any of several small, slow-moving, nocturnal prosimian primates of the genera Loris and Nycticebus of tropical Asia, having dense woolly fur, large eyes, and a vestigial tail. 懒猴:一种亚洲热带生活的体小、行动迟缓、夜间活动的灵长目原猴亚目动物,懒猴属和蜂猴属,有浓密的皮毛、大眼睛和退化的尾 6. His theory reconciled a host of diverse kinds of evidence such as the succession of fossil forms in the geological record, the geographical distribution of species, recapitulative appearances in embryology, homologous structures, vestigial organs and nesting taxonomic relationships. 他的理论是一个调和的东道主多样的各种证据,如继承中的化石形成于地质记录,地理分布的物种,重述露面,在胚胎学,同源结构,残留机关和产卵分类关系。 7. This also is Mu of river of this city afterwards scale is the largest after crossing relics to disentomb, come up out of land implements is most, save vestigial relics of relatively complet...... 这也是该市继河姆渡遗址发掘之后规模最大、出土器物最多、保存遗迹较为完整的新石器时代遗址。据了解,河姆渡遗址是197。。。。。。 8. It is often stated that the prepuce is a vestigial structure devoid of function. 它经常被说包皮是 vestigial 结构缺乏功能。 9. It is likely that the field is simply vestigial 也有可能,这个属性是一个简单的属性 10. vestigial 10. I was born with a vestigial penis. 我天生就有个退化的老二 11. They lack suspension and do not have a seat or vestigial pad. 他们缺乏暂停,也没有座位或残留垫。 12. 12. They may exist either in a potential or a vestigial form, or they may have been temporarily overcome or fully developed. 它们可能以潜在的或残留的形式存在,可能是被暂时克服的或充分发展的。 13. vestigial的解释 13. Fruit juicy or dry, naked, scaly, hairy, bristly, or spiny, indehiscent or dehiscent, when juicy then pulp derived from often deliquescent funicles. Seeds usually numerous, often arillate or strophiolate; embryo curved or rarely straight; endosperm present or absent; cotyledons reduced or vestigial, rarely leaflike. 果多汁或干燥,裸露,有鳞片,有毛,具刚毛,或者具刺,不裂或开裂,种子通常多数,通常具假种皮或具种阜;胚弯曲或很少直;胚乳提出或无;子叶退化或者残留,很少叶状。 14. As the representation of biometric technology, fingerprint recognition has made remarkable progress in recent years, and as a special kind of vestigial evidence, latent fingerprints left at scenes have attracted highly attention by scholars and governments from various countries because of the extremely important researching value. 近年来,指纹识别作为生物识别的代表性技术已经取得了长足进展,现场遗留的潜指纹作为一类特殊的痕迹证据,备受各国学者及政府的高度重视,具有极其重要的研究价值。 15. The discolorment in procedure of oil-extended SBS was mainly caused by the reaction of Antioxidant 1076 and vestigial active SB after the coupling reaction. 充油SBS在生产过程中的变色主要是由于偶合后残存的SB活性链与防老剂1076的酯基反应引起的; 16. The wings of the chicken have become vestigial; it can no longer fly. 鸡的翅膀逐渐退化,不会在空中飞行了。 17. Using halophytic vegetation as halophytic vegetation and pesticide and make it for producing green food, resolving vestigial question which agricultural chemical in frond. 盐生植物做除虫杀菌剂,用于生产绿色食品,解决农药在植物体内的残留问题,使人们重新认识植物源除虫杀菌剂的作用。 18. 18. Or, certain computer users might always fully delete and reenter information into a new record rather than just editing the old record & a vestigial behavior associated with older technology. 或者,某些计算机用户可能总是完全删除并将信息重新输入到新的记录中,而不要仅仅编辑旧记录&一种与老技术相联系的残留行为。 19. Vestigial remains of these plays are now seen in the Christmas pantomime. 在圣诞节演出的哑剧中还能看到这些戏剧残留下来的痕迹。 20. Wisdom teeth are another vestigial remnant. 智牙是另一种退化遗留物。 vestigial 词典解释 1. 残存的;残余的;遗留的 Vestigial is used to describe the small amounts of something that still remain of a larger or more important thing. vestigial e.g. Vestigial remains of these plays are now seen in the Christmas pantomime. 在圣诞节演出的哑剧中还能看到这些戏剧残留下来的痕迹。 vestigial 单语例句vestigial 1. The presence of only one finger in Linhenykus shows that vestigial fingers come and go throughout the evolution of a group. 2. Under such circumstances, the government only has some vestigial theocratic aspects. 3. Though October 1 retains a vestigial meaning as our National Day, it is widely disrespected by sales promoters. vestigial的解释vestigial 英英释义 adj 1. not fully developed in mature animals e.g. rudimentary wings Synonym: rudimentary |
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